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5647939 No.5647939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Zippel was a defense lawyer for dr Bruno Tesch, Bendel was a holocaust survivor who testified against Tesch.

Zippel: You've said that the gas chambers were 10 x 4 x 1,6 metre, is that correct?
Bendel: Yes
Zippel: That's 64 cubic metres, right?
Bendel: I'm not too sure, math isn't my strong side
Zippel: How can it be possible to fit 1000 people into a room of 64 cubic metres?
Bendel: That's what you have to ask yourself, it's only possible with German methods
Zippel: Are you seriously suggesting that it's possible to fit 10 people in half a cubic metre of space?
Bendel: The four million gassed at Auschwitz are proof of that...

Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher were hanged thanks to Bendel's testimony.

What is your opinion on this /sci/, do you have an answer to what these german methods were?

>> No.5647954

gas a couple, ovens, gas more, ovens, gas more, ovens, repeat

>> No.5647957
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>do you have an answer to what these german methods were?
ooh, i dunno...maybe they killed a load of j00z, cleared out the room, and then restocked it
it aint as if they're a 1 time use, and you have to cram as many is as possible

are you really that retarded?

>> No.5647959
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That's a silly answer! You're silly.

>> No.5647964

But why use Zyklon-B then if they're just gonna suffocate within half an hour?

>> No.5647960


last figure I heard (2013) was 30 million.


body is up to 70% water (source, best guess)
we're gonna assume for the sake of the experiment that the rest of the body has a total mean density of water (which is corroborated by the fact that you feel nearly weightless in water)

density of water is 1000kg/m^3

now it depends whether the guy meant 0.5m^3 or 0.5^3m^3

if an average emaciated jew has a body mass of 50kg, we get 1000/ 1 jew/50 kg = 20 jews/m^3

half a cubic meter, half of 20 jews, is 10 jews per half cubic meter.

I think I could do that.

I'm austrian btw.

>> No.5647961

But all the witnesses say that they would fill it up so much that the SS officers would even throw babies in over the heads of the people already in there and that the room was so full that people would be crammed up against the glass window on the door.

>> No.5647967

Fuck Hitler

Genghis Khan killed a million people in an hour and he did it with swords.

Even if you doubt the historical records he still killed 100,000 or more in that hour and he still did it with fucking swords

>> No.5647968

>it's possible to fit 10 people in half a cubic metre of space?
10 * 50kg starving jews = 500kg
500kg / 0.5 m3 = 1000 kg/m3 = water
it's possible

>> No.5647969


"drowning in jewce!"

some claim the zyclon was used in low quantities as a delousing agent or something. could also have been used to preserve the bodies form bacterial rot so that auschwitz wouldn't smell like ass.

>> No.5647972
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>But all the witnesses say
"no survivors? then where do the stories come from, i wonder?

it aint like the SS officers are gonna be bragging about it themselves
>so yeah, the room was too full for any more adults, so i just chucked a few dozen babies, to fill the room up as much as i could

also IIRC the nazi's tricked the j00z into thinking they were about to take a shower. so throwing jew babies in over their heads is a pretty damn good way to raise suspicions and get them all rebellious on your ass.
the SS would want to keep the rest of the j00z calm and compliant, so i seriously doubt there'd be much baby throwing.

>> No.5647973

Yes, long live Turan master race and what not.

It was used as a pesticide yes, it was a commercial gas and there were even television ads for it.
It was used for delousing the prisoners clothing when they arrived at the work camp, this is also why they shaved their heads.

>> No.5647975
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>> No.5647984

Fuck Khan and his shitty little empire

>> No.5648016


there's a 60% chance that you're a direct descendant of the man.

>> No.5648026

largest empire that has ever existed.

>> No.5648048
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>direct descendant
as opposed to what??
an 'indirect decendant'?
wtf is that!??

you're either a decendant, or you're not. there is no direct/indirect

>> No.5648060


bitch, if you comprehended the english language you would be acquanited with the concept of syntactical emphasis

>> No.5648068
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you could have just used caps lock

>> No.5648088
File: 154 KB, 1280x688, fuckyourfacetyvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck you bitch I do what I want.

and now I'm going to bed.