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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5647050 No.5647050 [Reply] [Original]

How come the Zodiac killer's cryptograms were never decrypted? Surely they can't be that complex. None of the best minds could crack it? Math guys, comp sci guys, hobbyists?

>> No.5647056

>256-bit double-prime RSA encryption
No problem.

>Coded letters from a murderous basement dweller
Woah, too difficult

>> No.5647060
File: 12 KB, 395x273, Zodiac_cipher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They did.

>> No.5647063

Only one of them, right? There are still several others that they weren't able to decode.

>> No.5647067
File: 762 KB, 987x1149, voynich_schaefer_big.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't decrypt random nonsense. Same goes for the Voynich Manusript.

>> No.5647069

You don't know whether it's random nonsense or nt.

>> No.5647071

The first 480 cipher in 1969 was partially solved.

The second 340 cipher has yet to be definitively solved. In 1970 he sent a 13-character cipher following "My name is" and I don't think that was ever decoded either.

>> No.5647081

>three instances of back-to-back plus signs

Anyone think + is o? ++ is oo?

aa, ee, ii, uu don't fit.

>> No.5647083

That's the problem. But I think it makes sense if he mixed nonsense into his message, just to mess with peoples minds (to get attention). Besides that, judging how there are in any language letters that get more used than others, it might be a good idea to even the numbers out with meaningless stuff. Just a thought.

>> No.5647084

The dude was a massive troll, it's just as likely to be actual code as nonsense.

>> No.5647100
File: 41 KB, 400x600, zodiac-340-cipher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fat nerd from MA claims to have cracked the 340

>> No.5647102

How do you know he didn't use a different symbol for every character?

>> No.5647107

Because the symbols repeat themselves?

>> No.5647108

because it wouldn't encrypted, it would just be scrambled and unsolvable

he wanted someone to crack it.. maybe not the police,or the public, but someone... someone that he'd consider to be on par with his own intellect

>> No.5647118

Solving an encrypted message is vastly more difficult than simply encrypting on though.

>> No.5647120


or maybe he was just a troll

ever considered that

>> No.5647126

What does it say?

>> No.5647131
File: 50 KB, 600x400, abf0394961486f786de06b6e86acca47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5647133


We should give aliens the Voynich shit.

If they can crack that, then, two birds with one stone - they'll know we're intelligent and we'll know what the fuck it means.

>> No.5647134

Run from the inner circle outwards. Taking the blue/red triangles, you can co-relate certain similar forms. So the "word" that is sideways in the inner section that is covered by a particular blue/red section will show up slightly modified around the circle that is on the opposite side...

Using the star quantities, and the "yellow thingies", you can also see a similar pattern, though it's less concise. (some kind of look like a mirror reflection, while others are not. A third type is a truncated value.)

>> No.5647147

what's the significance of the Voynich manuscript? i'm not familiar with it.

why do people believe it even means anything important? just because it's old and can't be interpreted?

>> No.5647161

Most people don't. The commonly accepted theory is that it's doesn't mean anything.

>> No.5647170


The throes of a defeatist! Everything can be solved if you have it at your fingertips!

>> No.5647174

>the Voynich text includes Zodiac and star charts

What if the Zodiac killer used part of Voynich to create his ciphers?

>> No.5647177


>> No.5647180
File: 62 KB, 529x740, voynich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give aliens the Voynich shit

Has already been done.

>> No.5647269

I've heard that the voynich manuscript was created by a young Da Vinci, and that it was forged by a nut named Edward Kelly

who knows

>> No.5647282

I saw that video

>> No.5647340

Are there any other uncracked encryptions like Voynich and the Zodiac ciphers?

>> No.5647347


>> No.5647352

Jim Sanborn, an artist, encrypted it? or someone else?

>> No.5647358

Ed Scheidt

>> No.5647362

/sci/ let's solve the Beale ciphers together and collect the ~$63 million treasure.

>> No.5647374

the Shugborough inscription
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 90
the Beale ciphers
Ricky McCormick's encrypted notes
the Dorabella Cipher
the Blitz ciphers (probably a hoax)

>> No.5647382

The most compelling evidence I've seen that it's a fake is that there are no "mistakes." Like not once in the entire thing is there any evidence that the author had to make a correction. It was obviously very common to screw up and use the equivalent of white-out to go back and fix it. There's not one place in the manuscript where that happened, so it seems likely that the author just made up some symbols and started throwing them down in random order.

>> No.5647384

Why is decryption so much harder than encryption?

There's usually balance in nature.

>> No.5647391

But it could've been a final draft, right? That type of parchment and ink was apparently very expensive in the 15th or so century. If it were me, I'd do all the work first on cheap separate paper before actually writing it on the parchment.

>> No.5647394
File: 340 KB, 5000x5000, artosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>my name is Leigh Allen

>> No.5647397
File: 17 KB, 371x430, Arthur Leigh Allen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arthur Leigh Allen?

>> No.5647409

>why is hiding something easier than finding something hidden

>> No.5647408

If you look at it long enough, you can see a sailboat.

>> No.5647423

is harder to multiply or divide?

>> No.5647452

> division isn't just multiplication
look at this decimal pleb

>> No.5647470

>decryption isn't just encryption in reverse

>> No.5647504


Decryption isn't harder than encryption if you have the method/key used to perform the decryption. In this case, it's not simply a matter of decrypting something, but first discovering the method/key of decryption then applying it.

This would be a "known ciphertext" attack, meaning the only information known is the ciphertext, and it is the most difficult type of attack on a cryptosystem because of the lack of information.

>> No.5647512

Are there many jobs in cryptography? Do they only hire math majors? I'm comp sci.

>> No.5648939


>> No.5649548

We should have cryptography challenges.

Post our own cipher texts and see who can decrypt them.

>> No.5649555

Or we can tackle these: >>5647374

A cryptography general could be pretty sweet.

>> No.5649578

Its pretty trivially easy to come up with a cipher that can't be broken. All you need is a one-time pad.

Since there is no reason to think it is at all breakable, or meaningful, I personally wouldn't want to spend my time on it.

>> No.5650435

What's a pad?

>> No.5650440

The NSA has a declassified paper on the voynich manuscript where one of the guys hypothesized that it is related to icelandic or some shit.

>> No.5650451

Yeah, what if it's just some really obscure language that died out centuries ago? Everybody assumes it must be some encrypted cool stuff.

>> No.5650496

Go nuts

>> No.5650503

Encrypting something simply takes seconds. Decrypting it can take years, even if you know the method they used.

Thats how encryption works. If it was too easy to decrypt, it wouldn't be so widely used to store secret info.

>> No.5651669

but what's a pad?

>> No.5651723

You didn't do what I think you just did, did you?

>> No.5651743 [DELETED] 

Further proof that STEMs are autistic number crunchers who can't solve real-world problems.

>> No.5651794

What do you think I just did? Done goofed?

>> No.5653060

>remove all consonants
>arrange remaining vowels in alphabetical order

Original unbreakable code please don't steal.

>> No.5653681

What if it was book cipher?

>> No.5653909

>implying that's encryption and not just scrambling

>> No.5654028

its upside-down the zodiac symbol should go at the top.

>> No.5654094

>three instances of back-to-back plus signs

>Anyone think + is o? ++ is oo?

You (or anybody else to whom this occurred) try reading up on some elementary ideas behind private key cryptography. In particular the idea of a substitution cipher and a Vigenere cipher.

The conclusion you should come to is that if the unsolved Zodiac cipher was simply an example of the former (or even the latter) and security/cryptography experts couldn't crack it then clearly they are fucking morons that never should have been hired in the first place.

>> No.5654119

If it was a one-time pad then it's unbreakable.

>> No.5654128

why is nobody acknowledging this man??

>> No.5654322

but why would Mr. Zodiac use a one-time pad when he clearly wanted all of his ciphers to be cracked by worthy minds?

>> No.5654341

any good books about cryptology? want to learn how to do this

>> No.5654343

The Khan Academy playlist should cover the basics really well

>> No.5654347

Because who gives a shit. I mean if it's the same guy who wrote >>5647060, it's just bullshit rambling.

>> No.5654352

I cracked the Zodiac, where do I collect my paycheck?

>> No.5655563

Woah, he might have just wanted to frame the guy tho.

>> No.5655564

In your fantasy world.