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5646400 No.5646400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw not living in glorious atheist scandinavia

>> No.5646406

I do. If you also have a statistic of people who believe in supernatural elements then we're at like 80%. Everyone around here seems to believe in ghosts, even scientists.

>> No.5646425

And yet we are the ones with crucifixes on our flags.

And what >>5646406 says. There's still stupid people. The usual line is "I don't believe in God but I believe in *something*", i.e. a god, just not the Christian god. The statistics are cheating, really.

>> No.5646463
File: 35 KB, 300x226, meh.ro6758[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Czech Republic

>> No.5646503

What if I believe in a God that's represented through nature and the balance of the universe? What if said balance is my God, what does that make me?

>> No.5646505

It means you believe in a god.

and that you are a treehugging shitgobbler

>> No.5646506

And what if I believe that this "God" can be eventually explained through science?

>> No.5646517


Just an hero.

>> No.5646521
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>> No.5646528
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>> No.5646531

>tfw living in a country where 95% of the population is christian
>tfw got 5 more months and then I'm getting out of here for uni

>> No.5646532

This is bs

I live in Denmark and so many people say "I belive in something"

>> No.5646533
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>People like these post on sci

>> No.5646535

I dunno about Finland, everyone's part of the church.

Doesn't mean they all believe.

>> No.5646534

I'm more worried about people like you posting on /sci/. Braidead newfags who can't even recognize an obvious troll. Please grow up.

>> No.5646538
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>I was just pretending!

>> No.5646540

We know you weren't pretending.

>> No.5646543

>>32 %

Gotta admit, I lol'd. The sources used for this must be utter shit. I'd wager my life on a maximum of 10 % of the population being religious (i.e. believing in a god).

>> No.5646544

I realize there are special cases (evolution, big bang, et cetera) which some Christians (as well as those of other religions) object to, but by and large, the mainstream religions don't conflict with scientific ideas. Nor are their members opposed to science in general.

If there's a problem with our society, it's the people who describe themselves as "spiritual". Their world view basically consists of nothing but pseudoscience.

>> No.5646552

>tfw those values are wy too high for any civilized country
>tfw my country is about 90%

>> No.5646568


It makes you someone who doesn't know what "god" means.

>> No.5646574

god you're stupid he obviously meant the troll

>> No.5646717

>flags with jesus cross

>> No.5646755


At least it's not the U.S. flag, with all those Wiccan five pointed stars.

>> No.5647478

>implying stars represent that

>> No.5647604

>tfw living in even more glorious more atheist Czech Republic

>> No.5647613

The censi count any one not answering "no religion" as believing in a god or some higher power

>> No.5647629
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I don't see how the populace's belief in a god matters at all. It certainly doesn't mean your lawmakers are any better than ours. Look what they've done to Sweden with their immigration bullshit.

>mfw Scandinavians are forced to pray to African gods or Allah

>> No.5647655


See you in hell you heretic fucks.