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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, Bioshock-Infinite-delayed-again-console-yourself-with-these-screenshots-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5643155 No.5643155 [Reply] [Original]

How accepted is the multiverse theory?

Pic related.

>> No.5643158

Plebe tier cosmotheory.
Enter the patrician's Omniverse.

>> No.5643161

Have you even seen evidence for a multiverse in a lab? Neither has anyone else.

>> No.5643172

absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

>> No.5643175

>not applying Hitchens' razor

>> No.5643178

>Kitchen's knife

>> No.5643179

Hitchen's razor can be dismissed without evidence because it's statement is asserted without evidence.

Deal with it.

>> No.5643181

nope but it sure as fuck is not evidence. And science uses evidence ergo if there are no evidence it's not science.

>> No.5643184

>hypothesis are not science.

>> No.5643187
File: 69 KB, 500x375, retardation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitchens' razor

>hypothesis are
>hypotheses is

>> No.5643188

I really hope there's a God just so all these questions can eventually be answered
questions like "how did life begin" and "are there multiple universes" can never be definitively answered; the best we can do is come up with theories and add more and more evidence to them
the existence of a God would simplify all of that
>tfw there is no God
>tfw you'll never really know

>> No.5643189
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>muh fractal inflation

>> No.5643206
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>being this autistic

>> No.5643207

>Implying either of those two questions cannot be answered.

>> No.5643210

Eternal Inflation is far from accepted, but it still does bring a solid case to the table, even a bit of evidence as well.


>First Observational Tests of Eternal Inflation

>> No.5643215

Fairly crack pipe

>> No.5643218
File: 346 KB, 1600x1209, 1338430228599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear God I hope the multiverse theory at least has some truth.

If it's true, somewhere there's a world where the Nazis won.

>> No.5643223

>dat irony

In that world you wouldn't exist.

>> No.5643226

Multiverses cannot exist because my determinism and causality.

>> No.5643236

dont be fuckiong retarded, not everyone in the fucking world was an enemy of the nazis

had the nazis won, hitler would have return half its original territory to my country, and i'm pretty sure my people would live a better life

>> No.5643241

And also because it would imply the existence of degenerated universes that don't follow the laws of physics, for the sole purpose of explaining how our universe works.

>> No.5643243

>being that naive

>> No.5643246

Joke's on you, turns out the god you asked is only omniscient concerning the internal details of her own little universe and isn't aware of the others, including the universe containing the computer simulating her. Also she was not so much a god as an evil domineering alien lifeform with techno-powers beyond your comprehension. Not that any of it was real; the whole story was invented by a demon fucking with your brain who besides you is the only other creature in the universe.

>> No.5643248

most likely they wouldn't have killed as many jews actually.

>> No.5643250

What game is that from? It looks very interesting

>> No.5643323

>had the nazis won, hitler would have return half its original territory to my country
Hungarian detected.

>> No.5643341

It's a screenshot of the flying city Columbia from Bioshock Infinite.

>> No.5643370

way bigger

>> No.5643374

Don't let /v/ hear you say that.

>> No.5643396


>> No.5643404
File: 35 KB, 500x352, 1361201085303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Bioshock Infinite.

It's about a dude who tries to rescue a girl and escape a floating city/battlestation during the early 1900th, while there's a conflict between a two parties where as one are the "voice of the people" social-anarchists and the other quasi-Nazism who viewed the founding fathers of America as Gods.

It's a fun as fuck fps where depending on how you gear can play it as a fps-beat em up, Call of Duty, or however you'd like to play it.

Central themes to the story are choices and redemption.

But /v/ hates it because /v/ are hipsters and /pol/ hates it because they're fucking paranoid that it's "anti-whit agenda" on the loose because there's racism in a made up ultra-nationalistic extremely closed nation in set in 1909.

While on that, there's two things that's kinda chocking about the game and no one talks about; you kill kids at one part of the game, and watching how sick people choose to become mechanical behemoths in order to save their life even if it makes them freak in a world where looks plays a huge role.

And there's bitchin cool remakes of "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" and "Everybody wants to rule the world" in the "what if they were made in the past"-way.

Fuck I love this game.

>> No.5643420

If there is an infinite amount of alternate universes, each one being slightly different, logically at least one of them contains the christian God. Due to the nature of omnipotence and omniscience, he would be able to transcend his own original universe to rule over the omniverse.

>> No.5643426

Well considering we haven't been invaded by the cromags I'm sure they dont exist.

>> No.5643427

The "multiverse theory" isn't a scientific theory.
It isn't accepted or even discussed amoungst most scientists.


>> No.5643431

/pol/ is fucking retarded
I feel sorry for those peope

>> No.5643476

>/pol/ is fucking retarded
>they won't do my homework for me

>> No.5643493


Why multiverses are retarded, in a nutshell

>> No.5643508

the multiverse theory is nothing but a QM interpretation. These are metaphysical constructs that lack any real mathematical meaning that come into being because QM itself is rather counter-intuitive. We either have to posit some hidden inaccessible reality or accept the loss small-scale determinism.

They are interesting to think about and can be useful as far as how we intuit QM. But they are not properly science in and of themselves.

>> No.5643512

And/or why there can't be multiverses without having God.

>> No.5643514

yes it is. Learn how science works.

>> No.5643518

why this one would be unique?

why Max Tegmack, a respectable scientist, think otherwise?

why peoples say nobody work on this while many especially in string theory think about others universes?

anyway if no multiverses there is still cyclic universe theory and all that stuff

>> No.5643524

>why Max Tegmack, a respectable scientist, think otherwise?
scientists are just people. They have opinions like any other. The multiverse stuff is largely beyond any meaning, its untestable in practice, and in some formulations untestable even in theory. As such all it can ever be right now is a curiosity and a conjecture. To hold it is nothing but an aesthetic choice until it becomes physically meaningful.

You may as well wonder why a respected literary critic can think highly of certain book. Its nothing but taste.

>> No.5643592
File: 246 KB, 1280x1920, Jordan-Carver-Yoga-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiverse theory is not accepted or taught as part of the standard physics degree programs. It is a very niche thing, with no evidence to suport it.

"Newtonian Gravity" is a scientific theory, taught to all physicists, and used in the field. "Multiverse theory" is not a scientific theory, it is not testable and has no applications.


>> No.5643594

jordan carver's boobs are fake.

There's a scientific theory.

>> No.5643602
File: 22 KB, 400x400, stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
