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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5640305 No.5640305 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do this /sci/

>> No.5640320

How about I operate my foot up your ass?


>> No.5640324



>> No.5640325

Try this one out:

<span class="math">a * b = a^{\ln(b)}[/spoiler]

Can you see if it has any special properties?

>> No.5640326

/g/ here


it adds 1 to the number

>> No.5640328


>nor science
>nor computer

>> No.5640339

Given a group (G, *), we define an operation ° : G x G -> G, with °(a, b) = a*(b/b), or a ° b.

Examples: On (Z, +), 5 ° 8 = 5 + (8 - 8) = 5.
Where da Fields Medal at?

>> No.5640343

tell that to my computer that is executing sciency code

>> No.5640348

I don't see how this is useful, at all

>> No.5640353

a + b = a plus b

I wouldn't be surprised if this catches on.

>> No.5640357

0.9999999999... is simply written as 1

>> No.5640358


>> No.5640360

>not using the universal property of the projection

>> No.5640361


I deem this potent

>> No.5640365

No, fuck you. 0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.. does not equal 1

>> No.5640371

it has the same value though so it doesn't matter

this has been discussed countless times and unless you have OCD or something you wouldn't care about that 1 at the end

>> No.5640370

a| =a + arbitrary constant

>> No.5640376

0/10 no even trold, fugging bleb :D

>> No.5640383


>> No.5640384


>> No.5640386 [DELETED] 

An operation, to do comparison on fractals. And in general operations, that deal with fractals. Fusing them together, subtracting them from each other, recognizing sub fractals... that be great.

>> No.5640390

<div class="math">a \smile b \Leftrightarrow \frac{a}{b + \frac{a}{b}}</div>

<div class="math">a \frown b \Leftrightarrow \frac{b}{a + \frac{b}{a}}</div>

>> No.5640394

An operation, to do comparison on fractals. And in general, operations, that deal with fractals. Fusing them together, subtracting them from each other, recognizing sub fractals... that be great.

>> No.5640404

superduper exponents, represented by ~ or whatever you want
x^x^x.... y times

>> No.5640412

Where A is your age and X is the acceptable minimum dating age.

>> No.5640411

LOL yes!

>> No.5640418

It calculates how mani curcles the left number hsd vs the irgt nunmver

>> No.5640419
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I like this, I like it a lot


>> No.5640420
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This may yet have some use.

>> No.5640425

here's a brain tickler: invent a new operator that cannot be expressed in terms of any other known operator. For example, multiplication is just a combination of the addition operator and a counter operator(the counter being resonsible for counting the number of times the addition is done) Addition itself though cannot be expressed into anything more axiomatic than itself (as far as im aware). So far, the most axiomatic operators i can think of are addition, counter, and limits(since subtraction is just the addition of negative numbers. the set of numbers in question exist INDIPENDANTLY of the operator)

>> No.5640427

Also, b != 0 for first one and a != 0 for second one.

>> No.5640428

applied math cares,
quit being a retarded uneducated faggot

>> No.5640430

To gibe more exösmles
Maybr not useful bit preyt cool xd

>> No.5640431

love it

>> No.5640432

you sound drunk off your tits

>> No.5640433


P(n) = nth prime

>> No.5640437

what is uparrow-notation

>> No.5640439

Ada Lovelace apparently proved you can't do this. Fucked if I know how though

>> No.5640444

x cannot be expressed in terms of y

>> No.5640450

Cant find anything about this while reaserching. Are u sure this is legit? sauce pls

>> No.5640452


>> No.5640454

testing tex e^{x}

>> No.5640459

how the fuck do you use tex on here

>> No.5640460

P(n) = the probability that an n-bit program will halt

>> No.5640472

A + B = take the successor of the A term B times

>> No.5640474
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pic related equals
<span class="math">e^{\int{P(x) dx}} [/spoiler]

>> No.5640478 [DELETED] 

<div class="math"></div>

>> No.5640479

for two functions

>> No.5640485 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5640489

fixp(f(x)) returns a fix-point of f

>> No.5640491



>> No.5640493

fuckit(x) = replace x with something more convenient

>> No.5640501

<span class="math">
a \wr b = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b} }
please tell me something like this already exists

>> No.5640503 [DELETED] 

I've used this in the past as a shorthand for exponential operators. Given an operator <span class="math">\hat{A}[/spoiler] and an object <span class="math">f[/spoiler] (it could be a function, or a vector, etc.), then:

<div class="math">\hat{A}\circledast f=e^{\hat{A}}f=\left [ 1+\hat{A}+\frac{1}{2}\hat{A}^2+\frac{1}{6}\hat{A}^3+... \right ]f</div>
For example, for the differential operator on a function f(x):

<div class="math">\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\circledast f(x)=e^{\partial /\partial x}f(x)=\left [ 1+\frac{\partial }{\partial x}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 }{\partial x^2}+\frac{1}{6}\frac{\partial^3 }{\partial x^3}+... \right ]f(x)</div>
Writing <span class="math">e^\hat{A}[/spoiler] or <span class="math">exp(\hat{A})[/spoiler] can get sloppy-looking for more complicated operators.

>> No.5640510

damn. I don't think I've thought this through.
Been looking at transcendental numbers you see.

>> No.5640511
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stupid font size
i mean pic related

>> No.5640516 [DELETED] 

**Last one didn't work. Let's try this:

I've used this in the past as a shorthand for exponential operators. Given an operator <span class="math">\hat{A}[/spoiler] and an object <span class="math">f[/spoiler] (it could be a function, or a vector, etc.), then:

<div class="math">\hat{A}\blacklozenge f=e^{\hat{A}}f=\left [ 1+\hat{A}+\frac{1}{2}\hat{A}^2+\frac{1}{6}\hat{A}^3+... \right ]f</div>
For example, for the differential operator on a function f(x):

<div class="math">\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\blacklozenge f(x)=e^{\partial /\partial x}f(x)=\left [ 1+\frac{\partial }{\partial x}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 }{\partial x^2}+\frac{1}{6}\frac{\partial^3 }{\partial x^3}+... \right ]f(x)</div>
Writing <span class="math">e^\hat{A}[/spoiler] or <span class="math">exp(\hat{A})[/spoiler] can get sloppy-looking for more complicated operators.

>> No.5640518


>> No.5640521 [DELETED] 

**Last one didn't work. Let's try this:

I've used this in the past as a shorthand for exponential operators. Given an operator <span class="math">\hat{A}[/spoiler] and an object <span class="math">f[/spoiler] (it could be a function, or a vector, etc.), then:

<div class="math">\hat{A}\lozenge f=e^{\hat{A}}f=\left [ 1+\hat{A}+\frac{1}{2}\hat{A}^2+\frac{1}{6}\hat{A}^3+... \right ]f</div>
For example, for the differential operator on a function f(x):

<div class="math">\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\lozenge f(x)=e^{\partial /\partial x}f(x)=\left [ 1+\frac{\partial }{\partial x}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 }{\partial x^2}+\frac{1}{6}\frac{\partial^3 }{\partial x^3}+... \right ]f(x)</div>
Writing <span class="math">e^\hat{A}[/spoiler] or <span class="math">exp(\hat{A})[/spoiler] can get sloppy-looking for more complicated operators.

>> No.5640523 [DELETED] 

**Last one didn't work. Let's try this:

I've used this in the past as a shorthand for exponential operators. Given an operator <span class="math">\hat{A}[/spoiler] and an object <span class="math">f[/spoiler] (it could be a function, or a vector, etc.), then:

<div class="math">\hat{A}\star f=e^{\hat{A}}f=\left [ 1+\hat{A}+\frac{1}{2}\hat{A}^2+\frac{1}{6}\hat{A}^3+... \right ]f</div>
For example, for the differential operator on a function f(x):

<div class="math">\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\star f(x)=e^{\partial /\partial x}f(x)=\left [ 1+\frac{\partial }{\partial x}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 }{\partial x^2}+\frac{1}{6}\frac{\partial^3 }{\partial x^3}+... \right ]f(x)</div>
Writing <span class="math">e^\hat{A}[/spoiler] or <span class="math">exp(\hat{A})[/spoiler] can get sloppy-looking for more complicated operators.

>> No.5640526


hahahaha wat

>> No.5640528

It means it definitely is equal to it, but people will argue about it anyway.
see also ?≠?
as in 1/0?≠?∞

>> No.5640530


I've used this in the past as a shorthand for exponential operators. Given an operator <span class="math">\hat{A}[/spoiler] and an object <span class="math">f[/spoiler] (it could be a function, or a vector, etc.), then:

<div class="math">\hat{A}\star f=e^{\hat{A}}f=\left [ 1+\hat{A}+\frac{1}{2}\hat{A}^2+\frac{1}{6}\hat{A}^3+... \right ]f</div>
For example, for the differential operator on a function f(x):

<div class="math">\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\star f(x)=e^{\partial /\partial x}f(x)=\left [ 1+\frac{\partial }{\partial x}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 }{\partial x^2}+\frac{1}{6}\frac{\partial^3 }{\partial x^3}+... \right ]f(x)</div>
Writing <span class="math">e^{\hat{A}}[/spoiler] or <span class="math">exp(\hat{A})[/spoiler] can get sloppy-looking for more complicated operators.

>> No.5640535

should be:

<div class="math">\hat{A} \star f=e^{\hat{A}} f= \left [1+\hat{A}+\frac{1}{2} \hat{A}^2+\frac{1}{6} \hat{A}^3+... \right ]f</div>

>> No.5640537 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\hat{A}\star f=e^{\hat{A}}f=\left [ 1+\hat{A}+\frac{1}{2}\hat{A}^2+\frac{1}{6}\hat{A}^3+... \right ]f

For example, for the differential operator on a function f(x):

\frac{\partial }{\partial x}\star f(x)=e^{\partial /\partial x}f(x)=\left [ 1+\frac{\partial }{\partial x}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 }{\partial x^2}+\frac{1}{6}\frac{\partial^3 }{\partial x^3}+... \right ]f(x)

Writing e^{\hat{A}} or exp(\hat{A}) can get sloppy-looking for more complicated operators.[/spoiler]

>> No.5640538


>> No.5640534

duuuude you got 'fra c' instead of 'frac'

>> No.5640540
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I've been doing this on tests for years.
>mfw instructors think I just misread the problem

>> No.5640542

I didn't actually. The shitty tex on this site just decided to interpret it that way.

>> No.5640545

0.99999.....= 1
If you haven't seen the proof for that by know you have no business on sci

>> No.5640549

The stochastic operator <span class="math">\heartsuit[/spoiler]

<span class="math">a \heartsuit b[/spoiler] means <span class="math">a = b[/spoiler] with probability 33.34%

Example: <span class="math">0.999\ldots \heartsuit 1[/spoiler]

>> No.5640550


>> No.5640556

I'm sleep deprived, and this isn't /lit, you don't get points for spelling

>> No.5640658

Let <span class="math">||:\mathbb{C}^+\times \mathbb{C}^+\to \mathbb{C}[/spoiler], where <span class="math">{\mathbb{C}^+} [/spoiler] is the set of complex numbers with positive real part, be an operator defined as follows, where <span class="math">Z_1,Z_2\in \mathbb{C}^+:[/spoiler]
If <span class="math">Z_1\neq 0[/spoiler] or <span class="math"> Z_2\neq 0[/spoiler], then <div class="math">
Z_1||Z_2 = \frac{Z_1 Z_2}{Z_1+Z_2}.
If <span class="math">Z_1 = 0[/spoiler] and <span class="math"> Z_2 = 0[/spoiler], then <div class="math">
Z_1 || Z_2 = 0.
I used this operator all the time when I took electronics.

>> No.5640685

the neutral element is e
the inverse element to an element a is e^(1/ln(a))
if we define "." as standard multiplication, we have distributive property:

my summary: good operation/10 would use again

>> No.5640690


§Y means find the area between the curves.

>> No.5640698

%: a%b=ab/100

>> No.5640745

I once invented an "imaginary" number <span class="math">\tau[/spoiler], it had the property that <span class="math">\tau^x = x[/spoiler].

Apparently it broke pretty much every common axiom so my teacher didn't deem it useful.

>> No.5640749
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>> No.5640753

OP &&& =

OP &&& = FAG

>> No.5640757

Nothing new, sorry

>> No.5640763

so you invented the x-th root?

>> No.5640767
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The number line is extended to a maximum value of 2pi thus everything can be expressed within the confines of a circle.

>> No.5640781
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>minimum acceptable dating age is one ninth your age

>> No.5640805

why does this not have more notes this operation is perfect for /sci/

>> No.5640829

The trivial operation: a *0* b

5 *0* 3 = 0
190 *0* -32.8 = 0
g *0* h = 0 (identity), g,h in group G
Z2 *0* V4 = 0 (trivial group)
(Structure 1) *0* (Structure 2) = 0 (trivial structure)

what do i win

>> No.5640844

>one ninth your age
Lrn2PEMDAS, dumbass.

>> No.5640851
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>applied math

>> No.5640856

This, succession, counter, limit are the only legit ones

>> No.5640860

No fucking dip it simplifies

>> No.5640863
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>expressing an expression linearly without the liberal use of brackets for the sake of ambiguity

>> No.5640864

It looks happy and then it looks sad

>> No.5640873

... equals ((ab)/(a+b)), why do we need an operator for this

>> No.5640883

>((((expressing (an expression)) linearly) (without ((the (liberal use)) (of brackets)))) (for ((the sake) (of ambiguity))))

>> No.5640886

First one equals ((ab)/((b^2)+a))
Second one equals ((ab)/((a^2)+b))

>> No.5640902


this is just half of the harmonic mean of a and b

>> No.5640906

I'm on my phone so I can't post a thread and this is the first math thread I saw, so what's the fastest way to find out 2 numbers that multiply to give you another number? For example if you had to find what #/fraction multiplied by 5 gives you 8, what's the quickest method?

>> No.5640909


5x = 8

>> No.5640916


this is actually an alternative statement to one of the millennium prize problems

>> No.5640920


>> No.5640928

B-but that's wrong...

>> No.5640934

wait what? what do you mean

>> No.5640943

sage goes in the email field newfag

>> No.5640948

I propose an "imaginary" number i with the property i^2 = -1.
I know it sounds crazy because actually we cannot square root negative numbers.

>> No.5640997


Yes we can, all we have to do it take the square root of a real number then add a squiggle to the indice e.g. x^~1 === sqrt(-x)

I think it's more pertinent that someone develops a way for us mathematicians to express our ideas in a more natural way, almost handwritten, on a bulletin board system much like this.

>> No.5641014

I usually express this like || when I have to calculate the total resistance of a paralel circuit


>> No.5641016


fist bro

>> No.5641019

How much college do I have to do before I learn this stuff?

>> No.5641021

x ◘ y

"Force base" give value of x if it were interpreted as base y.

12 ◘ 4 = 6
820 ◘ 16 = 2080

>> No.5641027

like a week? there really arent any complicated concepts in there.

>> No.5641028

if x!=x*(x-1)*(x-2)*...*1
then I'll create

>> No.5641030

you're right that it's not that complicated, but they pussyfoot around the issue for a couple of years before giving it to you.

You can learn it on your own with little difficulty if you have the right books, but they won't teach it in the first week of college unless you skip out of the first few years of math.

>> No.5641033

A ⁂ B = A + 1/A + 1/B + 1

>> No.5641038

what? the only thing that is not completely obvious to pretty much everyone with highschool education is maybe the definition of complex numbers and the real part and the notation at the start, which you learn in the first week of any math class ever. The whole post is readable like a regular english sentence.

>> No.5641041

You give the US high school education system too much credit.

>> No.5641044

>math class
university math class

>> No.5641048


Maximum power transfer?

>> No.5641049

>implying babby's first sets should be learned in university

>> No.5641053

we're not denying that's how it should be, we're simply saying that it's not how it is.

>> No.5641058

By your notation x?=x(x+1)/2. So that's not a very useful operation, i.e. there's no need for a shorthand notation. Sigma summation works just fine.

>> No.5641061

nope, but any uni math class will cover the absolute basics in the first week to make sure everybody is on the same base level
Thats why you need at most a week of college to know what the operation is about, dude

>> No.5641369


The concepts are really simple, it's just the notation which is used for convenience and clarity.

Basically you're defining a function, saying the domain and codomain (range in highschool) giving some definitions and then saying how the function works.

>> No.5641387 [DELETED] 

derivatives are ghey f'''''(x) now equals f(5')x

>> No.5641394

I thought about something along the lines of the limit of a Riemann product. We know (using sloppy notation and provided the function we're talking about behaves properly, choosing the correct range for <span class="math">i[/spoiler] and so on and so on):
<div class="math">
\lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \sum_{i} f\left( x_i \right) \Delta x = \int_{a}^{b} \! f\left( x\right) \,\mathrm{d}x
We might as well have:
<div class="math">
\lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \prod_{i} f\left( x_i \right) \Delta x = \left[ \text{herp} \right]_{a}^{b} \! f\left( x\right) \,\mathrm{d}x

>> No.5641395

Ugh, stupid LATEX plugin...
<div class="math">
\lim_{\Delta x \to 0} \prod_{i} f\left( x_i \right) \Delta x = \left[ \mathrm{herp} \right]_{a}^{b} \! f\left( x\right) \,\mathrm{d}x

>> No.5641398

Most people just put 5 in brackets as an exponent for the fifth derivative.

>> No.5641399

That would just approach zero as delta x does.

>> No.5641404

In electric engineering typical notation for impedance in parallel is what you have except with || (ie double bars)

A in parallel with B can be written shorthand with A||B

>> No.5641405


Also somewhat related is a path integral:

>> No.5641407


>> No.5641409

Ghe, cool. Thanks!

>> No.5641415

1.0000000000000.. Is simply written as 1.1

>> No.5641420

a != -b^2 for the first one
b != -a^2 for the second one

>> No.5641421

Paralel resitors

>> No.5641434

I think this is impossible, unless you specify the context more

>> No.5641436 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5641448

None. It's middle school math.

>> No.5641468


>> No.5641555

look beneath the post form

>> No.5641556

Recursive fractional division:
100/10=10; 10/10=1; 1/10=.1; etc
but what if:

>> No.5641558

If I could not forget parts of it...

>> No.5641601

>order of operations
Sure is middle school in here

>> No.5641605


<div class="math">\frac{A}{7+2} = Sexytime</div>

>> No.5641650

Then he would have used brackets, dumbass.

What is order of operations?

>> No.5641660



>> No.5641662

Pretty sure this already exists

>> No.5641667


really? example?

>> No.5641674


(f o f) (x) = f(f(x) = f^2(x)

>> No.5641675

f(f(x)) *

>> No.5641687

okay, thanks.


>> No.5641690


x~ means x*x

2~ = 2*2 = 4

>> No.5641718

complete fail. your operator isn't even well-defined.



>> No.5641739

x ° y


1234567897 ° 3 = 4567897123
1234567897 ° -2 = 9712345678

>> No.5641743
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I would say this is pretty useless, unless you came up with a way of actually applying it to something worthwhile.

>> No.5641751

Congratulations on making a new symbol for taking something to the power of 2.

>> No.5641752
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>x^x = x^2
/sci/ i am dissapoint

>> No.5641754
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>> No.5641756


combine it with conditional batman arithmetic:

selector arithmetic

and regular logic operators (+, * [NOT would be If 1 then 0 if 0 then 1])

and you can have an algebraic touring machine.

obviously it'd be massively inefficient for doing actual computer arithmetic, but you can use the principles of algebra to reduce and optimize the function.

if you model something such as the SHA-256/512/1024 algorithm you could relatively easily swap the input and the output, concentrate on an arbitrary zero and generate fake hashes.

in the scope of galactic evolution it's pretty irrelevant.

>> No.5641757

He said x*x, not x^x.
Multiplying a number by itself is squaring.

>> No.5641759
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>batman arithmetic

>> No.5641760

Ah. My bad. Point taken.

>> No.5641763

You had me doubting my knowledge of squares for a second, there.

>> No.5641764


>implying x^x =/= x^2 if x=2

sort your ruselage, my friend.

>> No.5641765

For CS
inb4 not science
x* = <span class="math">2^{x}[/spoiler]
16* = 65536

<span class="math">\hat{x}[/spoiler]* = <span class="math">2^{x}-1[/spoiler]

>> No.5641767

If x=2, then x^x = x*x, obviously.
But the rule he gave was x~ = x*x. Where is everyone getting this x^x nonsense from?

>> No.5641771 [DELETED] 

We're all autistic.

>> No.5641773


that operator already exists, it's three letters long.


>> No.5641777

Are bit shifts too complicated for you?
1 << x

>> No.5641802

I came up with this lately (it's not really an operator but I'll post anyway). When you have a (bijective) relation, for example:
<span class="math">y=x^2[/spoiler]
for positive x, y, and you want the function that gives y from a given x, you can denote it with:
<span class="math">y_x[/spoiler]
(read: the function that gives y from x)
So that:
<span class="math">y_x(x) = x^2 = y[/spoiler]
<span class="math">x_y(y) = sqrt(y) = sqrt(x^2) = x[/spoiler]
and of course
<span class="math">x_x(z)/math] and <span class="math">y_y[/spoiler] are the identity functions: f(x) = x for every x.
(it seemed to be less vonfusing to me, and useful to explain the concept of taking the derivative of another variable.
for example, when you have
<span class="math">y = x^2[/spoiler]
<span class="math">f(x) = x^4[/spoiler]
then you can define the derivative with respect to a variable y (which is related to some variable x, so you can see it as a function from x to y as well, denoted with) and a function f (which has some relation to y, so also with x) in the point z as
the limit of <span class="math">\frac{f_x(z+h)-f_x(z)}{y_x(z+h)-y_x(z)}[/spoiler] as h goes to 0
with seemed more intuitive, and seemed more appropriate because you can read it really as the limit of a ratio between two functions. It makes the relation between variables and functions clearer, IMO.

This is a shitty explanation. I hope you get the picture.[/spoiler]

>> No.5641811

Fixed version

I came up with this lately (it's not really an operator but I'll post anyway). When you have a (bijective) relation, for example:
<span class="math">y=x^2[/spoiler]
for positive x, y, and you want the function that gives y from a given x, you can denote it with:
<span class="math">y_x[/spoiler]
(read: the function that gives y from x)
So that:
<span class="math">y_x(x) = x^2 = y[/spoiler]
<span class="math">x_y(y) = sqrt(y) = sqrt(x^2) = x[/spoiler]
and of course
<span class="math">x_x(z)[/spoiler] and <span class="math">y_y[/spoiler] are the identity functions: f(x) = x for every x.
(it seemed to be less vonfusing to me, and useful to explain the concept of taking the derivative of another variable.
for example, when you have
<span class="math">y = x^2[/spoiler]
<span class="math">f(x) = x^4[/spoiler]
then you can define the derivative with respect to a variable y (which is related to some variable x, so you can see it as a function from x to y as well, denoted with) and a function f (which has some relation to y, so also with x) in the point z as
the limit of <span class="math">\frac{f_x(z+h)-f_x(z)}{y_x(z+h)-y_x(z)}[/spoiler] as h goes to 0
with seemed more intuitive, and seemed more appropriate because you can read it really as the limit of a ratio between two functions. It makes the relation between variables and functions clearer, IMO.

This is a shitty explanation. I hope you get the picture.

>> No.5641818

I also had something to work out the distributions of stochasts when you add them, but this is probably something that already exists (it is similiar to convolution, but then with + instead of *).
Something similiar could be done for division and subtraction.

>> No.5641828

If you have a length of wood, or metal or something that makes a tone when struck. Cutting it to a / b its length with result in a tone change of b / a higher.

For example, cutting it in half will double its frequency (1 /2 to 2 / 1)

>> No.5641851
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Fourier transform.
Pic related

>> No.5641856

xy = |(x-y)/x * (y-x)/y|
reads "x attracts y". the result is the attraction between x and y. whatever that means.

38 = |(3-8)/3 * (8-3)/8|
= 1.0416

64 = |(6-4)/6 * (4-6)/4|
= 0.16666...

1514 = |(15-14)/15 * (14-15)/14|
= 0.00476

(32.7)2 = |(3-2.7)/3 * (2.7-3)/2.7|
= 0.012
= 198.005

>> No.5641874

While I don't think that there can be one number with that property, that reminds me of the roots of unity; which when taken to the nth power, become one. Just multiply them by x^(1/n) and they should act similarly to your number.

>> No.5641928

Yeah that kinda gives you an inconsistent system.
tau ^ 2 = 2
So tau = sqrt(2)
but tau ^ 3 = 3
So tau is also 3^(1/3)

Kinda like tau + x = 2x
tau + 10 = 20 so tau = 10
tau + 1 = 2 so tau = 1

>> No.5641932

x >=> y = "I'm not exactly sure how but I'm pretty that x equals y."

>> No.5641935

pretty sure*

>> No.5641988

>While I don't think that there can be one number with that property
Yeah it's basically always 1 since <span class="math">\tau = \tau^1 = 1[/spoiler], so it wouldn't work. It's actually just a silly operator or something to that effect.

>tau + x = 2x
I realize that the whole tau thing is bullshit but why would tau + x become 2x?

>> No.5641989

The Busch transform

1) take any natural number
2) create a 1*n array or 1s
3) rearrange the 1s into a bush

the advantages of this transform is that you get a picture of a bush at the end

>> No.5641990

In <div class="math">R[x]/(x^2),</div>

x^2 = 0, but x =/= 0. Therefore we can interpret it as 0.00...1, so 1-x = 0.99999...

>> No.5642004
File: 27 KB, 536x747, sigma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count?

>> No.5642039

I lol'd.

What is the use of this?

>> No.5642043

it kept me busy when i was at work. with these rules you can take any function of sigmas and turn it into a linear combination of sigmas.

>> No.5642046

Interedasting. I still don't get it though.

>> No.5642051

Motherfucker, every CS Student is more scientist than you!

>> No.5642057

Also, does this operation have a name? I mean did you name it?

>> No.5642070

I'd rather retain the fact that R is a field than be able to calculate with infinitesimals. 5/18

>> No.5642073

also, i played around with it , putting it into that conjecture that if you devide by 2 and multiply by 3 then +1 you eventually get 1. so that a use i guess.

i called it sigma p of x.

>> No.5642079

If you have + and *, and work in base 2, then you can do any computable operation since you can make a nand gate from 1+b*a, nand gates are universal

>> No.5642092

triangular numbers. already been done.

>> No.5642094


simple and appliable


>> No.5642104

O + P Massive douche = OP IS a MASSIVE douche solve for OP

>> No.5642127

Not as good as f(x)+C.

Remember that you're only interested in f(x)+C because you care about things like (f(x2)+C)-(f(x1)+C)=f(x2)-f(x1).

It's important to label your arbitrary constant because in some operations the same arbitrary constant cancels itself out. It's not generally true that any two arbitrary constants are equal.

>> No.5642163

>It's not generally true that any two arbitrary constants are equal

>> No.5642166

No, it wouldn't: I just give a similiar example that doesn't work, though in the example I give it's more intuitive to see why it doesn't work (that is, it gives you an inconsistent system).

>> No.5642174


Arbitrary means "could be anything." If two numbers each could be anything, then they're probably not the same.

>> No.5642203
File: 17 KB, 500x505, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But..but... basic group theory? Every element maps to some other element, there is no single element that maps to two elements.
>mfw I realize you're probably trolling

>> No.5642210

>i called it sigma p of x.


>> No.5642214

1&1= 11
1&2 = 12
3&4 = 43
8&3&9 = 839


>> No.5642213

Hmm ur smart

>> No.5642217


>> No.5642222 [DELETED] 

d(a, b) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
a||b = ab/(a+b)

are ones i use all the time

>> No.5642225
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>> No.5642237

people, can you actually come up with something original, and not just shit that's a combination of classical operators?

the tau^x=x was pretty cool, the rest was meh-to-lame.

>> No.5642242

xay= |x-y|*|x+y|



>> No.5642510

⊔(f(x)) ~ infinitely small values of f(x) on which you can do operations

⊔(f(x)) - 1 = ⊔(f(x))
⊔(f(x) - 1) = indeterminate

⊔(f(x)) + ⊔(g(x)) = lim (x->0) (f(x) * g(x))
⊔(f(x)) * ⊔(g(x)) = lim (x->0) (f(x) / g(x))

>> No.5642526


When applied to any problem it always outputs a solution or set of solutions.

Noble Prize please.

>> No.5642556

x|a <-- x to the power of itself a times.

>> No.5642562 [DELETED] 

not a new function

the up arrow symbol defines that, it's called tetration

>> No.5642570

Already been invented


>> No.5642648

>tell that to my computer that is executing sciency code
Which you have EEs and CompEs to thank for.

>> No.5642665

hey guys, we like this right? This makes sense?

>> No.5642670

>3&4 = 43

>> No.5642696

Heh, my college classes have barely even mentioned the basics of set theory, while still using it. I'm usually the only one who understands what's going on.

>> No.5642730


Go kill yourself, pleb.

>> No.5642777

x // y takes away all the occurrences of the number y in x.

Example :
1234 // 4 = 123
524136426 // 413 = 526426
34 // 235436 = 34

>> No.5642789

34343 // 343 = ?

>> No.5642793

it is not always defined

612 ◘ 4 = ?

>> No.5642804 [DELETED] 

a%b for a and b integers, divides a by the highest posible power of b while still giving an integer result

12%2 = 3
252%6 = 7

>> No.5642812


implying computational engineering is not a submodule of computer science.

>> No.5642814

612 written in base 4 is 21210, I don't see the problem

>> No.5642821


that's interesting. could you come up with an algebraic formula that does that?

>> No.5642824
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>> No.5642828

Nice one. Well I'd say 34.
If we define the operator recursively starting from the right, we get 34.

That's not what the operator does, though.
x ◘ y converts x in base 10 as if it was in base y.
12 ◘ 4 = 1*4 + 2*1 = 6

>> No.5642844
File: 3 KB, 368x239, operator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes some interesting plots

y = x%2

>> No.5642855 [DELETED] 

that graph is wrong

the first few values should be 1, 1, 3, 1, 5, 3, 7, 1, 9, 5, 11, 3, 13, 7, 15

>> No.5642853
File: 129 KB, 2776x1329, gspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


huh reminded me of one of my plots, but it doesn't look so similar now.

actually, your shit is pretty epic man. if you.. ..hm. can I write a paper about this? lol.

>> No.5642856

Soopersupedruper exponentes:
>z times + i

>> No.5642858
File: 6 KB, 576x360, actualoperator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck you're right, I just plotted the largest power

here you go

>> No.5642870

What's this software?

>> No.5642876

let f(x1,x2,x3...xn) and g(x1,x2,x3....xn) be two functions over a set of variables. Then
f✈g defines f(g(x1,0,0,0,0....), g(0,x2,0,0,0,...)....)


>> No.5642878 [DELETED] 

this kind of function, and more complex ones but similar, is all over number theory

it's why i love number theory

>> No.5642881



That looks cool.

>> No.5642890


>> No.5642892


looks like <span class="math">y = x\%n[/spoiler] will have "lines" of the form <span class="math">y = \frac{1}{n^k}x[/spoiler] where k is a positive integer

>> No.5642894

lines of the form <div class="math">y = \frac{1}{n^k}x</div>

>> No.5642898

That's pretty slick man.

>> No.5642920

its like addition except for negative numbers
2 +^ -2 = 4

A +^ B = abs(A) + abs(B)

>> No.5642931

So instead of writing |A+B|, you write A+^B, saving a total of zero lines.

>> No.5642932 [DELETED] 

It looks like some kind of integer logarithm.

<span class="math"> 12 = 3 \times 2^2 [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> \log_{2}(12) = \log_{2}(3) + 2 \log_{2}(2) [/spoiler]
And we're trying to extract the 3
If we divide by <span class="math"> \log_2 (2) [/spoiler] take the fractional part and put everything back to the power of 2, it works, but not in general.

So it would be,
<div class="math"> k\%n = n^{\mathrm{frac} \left(\frac{\log_n (k)}{\log_n (n)} \right) } </div> but doesn't work

>> No.5642941
File: 9 KB, 411x369, pic-related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a function which creates an image of the stern brocot tree starting from a path p to depth d

>> No.5642942

No, instead of writing |A| + |B| you write A+^B.

>> No.5642947

goddamnit, this is not about programmed functions. I'm a computer scientist myself but CS =/= math (and in my opinion, programming itself isn't even science), some computer scientists will never understand this

>> No.5642956

the problem is you're also taking the fractional part of <span class="math">\log_{2}(3)[/spoiler] when you actually just want to leave it alone

>> No.5642959

The theory of computer science is basically applied pure math. If the 'phrase applied pure math' makes any sense.

>> No.5642961

>what is lambda calculus

>> No.5642962


why tho

pointer arithmetic is math, boolean algebra is math, all other programming is just an abstraction thereof. not math? basically saying like algebra or calculus isn't math.

>> No.5642963


lambda calculus is to computer science as string theory is to physics.

>> No.5642979

> implying

>> No.5642988

Haha, that doesn't really make sense, but I know what you mean.
Anyway, I agree with what you say, it just doesn't affect my point. Mathematical functions are just a whole other thing then programmed functions.

>> No.5642990

please give an example of a programming language function which is not a math function

>> No.5642998

im on your side
but how about: sleep(1000)

>> No.5643009

<div class="math">\sum_{n=0}^{C*1000}0</div>
c= clock cycles per second

>> No.5643020

fair nuf

>> No.5643041


...isn't that always =0?

>> No.5643045

Inverse of x!.
(x¡ * x!) / x = 1

>> No.5643048

meant for

>> No.5643047

if (x¡ * x!) / x = 1 doesn't that mean x¡ = 1/(x-1)!

>> No.5643050

No clue. I just made something up. As in:
5¡ = 5/(5!)

>> No.5643051 [DELETED] 

well spotted

>> No.5643053

Not 100% sure myself, will do a bit of research.

>> No.5643055

thank you buddy

>> No.5643056 [DELETED] 

that's not an inverse

you mean x!¡ = x

>> No.5643062

Yea, I meant:
x¡ = x/(x!)

>> No.5643066 [DELETED] 

Its derivative:
<span class="math">
d/dx(1/(x!)) = -(Gamma(x+1) polygamma(0, x+1))/(x!)^2

>> No.5643070 [DELETED] 

so x¡ = 1/(x-1)!

>> No.5643071

Its derivative:

<span class="math">
d/dx(1/(x!)) = -(Gamma(x+1) polygamma(0, x+1))/(x!)^2
\<span class="math">[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.5643078 [DELETED] 

that's still wrong

>> No.5643079

No, because that's my definition. Now go away.

>> No.5643081

To the hyperpower of:

10>^4 = 100000000 (10*10 -> 100*100 -> 10000*100000 = 100000000)

>> No.5643083

what fucks with me is that since an image is just a binary number this is an actual function

>> No.5643085 [DELETED] 

sure, but it isn't an inverse function, as you claimed

>> No.5643087

Nah mang, it's an identity function now.

>> No.5643092

Well no. Because I can do 1¡, equaling 1/1! = 1
You'll get something undefined. If we limit x > 1 then it works.

>> No.5643091 [DELETED] 

there is only one identity function f(x) = x

>> No.5643094 [DELETED] 

no, i get 1/0! = 1

they are the same

>> No.5643098

Yea, sorry. Here, have the sum:

>> No.5643119

pascal triangle?

>> No.5643162

<span class="math"> a xD b = a e^{-\omega b \tau}

>> No.5643208

Multiplication isn't just repeated addition+counting (easy example, 1.1 * 1.1). Addition is reducible to a successor operation, I'm not sure if you'd consider them different ops though.

>> No.5643211

I usually do a line like "For convenience, let t = x (fuck t)." Then at the end if there's still xs in the answer I say "returning to our original notation..." and express my answer in t.

Other things that can fuck off:
x if cross products are involved
P or rho if both appear
Capital and lower case phi

>> No.5643212

explain how you define rational numbers, including multiplication. Then I'll believe your example.

>> No.5643230


>> No.5643309

f(x) g(x) = 2h(x)
Averages two functions.

✿F✿ = G where F X G resembles a flower.

It's the cat curve on the xy-plane. It isn't so much an operator as it is a special parameterization of a curve that looks like a cat.

>> No.5643315

first one should be f(x) (libra sign) g(x) = 2h(x)

for some reason that symbol isn't showing up.

>> No.5643325

a 8==> b

it's a boolean operator that returns true if 8a >= b and false if 8a < b

>> No.5643360

Maybe it's clearer if I say it this way: two different constants should not be mistaken for two references to the same constant.

If you have one expression f(x)+C where C is an arbitary constant, and another expression g(x)+C where C is an arbitrary constant, you should assume that these are not the same C and may be unequal unless you have a definite reason for them to be equal.

So (f(x2)+C) - (f(x1)+C) = f(x2)-f(x1), but (f(x)+C) - (g(x)+C) = f(x) - g(x) + C, if the f(x)+C and g(x)+C expressions are unrelated and each is supposed to contain an "arbitrary constant". When you perform an operation which adds an arbitrary constant, it's a good idea to give it a unique label in your work. It's a lot clearer if you start with f(x)+C1 and g(x)+C2.

>> No.5643377

>the joke
>your head
One of these has at a passed at a higher altitude than the other

>> No.5643383

Tetration. We already have notation for that.

>> No.5643380

Actual good one

>> No.5643388

I like this one.

>> No.5643391

Fuck you.

>> No.5643398


>> No.5643413


Is this new physics notation?

>> No.5643429

The prime factorial function, <span class="math">x!_p[/spoiler]
Like the regular function, except only multiply by prime numbers below x. For example, <span class="math">20!_p = 20 * 19 * 17 * 13 * 11 * 7 * 5 * 3 * 2[/spoiler]

>> No.5643432

I can't imagine more confusing notation.

>> No.5643438


Might be the most useful thing in here.

Not sure if it's an operation though.

>> No.5643440

Actually useful.

>> No.5643442

Hate the notation, but love the idea.

>> No.5643444

Yet you still multiplied by 20 anyway

>> No.5643448

>My favourites so far:
This is cool, and probably useful.

That's cool I like that, anything involving prime relations is interesting because it's not something you can formalise in any equation.

>> No.5643446

x =~= y

It means x = y because mathematica said so.

>> No.5643452

If you assume the number is just a polynomial then:

>6*4^2 + 1*4^1 + 2*4^0 = 102

>> No.5643453

Yes, that's what a factorial function does. I guess if you wanted to you could define a prime gamma function <span class="math">\Gamma_p(x)[/spoiler] for the positive integers where <span class="math">\Gamma_p(20) = 19 * 17 * 13 * 11 * 7 * 5 * 3 * 2[/spoiler]

>> No.5643460


would people adopt this if it was written in a paper (and obviously explained)? isn't that just what every notation was spurred by?

>> No.5643469

I trolled through my AA final by using a V4 ring that had a second operation which mapped any element to the 0 element. Gets confusing when you try to talk about 1s and 0s.

>> No.5643473

seems an awful like like a fourier transform

>> No.5643475


x°y = ((x-y)*(xy))^(x+y)

>> No.5643482

That's not what you said though:
>except only multiply by prime numbers below x
You multiplied by a composite number initially, you actually meant the factorial that you just wrote.

>> No.5643491

Why not just make it a straight up inverse?

Right now you have 5¡ = 1/4!, it seems simpler to just make it so n¡=(n!)^-1

>> No.5643504

If it was being used in analysis in a helpful way I assume people would adopt it, that's the criteria for any annotation.

>> No.5643538


I don't get it.

>> No.5643624

I think you meant to say (A/2)+7

>> No.5643639

wouldn't that just be (a+x)*b where x > a?

>> No.5643643

e to the integral of the probability of x with respect to x?

what's it supposed to do, turn a statistical distribution curve into a log chart?

>> No.5643685

Functions like date() and any kind random(). Given the same arguments a mathematical function must always return the same result.

>> No.5643712

define a sequence
tau = { n^(1/n) ; n in reals }

>> No.5643922


>> No.5643968

You're a computer scientist, you should know about monads.
date : State Date ⊤ -> Date = Date -> Date
random : State Seed ⊤ -> Nat = Seed -> Nat

>> No.5643989

void swap(int *a, int *b)
{ int *temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

Also, all functions that change state and/or print anything (you consider this as a change of state, though).

>> No.5643999

You consider it as a change of state. I consider it a function that accepts a world as an argument and returns a new world with a change.

>> No.5644030

Function accepting a list of integers representing the memory, the pointers are indices of that list, dereference is indexing the list, assignment replaces the old value with the new value and returns the new list.
Yep, still a State.

>> No.5644057


Hmm not bad

>> No.5644065


Nice try, but it already exists as: x↑y

A useful concept which can be expanded to x↑↑y, same with x↑...↑y and this is how Graham's number is defined (largest useful number)

>> No.5644079


Fuuuuark, strong operation. I can see how this could be useful.

So 31◘8=25◘12

(taken from popular maths joke)

>> No.5644101

what is 8 ◘ 2?

>> No.5644115

gives the result of the infinite sum x^k/k!
gives the inverse of exp(x), i.e. ln is such that ln(exp(x)) = x

>> No.5645109

yeah but the way the \f comprises itself means that it's not actually hindered by the introduction of the operation, and at, which it is right off the bat, I mean, x cant equal 1 here otherwise it's everytime an execution of addition of the equation, which is indefinitely undefined, which goes as far to say that r is r in every equation, which its not

tl;dr ( ) \f (ex)+(x)

fckn lold
Let linear be y
Express be r
Use be x
Reason be x^2
And ambiguity be \f ((x)z)

Care to simplify anon?


Or * \f *

i call it "Dividing"

Alternatively /(/)/ is something I like to call "Multiplying"

shd I lev PO Box 4 Nobel in email?

>> No.5645126 [DELETED] 

fyi everybody
Sage, even its part of a word, if in the email field, does not bump a thread

there was a point in time where /sci/ coders had way to much time

>> No.5645174

In group theory, given A and B are groups, instead of having AxB=(a,b) where a is any element of A and b is any element of B be the way you do direct product, I define a different function so that A#B=ab where a is any element of A and b is any element of B.

It works out the same, but looks cleaner. For example, if you have two C2 groups (one generated with a, and one with b) and a C4 group generated with c, then
C2#C2#C4 = {e,a,b,ab,c,ca,cb,cab,c^2,c^2a,c^2b,c^2ab,c^3,c^3a,c^3b,c^3ab,}