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5637189 No.5637189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I understand that this isn't strictly science but I feel like it's the only board where I will get thought out rational responses that try to rationale what I am about to explain.

So gay male here. This pic is essentially my fantasy. I am obviously never going to do it since i know that if I will I will get HIV.

But I mean to get to the meat of my question

1. In my fantasy I would want to be a "sub cumslut"
2. I hate the fact that I love sucking dick.

Not because I think it's gross or anything, but because I like to think of myself has a man of logic.

When I eat an apple it's because I'm hungry and I enjoy the taste of an apple ( Physical reaction of tastebuds)

When I put a dick in my ass, I am able to derive physical sensations that result in pleasure (dick grinding against prostate)

Put when I put a dick in my mouth, there is absolutely zero physical pleasures that can be derived from that, since there are no pleasure sensors in my mouth.

So like I still suck dick because I want to suck dick.

But what I don't like is that I can't explain physiological why I want to suck dick and be a subcumslut.

My rationale is miss-channeled male evolutionary sex drive in combination with my lack of desire to reproduce. But I feel like that still doesn't explain how I am able to get off from having a dick in my mouth.

>> No.5637195
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>> No.5637197


>implying faeries have more intelligence than than the average club girl.

>> No.5637199
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Psychological desires of the human brain are not related to science?


>> No.5637202

what about:
>>>/lgbt/ isn't that just the board for this

>> No.5637205


>implying the modern social justice movement doesn't suspend logic for the sake of appeasing feelings.

Most responses OP will get is "thats just you are XD! embrace it"

>> No.5637206


So you see any psychotherapists here?
Have you ever seen any here?

>> No.5637208


That is who he is. 'Logic' isn't going to overcome his desire to suck cock.

>> No.5637213


I'm trying to use logic to figure out why I like sucking dick.

>> No.5637217


Why? Apart from a few retarded fundamentalists, no one really cares. If you are worried about disease, there is plenty of literature about that. If you are worried about what 'other people think'... You just need to get over that. There is absolutely no path you can take in life that someone won't think badly of you.

>> No.5637220

Because you're a needy little cunt like most women, and gain a sense of self worth from giving other's satisfaction.

>> No.5637226


I understand that. I don't care that I like sucking dick, and I don't care if others care. I'm merely trying to figure out why my brain desires to suck duck and be a sub for the pleasures of other men.


Thats what I thought the whole "getting off from pleasing others" but then I remembered that I was sociopaths and misanthropic

So like don't the two seem kinda contradictory.

>> No.5637236


>> No.5637255


What if you suck so much cock that it's become an oral fixation and you need it?

I mean, there's always some reason for things.
I love giving oral for the pleasures of the other person, straight here.
I've tried dick and there's nothing like realizing cocks aren't for you when you have a dick in your mouth.

>> No.5637261

Its mental pleasure of sorts. I'm not really into neural science or psychology though. But imagine one day seeing your bank account getting a million dollars. You'd be happy as fuck, but its not a physical pleasure. Maybe its because you like being dominated, and get pleasure from that.

>> No.5637263

I consider this a non-problem. I don't like lima beans. I don't eat them.

>> No.5637296


I don't consider it a problem in any way I am just trying to rationale the following

> in my fantasy im a subcumslut for dom tops
> I fucking hate people.

It seems like a huge contradiction.

>> No.5637297






>> No.5637302

You can look at this in two ways (from barely thinking about it)

1. it's beneficial for you to get on to the good side of other people by doing something good for them

2. I enjoy looking at trees cause I think foliage is attractive. That isn't going to help my evolutionary fitness - not everything in life is about evolutionary fitness

>> No.5637314

You obviously derive pleasure from pleasing others, be it by taking it up the bum or in the mouth. How can you not see the logic behind this?

>> No.5637325



But thats what I don't understand.

Ok so like example I don't believe these asinine conspiracy theories regarding the NWO (depopulating 90% enslaving the other 9.9%) But if I ever had the option of being recruited into it, I'd do it in a heart beat.

And yet at the same time I get off on the idea of being a sub bttm for the pleasure of other men.

>> No.5637333


Its called being a pervert. On some Jeffrey Dahmer ridiculous shit. Congratulations.

>> No.5637344

You are taking two completely different things and mashing them together. Just because you're ultra dark and edgy and hate people on a RATIONAL level (if we can even call it that) doesn't mean that you can't like WHAT CERTAIN people (dominant men) DO to you (notice how we're talking about their actions and not themselves) in a SEXUAL (INSTINCTIVE) way. Prime example of this: Wanting to get fucked by people you particularly hate.

>> No.5637345

Tell us about your relationship with your father, OP.

>> No.5637348

>OP is a flaming faggot
nothing new i suppose

>> No.5637352


When I was a little kid if I got out of hand, he would discipline me physically, but he wasn't abusive in anyway.

And no, I do not want to have sex with him.

>> No.5637364

OP, I'd tell you to go to /eng/ but we don't have an engineering board so /hm/ will suffice.

----> /hm/

>> No.5637416

At the core, what bothers me. Is that I am unable to explain why I like being sexually dominated.

Essentially I get off of the idea of being sexually exploited. And that makes me feel weak.

And back to my point about "it must be because I like pleasing others" How can I get off from all this, but at the same time say that I just plain don't like people.

>> No.5637421

you've got a key misunderstanding - you don't know everything about yourself

>> No.5637428

OP here.

So what gets me off sexually is being dominated.

Should I just stop trying to apply logic to the above situation and roll with it?

And its not that I hate that Im gay or anything. Its just that I hate how I can't explain why I like being dominated (read: used)

>> No.5637433


Futhermore, the idea of helping others in a non sexual way. I wouldn't say it repulses me, but I don't get the same kick out of it, that I do in the bedroom.

It just seems contradictory.

>> No.5637434

you get off on pleasing a guy, why is that so hard for you to figure out

>> No.5637437

I have this feeling.... OP is just looking for a Date.
Why he came here... I have no idea.

>> No.5637442


Because if I'm walking down the street, and a man asks me to do a quick favor for him like using his camera to take a photo of him and his friends. I'm not going to get a kick out of that obviously.

But if he uses my hole for his pleasure. During both the heat of the moment, and in anticipation of the encounter, I would find the idea hot.

But when all is said and done, and I walk out of the room, what have I actually gained. Tangibly speaking, what the fuck was the point of that.

>> No.5637443

due to being a product of modern civilization your brain development has been warped by exposure to female hormones causing your sexuality to function in some ways like that of a female
females enjoy getting plowed like a fucktoy because it means lots of semen from strong powerful men in their pussy thus ensuring reproductive success
due to exposure to female hormones your subconscious desires to get fucked silly and since you have no vagina you attempt to do this by getting your ass fucked raw and choking on a cock
you cant rationally explain it because it is not a natural thing it is a product of modern technology on your weak human body but if you think of it as an epigenetic error rather than a rational urge it makes sense

>> No.5637440



You can't always apply logic to understand your basic instincts. A person stranded on a boat in the middle of the ocean will feel compelled (by their instincts) to drink the salty water if they have nothing else to drink. However, they will avoid doing so because they know (thanks to logic) that drinking salty water will only dehydrate them further and make them even thirstier,

>> No.5637446


Teacup! Give OP your number. He actually sounds like a nice guy.

>> No.5637450

Teacup confimred for more beta than OP.

>> No.5637451

>Secure tripcode
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5637452


Thanks. That was quite insightful.

This makes a lot of sense.

I still hate the fact that when I get dominated I gain nothing tangible.

>> No.5637455


Also I know you already gave a good answer, but could you respond to this post.


>> No.5637460

>Using alpha, beta and omega to characterise humans


>> No.5637464

Spoken like a true omega.

>> No.5637466

I don't understand why you need some half-baked strictly physiological explanation, when the proper scientific explanation is neurological;
Allow me to use a shitty analogy to explain what i mean.

Your brain is essentially a computer (which is the messy, imperfect result of millions of years of evolution) and that computer has a bunch of different parts - hardware that does different things.
You also have software, which is created and revised procedurally during your life based on sensory input and processing (e.g. experiences, analysis, rationalizations, all the product of multiple regions of your brain participating in the software development process)
Everything you feel and every desire you have is a result of a combination of your hardware and software.

You want to suck the dick because your brain releases reward/pleasure/desire/whatever compounds.
The specific reason why could be any combination of things like; you enjoy participating in sex in general, and you perceive fellatio as a sexual act. you enjoy the male form. you have associated the sensations on your lips and mouth and tongue and the heat coming off his body and all that with positive experiences or perhaps you label that sensory input with "enjoyment" because your brain rewards you for submissiveness and you clearly see it as a submissive practice.

You want to suck the dick because your brain rewards you for participating in the act of doing so. Strictly physiological rationalization is completely unnecessary.

>> No.5637467


I don't want anybody pretending to be me and besmirching my good name.

>> No.5637478


OP here.

>You want to suck the dick because your brain rewards you for participating in the act of doing so.

I understand this. And this is also where my problem is.

I like to consider myself a person of reason and someone who does things based on logical gain.

When I go to work, its because I want money. When I go on the computer its because I want to let of steam.

But when I suck a dick, other than my brain finding it hot. My brain is also thinking "wait, what the fuck am I tangibly gaining from doing this"

>> No.5637479

Well you didnt really gain, in the same sense that when you masturbate you dont actually gain at all, you are just tricking your body into thinking it was doing something useful, its the same idea just at a deeper level, your body is craving the idea of being fucked like a little slut because all the female hormones youve absorbed have part of it convinced its a girl and needs dick at some level, in actuality its not doing you any good of course other than the pleasure but your subconscious and your hormones arent exactly rational and dont realize this
and it only applies in sexual contexts because presumably you havent been exposed to that much female hormones or youd be a tranny, its just at a deep low level in your brain that only kicks in when your libido starts flowing in the first place otherwise its suppressed far below your rationality.

>> No.5637482

You are gaining pleasure.
You can think of pleasure as a currency, if you want. You're essentially mining your brain for happy drugs.

>> No.5637495

This post is stupid. Every man since forever has oestrogen.

Being fat produces more oestrogen, and there are a few reports thats might indicate that in shit holes such as the US that their inadequate water infrastructure does a poor effort of removing all traces of the pill from drinking supplies