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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5635750 No.5635750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nootropics. I know /sci/ has probably had loads of threads on this, but this one is a little different.

I've read about it and watched YouTube reviews, and I've come to the conclusion that either its complete snake oil or the people who typically go out of their way to get all this stuff are kinda dumb or of average intelligence who wish they were above average. Which is it, /sci/entists?

I'm above average, and this sounds arrogant but, my logic says that I have a Corvette brain, so I need to put high octane fuel in it. My diet is... OK. I love caffeine. I take a multivitamin and fish oil supplements. But I want more, so I'm getting some L-Theanine and Choline soon.

What should I spend my money on with regards to more advanced things like Piracetam and Noopept, if anything?

>> No.5635757

>I know /sci/ has probably had loads of threads on this
yes, check the archive
(and the catalog >>5635506)

>but this one is a little different.
doubt it

>> No.5635762
File: 351 KB, 1000x954, Instant Snack Bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh well, I checked the catalog, but I never saw a discussion on whether or not these things are horseshit.

>> No.5635771

If you're not a poorfag you can at least try them.

>> No.5635809
File: 806 KB, 200x150, Flying Turbosnail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP bumping thread. I'm counting on you guys, you know.

Have a turbosnail for your troubles.

>> No.5635822

if you're above average then do something productive instead of making this horrendous thread on 4chan

eat shit.jpg

>> No.5635838


Haha, what's so horrendous about it my good man?

>> No.5635849

You think buying drugs is the only way to get a significant cognitive boost.

I will eventually be on caloric food only (and salad for minerals). Feels more master race. I also do coffee and green tea.

>> No.5635857
File: 55 KB, 240x226, 1342567905776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm above average, and this sounds arrogant but, my logic says that I have a Corvette brain, so I need to put high octane fuel in it.

So why don't you get some high octane fuel

>> No.5635875

ITT: butthurt

>> No.5635885

his "high-octage fuel" is cheetos and mountain dew and the nearest 7/11 is closed

>> No.5635888

ive only tried piracetam and aniracetam
with piracetam i feel more creative and i wake up on time... always no matter what.., sleep in too much it fucks up your day lol
i take 5grams 1-3 times a day, still messing with the dosages
only take choline if you get headaches 250mg goes a long way

aniracetam just gives me motivation and removes the strain from intensive learning/activities

ie i took a few flight lessons after each 1 hour session i was mentally wiped out, aniracetam takes that away completely

i dont take it on a regular basis only when needed
i find it really helps with learning to play the piano

dose 1-1.5 grams when needed, kicks in about 1-2hours

its all fairly subtle, dont expect miracles
but i find its worth it

>> No.5635890


Nah its nuts and fruits, anything with protein, especially boiled eggs.

Oh, and Monster and McDonalds.

>Once you see my dick!
>You won't like it!

>> No.5635893


Excellent, thank you.

>> No.5636134

>people who typically get this stuff are kinda dumb or of average intelligence who wish they were above average
>I'm above average

>> No.5636167

The studies on piracetam are very extensive. I can't speak for other _racetam's.

Piracetam has improved my memory greatly. I can't tell if it has done anything else but memory boost is a definite one. It has cut my studying in half and I can recall more than I would before, it's really, really great for me.

I had a really bad memory before it though. Well, it would take me 3-5 days of straight studying for hours a day just to get the grade I can get now studying for 2-3 hours the night before the test. I would look into it if your memory is pretty bad

>> No.5636583

Hey op if you need some high octane fuel for your corvette brain your should get your hands on some psilocybin mushrooms