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5633906 No.5633906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think that engineers lack morality compared to other STEAM/professional fields?

>> No.5633922

No, but your picture rings an interesting truth in that engineering students play the most video games of all STEM majors.

>> No.5633923
File: 206 KB, 504x1004, engineering conferences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are immoral ass bandits.

>> No.5633936

that comic is overrepresenting women in physics/math/engineering/computer science

>> No.5633942

Which one the lawyer or the philosopher?

>> No.5633950

the comic series as a whole.
I like the comic, but seeing at least one women in more than 3 out of 5 of the comics is just not representative to what I experience in academia, specifically the programming heavy jobs.

>> No.5633953

what's the A in STEAM

i think out of anyone, engineers might have the most morality, as they create things that will affect people. while physicists are like "lol, i can make a chain reaction by splitting atoms, pretty cool." and mathematicians are like "i can write a paper about a solution of that one set of equations that I saw in a physics paper something about nuclear energy"

>> No.5633954

That sounds truly horrific. I can see why this would lead you to your current state of moral outrage.

>> No.5633957

Doctor's are superior to engineers.

>> No.5633962

Doctor is the title people get when they get their Ph. D. It is not restricted to medicine. You can be an engineer and a doctor even without knowing anything about blood pressure.

>> No.5633967

Do they offer doctorate degrees in engineering

>> No.5633968

yes, have you been living in a cave in Afghanistan?

>> No.5633972

the comic's assuming a medical doctor, like anyone neurotypical would

>> No.5633971

pretty much any research university does.

>> No.5633977

chemE here, i'm sort of a dick
all the betafags in my major are probably more ethical than the average person imo

>> No.5633982

Engineers are just mercenaries though. Physicists and mathematicians are about knowledge as such.

>> No.5633983
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Law master race.

>> No.5633987

>implying either is any use without the other

>> No.5633999


>> No.5634002


>do engineers lack morality?

Engineers have to make moral decisions all of the time. There are a plethora of engineering disasters that stemmed from a lack of ethics and morality which have cost many lives.

>> No.5634003

But science clearly has value independent of engineering. Or is science only valuable insofar as we can use it to make iPads?

>> No.5634006

> There are a plethora of engineering disasters that stemmed from a lack of ethics and morality which have cost many lives.

So they are unethical!

>> No.5634008
File: 82 KB, 1024x768, tomahawk-missile[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers tend to not lose sleep over designing weapons, which is scary.

>> No.5634010

What use is knowledge if you can't apply it?

>engineering is only used to make iPads
nice argument.

>> No.5634014

This is bullshit, plenty of engineers have thrown a rope over the rafter because of the effects of their invention.

>> No.5634016
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1313678434798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineering math/physicist (yup, thems my degrees) that designs medical implants here. purity.jpg

In my experience, all three catagories keep all the engineers awake in the companies I've worked at/with. If you aren't concerned with legal and ethical issues, you won't last 2 months in this profession as an engineer. This is true for ALL the SW, EE, ME etc., engineers.

>> No.5634060

wouldn't the unconcerned last longer?
>not giving a fuck
>godtier disposition

>> No.5634065

well engineers aren't the one 'applying' the knowledge in a way that affects peoples' lives directly.
they're not so analogous to doctors as biomedical engineers that design medical gear.
they'll have multiple opportunities to test their work before it'll ever be applied.

>> No.5634079

he draws the comics with white guys in them and then changes them to black dudes and women because he is a liberal faggot.

>> No.5634096

Engineer here. Last year I was with a group of friends when we learned an acquaintance had been hit by a car and died.

When I know something bad has happened my brain automatically clicks to: 1) Why did it happen? 2) How to make it not happen again?

I start calmly asking where the accident happened, what was she doing, what was the driver doing, etc. Meanwhile everyone around me is getting all emotional and broken up, then they get angry at me "How can you care about stupid things like that when our friend just died!!". It's not that I wasn't upset. It's that my reaction to problems is to look for a solution instead of dwelling on it.

>> No.5634101

>implying engineers actually design weapons
Oh, you.

>> No.5634102
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1310877725520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wouldn't the unconcerned last longer?
No. Being unconcerned means you stop worrying about the problems that you know must be out there but haven't found. If you don't look for these problems, you'll never find them. If you don't find them, your designs fail the design reviews, where the reviewers will certainly find some problems if they are doing THEIR jobs. A few design reviews where you obviously weren't motivated to find at least some of the problems and you are out. It's worse than if you didn't know what a computer does.

>> No.5634103

> I believe this.

>> No.5634108

unconcerned with the ethical implications is what i'm talking about pipsqueak

>> No.5634125

What do I have to go into to work in the upcoming Augs market?

>> No.5634128

I'm an engineer who quit a job dealing with UAVs for moral reasons. When I started at the company we were trying to make technology to help search and rescue, then it was surveillance, then it was dropping bombs. I'm a bit of an anomaly, nobody else had much problem with it.

An engineer developing weapons is a lot like a shopper buying products that were made in China. You know the workers there are treated very badly but 99% of the time you don't even think about it. If you are confronted with the moral issue you think to yourself things like: "Nothing will change by me choosing not to buy this", "Everyone else does it", "I don't really have a choice". When you're a very small part of a wide moral issue it becomes easy to rationalize away any personal responsibility.

>> No.5634129

To be fair, a child making toys in China is better than substinence farming. We're doing them a favour.

>> No.5634174

The outcome of abstract concepts to real life objects is not bad by any means. See how scientists do research on engineered products.

>> No.5634177

Heh, at the last jobs fair my university hosted, the only companies who were seeking aerospace and computer engineers were General Atomics and Lockheed Martin

>> No.5634206 [DELETED] 

Believe it or not, there are people who are intellectually curious.

>> No.5634211

>I'm an engineer who quit a job dealing with UAVs for moral reasons. When I started at the company we were trying to make technology to help search and rescue, then it was surveillance, then it was dropping bombs.

>not helping your country kill terrorists

You are an enemy of freedom

>> No.5634225

That's not how you pluralize doctor.

>> No.5634228

Maybe he just likes to draw boobs

>> No.5634327


What accounts for you misogyny? Being ridiculed by the all the cute girls in middle school?

>> No.5634348

na, it's just the observation that it feels forced. it's true, isn't it?

>> No.5634349


It's true there aren't many women in physics.

>> No.5634355

>the comics is just not representative to what I experience in academia

why is this an expectation.
perhaps the artist likes women.

>> No.5634366

seems reasonable to me, it's not like they have particularly developed storylines and character, so there should be a punchline to an otherwise academic scenario.

>> No.5634800

That is not the same, however you are rationalizing your bad moral choice much the same way an engineer would

>> No.5634807

Regards, engineer

>> No.5634815

Hell no. If anything all the STEM oriented folk with religious issues seem to get attracted to engineering disciplines instead of scientific research.

Have you never seen one of those list of "Scientists that are pro life" or "Scientists that are creationists" or "Scientists that are against climate change"? 99% of the people on that list are actually engineers.

>> No.5634819

None of the scientists working on the Manhattan project had any remorse.

>> No.5634829

Yeah, for sure, that's why they didn't all defect to biology afterward.

>> No.5634834

Some engineers (or will be engineers) do, a lot of my classmates care about the environment, while a lot don't really care. A lot care about biomedical applications, a lot don't. A lot care about money exclusively, a lot don't.

Engineering attracts people because it can lead you to other professions/careers besides engineering easily, so you get a variety of people in these classes. People in math/physics are probably more inclined to care about the philosophy behind their field.

>> No.5634877

Their minds were starting to go so they needed something easier to do.

>> No.5634889
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1353221538988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck it, guys, lets just go radio label some enzymes and relax

>> No.5634961


>> No.5634996

Oh no now I feel bad about myself :'((

>> No.5635013
File: 576 KB, 2000x2950, 1360120724579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick one

>> No.5635045

undergrad in angst detected

>> No.5635979

if you lack the basic reading comprehension to assume he is a medical doctor, you clearly should abandon any hope for education beyond elementary school

>> No.5635988

thanks for sharing, but no one here actually cares that you see yourself as an individual from society and those human emoshuns

>> No.5636307
File: 36 KB, 550x375, reanimator1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless that solution involves a glowing green syringe I doubt you could do anything.

>> No.5636383

No one becomes a scientist for the money, so yeah, I'd say Engineers would attract a few more people of the sociopathic persuasion. I'm pretty sure the guy running the robotics club at my university is the antichrist.

>> No.5636425

and this is why the robots will rise against man