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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 425 KB, 1280x761, h-bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5631208 No.5631208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do Nuclear weapons make us safe from an Alien invasion?

Can you guys even think of a theoretical technology that could stop an H-bomb?

>> No.5631216

yes. nuking our own country with multiple nukes will save our country from invasion.

>> No.5631219

I mean we hit their spacecraft with a nuclear weapon.

>> No.5631227

if little green men try to invade the white house where do you drop the nuke? nukes are not defensive weapons.

>> No.5631230

shields. did you even watch independence day?

>> No.5631233

You attack their Mothership.
>Implying Shields aren't bullshit

>> No.5631236

Could humans 50,000 years ago think up any theoretical technology that could stop a club being bashed over your head?
If aliens ever did invade Earth, the technological difference between us and them would probably be far greater than just a mere 50,000 years.

>> No.5631237
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>nukes are not defensive weapons.
Au contraire.

>> No.5631238

Nuclear weapons are big to us; there is no reason to think they are big to an alien civ that can cross the stars.

>> No.5631240


>> No.5631241

EMP everywhere.

And we are back with AKs and bycicles.

>> No.5631243

A better question would be, if an interstellar civ tries to invade earth, their mother ship is somewhere in the asteroid belt, they are redirecting asteroids to impact large cities, can we do anything about it?

>> No.5631244

I think he meant that exploding such a weapon had consequences for the country using it;
not that people call the damn things 'defensive.'

>> No.5631245

Yes. Nuke the asteroids (or rather, the alien hardware being used to redirect them).

>> No.5631247

Well let's assume that they're invading because of us.

Because honestly, what other reason would you want earth? I'm sure you could get any resource we have elsewhere.

>> No.5631252
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>> No.5631249 [DELETED] 

an alien ship could liberate gases in a pressure as big as the H bomb creates. reactive armor works in a similar way, by exploding when hit by explosive devices.

it's hard to imagine a metal or any material strong enough to take such strong explosions, but it's easier to imagine one that could take the heat.

not to mention you don't NEED to take the explosion if you can deflect the missile, avoid it or explode it before it gets too close. if you have the technology to travel between stars, i'm sure you will have the technology to avoid/detect slow ass missiles

>> No.5631250

Big rock that not heavy

>> No.5631254

So we could theoretically kill them if we could hit them?

>> No.5631255

Maybe not humans particularly, but they could be interested in the planet because it can support life in general. At least, life as we know it.
If they need a similar living environment as us, they could just be clearing out the pests before colonization.

>> No.5631257

By destroying the planet with Asteroids?

>> No.5631260

Not the planet, just the brunt of the native resistance.

>> No.5631263

Pin-point attacks to wipe out the major nests, leaving the majority of the planet unscathed.

>> No.5631266

We still have a fuckton of underground bases and nuclear submarines.

>> No.5631272

Measuring technology by unit time is just stupid.

10 years now means more than a millenium used to.

>> No.5631277 [DELETED] 

if they have the energy to either bend space or travel so fast for so much time i'm sure they'd have energy enough to liberate gases that could equal the pressure of the H explosion and they certainly have alblative armor to take the heat... so probably not.

even if they can't take the H bomb, hitting them would probably be impossible, like trying to hit people with jetpacks with a club. they can avoid you easily. not to mention they will also attack.

>> No.5631287

we don't have any interplanetary missiles. if they stay out of earth's atmosphere there's no way we can attack them.

>> No.5631290 [DELETED] 

if aliens want to get the planet rid of humans, i'm sure they would use biological and political warfare. they'd make humans kill/capture other humans, cause pestilence, create religions, destroy/change our culture, maybe even trick us to make us go to other planet. this is how you wipe out civilizations. hitting things with things until everybody is dead is stupid.

>> No.5631294
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>Islam is an Alien plan to annihilate the human race

>> No.5631300

If anything, that just strengthens my intended argument.
My point is, the time it takes for a species to go from the emergence of intelligence to being able to travel the stars is a pittance compared to the timescale of the universe. The chances of two separate species (in relatively close proximity to each other) doing this at roughly the same time is so astronomically low it's not even worth considering. Any aliens that come around for a visit are most likely going to have had a massive head start on us technologically, and with the ever-increasing rate of technological growth the very nature of their technology would probably be incomprehensible to us. Any sufficiently advanced technology, etc etc

>> No.5631305

But doesn't there have to be a theoretical limit to what a species is capable of accomplishing?

>> No.5631306 [DELETED] 


europeans did that in all continents. christianism did the same islam did for many hundreds of years. look at the aztecs or incs.

biological warfare by handing out or selling cloth infected with small pox or mere colds, political warfare by helping smaller civilizations rebel against empires, hiring mercenaries, wololoing them to catholicism, substituting their culture by european culture so that way they would buy and work like europeans did.

aliens probably would do similar stuff if they ever want to control us. then maybe, MAYBE we'd slowly mix in their society over the years, maybe after hundreds of years and start to get our rights among them, some of them would pity us and join our cause and we'd create equal rights movements to defend human rights in the alien empire.

>> No.5631311

And European/Western civilization has been responsible for like 95% of all human accomplishment.

Don't be such a Cultural Marxist.

>> No.5631319

Why? Just as an early human tens of thousands of years ago couldn't even begin to imagine the knowledge and devices we have today, why can't there be truths, and ways to utilize them, that are far beyond our grasp currently? Why must there ever be a limit to this?
In my eyes, such a limit would imply complete Omniscience and Omnipotence, and I'd really rather not get into a discussion on that concept right now.

>> No.5631329 [DELETED] 

i never that, you are the faggot who got defensive.
but since you touched the subject, we would be MUCH more advanced if the spanish didn't touch the aztecs because they had enourmous scientific and math knowledge. not to mention arabs and chinese were hundreds of years ahead of europe for many centuries.

euroepans being responsible for most of modern scientific knowledge is a myth because only european history is teached in schools. that's another form of control, the aliens would probably make use of similar tricks.

>> No.5631331 [DELETED] 

i never said that*

>> No.5631340

>we would be MUCH more advanced if the Spanish didn't touch the aztecs
They were savages and their only accomplishments were in Astronomy and Architecture.

Bunch of fucked up human sacrificing cannibals if you ask me.

And we surpassed the Arabs and Chinese by far, we invented electricity, Calculus, Cars, Space travel, the assembly line, Computers, the Internet, all forms of Modern Medicine, 95% of all modern mathematics, Relativity, Newtonian mechanics, internal plumbing, air conditioning, and the Dildo.

Western civilization is so advanced that we were worship as gods by natives when we set up air bases in the pacific during WW2.

>> No.5631345

I can see only two outcomes if aliens ever came to earth: they are like Americans in Hiroshima&Nagasaki, or David Attenborough in Africa.

>> No.5631347 [DELETED] 

>Bunch of fucked up human sacrificing cannibals
the spanish did religious sacrifices too

>> No.5631351
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Sure they did.

>> No.5631353

>Impending counter argument
Alien race has potential to live for much longer than humans, with much less resources by being extremely efficient and conservative. This makes them extremely non-aggressive, and docile beings, which allowed them the ability to develop at such a stunning rate.

In the beginning of their societies space travel, they acknowledged this fact, and assembled a group of volunteers to set out across the stars, with supplies for self-sustenance, and a crew formulated for reproduction incase they didn't reach a civilization in their lifespan.

While their society has advanced for thousands of years past the general point we are at (Give or take a hundred years) their space craft has received none of this technology, for they are out foraging in space. They are roughly a few hundred years behind in the updates, because of the time it takes for the messages to go back and forth between their craft, and home planet.

They arrive on earth, peacefully and curious, thankful for having found a place to rest, refuel, and hopefully make an alliance with this planet and theirs, sharing their technology with us, and making the most ambitious space travel projects to date. From their, we extend our research, finding multiple other societies, creating a global space network, sending us all flying around the universe being buds.

.............Or we could just nuke 'em.

>> No.5631359

Pfft surface detonations on an asteroid wouldn't work. I've seen Armageddon.

>> No.5631363

is that a huge guy in the air wearing shorts shoving a stick up his ass?

>> No.5631380 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 2030x1189, Inquisition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what? london was a bunch of wood huts built around a campfire while most of middle east had paved and enlighted streets, commerce, medicine, math and another fuck load of shit

not sure if retard or pretending to be retarded

>> No.5631384

If we launched a nuke at their ship they would just intercept it. Then most likely destroy earth within seconds

>> No.5631400

>so what? london was a bunch of wood huts built around a campfire while most of middle east had paved and enlighted streets, commerce, medicine, math and another fuck load of shit
Doesn't matter
They decided that math was evil and we eventually become responsible for practically all of mankind's accomplishments.

Don't fool yourself, Apollo was a human accomplishment but it was a 100% western endeavor.

If the West was destroyed so would any hope for a bright future for humanity.

>> No.5631409

>If the West was destroyed so would any hope for a bright future for humanity.
Don't worry, we're very busy doing just that with all this multiculturalism.

>> No.5631412 [DELETED] 

>100% western endeavor
thanks to the math developed by arabs. try to navigate in the ocean without that

>arabs considered math evil

that sounds familiar! it sounds just as bad as considering ANY science evil and keep knowledge in secrecy for 500 years. i will give westernlings the credit for this one.

not to mention chinese were in america way before apollo
get your shit together

i will not even give myself the trouble of commenting the last retarded shit you spouted

>> No.5631415
File: 115 KB, 645x773, crying feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.

God I know.

>> No.5631416

>not to mention chinese were in america way before apollo

>> No.5631418 [DELETED] 

just the paypack of destroying the cultures and religions all around the world

>> No.5631433

cultural evolution!

>> No.5631434

Yes lets destroy the sole engine of human progress over petty revenge!

You would doom the future of the species?

>> No.5631439

>thanks to the math developed by arabs. try to navigate in the ocean without that
thanks to Einstein and American rockets we have GPS navigation

>> No.5631441 [DELETED] 


gay marriage and female rights aren't going to doom the future of the species m8
this is /sci/, not /pol/

>> No.5631444 [DELETED] 

which pretty much makes use of arabic numbers and theorems created by indians.

>> No.5631443

I'm talking about Multiculturalism, not gays and women.

>> No.5631445 [DELETED] 

>humanity is doomed because restaurants are serving kebabs

>> No.5631449

>arabic numbers
this post is written by Caesar because it uses latin alphabets.

>> No.5631451 [DELETED] 

>a better language doesn't help to develop solutions faster and better

try to make unreal engine using java, faggot

>> No.5631457

Humanity is doomed because the west is being flooded with backwards savages.

>> No.5631464

Thats close to the plot of Larry Niven's "Footfall". He wanted to write a realistic invasion story where we might win so he made the aliens idiots who got their tech from another race. Still they used the altitude advantage and just threw rocks at us.

>> No.5631623

>Because honestly, what other reason would you want earth? I'm sure you could get any resource we have elsewhere.

yes, except a few things mundane to us might not be so common:
trees and bushes, because lignin might not be common (great for those rough salads)
mammals (for various reasons, I figure reptiles, fish, and insects are more common)
birds (it's so specialized, I am figuring these are special)
photo ops (so much liquid water, weather, foliage, erosion)
our own cultural stuff, like architecture and cities

If aliens are curious, I would guess we have plenty that they would want to see.

>> No.5631643
File: 216 KB, 1170x626, dxd-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% western endeavor
thanks to the math developed by arabs. try to navigate in the ocean without that
You mean the "Arabic" numerals they "developed" that came from India?

>> No.5631667

i want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.5631677

Nuclear weaponry might be a deterrent although not in the way most people would like. If an interstellar civilization came all the way to invade Earth, chances are they want it habitable. An all out nuclear war kind of defeats that goal. While an alien civilization might at first expect that no rational species would ever nuke itself into oblivion, they'd quickly find out that humanity is anything but rational when it comes to war. We've already come within seconds of wiping out the entire planet over little political spats more times than anyone wants to know. If humans were faced with the option of being wiped out by aliens or wiped out by themselves while simultaneously denying the aliens full victory, they'd go with the latter option.

Hell, maybe that's why we haven't heard from any aliens yet.
>"Hey, so apparently those earthlings couldn't figure out whether or not detonating a nuclear bomb would ignite their atmosphere or not"
>"Yeah, that's a hard quandary to solve. No doubt they've got a century or two left before they run all the simulations needed to figure that one out."
>"Actually they just went ahead and detonated the bomb anyway almost immediately after finishing it"

>> No.5631679

Seems someone has been watching Independence day

>> No.5631763

West is doomed because idiots are given power.
generally white greedy ones

>> No.5631791

Aliens have many ways to destroy us before we even knew it.
>nukes, antimatter bombs, destroying our moon, turning our own nukes against us, raising sea levels, stopping sunlight from reaching earth, multi-strain viruses, artificial selection, methane gas release from oceans, time travel, ftl invasion

Military records have shown that nuke silos have had all of their nukes shut off simultaneously by UFOs. I don't think they really care about our nukes.

>> No.5631808
File: 51 KB, 550x421, that-might-just-be-crazy-enough-to-be-potato[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, when Aliens come, there will be nothing to invade.

>> No.5631815 [DELETED] 

>Military records have shown that nuke silos have had all of their nukes shut off simultaneously by UFOs

show me that fucking citation faggot or take your tinfoil hat off

>> No.5631834

and kennedy wasnt shot and 9/11 was an inside job, huh?

>> No.5631849

a vacuum bomb

>> No.5632010



>> No.5632043

There you go faggot

>> No.5632067

AT field. It's like none of you niggerfaggots even watched Eva.

>> No.5632080

I hate when people ask for evidence but never follow links to it.

That's public opinion in a nutshell for you.

>> No.5632106

There is no good reason to "invade" Earth. The distance between stars is so great that any civilization able to traverse the expanse would have more viable places to obtain resources than the crust of one algae covered rock. They might invade to wipe out humanity and preserve Earth's biodiversity, but that would be like the US Navy invading an island of tribal people because they are cutting down too many trees. That doesn't happen because we consider such cultures to be part of the ecosystem, even if they were destroying it.

>> No.5633427

oh shit yeah sprint missiles are boss
>at 14 feet above the pad, the missile was faster than a .45 caliber bullet
>after 5 seconds it had hit mach 10

>> No.5633622

yes because all aliens will kill themselves with nukes long before ever coming here

>> No.5633651

yeah but waht if they're just sorta assholes

>> No.5634033

The environment of space itself is so hazardous that any beings capable of successfully traversing it would most likely have the technology to counteract anything we could possibly throw at them, which includes nuclear weapons. Not to stray off the topic but any entity that could travel through space would probably have little interest in earth or its inhabitants and any actions they take against us would probably be under an "inhumane" mindset anyway. If an airplane runs over an ant upon its landing do the pilots or passengers feel guilty in any way? Did they even notice that they ran over an ant? Probably not.

>> No.5634047

If Aliens reach us, they already have passed through an immense amount of radiation and other poundings from space. An H-bomb will do literally nothing.

>> No.5634064

youre thinking too large.

alien technology would prevent the atoms from destabilizing there no boom. so now you have a missile. any force field could stop that. and now you have.... nothing

dont be silly with your spears and rocks OP

>> No.5634068

if they reach us, it'll only be because they would have shielded themselves from harmful radiation
>if they exist

>> No.5634075

I laffed
I laffed a lot

>> No.5634081

`You've been watching too much Yamato.

>> No.5634089

>How do into Zero is as a number
Babylonia, Arabs, both loved the Tigris and the Euphrates.

>> No.5634093
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>> No.5634104

Finally a response. It onyl took 12 hours but hey!

You people should click more links. The internet is a magical journey you guise!!

>> No.5634122

aliens are already here

>> No.5634137


Fry the circuitry and it becomes a radioactive paperweight. Even if the EMP triggers the explosives, the timing would be off and the fission stage wouldn't fuse properly.

>> No.5634210

no. yes. a remote detonator is far more dangerous than a nuke...

>> No.5634263

who needs aliens when we have psychopaths

>> No.5634292

At the moment, those nuclear weapons have to be delivered via relatively slow moving and easy to spot missile. An alien invasion force most certainly has appropriate point defenses to intercept any missile we throw at them before they get even close.

But maybe a Casaba Howitzer (nuclear shaped charge with a slap of tungsten in front turned into a star core hot beam of plasma with some 20-30 degree cone) could do it.

>> No.5634302

If aliens have the technology to come here, then I'm pretty sure our weapons would be inefficient against them

>> No.5634308

Technology? No.

Biology? Gordon Freeman.

>> No.5634350


oh /sci/ how funny you are. By using common logic you could narrow down all the possibilities.

First of all, if we ever got in a war against aliens, we lose. Simple as that. If they can achieve inter-stellar travel, then projecting a black-hole nuke towards our sun would be as easy as pissing on your two fingers. And that's it, we lose... we die. Or if they would wish to save the planet and kill us off, they could manufacture a virus that destroys human body cells and spreads insanely fast. Animals and other living things would be immune to that. Creating such thing is simple even if we think about that. But why go to war with aliens? If they would want us dead, we would be dead even before we know it. We couldn't even retaliate. If we simply send a nuke towards their mothership or something, the chance of it hitting would be 1/1000000, or even if it hits, it would be ineffective since the material for their spacecraft to survive harsh space conditions could even survive a nuke. They would probably feel a light shake and laugh at it.

Either way, aliens are here amongst us already, so they want to help us.. I highly doubt that they want to study us because if they are here, it means that they were here already and finished their studies... the chances of an advanced alien civilisation that can travel between stars, that studies our species and planet for nearly 2000 years or more is simply ridiculous... it would take them only few months to know completely everything about us.

Also I'd like to add one thing:
If aliens sort species by 4 levels, from good to bad, then we'd be the worst, if not, the worst of the worst. We'd be like a virus in their eyes, a virus that only devours things and does not bring any positive effects to the eco-system. And still, we are alive, here. It's because they realise, that eliminating us wouldn't change anything, the cosmos is vast... we are a bit of dust in the wind, our existence is meaningless.

>> No.5634356


There are immense numbers of habitable planets in our universe. Thinking that ''our planet Earth'' is special is simply stupid. Unless we have some ''type'' of resource that is very rare on other planets and aliens are harvesting it here. But then they could wipe us out and make their job easier, or they are ''white knights'', good guys that don't want to eliminate species only for their own good.

Anyone can discuss this subject for a long long time and we could only theorise about the possibilities, but one thing is for sure... if aliens ever turned out to be hostile, we would be gone before we know it.

Redirecting asteroids to our planet? why would they ever do that if they went hostile? It's like throwing rocks at worms.. entertains you in a sinister way.

>> No.5634363


oh one more thing... if they wanted to study us, our history and nature, they wouldn't even need to come to our planet. Our planet is a shining star, if you look at it from a radio wave spectrum. We are streaming our history, nature, documentary movies, showing how we live... they could simply sit back, somewhere in our solar system, or anywhere that is 100-120 light years away from our planet and simply watch our shows.

>> No.5634369


and by saying that, we can do the same thing. If we cant pick up their TV signals or broadcasts, it simply mean two things, either they don't use such thing as ''TV'', or they are WAAAAY to far away from our planet, thousands of light years away or even more... Talking about WOW signal

>> No.5634393

>100-120 light years away
>watch our shows.

>> No.5634455


We started broadcasting nearly 120 years ago, assuming they are 120 light years away, they would be able to see our first broadcasts. Ofc, they would realise that, but if you think about space & time, they could still be able to watch all of our 120 years worth of shows... that is, if they are able to travel to our planet in matter of hours/days, then intercepting radio waves that are 120 light years away would be easy... think about it

>> No.5634782 [DELETED] 



Radio signals degrade within few light years to the point of being indistinguishable from background noise. They will see absolutely nothing out of the ordinary boring noise.

> they could simply sit back
> simply watch our shows

That is simply bullshit led to believe by various documentaries when discussing about what humanity leaves behind (one being all the radio transmissions). While yes, they will keep going forever, holding the collective soul of mankind, but sadly nobody will ever tune in.

Stuff's argued more thoroughly over here

>> No.5634784


Radio signals degrade within few light years to the point of being indistinguishable from background noise. They will see absolutely nothing out of the ordinary boring noise.

> they could simply sit back
> simply watch our shows

That is simply bullshit led to believe by various documentaries when discussing about what humanity leaves behind (one being all the radio transmissions). While yes, they will keep going forever, holding the collective soul of mankind, but sadly nobody will ever tune in.

Stuff's argued more thoroughly over here

>> No.5634979

why does everyone think that aliens will be inherently superior to us?

>> No.5635036


Could we blow up the moon?

>> No.5635062


It is all compared to state of current development, which is practically non-existent when it comes to space infrastructure, therefore it is easy to assume that in MOST cases alien civilization capable of putting any meaningful effort in space conquest without economically dooming itself and or being spiraled into society crippling chaos in the process must be more advanced than ours by a very significant degree.

But these assumption are often somewhat down to earth and doesn't include a possibility of breakthrough in physics and technology that would suddenly open a universe for us. If it's assumed that our civilization as of now is only a mathematical proof away from practical FTL due to some revolutionary dickery of space time geometry, then aliens should not necessarily have to be more advanced than us (at least not to a any significant degree).

>> No.5635098

thats not how radio waves work

>> No.5635101

Yes. but we shouldn't.

>> No.5635107
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Just.... just stop... please

>> No.5635122
File: 3 KB, 130x130, sad_clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never be visited by aliens.

Matter is neither created or destroyed in the universe in any substantial way, unless it is in the crucible of a star. So, barring a civilization escaping a super nova, there is no reason any life form would leave a solar system that spawned it. All the energy and matter necessary to create and sustain the civilization is abundantly present in their home system.
Add to that the vast distances, energy requirements, and the second law of thermodynamics - and the lack of star systems going supernova near us - and the conclusion is clear.
For all intents and purposes, we are alone.

>> No.5635132

Holy shit you're a special kind of retarded. So fucking clueless of how clueless you are.
>oh /sci/ how funny you are. By using common logic you could narrow down all the possibilities.
>sit back and watch our shows 120 light years away.

Oh god my sides

>> No.5635273

>Germans I'd say

>> No.5635326

We can already shoot down mortars from the sky at about .5 to 1.5 km. We can shoot down several missiles easily, assuming the system is in place.

The aliens would shoot down the delivery rocket with a laser before it manages to be halfway out of the silo.

You don't need to get more complicated than that:

>> No.5635342

Thank god some of the people here have a brain. Was wondering why no one had mentioned this yet.

>> No.5635812

then why are we as a species attempting to probe beyond the solar system? all the resources we need are here, so why travel out?
>oh wait, this is /sci/

>> No.5636313

Implying they couldn't hold up another club to block it?

>> No.5636340

Well any beings capable of traversing interstellar distances can almost certainly intercept, electronically jam or even simply dodge our tiny slow moving missiles. Not to mention most nukes are designed to hit cities and other stationary targets on land not things moving in space at thousands of miles per hour.

>> No.5636358

I'm assuming the vessels used by actual aliens were created with materials and construction meant to withstand all manner of physical phenomena and temperatures in the universe. I'm sure they would be unaffected by a nuclear explosion.

>> No.5636361

>Can you guys even think of a theoretical technology that could stop an H-bomb?

patriot missiles, interceptors in general.

they're not very reliable but, it's the best we can do.

>> No.5636447

this entire thread
>Implying we know anything about E.T.s