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5624375 No.5624375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does pussy smell and taste like?

My female friend said that it's like the sweetest honey. Is this true? (she wouldn't let me confirm) Please answer, thank you.

>> No.5624377

Salty milk and coins.

>> No.5624382


tastes like trout to me

what kind of coins?

>> No.5624383

tastes like a bag of shrimp that's been sitting on the floor of your bathroom for a week and a half

>> No.5624388

Salty pennies.
Stop shitposting on every board.

>> No.5624391

> work safe board

>> No.5624400

lick your forearm and leave it for half a minute. Then smell.

>> No.5624442

Tastes weakly acidic and smells musky and a little fishy.
Kind of like salty milk and coins

>> No.5624485

That's actually quite accurate. Just not stong enough. When I get my girl really going i can smell her while we make out

>> No.5624492

Your female friend sounds stupid.

It can smell like a bunch of things, I guess, but at best, after it's cleaned and without fragrances, it smells slightly like copper or salt water or something, or hopefully nothing at all.

I hear a lot of girls don't clean themselves though. You do have to shower a lot if you're going to be having sex every day with people who don't want to associate your company with the smell of dead shrimp.

>> No.5624493


candida smells like cheese

>> No.5624497

it depends

I guess on air flow and shit, idk

>> No.5624520

Depends when they last cleaned themselves.

Usually just a bit "musky", it's really hard to describe, but salty milk and coins is not accurate (it just sounds funny).

Next time you have a wank, smell your jizz, it kind of tastes like the smell (musky).

>> No.5624521
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>mfw you guys actualy found an accurate description for it

I always wondered how to describe it, but this is pretty accurate.

Saying it tastes like honey is bullshit

>> No.5624529

Also it tastes fleshy, think about licking a raw piece of meet, kinda the only way to describe it

>> No.5624532


>> No.5624543

It is a qualia and can not be described.

>> No.5624625

lol wtf.

it doesnt taste like coins. it doesnt taste like shrimp. it doesnt taste like fish of any kind. depending on the last time she cleaned herself it will probably smell different but taste? probably would take a bit longer to alter that aspect of the vagina.

it tastes kinda salty. you get over it after about a minute. no milk (wtf?) no coins (who's pussy have you been licking?)

>> No.5624629

And this is why I have her shower before I eat her out.

>> No.5624808

>mods delete my psychology thread in 3 minutes
>this is up for two days