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File: 218 KB, 1013x1500, primer_movie_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5623505 No.5623505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know of some good intellectual mind-fuck movies for the "thinking man"?

Pic Related

>> No.5623510
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I'm pretty sure there was a thread the other day, but I didn't catch all of them.

I heard that 12 Monkies was good. Same with Being John Malkovich and Memento.

Any others?

>> No.5623511


shutter island

>> No.5623518


inception is trash

>> No.5623515


>> No.5623527

What next, you're going to tell me transformers 2 and a-and Spiderman 3 were trash?

>> No.5623531

and I was sort of looking for more uncommon movies.
everyone has seen inception.
But I haven't heard of primer or memento until recently.

>> No.5623534



nobody every talks about that movie

>> No.5623535

shutter island is just stupid

>> No.5623537


it's like inception, but better and with tom hanks

>> No.5623538

Well spiderman 3 was 10/10 and watch requiem of a dream if you havent

>> No.5623544


>> No.5623554


>> No.5623553

tom hanks isn't in shutter island.
and spider man 3 is not a mindfuck, but I appreciate your opinion.

>> No.5623558
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Cereffe baptised

>> No.5623561

>Cereffe baptised

>> No.5623565

Ghost in the Shell, watch that shit.

>> No.5623580


>> No.5623598

I haven't really been a fan of anime or manga
but does this stand out above the rest? Is it truly superb?

>> No.5623604


it lightly touches on some fundamental philosophical questions

nothing too crazy though

>> No.5623609

Total Recall, the one with Ahnold in it most of the science in it is pretty bunk though unless it's all just what Ahnold is incorrectly is imagining....

>> No.5623613

Will vouche for:

Pi *
Memento *

Other Cool movies:

Requiem of a Dream
Leaving Las Vegas
Source Code
V for Vendetta

>> No.5623631

you're trash

>> No.5623640
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>> No.5623641
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Really want a movie that makes you sit back, stare at the screen, and just think?

Makes you just watch the credits crawl by as the sensation washes over you?

Oz the Great and Powerful. I shit you not. If you understand the "second level" of the story, it will become incredibly beautiful and powerful.

Here's the secret: the land of Oz is not just a mystical world somewhere; the land of Oz is the MIND of Oz, and everything that that entails. Characters are representations of different forces (Serenity, the Heart, Dread) and the way they communicate with each other is symbolic of the way these psychological forces interact in the mind.

It is a colossal epic chronicle of what it means to be a Creator of your own mind, what "magic" really is, and the wondrous enigma that is the human mind.

>> No.5623724


I think you're an aspiring english teacher and looking too much in to it.

>> No.5623854

I like that movie - I got to see it performed with Glass; it was pretty neat.

I really love Bergman, especially Fanny and Alexander, but Seventh Seal is much shorter and easier to 'get into'. Alain Renais has some good things, but some people don't like the french douchebags. Apocalypse Now has quite a bit going on in it that I'd say deserves some 'thinking'.

Inception was really silly. Pi has little to actually do with math. I though the Fountain was good, but maybe not.

>> No.5623874

I think someone has been smoking too much weed

Almost as bad as those people who believe the original one synced up with a song

>> No.5623872

>how do i into analysis

>> No.5623880

>Almost as bad as those people who believe the original one synced up with a song
>confirms that he never even tried

It syncs perfectly. You're the fucking shit acting like some faggot pothead.

>> No.5623934

>"Anon, what do you think this part meant?"
>"You know what? I don't care what it 'means' and I don't think it really means anything"

fuck english teachers and their 'deeper meanings'

>> No.5623939
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>analytical and critical thought is hard, everyone who uses it must be faggots

>> No.5623943
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>> No.5623947

I feel there is little self criticism in english classes. You write what makes you appear insightful.

>> No.5624005

Go watch Moon. Great sci-fi-esque movie

>> No.5624018

The Science of Sleep
Eternal Sunshine
uh what other gassy gay shit,
Amelie (cute, interesting)
Vanilla Sky

>> No.5624015

>fuck english teachers and their 'deeper meanings'
I like this part.

>> No.5624066


Any idea where to watch it? Or download it?

>> No.5624070


You'll like like it OP.

Or really hate it depending how anally retentive you are.

>> No.5624072

Is that the one with that 30 seconds to mars singer?

>> No.5624075

Ghost in the Shell
Blade Runner
Enemy Mine
Star Trek II
Clockwork Orange
Metropolis (1927)
The Man in the White Suit
The Day After (not to be confused with The Day After Tomorrow)
THX 1138
The Iron Giant
Soylent Green
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Dr Strangelove
The Fly (1958)

>> No.5624076

+Alphaville (I guess someone else on /sci/ does like the french douchebags neat!)

>> No.5624106

I watched this movie called love on Netflix the other night half drunk, craziest fucking shit ever I highly recommend it

>> No.5624125



doesn't excuse how godawful some of the acting was, though

>> No.5624239

Yep. Jared Letto. I kinda like him.

I stil don't get Primer. Am I stupid?

>> No.5624253

"Stay" with Gosling and McGregor.

Every single person I know who watched it had a different interpretation of it.

It's basically a psychadelic drama about a student who tells his psychiatrist that he's gonna kill himself in the next three days. The way it's put together + one of the best soundtracks ever makes it one of my favourites.

>> No.5624254
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dat cold war tension


>> No.5624264
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>> No.5624270

in a nutshell.

>> No.5624275

watch the movie not the anime, the anime is weaboo trash.
And watch only the first movie (from the 90s).

>> No.5624337

Mind Fuck movie?

Hell Driver

>> No.5624829

Todd H.'s "Safe" too

>> No.5624867

>surprised none of you fags said this already

>> No.5624918

Inland Empire

>> No.5624923

>Avatar:The last air bender

your mind can't get more fucked than that

>> No.5624973

>great sci-fi

>> No.5625178

If by "mind-fuck" you mean sitting there thinking "Could M Knight Shaamalalamalamalalalalslamander actually fuck over my child hood any more than this?". Then yes. I would agree.

>> No.5625200
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>> No.5625216

'The holy mountain' and 'holy motors'

The fact that they both contain holy is a coincidence.

>pi is good

And that's when I found out you're full of shit.

>> No.5625275

The prestige (quite normal mindblow movie),
Through the wormhole (makes my brain feel sharp),
Life of Pi (quite deep movie, req. some wisdom)

>> No.5625439

2001: A Space Odyssey
The Cube
The Man From Earth
The Quite Earth

You might also consider to watch:
Butterfly Effect
The Lazarus Project

>> No.5625783

You can't be this nigger can you guys? Try The box, man. The box.

>> No.5625786


that movie sucked

>> No.5625795

this movie is a perfect example why we should abolish the gamma desolators from public school and add the new and enchanced version in which they are signified.

>> No.5625836

2001, A Space Odyssey
That is literally all I can think of. I don't watch too many movies. I was about to put Cube 2: Hypercube, but that's probably not the kind of "thinking" that you want.

>> No.5625843
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End of Evangelion.

inb4 infantile

>> No.5625871

I was going to mention this, but I was afraid of being called a faggot on an anonymous image board. You have to watch the series first, though, or else it's a bunch of random shit happening for no reason. Okay, it's still of bunch of random shit happening for no reason, but it's better than the series' end, at least.

>> No.5625884
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it goes

>> No.5625900

Usually on my top list of mind fuckery movies:

-The Fountain
>Pi is a great movie, but it's not a complete mind fuck.
>Not bad, but nice subtle plot twisting along the way.
-Solaris (2002)
>George Clooney...no I'm not crazy, shit is warped liked hell.
>Well it's more action oriented, but damn it I didn't expect that ending.

>> No.5625905


The problem I have with most of these movies is the fact they aren't a mind fuck. They are good movies, but for most of them the plot is laid out pretty well half way through the movie. There is little plot twist, and if there is one you can see it coming.

Obviously there are a few exceptions on the list, but a lot of them are good movies anyone should watch, just not what I'd pickout when someone asks for their mind to be blown.

>> No.5626819

Pandorum - this! Most people I know think it's rubbish, but I really enjoyed it.

>> No.5626833
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>conversation film
>fairly hard sci-fi

About a man who claims to be 14,000 years old and his life.

>> No.5626835
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Haters gonna hate. I adored this movie.

>> No.5626836
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>> No.5626837
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Basically the Tibetan Book of the Dead told through a DMT filter in modern Tokyo.

>dem opening titles

>> No.5626840

Check out a Russian movie called Avalon that will make you think. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0267287/

>> No.5626870

haven't seen it yet so I'll hold judgement

>> No.5626873

It's getting 50% averages because everyone's giving it 100% or 0% (give or take). Very polarised.

>> No.5626875

sounds like the tree of life

>> No.5626876
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>> No.5626877

Nice. I was going off this:

>The film currently holds a Metacritic score of 55 out of 100

>> No.5626918

Pandorum is a fun movie, but I think It's more of a scifi horror movie than a mindfuck movie.

>> No.5626953

Shutter island was pretty nice
I watched it 3 times and understood it differently each time

>> No.5626959


I really like the 'questionning' in this movie

>> No.5626960

>The Man From Earth


>> No.5629354

just watched paprika

thanks for the advice

>> No.5629369

if i had some weed watching that movie...Jesus

>> No.5629382

OP is everything that's wrong with the world

>> No.5629488

They're movies that bring up a lot of ideas for you to think about. Having an unexpected plot twist doesn't make a film deep and intellectual. Shyamalan's movies would be the most brilliant things ever if that were true.

From the opening act you can figure out Soylent Green is people. That doesn't matter. The film makes you think about heavy issues. Assisted suicide, the value of life, dehumanization, what you would be willing to do to survive in such a situation, etc.

>> No.5629510

My first time watching it I was high out of my mind. It was possibly the most confusing thing I've tried to understand.

>> No.5629516


First time I watched Paprika I was on loads of 2c-p

shit was amazing

>> No.5629561

The thing that bugged me the most about primer was how they got in and out of the boxes, because if they get in the box, they'd have to collide with themselves. Let's say you go back in time and get out of the box, when you open the box to get out, you would occupy the same space you were occupying "before" in your own personal timeline because you had just flipped your direction of time.

I stopped worrying about this when I realized that there was actually no time travel in Primer and it was all a plan to sleep with that one dude's wife, and the hand shaking was a side effect of psychoactive drugs that caused the guy to not realize how fucking retarded it was.

>> No.5629578

2001: A Space Odyssey.
More like philosophy, but...

>> No.5629624

Agree with Pi (or any Aronophsky film really) and most the other films mention

surprised I haven't seen A Beautiful Mind recommended. Personally I would also recommend Mulholland drive, it's not very sciency and probably to artsy for /sci/s tastes but does provoke a lot of thought...

>> No.5629643

The Fountain by Aronophsky

>> No.5629715
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event horizon

1997, babies wont have seen it..

>> No.5629740

What's the one with the guy who claims he's an alien but his therapist doesn't believe him?

>> No.5629750

Pretty sure its k-pax with Kevin spacey and Jeff bridges

>> No.5629752


Ok, Dr. Weir...You don't want to leave your ship? *CLICK* *CLICK* You never will!

>> No.5629780

> the wall

>> No.5629781

Oh god I watched that far too young. Was 12 when it came out on VHS and it genuinely terrified me.

>> No.5629796

Mindwalk. Not sure if meet your definition of "mind-fuck," but good though.

>> No.5629801

Anything with Woody Allen,
Mr. Nobody,
The Fountain

>> No.5629813

I loved that movie.
I found out after watcing, that if you skip every other scene, its a normal-ish kinda story

>> No.5629855

La double vie de Véronique

>> No.5629926

good movie, The Usual Suspects is really good too

>> No.5629934


> Stalker
my nigga

I would also reccomend La Jetee.
Easily my favorite move of all time, but it is a french film, and the story is the main attraction so I'd suggest you read the english transcript before watching.

>> No.5629971

YESSS. This movie makes you look at life very differently. More philosophical than scientific, but that's right up my alley.

>> No.5629994

Oh god yes. I watched Evangelion for the first time about 6 months ago. You could tell they ran out of budget on the last two episodes. Is the stuff that came out after end of evangelion any good?

>> No.5629998

I swear Gaspar Neo has something against epileptics.

>> No.5630001

Whoops, meant Noe.

>> No.5630002

The Wall.

>> No.5630011

For the last time 0.999...=1

>> No.5630032

>that based hugo weaving
>based tom hanks
>based keith david
>everyone getting those funny ass chinky prosthetics
I fucking loved this movie

>> No.5630034

you're right

>> No.5630086

Bump, I like this thread.

>> No.5630108

Thanks man.

>> No.5630124

Why? Can you prove it?

>> No.5630148

Waking Life

>Great intellectual movie about life and lucid dreaming, very interesting stuff

>> No.5630182

Primer was not an 'intellectual mind-fuck', it just suffered from a chronic lack of exposition. A movie where 95% of the supposed events do not even take place during the actual film needs work.

>> No.5630189

No Country For Old Men. It's much more thought provoking than most of the films mentioned.

>> No.5630197

stalker as in the russian film which was based on roadside picnic? Ey, very good film, must admit I only know about it because of the game, love the game and discovered the movie, which in turn lead me to discover roadside picnic.

>> No.5630697


>> No.5631475
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This movie for new material.

>> No.5631503

>district 9
>star trek shit movie

this isn't even funny

>> No.5631510

Anything by Satoshi Kon.

>> No.5631511

anyone have the picture of the future niggers growing hydroponic watermelon? I laughed my fuckin ass off

>muh phalus

>> No.5631530

all of noe's work is essentially braindead

>> No.5631582

A total mind fuck... The Sixth Sense

>> No.5631678

I just watched Primer, and I had a bit of trouble following it. I think I understand, but I'm unsure. His doubles made doubles of themselves?

>> No.5631681

>watch the movie not the anime, the anime is weaboo trash.
And watch only the first movie (from the 90s).

It's not weeaboo trash you worthless piece of shit.

You are right about only watching the original move though. The anime, not the live action, the live action sucks,

>> No.5631683


How the fuck did that post fuck up so bad.

>> No.5631686

>I think I understand

pick one

>> No.5631687


horrible, just horrible

>> No.5631691
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Yes. It sort of makes sense, instead of just

>> No.5631692


Can you explain Shutter Island, not planning on watching it anyway since I'm kind of a pussy.

>> No.5631694

leonardo dicaprio was crazy all along

>> No.5631697


Life must be boring to live like that. I for one love movies with deeper meanings, even better when you actually have to look for them.

>> No.5631703

or was he?

>> No.5631709

He dreamed of the Titanic, and at the end of that movie, he drifted into the ocean. He woke up on a shore at the beginning of Inception.

>> No.5631710

Sorry, I thought this was a science and math board for a second, not a board for discussing inane ways of wasting time.

>> No.5631724

Logic puzzles are math.

>> No.5631728

Ralph Emerson - The American Scholar.

Read in contrast, Man Thinking and thinking man.

>> No.5631818

Not a film, but close
Contrary to the "controversy", I found the ending to Mass Effect 3 to be extremely thought provoking. It does require quite a lot of analysis in terms of the themes present in all the games. Once you understand the ending, your mind will be blowen