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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5621220 No.5621220 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a computer science major. I used to love math but now that I've taken Calc 3 and am in DiffEq I really just don't give a shit anymore.

I have A's in all my calc classes and in DiffEq right now but just fucking doing it is so boring anymore. I'm looking at this harmonic motion shit and all I can think is "please fuck off."

I love programming and I love math to an extent but math alone cannot be all I ever do. Am I in the wrong major, or am I pretty much in the clear if I've survived this far in math so far?

>> No.5621222

DiffEq is just where stuff starts to get fun. If you can't be assed to have fun past baby math, maybe you don't love math.

Or you could have a shitty professor.

>> No.5621225

No. It's the exact opposite of fun. Even though Calc 1-3 related to physics, you could most ignore it. DiffEq has been nothing but physics and I fucking hate it

>> No.5621232

My CS program didn't even require Calc 3 or DiffEq, but I took them for my physics minor.
I'm guessing that's as much math as you'll need.

>> No.5621260

My CS program required Calc 3, and I took DiffEq for a Math minor. The only math heavy CS course was Analysis of Algorithms. There shouldn't be too much math other than that.

>> No.5621291

is you're a CS major and want to pursue programming... definitely beneficial to get a math minor (at least) in regards to finding programming jobs...

while that doesn't neccesarily apply to your question... i was only 2 classes away from my math minor at the time and said "fuck it"... i could go back (i'm 28) but i'd be rusty as hell (current graphics programmer)

>> No.5621293

>computer science major
>>>/lgbt/ is that way

>> No.5621295

and yet retards claim cs is mathy

>> No.5621430

OP confirmed for massive faggot.
ODEs have nothing to do with comp sci. You can have a great programming career and never see an ODE.

>> No.5621444

I was thinking the exact same about computer science. I'm in combinatorics and we're going over algorithms, quadratic/exponential/linear times, and other computer shit and I really don't know what the fuck is going on. I'm sure it's easy to you, but loops can fuck off.

>> No.5621560

>taking a diff eq class for your comp sci major

you could have killed two birds with one stone by taking a more theoretical math class. more interesting, more applicable to computer science.

>> No.5621572

Comp Sci majors usually have to take some sort of Numerical Analysis course in their junior or senior year, and you have to understand the concepts they cover in that before you take the course (finding roots, solving systems of ode's, numerical integration, etc..)

>> No.5621648

In every UC/CSU school that is an elective that is not required. For those CS types that like math it is a very interesting subject. But you would never need the stuff for 99% of CS jobs.

>> No.5621664

You might consider laboring towards a cultivation an experienced sense of mystique, wonder and curiosity. It doesn't have to be in relation to specifically the 'harmonic motion shit' but really general principles such as the potential for math to be platonic information.

By cultivating what Einstein called the "religious sense arising from the experience of all things", one can easily obtain and work with necessary, but possibly boring, particulars if one can stay rooted in paying mind to the interpenetration with the all encompassing mystique of existence.

If after truly efforting to bring this to fruit, and still a bad yield and soil, then consider switching.