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File: 32 KB, 490x392, high salaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5618054 No.5618054 [Reply] [Original]

>lower bar = average starting salary of someone w/ a major in that field
>higher bar = average salary of someone w/ a major in that specific field.

So, where do you fit in /sci/

>> No.5618093

>Ph.D in Math
>any job I want
>300k Starting

>> No.5618102

What do people usually do with just a BS in physics?

>> No.5618101

>dis nigga dont know bout dat engineer bubble

>> No.5618107


>> No.5618114

what engineer bubble

>> No.5618110

make the tea

>> No.5618121

some sort of engineering

>> No.5618134

Presumably with lower pay than engineers?
So studying physics only at undergrad is essentially useless right?

>> No.5618131
File: 7 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot nuclear engineering

>> No.5618135

>economics (and finance and accounting)
>top 50 university
>3.8 GPA
>internships every year
>graduated in 2009

Worked in a call center with $35,000 starting.

>> No.5618141

>Presumably with lower pay than engineers?
well yes, as per the image

>> No.5618143

guess you were just unlucky. What is your current situation? Also, what uni did you go to?

>> No.5618150
File: 60 KB, 720x960, zfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my engineering ring today.
>mechanical engineering
>got a job in Alberta in oil industry
>75K starting

>> No.5618166

it's an idea that engineering right now is at it's peak
>low umemployment rate
>high salary

but as time goes by, more and more people become engineers, and that "engineering bubble" gets bigger, and some time in the future it will burst, and having a degree in engineering will be useless, since a lot of people will have a degree

>> No.5618170

I considered engineering just for the ring but that's obviously a terrible reason to do it.

>> No.5618176
File: 92 KB, 556x700, 1308350903170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking no one came to campus, no one. Like people came offering customer service jobs. I later got some good interviews with Schneider Electric and another company through connections.

>get flown in
>excellent hotel
>free dinner
>cover all your expenses
>everyone treats you like you are a valuable potential asset, not someone begging for a job
>starting salaries are 60,000+

I didn't get the jobs though, because (in my mind) everyone there had better connections - like literally their mom's best friend was interviewing (talked to them at the hotel).

I got part 2 of my CFA (bitch of an exam, much worse than CPA), and Series 7, Series 63 licenses. Analyst job applications still being utterly ignored.

I started day trading currencies with a friend at work. I then quit my job over a year ago. Now I do random shit and am trying to "make it big." I know 22 year old kids that are way less qualified than me making $120,000, another is making $80,000.

Can't even begin to tell you how bitter I am.

>> No.5618184

You have feminine hands.

>> No.5618185


It's a bad degree to have these days, no employer wants someone who maths that applies to nothing.

An engineer can do the same maths, a mathematician can do

>> No.5618195


>> No.5618191

>but as time goes by, more and more people become engineers

when are you expecting this to happen? almost no one wants to become an engineer which is why everyone is shitting a brick trying to pump money into STEM education and encourage more people to become engineers

>> No.5618192

how would you like my feminine hand punching your feminine face?

>> No.5618199

You realise that 300k is just a joke?

>> No.5618196


Oh, and it's not like I am some fat neckbeard with no job experience. Can dress well, can talk to people, am fit, have been working since I was 15, etc.

bitter as fuck / 10 - considered the military, considered going back for aerospace engineering which I switched out of my first year because I was working a shitload. Probably just going to do a master's in QA because money.


Not fully correct - they are hard majors, really might not burst as hard as law did.

>> No.5618204

Do you realise that I was just joking?

>> No.5618207

probably it will never burst since our society is becoming more and more technological, and we need more and more engineers who can take us forward

>> No.5618211

>An engineer can do the same maths, a mathematician can do

This is what fat beta neckbeard engineers actually believe.

>> No.5618216

>anything other than fat beta neckbeards

>> No.5618217

back to the original question
what did you major in:
starting salary:
current salary:

>> No.5618222

That's not how a bubble works.
Also, the world will never have too much engineers.

>> No.5618233

Computer Engineering master race.

>> No.5618237

Very much. ;)

>> No.5618243

>yet American engineers are considered shit tier and private companies love bringing in engineers from foreign countries

>> No.5618244

>Computer engineering
>master race

more like electrical engineering - easy mode

>> No.5618250

That's not a problem with engineers per se, it's more of a problem with (American) engineering degrees.

>> No.5618248

How about no?

>> No.5618254


No, it's more a problem with companies wanting cheaper labor.

>> No.5618257

anyone on /sci/ doing environmental engineering?

I was interested in it for a while but haven't really looked into it.

>> No.5618267

And who exactly do you think is paying that high salary you want? Don't forget that data includes those foreign engineers employed over you.

>> No.5618282

Engineering is good if you are ugly, nerdy, or have a stupid accent. That is why so many dorks are in STEM; they need the degree to validate them. Now if you look like Leo Di Caprio and go to Harvard then you can major in whatever you want.

I am an EE for my city government. Very boring but decent job but we are some really beta ugly dudes. I see only ugly females and usually once a week. When we had to do some work in Century Cit(LA) where lots of movie/tv stuff is located I was shocked to see so many tall hot high class women walking around.

>> No.5618289

Companies wanting cheaper labor is not a problem.
Paying for a school that won't teach you anything useful is.
Also, if a (good) engineer finds that no company proposes him a good salary, nothing stops him from starting his own.

>> No.5618301

>nothing stops him from starting his own.

dude what? do you honestly believe people will just throw money at you to start your own business?

>> No.5618309

>What are investors?
If you have a good idea and a good business plan, you'll find people to put money in your company.

>> No.5618316

>nothing stops him from starting his own.



haha, do you even know how venture capital works?

>ib4 "kickstarter."

I am: >>5618135, >>5618176

>> No.5618317

telecommunications here

80k starting get on my level

hardest discipline in EE

>> No.5618325

>hurr just get investors

it doesn't really work like that

>> No.5618328

is that where you sit by a phone, and call people all day selling stuff to them?

>> No.5618340

no that's BA: telecommunications

>> No.5618341

no, they email people now.

>> No.5618342

>do you even know how venture capital works?
Yeah, that's actually what I was referring to.
Do you know how venture capital works?

>hurr just get investors
Don't misquote me.

>it doesn't really work like that
Tell this to all successful companies that got money from VCs

>> No.5618355

>Do you know how venture capital works?

Yes, I do - I have three business degrees and looked into it heavily independently.

Here is how it works:

1. You get started on your own.
2. You write a convoluted-ass business-plan.
3. You invest your money to build a working example.
4. You sign on to a bunch of conditions.
5. If you start doing poorly, they force you to sell out and take all your assets.
6. If you make it, you get maybe 20-30% of your company, at the very, very best. You also aren't the majority shareholder.

>Tell this to all successful companies that got money from VCs

Yea, I will be sure to tell that Harvard graduate whose idea was "gourmet food" delivery on the internet. I will also tell my friend's brother who got venture capital because his dad is a doctor from a family of doctors and has connections.

If you have never tried to run a business, you have NO idea how difficult it is. Try reading a book on opening an LLC some time. Not just how to form one, but what kind of legal protection it offers / how the taxation work. All I can say is "good fucking luck."

>> No.5618352

>Paying for a school that won't teach you anything useful is.

You don't use 90% of what you learn in engineering undergrad.

>nothing stops him from starting his own.
Your lack of real world experience is really starting to show now.

>> No.5618370

you may not use it but you will appreciate it.

source: some study done by an EE magazine.

>> No.5618368
File: 2.35 MB, 390x330, 1361764067840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have three business degrees

>> No.5618373


I just admitted I made $35,000 to start in this thread.

>> No.5618399

>implying I ever stated it was easy
>implying I ever said it always worked.

>You sign on to a bunch of conditions.
Yeah I know, like not being to sell your shares for one year or more.
>If you start doing poorly, they force you to sell out and take all your assets
No shit, if your company doesn't make any money, why would you even want to continue working in it?
>If you make it, you get maybe 20-30% of your company, at the very, very best.
That's not a problem. You're still the one winning in the end, you converted your IP into tangible assets, and usually end up with more than your own initial investment (when it succeeds)
>You also aren't the majority shareholder.
Not really a problem either, shares don't equate with how much votes you get on the board (if that's your concern)

>I will be sure to tell that Harvard graduate whose idea was "gourmet food" delivery on the Internet
Bad idea was bad, no wonder it failed.

>I will also tell my friend's brother who got venture capital because his dad is a doctor from a family of doctors and has connections
Having an easy access to capital is one thing and it makes thing easier, but it is not decisive for success.

>All I can say is "good fucking luck."
Thanks, I am aware that start-ups usually succeed in one or two case out of 10. However, the chances of success for people who don't try is 0, so if I ever find a good idea, I'll take my chances.

>> No.5618408


My main point is that venture capital is actually incredibly hard to get. That was the point with the examples - they were shit, but people who knew people got capital anyway. A lot of people with great ideas don't.

>> No.5618435

>A lot of people with great ideas don't.
I know.

My point was that if anyone was more likely to succeed in starting a company, it's an engineer.
Provided he is not too socially retarded to speak in front of ten investors...

>> No.5618459

hah idunno about that

i know quite a few engineering profs who have had failed business ventures.

>> No.5618467


I find that professors are generally pussies / idiots, or both. I am the finance guys.

Go to gym with an econ prof. He knew I was a broker, so he had this idea about buying european bonds and doing an interest rate swap. It's some theory shit that everyone does in practice. But he thought it was sooo original because it's deep in theory.

>> No.5618484

>(really just Computer Science)

>100K base starting
>35K/yr in stock, 15K yearly bonus, and 20K signing bonus

The 1.5K/mo rent for 1 bedroom in a shared apartment puts a damper on it though

>> No.5618488

Computer Science with Psychology BsC as a dual degree. I want to get into UX design, HCI and investigating neuromarketing.

>> No.5618518

100k and you can't afford decent place?

>> No.5618521

You're getting ripped the fuck off with that rent.
What city?

>> No.5618534

San Francisco. I could save by living outside the city, but where's the fun in that? I'm still saving more than half my income.

>> No.5618587

I guess it's not so bad then.
You'd never see those prices where I live though.

>> No.5618656

you probably wouldn't get that much paid either

>> No.5618685

Can someone explain why Mining Engineering isn't at the top of that list?

Those kids have like 90k salaries as soon as they graduate.

>> No.5618840


>> No.5618849

>Deviation of about $15k

How does that matter, $85k and $100k are practically the same.

>> No.5618903

Go read this to see what happens to geeks when they go against the head of a record label.


>> No.5619039

They deserved it; beats suck ass anyway

>> No.5619117

>graduating in 2009, height of the recession
that sucks man

>> No.5619142

>if anyone was more likely to succeed in starting a company, it's an engineer.
That sounds like wishful thinking
>"please guys, I'm an engineer so they must be the best at starting companies"

I would think people who have business experience (experience, not a business degree) would be most successful. As for younger people, think of all the startups, those people are comp sci not engineers.

>> No.5619159

>mfw economics makes more than several engineering majors and the classes involve sitting around memorizing extremely simple principles and doing elementary algebra with no homework
such a fucking joke, ive gotten high before every single lecture and exam for one of my econ classes once and still gotten an A, meanwhile im struggling to get a B in analysis (double major with math, otherwise id be done after calc 2)

>> No.5619165

Yes, I'm doing environmental engineering. I'm in my second year of PhD. What would you like to know?

>> No.5619168

Econ majors are actually getting jobs?
Doing what?

You can't get hired to do something that you've never done before, and with econ you haven't done anything! No basic accounting, VERY limited math, a lot of useless intellectual diarrhea

>> No.5619568


One of the largest funds run by an econ and a psychology grad. These guys convince people to invest millions of dollars in their funds; their words carry much weight.

Where do you think one acquires these skills? Not by sitting in front of a computer typing C++ code.