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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5615554 No.5615554 [Reply] [Original]

Make your case for a replacement for the base 10 numeral system.

I vote base 6.

>> No.5615557

Base 12

>> No.5615566

I'm already fairly comfortable with base 16.

>> No.5615572 [DELETED] 

All bases are base 10, faggots.

>> No.5615575

base e

>> No.5615576

Base 9000

>> No.5615578

Base 5, because it's easier.

>> No.5615585 [DELETED] 

base 10 with exactly 10 symbols:


>> No.5615587

what about every base larger than base 10

>> No.5615591 [DELETED] 


>> No.5615597
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Base 12 FTW.

Simpler divisions, and heads up to the babylonians: http://base12.org/basic_arithmetic.html

Plus: we use 12 for a lot of stuff: Music notes per octave, months, eggs, and so forth.

>> No.5615593

Base 60, do you even post-human.

>> No.5615594

Base 1 will do.

>> No.5615611

base 11
its 1 better than base 10

>> No.5615618

Base 1 thank you very much

>> No.5615630

Octal makes the most sense for STE(M omitted)

Plus we could still teach it to proles the same we do decimal on our fingers (just omit thumbs)

>> No.5615635

the bigger the better, to help give as many small numbers their own personality. dont you hate thinking about 23 as 2 tens and a 3? it should get its own damn symbol

>> No.5615637

Who gives a shit. Calculations are for computers.

>> No.5615638

Base 12, simple, easy to compute fractions 1/3 = 0.4 No stupid decimals, there are 12 notes in a chromatic scale, 12 bones in the 4 main fingers of each hand, 12 inches in a foot, 12x2 hours in a day.

Base 16 is okay, but really just an extension of base 2 (2^4).

Base 30 is used in measuring degrees of a circle, 30x2 seconds in a minute and minutes in an hour.

Base 2, computers use it, 0 and 1 no muss no fuss.

Personally I think base 12 would be best, but really it does not matter what base just that it's clear what's being used in the calculations.

>> No.5615668

for displaying numbers, I like 16.

for working with numbers, I like 2.

>> No.5615721

I vote for base 30 so that we can count to potatoe

>> No.5615725

base 8

>> No.5615728

Anything that isn't a power of 2 is retarded.

>> No.5615781

i suggest BASEDGOD

>> No.5615796


>> No.5615797

I suggest we do everything over the p-adic numbers. I vote the 2-adics.

>> No.5615799
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>> No.5615810 [DELETED] 

<span class="math"> d^2=0 [/spoiler] with dual number <span class="math"> \epsilon^2=0 [/spoiler] implies <span class="math"> d=\epsilon=0 <span class="math">
This is only true if d, \epsilon are not elements of some ring (module) that are not nilpotent of nilpotency index 2[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.5615811
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>> No.5615814
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>> No.5615993

can you have an irrational number base?

base pi?

>> No.5616002


>using alphabet to pick out letters
>only using 'Murrican english

>mfw Francais and Russian and chinks have more letters
>no face

>> No.5616009

>not using base 47
Step up, plebs.

>> No.5616014

>Murrican english
>implying that British English has more letters?

Fuck I hate when people say Murrica. It's not a patriotism thing it's just an annoying word.

And in any case a base 12 dozenal system would be the best. Twelve (do) has twice as many factors as ten (dek)

>> No.5616016

Also the French alphabet has 26 letters. I should know.

I do.

>> No.5616017

Synesthesiafag detected

>> No.5616018


>> No.5616033

almost this >>5615638
except anybody who agrees with 12 are 'Muricans with their retarded arbitrary rollercoaster of measuring things

1/3 =/= 0.4 === (12/36)/10 i don't think so
(12/3)/12= 4/12 = 1/3 = .33 still nice try though, actually i'm even conflicted with 1/4 aswell

My vote would be base 2, with that fibonacci sequence of roman numerals used for larger numbers

>> No.5616043

all the accent aigu, grave, circonflexe and all that jazz for the french aswell

Moi je sais, je suis francais un petit peu

>> No.5616040


>> No.5616046

base pi

>> No.5616048

Why does he discount imaginary roots?

>> No.5616054

>ITT Amerifat's don't realise how important 10 is to the rest of the world

>> No.5616055
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Captain obvious to the rescue

>> No.5616059


>> No.5616095

>come to /sci/ for the first time
>click on this thread
>sitting here drooling with a dazed look because i dont understand any of the shit you're talking about

why can't we talk about spaceships

>> No.5616163
File: 122 KB, 1232x900, IMAG0345-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1/3 =.33 repeating in a base 10 system, in base 12 1/3=0.4, also 1/4=0.3, 1/2=0.6, etc. In base 12. (What is 1/3 of a year?)

And I'm annoyed too by the inconsistency in base numerology of the SAE measurement system. Base 2^n inches, base 12 feet, base 3 yards, base 5280 miles, absolutely no consistency. Metric system is more convenient because it sticks with base 10 throughout, but fractioning with base 10 is less intuitive.

>> No.5616182

>make your case
>just votes

No case given, vote rejected.
Base 10 is convenient and its continued usage would not require reworking of mathematical and scientific concepts/constants.

>> No.5616184

Ignoring 0, how far can you count using unique symbols?

Go on. Try it.

>> No.5616186

>fractioning with base 10 is less intuitive
How so?

>> No.5616190


Base 100!

Simply because it's just as retarded as replacing base 10. Lots of numbers and 100 factors, that must bee good, right?

Or alternatively we could use whichever number system is right for the job; like we do now.

>> No.5616194

base 60, like time, doesnt seem bad

>> No.5616196

Base 6 or 15.
Because it makes factorizing easier.

>> No.5616233

I still want Pi to be magical though... and e. and phi....

>> No.5616264

base 9.332621544394... × 10^157

>> No.5616321


fuck the haters

>> No.5616882

hate the fuckers

>> No.5616946

>says make a case
>doesn't make a case
>no one else makes a case
>implying all numbers should be in one base system
>implying that changing the base changes how much a lb is, or a kilogram, or what have you.
>implying going to a base other than 10 would be useful for anyone other than autistfags
>implying base10 isn't working
>implying base 10 isn't binary
>implying base 10 is binary
>implying base 10 can't be 1,2,3,4,10
Yeah. Take this shit to /b/ or something.

>> No.5617737

Base .1 so we don't have to write as many decimals.

>> No.5617760

base 2 you plebs

>> No.5617809

Base 2.

We will all be raised to think like programmers.

>> No.5617823

7, obviously.


>> No.5617862
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chill out nigga

>> No.5617936

Base 2 is justified by the simplicity of the digits, how logical operations work with them, how the Galois field {0,1} has so many nice properties.

Base 2^n for various integer values of n makes sense because it benefits from the properties of base-2 by mapping the digits in base 2^n to n bits.

Base e is the base in which 1, 10, 100, 1000 grows with the best rate. For instance, consider a normal distribution. The average number of digits you need to represent a number drawn on a normal distribution is minimized in base e (roughly, I'm skipping some normalizations here).

Base 6 makes sense because it's a multiple of 2 and 3, so division by 2 and 3 are easy. However, dividing by 5 sucks. In base 3, 1/5 is 0.0121012101210121... It's worse than our decimal 1/3=0.333333...

Base 10 is decent.

Base 12 has 2, 3, 4 and 6 has divisors, which is cool but is still missing 5.

Base 30 is pretty good. It has 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 as divisors. The important part here is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Dividing by anything less than 7 is trivial in base 30. The downside is you are starting to need quite a few symbols for your digits. Then again, we have 26 letters in our alphabet, and we could just use some pairs of symbols, or accents, for instance 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0', 1', 2', 3', 4', 5', 6', 7', 8', 9', 0", 1", 2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 7", 8", 9", 10, 11, 12, 13...

Base 60 was used by the Egyptians. It's not better than base 30 since it still doesn't have 7. Having 7 would mean jump to 210, which is bad.

My vote goes for base 2, base 16, base 30 or base e, which all have good justifications. Anything else is crap.

>> No.5618021

i'm putting my vote in for this

>> No.5618079

>mfw 60 different numbers

>> No.5618109

Or you could write digits as pairs of decimal digits, separated by commas every 4 or 6 decimal digit.

>> No.5618113

Base 6 here too. Makes counting with fingers easy.

>> No.5618115

Those are accents. They aren't individual letters in the same way that "Th" isn't a unique letter. (It used to be. Hundreds of years ago there was a letter in the English alphabet called "Thorne". It was written like a lowecase p with the stroke continuing to the top, like there was a b superimposed on top. When German printing presses started to take over, that symbol was replaced with a look-alike: Y.)