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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5597972 No.5597972 [Reply] [Original]

If according to string theory the universe has 11 dimensions can time travel be possible by going through the 6 dimensions which aren't our usual 4 dimensions?

>> No.5597987 [DELETED] 
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>universe has 11 dimensions
>going through the 6 dimensions which aren't our usual 4 dimensions
>6+4 = 11
get out

>> No.5597991

String theory encompasses SR. SR says no. So, no.

>> No.5597999

the universe does not have 11 dimensions. The 11 dimensions encompass imfinite universes.

Time travel is impossible.

>> No.5598006


>> No.5598023

>Ignoring time

Stay in school kiddo

>> No.5598034 [DELETED] 
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>our usual 4 dimensions
the fourth one IS time you brain-dead chucklefuck!

>> No.5598076
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It is *a* fourth.

>> No.5598079 [DELETED] 
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no, it is THE fourth!

>> No.5598101

>doesn't differentiate between spatial and temporal dimensions

>> No.5598106 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 302x356, 01290843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there IS only one temporal dimension!
specifically, THE FUCKING FOURTH!

>> No.5598110

all this talk of dimensions seems like absoloute crap. It sounds like fantasy. how can you talk about something you cant observe in your current life ?

>> No.5598115

You should stop you are embarasing yourself
You should know by now that zoologist can't into high school physics.

>> No.5598119

>not using 10+1 spacetime

>> No.5598125 [DELETED] 


>> No.5598132


>> No.5598135 [DELETED] 
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i got an A in physics, you fucking pleb.
i own that shit

so shove your fucking prejudices about zoology up your ass!

>> No.5598136

>there IS only one temporal dimension!

Prove it

>> No.5598138 [DELETED] 

i dont have to prove it, i aint a physicist

>> No.5598149
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We will never be able to go back in time and revisit our childhood memories.

The house where my cousin used to live. Where he and his best friend converted an entire attic into an aviary, because he loved animals and birds so much. The whole place looked like a weird Tim Burton movie set. Nothing looked right. It was poorly lit. With rooms full of unused old furniture and kids toys and books. And hundreds of birds. He had his daily routine of coming home from school, eating, then going up and cleaning all the cages and making sure they had clean water and food. Doing it since he was a little boy. I spent many mornings there when we both were skipping school and I'd watch and follow him from one room into the other with his buckets. He'd explain why that bird was difficult, and how this bird refused to hatch. Or why that one lost all its feathers. And he had another bird that was able to talk, but I forgot the kind of bird it was. That one he'd let fly around freely. And he used to have an owl that he found, that was hurt, and he fed him and brought him back to strength. He'd turn on an old cd player covered in bird poop which sometimes had an Dr. Dre album, and the owl would start moving its head almost looking like it was bobbing. One time I was walking home late at night and it was raining, and a crow jumped out of a bush right into my feet and scared the living crap out of me. But it couldn't fly for some reason, and was just jumping away. I thought it was hurt, so I took my jacket and caught it and carried it all the way back to my cousins. He looked at him for 2 seconds and figured that it was just too wet to fly, and it was also a very young crow. He took him to the bathroom and used his mom's hairdryer to dry and warm the little guy up. And it was just sitting on his arm, not moving or panicking. Enjoying the heat. We left him in a room in the attic with an open window and the next day it was gone. The house doesn't exit anymore.

>> No.5598167


Do you literally come here just to insult people and pretend to be some whore off youtube? I'm following you round /sci/ right now, and you just scattergun threads with insults. Get a fucking life.

>> No.5598176

I remember we tested you on basic math once and you failed so hard it was absolutely hysterical.

Fuck off EK.

>> No.5598177


He has MPD. He can't help it. Real people won't talk to him.

>> No.5598179

Pretty much yeah. It's been the same shit for 3 years.

>> No.5598193 [DELETED] 


i dont insult people unless they deserve it. usually /sci/ has good threads
today just aint one of those days, clearly

i dont care about math
i dont need to be good at it, and i dont care
im good at almost everything else, anyway

>> No.5598196
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That's actually quite sad.
Oh well.

>> No.5598197 [DELETED] 

i dont have MPd you fucking retard!

>> No.5598198

OP here. Why don't you like my science thread?

>> No.5598202 [DELETED] 

it aint exactly a science thread, hun
>time travel
yeah, nah

>> No.5598215

Time travel has been scientific fact for more than a century.

Jesus christ stop posting in threads you've pig fucking ignorant about you stupid fat fuck.

>> No.5598224 [DELETED] 
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>Time travel has been scientific fact for more than a century.
no it fucking hasn't, retard
post proof or GTFO

if time travel was real, everyone would just use it to win the fucking lottery
clearly they dont, so it aint real

dumb fuck

>> No.5598229


Yah. ya do.

>> No.5598233
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>> No.5598242 [DELETED] 

no i fucking dont, do u even know what MPD is??

>> No.5598349

No, but we know you have it

>> No.5598542

You do realize that traveling to the future is possible... Theoretically of course.
If you could manage to move at near light speed, then time would slow down for you. Therefore, when 1 week had passed in your time reference, then many years may have passed on earth.

Timetravel bitch...

>> No.5598563


I do.. It is now called 'Disociative Personality Disorder' I think.. You lose track of time and manifest different 'personalities'

>> No.5598749 [DELETED] 

well that aint time travel, coz you're still moving forward in time, same as everyone. it's just your perception that's altered, so it doesnt seem as long to you.

yeh, well i dont have that

>> No.5600382

>schrodinger's cat
>string theory
>time travel

Oh man. Just wow.

Time travel is impossible. String theory is flawed.

>> No.5600399
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Time Dilation =/= Time travel

By that logic we are always moving through time as we aren't ever stationary...and indeed this is true. It then becomes a matter of how fast you need to go before the dilation becomes 'noticeable'. But thats only subjective to humans.

>> No.5600406

There are some scientist who claim that string theory is fucked up.
What did they replace it with?

>> No.5600439
