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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 300x400, casimir_ezg_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5588284 No.5588284 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/

any anon out there knows how to build a zero-point energy converter?

also general free energy thread.
no esoteric bullshit.

>> No.5588295

You need a difference in energy to do work. You cannot do work with zero-point energy because it is the zero point, you can't go any lower, even if it's not "zero."

And free energy is bullshit.

>> No.5588299

Gibbs and Helmholtz are sad at your comment

>> No.5588312

You can't extract energy from pressure. And claiming to extract pressure from such a small amount is laughable. Didn't you even had physics 101 ?

>> No.5588314


>> No.5588325

Bombarding an isotope of element 115 to create element 116 which immediately decays back to 115 and releases antimatter which can be utilised by gravity distorters to enable faster than light travel and clean energy for the entire planet.

>> No.5588353

> you can't extract energy from the pressure
of course you can. But then the plates come together and you need to put more energy in to get them back apart, and where is that going to come from?

>> No.5588377

This. The main reason we have the Cassimir-Effect. Anon should ask himself that question.

>> No.5588380

oh shit, just noticed OP's pic. nevermind then.
polite sage

>> No.5588391



>> No.5588405

Can't you just put two magnetic plates that repulse eachother and let the casimir effect attempt to squeeze them together and use the resulting energy?

>> No.5588407

Oh it's nothing really...that's just how UFOs work.

>> No.5588408
File: 113 KB, 900x730, cheapest-electricity-in-dallas-texas-959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5588409


> >>>>>/x/

>> No.5588418

schaubergers repulsators are legit.

>> No.5588432


Genuine interest if you've got some shit for me to read.