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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 350x263, time-machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5586876 No.5586876 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible? What components would i need to create a time machine? It seems possible, at least in the near future.

>> No.5586897

bump. i thought this board new stuff about science....

>> No.5586910

Yes, it's possible, but it isn't plausible. Massive energy sources, wormholes, that sort of thing.

>> No.5586918

All things are possible through science anon. It has to be practical though.

>> No.5586925

You could only exist for a plank, simply impossible for anything more, now you could make a system that would carry you along the path but the fps would be shit and the dialog would be all choppy, everything would be immovably, phys fags know why, and if we're 'violating' a relativity doesnt mean all scopes of reason of existence are out the window, but you could get a good peak in the ladies washroom OP, sorry, didnt mean to offend, mens

Since this is a shitthread already this is now about psycology- Whats the diference in male to female psycology as opposed to male to male, same reasons and desires, completely different variables in success

>> No.5586929

You can't. End of story.
Universe isn't a server which logs the history of everything. You can only slow down or speed up time. Going back is not an option and a laughable question.

>> No.5586939

You think the universe is everything that exists?

>> No.5586945

show me that it isn't.

>> No.5586952

If you could create a machine which is more massless than a photon and give it some energy to go faster than light then maybe. But there's no such thing which is more massless than a photon (yet?).

>> No.5586955

Are you actually suggesting that there is a system that logs the universe history ? Which would also require a creator ? Are you actualy that retarded ?

>> No.5586960
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Smell that?
Smells like the glory of you being as wrong as dick in ass

>> No.5586965

> tripfag
> infantile cartoons
> no argument only underage 'umad 'shitposting
You know what to do.

>> No.5586971

it is impossible to go back in time with modern physics. so sorry but no

>> No.5586972

It's actually easy and fairly common all around the known universe.

Most objects move through time at a rate of 1 hour per hour all on their own.

>> No.5586973
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Existance v.1
Existance v.1.4984
>There is an external
Existance v.2
>There is an internal


Existance v. 19.383532

>> No.5586981

>posting on the most underhyped infantile cartoon
>still thinking books are out classed

Oh please, I'm gunna go watch Lost, enjoy ICarly, I have some shops if you want

>> No.5586982

It is the only one in which we begin if we are to time travel, no ?

>> No.5586986

Brilliantly boorish. Guess you found a most underwhelming answer to your Time Travel question.

let us know when you want to strive for something slightly more amazing ?

>> No.5586989

well there's no others, there's plenty room for there creation and at such a point could we pose as interstellar aliens and negotiate a truce while laughing at all the little lives we hold on the tip of our finger nail
>top ten things you dont want to drop
(Just after the contact lense is that thing, mostly because it's fucking worthless)
At which point would we be able to 'time travel' with ease, would it be relivant to us? Who fucking cares we can tell the news pprs time travels been invented while using singularity tech to alter fucking anything and claim evidence

>> No.5586990

Alright, fine. Find the relative motion of the object (Or group of objects) you wish to time travel with/on.

Now decrease your speed relative to them. Over timescales incomprehensible to humans, the infinitesimal time dilation they will experience will add up.


>> No.5586991

Let's say you were to make a time machine to physically move everyone to the past or future. Let's think about what we would need. For this example, let's use cosmic string theory and wormhole theory. A cosmic string is a string-shaped "crevice" which has an extreme mass. You can think of the crevice as something the same width as an elementary particle and at least the length of a galaxy.

It has immense mass, giving it the property of space-time distortion. If you were to travel through that distortion, you could make a full rotation around the string in less than 360 degrees. In short, you can do something resembling a warp. This is called a space-time angular deficit. When you pass through an area of angular deficit, transit time becomes zero. By applying this, once the cosmic string moves approaching light speed, according to the theory of relativity, time will flow slower for the cosmic string in relation to its surroundings. Therefore, passing through the distorted area of angular deficit would cause the zero transit time to become negative. In other words, it will be the "past" after transit.

So if you use two cosmic strings, you can do a space deficit jump. If you revolve back to your original location, you can return to the same time you started revolving. Also, so nobody misunderstands, cosmic string theory is different from superstring theory. With that out of the way, you need three things in order to travel to the past with cosmic string theory.

1. Cosmic strings. Two are necessary. (they are hypothesized to exist only where the universe was first formed, gl lol)
2. You need the energy to make them move at near light speed.
3. A spaceship able to go all the way to the cosmic strings. The time traveler must be on board.

>> No.5586992

There are two holes ties together by a tunnel. Transit time through the tunnel is zero. No matter how far away the second hole is. But there is a catch, the tunnel suffers from super gravity, and collapses as soon as it opens. Which is why we need something to negate the effect of gravity. The so called "exotic matter". It's a substance with negative mass, which repels gravity.

The wormhole tunnel is all squished and squashed like if you made a fist. In order to pass through, you need something inside my hand to oppose the "grasping force" so that I cannot squish anymore. If you stabalize a wormhole with exotic matter injection, teleportation becomes possible. For example, let's say there's a wormhole entrance in your room to whatever town a few towns over. Now imagine the hole in the town a few towns over goes all the way to the end of the universe at near light speed and once it reaches the end, it immediately pulls back to your room. According to the theory of relativity, time slows down for objects moving at the speed of light. Meaning the hole that returned to your room would be further in the past than the hole a couple towns over.

The prerequisites for wormhole theory are simpler than the ones for cosmic string theory.

1 The wormhole itself. They may exist somewhere int he universe, but nobody has seen one.
2. The energy required to move a wormhole to the end of the universe and back near light speed.
3. Exotic matter, which, by the way, has not been confirmed to exist.

>> No.5586994

Technically they're held between their assumed direction/speed and their previous one, but hey, fucking w/e

>> No.5587002

I'm expecting my Nobel sometime between now and the death of the universe.

>> No.5587005
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Entropy is the only quantity in the physical sciences that seems to imply a particular direction of progress, sometimes called an arrow of time. As time progresses, the second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system never decreases. Hence, from this perspective, entropy measurement is thought of as a kind of clock.

in order to do anything akin to time travel, you'd have to decrease entropy, which is impossible atm, as the set of macroscopic variables one chooses must include everything that may change in the experimen

>> No.5587007

Seriously though this is my answer everytime someone bring that electron bs up, they're only ever infinitely close to their projected frame and at that only slightly behind it, which well, begetes the system again

>> No.5587011

Sounds close enough to me.

How about I tell you about some science paper I saw somewhere that says quantum entanglement is FTL communication?

>> No.5587018

It's irrelevant to relitivity, they're maintaining an entirely vectoral based boson at the 'core' of their mass.

Physics hasnt really relized that math has already surpassed them do to the fact that math is simply to far ahead for physics to recognize

>> No.5587025

You know what they say, "Mathematics is the language of the Universe".

>> No.5587043
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Yeah, the universe speaks it to other universes, and/or comparable relativities

Thinking anyless is simply illogical
>tfw we think we're vulcans

>> No.5587046
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>> No.5587637

None. According to Douglas Adams all you need to travel through time is to launch you time-travelling-device perpendicular to reality.

>> No.5587916
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easy, just dip the whole thing in subkelvin & open a field around that- make it about as big as a house so you can enjoy a fireplace and wine while you watch the timetele with your japanese rent a wife- at which point you can surf time and space at any size you want, and the male need to be big is already satisfied in immediate relitivity.. if you know what I mean

>> No.5587921

>is it possible?

No. There is no "future" or "past"

there is only the present, and it just changes in structure.

To go to the past you would have to re-arrange all matter to a previous formation/structure. That's all.

So no, we can't do that unless you are omnipotent

>> No.5588551


The "past" and "future" are just ideas

>> No.5588610


NO there is no 3d, all there is is just infinite layers of 2d on top of each other and sometimes matter jumps from one layer to the other

since speed is relative, time is a dimension

>> No.5588624

what about photons?
does time flows for them at all?
I mean, from our point of view it obviously does, but...

>> No.5588646

Photons are massless.

>> No.5588666

I think you could modify a bit a quantum choice delayed eraser to move non-clasical information to the past. Like a time telephone.

>> No.5588671

Maybe in some post-quantum theory; in QM you're fucked by the old no-communication theorem.

>> No.5588679


Sadly, this is true.

>> No.5588711
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>> No.5588976

As of now you can only travel forward in time. The closer that an object gets to the speed of light the slower that it ages in relation to anything else that is moving slower.

>> No.5588988

godels work on relativity seemed to indicated the potentiality of time travel, of course that could be simply due to einsteins flawed jew science.