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5576847 No.5576847 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things you're surprised we haven't figured out yet

Hair loss. It seems like such a trivial thing, yet it's 2013 and men are still going bald.

>> No.5576859
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>wanting to look like a child

>> No.5576867

Dreams, decent education system, decent international resource management

>> No.5576869


>> No.5576880

Retinoic acid. If you still have acne is because you're a retard.

>Implying genetic issues are easy to solve

Your people is too stupid to make a revolution against your shitty capitalist government. Stop whining.

>> No.5576885


Every part of this post is stupid.

>> No.5576894

>hair loss
It's a heck of a lot less important than mitigating life loss. Don't worry, curing death will probably involve curing hair loss at some point. At which time, baldness will simply be a fashion statement or convenience.

>> No.5576912

Death is not to be cured, many problems will arise thanks to this. Some of them will be discrimination, people protesting for not being able to afford immortality, and economic crisis because of pensions and shit like that. Also, i'm going to die, why should i help another faggot to be immortal if i'm not being immortal myself? Life can already perpetuate itself by doing what it has being doing always.

>> No.5576932

Why should it not be invented just because some faggot can't afford the treatment? If curing death is pointless on that basis, so is curing cancer or any other illness just because humans can reproduce as early as age 8.

>> No.5576942

You don't study medicine, do you? You're not a sociologist either, do you? If you don't know shit about this topics you better go back to measure your light speed or something. Leave the real world problems to the ones that are caring to solve them and that know the consequences that these solutions might bring.

>> No.5577002


>you're not a sociologist either

Troll detected.

>> No.5577113

>Pretends to solve problems
>mfw all medical advancements are made by physicists, biologists and chemists
>mfw medics just memorize what each pill does like pre-schoolers
>mfw I have no face.