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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5567223 No.5567223 [Reply] [Original]

How much of reality is perception?

>> No.5567246

Don't ask me, I just work here.

>> No.5567253

How much of perception is reality?

>> No.5567262

All of it.

All of it.

>> No.5567264


Don't do that.

>> No.5567282

me and my brother think 1/∞ of it

>> No.5567294

Quantum theory seems to point to all reality is based on preception

>> No.5567297

If I didn't read this, does it exist?

>> No.5567307

but what if it's a reality that i can only perceive?

>> No.5567318

if you are the only one that can perceive it, then it is not reality

Reality is what exists no matter what. Reality is there if you look at it or not.

>> No.5567329

is reality what everyone perceives or fact?

>> No.5567334

i guess what im trying to say is, is reality undisputed?

>> No.5567337


>> No.5567346

so are there multiple realities?

>> No.5567350

Maybe, there is some dispute about this.

>> No.5567356

Reality is objective; perception is an abstraction from the illusion of self (consciousness).

>> No.5567362

so if there are multiple realities, can there be one without multiple realities?

>> No.5567369

is there a possibility that each human has there own reality?

>> No.5567372


>> No.5567377

true reality is undisputed

Finding out what the true reality is the dispute. Two people may dispute their perception of reality to see which one is more accurate, but true reality is there for everyone to perceive

>> No.5567387

It appears as if we have conflicting ideas in here. One half of the argument does not understand the definition of reality. There is one reality, but each human has his or her own perception of it. Therefore there appear to be many different realities if you listen to everyone's version.

>> No.5567388

Doubt it. We are composed of the same matter and energy as everything around us. Because of complexity of our composition, our behavior is inherently complex and difficult to model accurately. An emergent property of our complexity is the illusion of consciousness. Perception is not real; there exist only one objective reality.

>> No.5567406

oh i get it, so there can only be one reality right?

>> No.5567415

but what if thought makes reality?

>> No.5567416

yes, but what I and >>5567387 seem to disagree about is the existence of an perceiving agent. I say there is no such thing, while >>5567387 seems to imply in his/her response is that they are.

>> No.5567421

thought is just a pattern of electro-chemical reactions, hardly enough to cause the creation of reality, imho.

>> No.5567431

what if your thoughts created this reality, including what you perceive is actually the cause for your thought?

>> No.5567437

My thoughts, your thoughts, all of /sci/'s thoughts are no different from any other type of reaction. If thoughts create reality, and thoughts are electro-chemical reactions, then how many realities are created when an elementary school student mixes vinegar and baking soda?

>> No.5567448

what if that is what you perceive is true, but is actually what you created?

>> No.5567449

you mean 1/0

>> No.5567453

i guess

>> No.5567454

Perception does not exist.

>> No.5567455

Scientifically, all reality is as we perceive it. See qualia.

>> No.5567460

i guess what im asking is what if you're god?

>> No.5567461

you're operating from an assumption that you exist as an independent construct, the question is fallacious

what you want to ask is: what is the nature of oblivion? what occurs between the space of two Planck Units?

>> No.5567465

Here is a good example that I thought of..

An apple tastes the way that it tastes because of the chemical compounds that it is composed of. These molecules may not necessarily contain "taste." But the human nervous system has developed receptors that react to these compounds in a way that we can describe. The compounds are part of objective reality, while the way that we interpret them are completely subjective, explaining why some people have preference.

>> No.5567471

gods, separate consciousness, "things" - it all depends on what operational definition you use, none of which matters because the matter and energy they are composed of exists independently and objectively.

>> No.5567474


>On /sci/
>Use qualia

>>>/x/ pls

>> No.5567482

what of you're reality

>> No.5567483


>> No.5567485

I am and so are you, you computer and everything else....we all compose reality.

>> No.5567490


>implying this isn't a troll thread to begin with

>> No.5567492

it's not

>> No.5567497

eh, i should go to sleep bye /sci/

>> No.5567831

None of it. We do not experience "perception", we experience qualia. Qualia are induced by perception. The perception alone is without qualia.

>> No.5567871
File: 576 KB, 2000x2950, 1360120724579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reality is what is agreed upon by intelligent people and rational people

perception is quasi-scientific mombo jumbo that has no real place in actual science such as string theory

>> No.5567876
File: 130 KB, 530x694, Ben Affleck and Scarlett Johansson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy got the right idea

>> No.5567891


she actually looks somewhat hot on that pic

>> No.5567932
File: 392 KB, 364x600, orz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you perceive reality so what the fuck are you saying

>> No.5567961

All you know is what you have perceived. You take it on faith that there is an external world.

>> No.5567970

The observer > The observed.

Does that answer your question?

>> No.5568015


>> No.5568046

Except it is the same type of "faith" that allows you to predict that 1+1=2 over and over and over successfully. So for all intents and purposes it is true.

Whoever posed this question is committing a logical fallacy, trying to mix up the simple question "can you be absolutely sure of anything" with the edgy esoteric concepts of perception and reality in order to make it more complex and difficult to unravel.

>> No.5568083


Reality is what you perceive.

>> No.5568088


Ayn Rand was a nacissistic cunt.

>> No.5568146
