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5566811 No.5566811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which one and why?

>> No.5566818

they all have the same expected value

I guess it depends what monster you're fighting and if you can utilize the quick speed or not, if it's a hit and run style fight then maybe the slower weapon is better

>> No.5566823

Blue because I like it

>> No.5566832

yellow, obviously.

actually take that shit on /v/

actually end yourself

>> No.5566846

Depends on the situation.

Yellow if its close quarters, red if hit and run.

>> No.5566842

>states it's obvious
>doesn't state why

>They're all exactly the same in terms of DPS.

>> No.5566856

or blue if your not a fag

>> No.5566861

Does your attack interrupt the enemy's attack? Do they have to recover from each hit?

If so, then yellow. Keep them off their feet, so to speak.

Otherwise, red.

>> No.5566862

Always red.

If it's hit and run, then red is obviously best. If it's close up, then all of them will be hitting and it's the same DPS.

Thus red is the optimal for every strategy

>> No.5566863

It depends on your given stat distribution, and most importantly, critical hit chance. If your chance to crit is high, more damage is beneficial, but if it's say, 0%, you want to get as many hits in as possible.

Same goes for hit%, if your hit percentage is high, you'd want a slower weapon as you won't be missing much, so you won't have much short-term dps loss (obviously over time it will even out, but in a game setting, this isn't really applicable). Conversely, if your chance to hit is low, you'll want the fastest weapon possible so to even out "burst dps".

>tl;dr, I'd need to see the character sheet first before I made a choice

>> No.5566867

I used to think yellow, but someone showed mathematically that blue is the superior choice.

>> No.5566869

Do you get the first hit at t=0? Then red.

Do you get the first hit at t=(1/speed)? Then yellow.

>> No.5566870

Red. You generally strike first and then have a waiting period so red will always have done greater than or the same amount of damage as the others. Therefore you are more likely to kill them faster.

>> No.5566871

wouldn't they all offer the same amount of damage/unit time?

>> No.5566873

red if you're not a pleb

>> No.5566874


if the target is fast moving, i can at least get some damage in before it dodges.
more damage doesn't help if the target dodges relatively consistently.

>> No.5566876

fuck sorry, I got that mixed up, chance to hit is most important, as misses are absolute, crit chance less so as you're still doing damage for non-criticals.

>> No.5566886

Yes, but actual gameplay mechanics would make one a better choice.

>> No.5566883

>making assumptions about dodging
That information is not given. le kill yourself rebbit scum

>> No.5566884

Red. Less speed = Less energy waste.

>> No.5566890

some assumptions may be educated.
they're not guesses in the dark.
if i've got a sword to hit stuff with, i wanna make sure i can actually hit my target if i want to.

>> No.5566895

perhaps it is lighter however.

>> No.5566909


Retard EV pleb.

Consider if a monster has 125 HP and there are two of them.

That will take 250 hits for yellow to kill, but six for red to kill. Red takes 20% longer to kill those two targets

>> No.5566917

Assuming every attack hits, the only factor that would decide the superior sword is distribution of enemy health.

For instance, assume that there is a normal distribution with the average being 1 and a standard deviation of 0.1. Yellow would be the undisputed champ.

>> No.5566914

Seriously? with yellow you hit them 10 times in the same time it takes to hit them once with red, or twice with blue. They all do the same amount of damage assuming it's over 10 measurements of time. But it would likely be best to pick yellow, because even if you miss half(somehow) you still get 5 damage in 5 times faster then blue. Seriously, why is this even a debate.

>> No.5566930

When I played warcraft II I would run into this problem many times playing the tower defense custom games. I would typically put a few towers with huge damage and low speed in my maze and make them attack the strongest creep. If you were playing footman wars, the ultimate goal was to max your agility out instead of strength.
It depends on what the situation is.

>> No.5567003

probably depends on chance to hit and hp of the enemy.

>> No.5567014

All are the same. How stupid.

>> No.5567033

Red because the character animations for yellow would make it look like someone having a stroke.

Everything else is speculation without evidence.

>> No.5567041

Depends on what the game mechanics are; crit bonus values, hit bonuses, proc limitations, and knockback mechanics.

5/10 Hobbyist Master Race reporting for duty.

>> No.5567059

Yellow, if there's a chance to miss.
If not, red.

>> No.5567095

red if armor has damage reduction
if not, yellow.

>> No.5567123

>everyone ignores the real answer

>> No.5567126

Can you swing any sword as soon as the game starts? Or do you need to wait to ready your sword?

>> No.5567127


>> No.5567129

Red, because I fucking hate clicking.

>> No.5567151
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No one should pick yellow, as there is no yellow text.

We only know the 'dmg' and 'speed' of the red, blue and green swords.

>> No.5567153
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Depends on the armor of the monster (if it has high armor, the yellow sword won't do anything), and the nature of the encounter (is it hit and run? is it one big enemy or weak multiple enemies?)

Without that information, I'd have to choose the blue sword because it's the safest route.

>> No.5567154
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Pic related, its what I choose


>> No.5567167

DPS is identical with all three, so I pick red because red is badass

>> No.5567169

>implying color association

>> No.5567174

Unless it's likely to be a one or two hit kill, take the yellow. You'll waste less time on overkill and each miss will be less costly.

>> No.5567184
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Not even OP.

>Insert Star of David Sun MS Paint Lion

>> No.5567323

Red. Burst damage FTW. If you only get 1 attack, you did the most damage.

>> No.5567342


You might be facing something with low hp, but dangerous. Ie, a poisonous snake or something.

If you both attack, Red can one shot it, but in the delay something like the blue or yellow thing will have between their shots, whatever that "speed" unit is, it might get an attack on you.