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5563477 No.5563477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 3rd year Mech. Eng. Major
>tfw constantly doing hw (except now of course)
>Stay up late -> too tired to exercise
>often no time to practice sax
>go to class, go straight home and do hw, then repeat
>gaining weight
>classes are a total sausage fest
>what few girls are in classes are average looking and don't dress cute

Will this all be worth it in the end? Is 3rd year the hardest for all engineering majors? Engineering bros get in here.

>> No.5563518


>> No.5563528



The market is flooded.

You probably won't get a job.

>> No.5563532

I thought there was a shortage of engineers?

>> No.5563538

>I thought there was a shortage of engineers?

Five years ago maybe.

>> No.5563540

eh I don't believe you.

>> No.5563542

The market is saturated with mechanical engineers

>> No.5563543

you poor monkey

>> No.5563545

For mech engineers, yes, the market is somewhat saturated. i.e. you won't land an 80k a year job starting right out of college, but given 10 years and alot of hard work and connection making you might be making close to 90k a year.

Should have done chemical or electrical engineering...
or even comp sci

>> No.5563549 [DELETED] 

I was MECE for two years, then I interned and found out they do the grunt work and suck.

Considered second semester Junior in Chemical Engineering now, and at least 30-40% of the class are girls.

Deal wid it.

>> No.5563556

you make it sound like Chem E's or EE's DO make 80k a year straight out of college...

>> No.5563554

freshman girls?

>> No.5563558 [DELETED] 

No, these are Junior classes. Unit operations, Transport phenomena, process control, and physical chemistry.

>> No.5563559


That's just what the big companies say to justify outsourcing.

I recently talked to a Boeing recruiter and was told that, with about a thousand applicants per one opening from people with 3.6+ gpas and internship experience. "Why should we hire you?"

It was a reasonable statement, but about 2 years prior, the company put out a big story in the Seattle Times stating that there were hundreds of openings that no one would take (zero qualified applicants per one opening) and that given the shortage of engineers, there were going to have to go overseas.

There is no shortage of suckers I guess. I should have been a doctor.

>> No.5563562

What I hear is that it's hard to break into, but generally smooth sailing once you've got experience.

So, internships and co-op programs are a must.

Regarding shortage of engineers: Different countries are different, learning something other than English (German, French, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Spanish) is going to help if you need to travel to find work. Australia (Western Australia in particular) is undergoing an economic boom relating to their mining industry, and Germany is well known for their automotive industry, while the Chinese and Americans have tons of factories.

It should be noted that in the US, employers like to cry wolf about a shortage of engineers, so that they can hire more foreigners on H1B visas. It's not uncommon to find, for example, someone asking for 20 years experience with Ruby on Rails or Java or #flavourofthemonth. Nobody actually meets the ridiculous requirements, so the companies then get to say "We need experienced engineers and can't find any!!"

When what they really mean is "We want more cheap labour via H1B visas"

For a society on the verge of post-scarcity, we sure do a good job of fucking ourselves over.

>> No.5563569

>For a society on the verge of post-scarcity, we sure do a good job of fucking ourselves over.

For a society on the verge of post-scarcity, corporations sure do a good job of fucking everyone over


>> No.5563574


Damn. That's what I'd heard too. So that was all a bunch of BS? Fuck. I can't believe there are that many engineers out there.

>> No.5563581


where do you go to school?

>> No.5563584


its funny I am compsci and tell myself I should have done mech

>> No.5563586


>> No.5563583

>The market is saturated with mechanical engineers

troll harder son

unemployment for mech e is around 4% or so

>> No.5563596


It's not really that there are a ridiculous number of engineers, it's that there aren't that many engineering jobs.

I reality, there are actually engineering shortages in specific fields, but it's hard to predict what these will be 4 years out.

Right now it's petroleum engineering and computer science. Four years ago it was chemical engineering (which is now oversaturated).

PhDs in machine learning make 200k/yr now, but 9 years from now that field will probably be oversaturated too (like the PhD chemist job market).

The good thing about studying business is that what you learn can be applied just about anywhere. Accouting is acccounting whether you keep track of money for an airplane manufacturer or a powerplant. Also, it's way easier to get good grades.

Take your engineering work ethic to business and get a 3.8+ gpa, then take that gpa to Harvard business school to get a 160K/yr average starting salary after two years of study.

>> No.5563598

-it depends on your university too-

>ME from mit
>130k first job

>> No.5563602


Is that YOUR starting salary?

If so, do you work in finance?

>> No.5563613

how do you know which fields are saturated and which are in shortage?

>> No.5563616

So /sci/ if all of the STEMS won't get me jobs...what will? I wanna do something I enjoy but I don't want to major in bloody accounting and management or something. ..

>> No.5563618

Industrial engineer. You would ALWAYS have a job.

>> No.5563622

>tfw 2rd year Medicine school.
>tfw constantly doing studying (except now of course)
>Stay up late -> too tired to exercise
>often no time to practice violin
>go to class, go straight home and study, then repeat
>losing weight
>classes are a total sausage fest
>what few girls are in classes are average looking and don't dress cute

>> No.5563620

>using the most precious time of your life to be financially secure when you're old and irrelevant

>> No.5563624

>implying there aren't girls in med school

>> No.5563626


Except you will actually be rich.

>> No.5563628

Fuck this is not what I needed to hear. Shit shit shit.

>tfw your degree turns out to be worthless

>> No.5563632

>3rd year information systems engineering
>about to start attending operative systems
>preparing lube
>actually thinner than ever
>is the only girl in class, dont bother to dress cute for unattractive boring nerds
i have mixed feelings for this year

>> No.5563633


We are middle "nerd" upper class.

Jews, Weapons dealers, Lobbyist, Politicians, Drugs dealers are the real rich people.

>> No.5563631

>implying they are not fat ugly bitches
>implying i don't live in a third world country

>> No.5563641


I was taking your post seriously until you said

>studying business

Business is one of the most overly saturated fields there is

You are correct about there isnt alot of engineering jobs and there isnt a lot of growth in the field but there is a lot of demand for engineers and also all the baby boomers are retiring in the next 5-15 years so there will be a ton of open engineering jobs

>> No.5563661

>also all the baby boomers are retiring in the next 5-15 years

That's what they said 5-15 years ago.

>> No.5563663

honestly what the fuck

how is mech e that hard? You're probably doing babby calculus with some freshman physics.

>> No.5563665

>still thinking STEM = JOBS
Nope. You have just as much chance of getting a job after graduating as an English major if you don't already have experience and social skills.

That's why I said fuck engineering and switched to physics. Job prospects are a terrible thing to base your choice upon.

I was also pleasantly surprised to find lots of cute chicks in the physics department, compared to the very few in mech. engineering. I would have expected the amount to be similar.

>> No.5563668

If you can't find a job, try starting something up. Sure you won't eat for awhile, but you're not eating anyways if you're being turned down left and right. Of course I speak to the A students with business savvy; the borderlines that graduated may find it a bit trickier.

>> No.5563671

the baby boomers aren't retiring untill they fucking die, man
the economy fucked over a lot of their retirements and now they have to work for a lot longer
not only are there more STEM graduates than there ever have been, there are less new jobs to go around now too

>> No.5563676

> great job prospects
> living third world country with good, free education
> have european citizenship, can travel abroad to work after getting masters (which cost pocket change)

>> No.5563679

if you believe constant toiling over your work is your bane then thy will be done

if you learn to collaborate and make real shit happen then you might find your life going in a totally different direction.


>> No.5563692
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These fuckers know whats up

>> No.5563704


90% of startups fail.

Mechanical engineering is fucking expensive.

>> No.5563709

That´s is for baby tier scientist degree also known as physics. ME is a little more hard.

>> No.5563713


>This is what freshmen really believe

>> No.5563715

epic joke

>> No.5563718
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>tfw 3rd year EE student
>tfw well constantly doing homework
>tfw make time to workout
>tfw still find time on the weekends to hangout with friends
>I like this feel
my classes are ACTUAL sausage fests (3x more girls are ME than EE or CprE), but not being an aspie, goodlooking, and nice has provided me with friends that enjoy my company. I hope the best for you OP, maybe you will stop finding excuses in every aspect of your life.

>> No.5563749


>petroleum engineering

PetEng here.

The shortage is for senior staff not graduates. During the last oil price crash the industry cut their junior staff to keep in the black. At the time they weren't essential as the boomers were only in their 40s and could handle the increased workload without an issue. Now that the boomers are retiring there is only a handful of the junior staff from that time that either survived in the industry or reentered when things got better.

As oil companies can train almost anyone who has any technical background to do petroleum engineering, the intake in the major operators/service companies is open to any technical major. With the promise of 'big money', grad programs have became completely flooded. Also, the fact that a lot of countries have national oil companies and train a massive amount of people, you have to compete with people with 5+ years of experience as a graduate.

The smaller companies are usually composed of a handful of former senior staff from the majors who left for more money that don't have any interest in training the next generation, merely financing their retirements quickly.

tl;dr there is no shortage in Petroleum Engineering for graduates and the field eats dick.

>> No.5563760

Yes it will be worth it. Most engineers don't even do enginering work however. They do other stuff, white collar office jobs mostly. Having an Mechanical Engineering degree will land you a good job outside of engineering. My favourite science fiction author is an Engineer. (Neil Stephenson)

>> No.5563770

why is there so much contrasting view.

on almost all charts, petroleum engineering is number 1, with median starting salary after like 10 years 90k,
five years ago it was the same story when i looked it up.
from some of the threads i read on here on petroleum engineering, there saying its a bro-fest, where your going to get hired and make a shit ton of money.
only down side is, you live in a bad town, life on the rig ect.

ive been looking at some schools statisics, particuarly Colorado school of mines,
there job rate after degree is 99% with median salary 70k-80k

why then? the other schools like oklahoma U, they probably get hired as well, and get above average salaries starting compared to engineers.

i think oil is going to be around in our lifetime. and more and more would be needed. i mean wouldnt they rather hire a Petroleum engineer rather then a Mech engineer that their personally train?

>> No.5563771

sophomore physics is harder than your whole degree.

>> No.5563773

My uncle was a PetEng and retired really early because he was making ass loads of money and despised his job. Have you ever seen a oil porttown like Port Arthur? That place is a shit hole.

>> No.5563774

no, I just see a bunch kids in engineering courses that don't even know basic shit from first year courses.

graduating this semester, so no I'm not a freshman.

>> No.5563778

It's common knowledge that a physics degree is harder than any engineering degree. No need to feel buttflustered.

>> No.5563780
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Get a skilled trade and use your STEM level intelligence to be the best tradesman evar. Save money and then start your own business.

>Can't be outsourced
>Baby boomers have to retire because it's physically demanding
>Low stress
>Not perceived as being a beta nerd
>laugh at your university friends who are 100k in debt

You're golden until the robots make you obsolete eventually.

>> No.5563788


>on almost all charts, petroleum engineering is number 1, with median starting salary after like 10 years 90k

It is true. If you make it in, you will be rewarded, however the reality is that there aren't that many who get in.

>there saying its a bro-fest, where your going to get hired and make a shit ton of money.
only down side is, you live in a bad town, life on the rig ect.

My program was far from a bro-fest. Most of the people in the course are internationals or douchey frat-bros, the lecturers were industry rejects with an approach to teaching which reflected why they never made it, and the school had almost no industry contacts.

>Colorado School of Mines
>University of Oklahoma

Along with Texas A&M they are like the Ivy League of Petroleum Engineering. These schools have massive connections in industry and if you work here, you won't have a problem getting something. If you go to a lesser known school then things aren't as great. Also, it helps that the people who go to these schools usually have relations who are already in industry who can help them in.

>i think oil is going to be around in our lifetime

Oil will be around after humans leave this planet. However, IMO the future is in unconventionals like shale and coal. So, if you were to start today, you will have a job for life. Providing there isn't a glut and the price drops.

>i mean wouldnt they rather hire a Petroleum engineer rather ...

Not in my experience. All the shit I have learned seems to be almost irrelevant in my applications. The companies go straight to what grade, what extra curriculars and who have you worked for previously.

I guess from your posts you are interested in PetEng. You can always give it a shot. Every field has an unemployment rate, I'm in it for this field. Maybe you won't be. However, when you do this field you have to understand that most other fields allow you to move into another sector if things turn to shit- with this, you can't go anywhere nice.

>> No.5563791

Keep lying to yourself. Whats beyond solving book problems and asking theoretical problems more hard than getting an error in a collective-real-world project that would get you fired?

Your solutions are predictable, we have to deal with different problems everyday, we apply science. Maybe physics is harder than ME after graduating on a PhD theoretical physics. But until then take a look of how much we sleep, the same books you read, the same questions you did. At the end of the day we are like Archimedes.

ME own you in classical mechanics, chemistry, administration, thermodynamics, building, manufacturing.

At the age of 40 being a physicist would be extremely boring, you would be looking outside the window, looking all the machines and thought about science as something no more than theories, while engineers deal with creating new solutions to new problems.

Why is the purpose of flirting a girl for years and years if you would never kiss her?
Stay beta you scientist students.

>inb4 grammar, not native speaker

>> No.5563792

Guys, should I do biomedical or computer engineering?

I'm in Canada, btw.

>> No.5563800


Design prosthetics and be part of the coming neuro-prosthetics revolution.

You'll be part of the team that built/designed Adam Jensen's arms.

>> No.5563802

>ITT Nerds

>> No.5563807
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>> No.5563810
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>> No.5563812


Biomedical does seem very interesting. I want to make Deus Ex augmentations a reality.

>> No.5563814

Its not too late, join the engineer master-race now mein freund!

>> No.5563815

as an EE in his last semester, it may or may not be worth it. if you have shit grades, no experience, you're gonna hvae bad time finding a job.

but tbh, what else is better than engineering as far as undergrad majors go?

>> No.5563823


They have monkeys with brains connected to giant industrial robot arms. The monkeys can control them like their real arm.

Think about the implications.

>> No.5563824

>no girls
>sleep deprivation

no thanks . jpg

>> No.5563830


fuuuark that's awesome

>> No.5563831

Yeah. But if you only knew how much pootang you could get with a physics major.

>> No.5563833

Stay classy, remember you still belong to STEM no liberal arts.


>> No.5563840

Theoretically lets say I'm set to get a undergrad from cornell in electrical engineering. Are you guys saying I won't reach my goal of a six figure salary within 5 years experience.

>> No.5563844

>On this board Nerds

>> No.5563845

You didn't get into mit. Unless thats like a phd or something.

>> No.5563847

Yeah and that 4% are autistic fucktards anyway.

>> No.5563849

Guys I'm in highschool and have great grades and leadership position. I can probably get into any uni I want, sans top ivies and stanford.

I don't want to be a doctor. What science field should I aim for to get top $$$?

>> No.5563851

>highschool and have great grades and leadership position

Everyone here was the 1° at high-school, so whats your point?

>> No.5563856

Are you a minor? Thats a ban... just saying

>> No.5563858

Just so you don't tell me to go to comm college.

I just want a direction. Forget the first line if it really makes you feel better.

>> No.5563860



>> No.5563861

2 years contract

>> No.5563862

18 no prob

>> No.5563865

What the fuck is that?

>> No.5563867


Avoid that if you can paid to any Ivy.
For money I suggest you engineer, but if you don´t really enjoy science it would be a waste of time and money.

>> No.5563869

what the fuck....this is contrary to everything I've heard

>dad is high up EE; says I shouldn't have a problem getting a job (ME)
>uncle is high as fuck ME; says he can't hire enough ME's
>professor says "the only ME's that are unemployed (2%) are the ones who dont want to work"


>> No.5563870

Never heard of that. Care to explain?

>> No.5563872

Love science. Isn't this whole thread about what kind of engineer you should be?

>> No.5563873

>Not creating your own business when there are no jobs.

You guys never paid attention to class doesn´t it?

>> No.5563886
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There also needs to be said about the large majority of people in any given job market that refuse to move out of their bumfuck town and find work elsewhere.

Most people only look for work within a 50 mile radius from where they live, and usually because they started a family before they were financially stable.

>> No.5563905

just do math and computer science
>any csci job you want, even with Cs in math

>> No.5563907

>studied accounting and finance double major
>passed CPA
>now i make 95k without much experience
>accountants always in demand

>> No.5563912


and accounting is easy.

I'm a CFD engineer with a PhD (7 years after bachelors). My work is mentally wrecking. I had to work so hard in school. I'm always tired when I get home. I model toilet swirl for 70k/yr. I was the only member of my graduating class to get an engineering job.

>> No.5563916


and I went to Cal-Berkeley

>> No.5563948

why are you telling me this? i make more than 70k a year, with my cpa and not that much experience, stop pulling this "but thats easy and i do hard work" shit, supply and demand, accounts always in demand especially with globalization

>> No.5563966


I'm on my second post-doc at the university of North Dakota with a PhD in biology.

I make 32k/yr studying rats after 10 years of college (my last six were at Dartmouth). I probably won't be able to secure a scientist position after this and don't really have any marketable skills to apply to anything else.

I might be able to become a high school teacher. Does /sci/ know how I would do this?

>> No.5563973

why become a highschool teacher? most students are shmucks who dont give a shit, teach at a community college if anything

>> No.5563984

I don't know if this is a good place to ask but if you don't mind...

Currently doing a bachelor of science, majoring in Biomedical science. Anyone familiar with potential career perspectives in this field? (Doing neurobiology research in my final year and considering going onto a masters)

>> No.5564013


Neural linked prosthetic arms, eyes, hearts, limbs.

Brain-machine interfaces; military applications, manufacturing applications, medical applications, tele-robotics applications.

>> No.5564039

Thank you!

I was hoping to get into a field where I could research prosthetic but would I need a engineering background to boot?
>Would a engineering back ground be significantly worthwhile in a neural based prosthetic field?

>> No.5564042

well then fuck it dude, if america doesn't have engineering jobs it's time for me to leave

>> No.5564077


Go to India. That's where the American companies are hiring their engineers now.

>> No.5564417

Becoming a scientist isn't something you do for money. It's a way of life that especially becomes you. Don't go into science just for the money; do it for passion and the money will come.

>> No.5564445

Aww cute! I remember when I was a first year undergrad...

>> No.5564475

People value different things.