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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5557017 No.5557017 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/, do you know any good online notes and stuff about basic category theory?
I'm not new to math, i'm doing an undergraduate course and in the spare time between some exams i just wanted to start learning something about this.


>> No.5557070

pls respond

>> No.5557099

Do something more interesting, differential or algebraic geometry or really anything beside categories.

>> No.5557101

read MacLane

then you should be able to monofuctorial transform the epi-dual-n-adic cohomological cobordism-monadicity k-vect.

>> No.5557120

>i'm doing an undergraduate course
in what?

>> No.5557128

Took me 10^{-100} seconds to google it.

>> No.5557138

Yeah, maybe you're right, the thing is, after i took the babby algebra course, i was reviewing some stuff from Lang's Algebra and when he started talking about direct products and direct sums i was very curious about all the product/coproduct categorical thing. Anyway, i found these notes http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~ooste110/syllabi/catsmoeder.pdf , they look fine to me.
I'll give it a look.

>> No.5557148

Thanks for the help, i also found it but i wasn't sure if they were fine.
Anyway, i have to start from something.

>> No.5557167

That note goes into the use of category theory as a basis for logic. If you don't want this, but want applications to algebra etc, a better choice would be the book Algebra: Chapter 0 by Aluffi. I highly reccomend it.

>> No.5557171

MAA reviews: http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/19/

use the search box, pick a book that has been reviewed

>> No.5557204
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Thanks everyone.

>> No.5557268

Categories for the working mathematician is sitting in front of my right now, and I think it's excellent.
What were you planning on using it for? Weibel's "Introduction to Homological Algebra" has a decent review at the back, and gives you immediate applications, helping you remember and get a feel for it.
Perhaps this is a bit much if you've just done with babby algebra. Do some algebraic topology anyway; it's where categories grew up.

>> No.5557432


>> No.5557481

When I started learning category theory, it was mostly from side notes and appendices in algebra books. I would recommend Kashiwara & Schapira, and Hilton & Stammbach.

John Baez also writes a lot on cat theory. One paper I really enjoyed is the one with "rosetta stone" in the title. It's aimed at quite a general audience, so it's easy to grasp.