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5554544 No.5554544 [Reply] [Original]

The more cloudy an area is, the more academic minded and intelligent its denizens.

The less cloudy (more sunny), the more "country dumb" its denizens.

I am developing a thesis of IQ to yearly average sunshine.

In other words, its not race or culture, its the environment which influences intelligence.

What do you guys think?

>> No.5554562

What's the mechanism? Any papers that link vitamin D deficiency/surplus during pregnancy or childhood to intelligence in later years?

>> No.5554569

Uhhh, I think that's an exceedingly reductionist theory. Why would intelligence, some which is vastly complex and important to the survival of the human animal be controlled by one thing, much less one thing of relatively minor importance.

>> No.5554572

Lived in cloudy state and I worked a shitty job and dropped out of community college

Moved to desert state and worked a kick ass job and graduated university with top honors.

myth busted

>> No.5554581

This +1.

>> No.5554583


>> No.5554586

Not OP

With a reduced temperature climate it requires greater intelligence to keep yourself warm and survive.

This is important in evolution up to a point where the basics of civilisation and shelter are established. Once a comfortable living has been set up, cold people are more likely to invest their time in activities within their shelter such as reading and studying.

People who are warm all the time sit outside either doing nothing or playing. They're too comfortable to want to change anything.

>> No.5554601

"Cloudy" and "reduced temperature" are very different.
In Seattle, for example, over 200 days/year are cloudy most years and yet it barely drops below freezing.

>> No.5554608

>With a reduced temperature
You just swiched from clouds to temperature, they are different things you know.

>> No.5554618

> england
> more academic minded and intelligent
disproven...NEXT !

>> No.5554652

Sounds like you were born in a sunny area, OP.

>> No.5554661

Not science.
Enjoy being retarded for the rest of your short life op.

>> No.5554965

So there's no sunshine in Asia?

>> No.5554971

that just means it was easier to graduate in a desert state.

myth enforced

You guys are looking at physical effects, aka vitamin D

the real effect is the psychological effect

>> No.5554976

I agree with OP's theory

I'm glad I can find people on here that think like me :)

>> No.5554984

I think you're probably wrong, but if it pans out I'd be interested to see this. Are you going to bother with trying to handle immigration factors?

>> No.5554988


>Implying that hot conditions aren't harsh

I imagine it takes a lot of ingenuity to live in a desert, but I don't have any reason to believe the Bedouins are smarter than any other ethnic group. Conversely, there are people living on elk meat in the coldest depths of Siberia who eke out an existence, but again I've no reason to believe they are any more or less intelligent because of that fact.

>> No.5555045

I live in miami and it's cloudy almost every other day but it rarely goes below 80 degrees, even in the winter. Everyone here is a dumb sack of shit so many you should adjust your thesis to the correlation between heat and IQ and not sunshine

>> No.5555050

some good schools in california OP.

>> No.5555156
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>> No.5555170

It has nothing to do with IQ, but educational attainment and is caused by geographical factors, not direct physical effects of sunlight on humans.

Warmer and sunnier areas produce more crops more efficiently, leading to a proliferation of farms and farmers. Farmers need relatively little education beyond what can be learned by working on the farm itself, which leads to a lack of higher educational attainment and many farms also leads to a lack of population density. Population density is necessary for the success of jobs that require higher training like medicine, law, business, and science/engineering. Since there isn't a community to support them, these jobs that are usually taken by educated individuals are sparse in warm, farming areas. As such, the majority of people will likely not value higher education because it isn't seen as necessary to their way of life and discourage their kids from pursuing it.

There are likely fewer relatively high IQ people in these places because intelligence is very genetic and these people are farmers, but there are also likely fewer low IQ people too, as they can't rely on a community to support them in an inability to work. The result is an area of average intelligence that has a much lower variability among the population.

Just a rough hypothesis, but with some more research and editing of finer details, I think it wouldn't be totally off.

>> No.5557636


>> No.5557641

No correlation in causality

njoy your pseudoscience

>> No.5557644


>> No.5557754

>>5554988 >>Implying that hot conditions aren't harsh

There is desert killmenow hot and then there is coastal bliss hot.

Hot weather with free sunlight makes people lie around and bathe in it. Just look at tourists and Mexicans. It's too hot to work so to stay alive you must be inactive much of the time so as to prevent your body from overheating. Work is only required to provide sustenance.

Cold environments force you to move. High nutritional intake is required to power the extra movements and heat generation.

I think this can explain the timeline and geography of intellectual development.

Early stages
Warm/hot environment easier to live in. Basic mathematics required for resource distribution

Middle stages
Hot countries are a pain in the ass, with advanced technical/academic skills survival in the wetter/colder areas is possible. Civilisations of a higher genetic intelligence move this direction, different methods for survival are developed.

Later stages
Effects of living in harsh regions are more pronounced. The unpredictable nature of weather has prepared well the inhabitants for a vast range of environments. Global empires are possible with the diverse skillset developed as a result of growing up with bad weather.

>> No.5557757

Vitamin D

Its actually the reason why people think black people are stupid.

They are actually incredibly intelligent in Africa.

>> No.5557763

You do know that IQ doesn't really measure a person's intelligence, don't you? (Please?)

>> No.5557770

>They are actually incredibly intelligent in Africa.

>> No.5557771

Cal-tech, Stanford, and Silicon Valley...

>> No.5557777

The colder the climate, the more resourceful the people had to be to survive the winters.

Where resources were abundant, the people had to become more warlike to defend their territory.

This is why niggers are aggressive savages and Germanic people are gentle geniuses.

>> No.5557800
File: 11 KB, 489x319, africa2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh The irony.

>> No.5558717

And that's ignoring all the warring that happened back home in Europe.

>> No.5558720

I think you're wrong.

>> No.5558765

Beaches and warm weather may cause people too work less and spend more time having fun. Where as a place with cold or rainy weather forces people to stay in all the time where they can work.

>> No.5558768

What dumbfuck made Spain and Britain almost indiscernible colors?

>> No.5558769


All the Egyptian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Indian civilizations that were the peak of all human civilization during their time disagree with your faggotry.

>> No.5558773


I would like to point out that the populations of those civilizations were far different then today's populations in the same regions.

The middle east didn't look nearly as brown and the indian civilization was run by caste system with whites leading.

>> No.5558787

>stay inside and work

Am I the only one that sees that stay inside and working is a pretty modern idea? Certainly not long enough period to influence intelligence.

>> No.5558800

I think there could be something in this, OP. Call me born on a sunny day, but I do.
But try to revise your hypothesis.
Rather than cloudy, which is vague, try this.
Uncomfortable, but not harsh, conditions that don't encourage being outside for prolonged periods of time.
Problem is, you'll have to define comfortable and encourage, but it's a hell of a lot better than cloudy.

>> No.5558801

But easily explains the European advances, while The Australian aborigines invented sticks.

>> No.5558818


Do you guys think that all of Europe is a frozen cold wasteland, or something? And all of Australia is desert?

>> No.5558827

I meant that Europe ISNT a wasteland, it was the conditions this guy described >>5558787
Somewhat, at least.
And 70% of Australia is desert, or semi-arid

>> No.5558874

>grew up in a sunny country
>smarter than 99.9% of the american population

>implying that's hard to do

>> No.5558889

>implying you are an appropriate sample size to come to any conclusion whatsoever

>> No.5558890


>> No.5558891


>implying americans aren't the dumbest motherfuckers walking on this planet