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File: 847 KB, 1351x857, AngoraAncientAthensTrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5550839 No.5550839 [Reply] [Original]

If you were sent back like 2500 years back to Athens, what would you be able to contribute to science and engineering? Some of you must fantasize about this.

>> No.5550841

Not much, as they probably knew more than we know now.

>> No.5550842

> roleplaying crap

>> No.5550843


>No fun allowed

>> No.5550845

Nothing, they'd kill me for being a heretic before I'd get the chance to say anything worthwhile

>> No.5550847

I´m always prepared for that happening op, i´ve mastered the entire engineering skills required to generate electricity, conduct it with AC, and create light bulbs. That would make me the unconditional genius of human history.

>> No.5550849


In things like engineering and architecture I mean, obviously things like biology and chemistry would be quite void, so I could do a fair bit there.

If you explain valencies, nuclei and the periodic table on a basic level, humanity would have a 2300 year head start on chemistry, plus we could make gunpowder and conquer the world.

Biology, my field, would be similarly useless - the Spartans had a very strong selective breeding program anyway and I wouldn't have the infrastructure to develop or deploy herbicides and pesticides.

>> No.5550857


>> No.5550862


>> No.5550863

If I was sent back, I would give the knowledge of heavier-than-air flight

>> No.5550865

They're not going to listen to some barbarian who can't even speak Greek.

>> No.5550869

Okay assuming you would be able to speak Greek fluently, damn.

>> No.5550895

Probably nothing. Paper airplanes maybe?

>> No.5550903


>> No.5550909

>implying i can't speak classical greek

OP, easiest way to impress Pericles or whoever would be to ride into town with stirrups.

>> No.5550923


>> No.5550925

Quickest way to impress Pericles or whoever would be to ride into town wearing stirrups.

>> No.5550973

Good luck buying a horse.
Make a velocipede(bicycle) out of wood, and you'll impress everyone.

After that initial bout of fame, make batteries and demostrate a copper-wire based communication system across a town square.

Then, get hands on magnets and use the copper wire industry from the previous demo to wind spools for generators.

With the generators in place at a waterfall or other, similar hydro-power, demonstrate the possibility of using them as motors too, you can now kickstart the industrial revolution with powered grindstones and looms and whatnot else.

Between those, tell about the importance of public education and reading, get paper industry up and running as soon as possible to disseminate knowledge on a mass basis, and have some scribe transcribe your general ranting and description of things you're not quite a master in, to get the other scholars to refine those ideas into reality.

Such as, the concept of cells, viruses, medication, antibiotics, flight, nuclear power, spaceflight, digital computers and so and so.

>> No.5550980

>you can now kickstart the industrial revolution
This would never work because the industrial revolution was not started by technology. The main cause was the population growth and the improvements in agriculture.

>> No.5550997

I would invent the printing press and let everything else take care of itself

>> No.5550998

Show them how to use steel and concrete and how to utilize them

>> No.5551000

I'd contribute to the war machine first so they let me in, then work on the other shit. I'll get all the little Greek boys I can touch.

>> No.5551249

>Good luck buying a horse.
I would steal one of course.

>> No.5551282


>> No.5551308

Tell Plato to suck my dick.

Then I'd invent soap.

Then I'd stay the fuck out of the way. Humanity is progressing too fast anyway, we don't need to speed the shit up.

>> No.5551330
File: 20 KB, 240x230, 1329841785658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would create a 2000 year technology boom in a few decades.

Since I can't speak greek, I will pretend I am a mute.
First I will help the military to be accepted. I will create my own gunpowder and challenge their best warrior to a fight, then shoot him dead, then present my weapon to the king and the powder to him and indicate I can make more.
Once I have my own lab and am accepted, I will develop steel armor and figure out a way to make kevlar with the terrible tools back then. Once I have created the ultimate armed warrior and Greece begins conquering all of its enemies with their new weapons and armor, and I am hailed as the genious of the time, that's when I really begin advancing the civilization.

First I will start with electricity. I will demonstrate how I can create light by boiling water and driving a turbine, utiklizing the world's first steam engine a thousand years before it is even invented. Then I will use this to improve agriculture, pumping up water from deep inside the ground, making any patch of land able to farm. Also with my geographic knowledge of resources I will introduce them to crude oil after we invade and conquer the middle east, after which I will demonstrate the world's first combustion engine.
With the advent of electricity, I will create the world's first printing press and educate the masses about how knowledge and literacy is power.

With power being generated across the empire, which stretches across most of the globe, conquered under steel and gunpowder and books being printed about our great empire and introducing math, literacy and calculus as standard education, the entire world will be under a new golden age.

After mechanized farming, population literacy and numeracy is standard, after peace has been stomped into the entire world (and I single handedly discover America) I will begin to attempt even greater feats of technology.

>> No.5551348

>First I will help the military to be accepted. I will create my own gunpowder and challenge their best warrior to a fight, then shoot him dead, then present my weapon to the king and the powder to him and indicate I can make more.

how would you forge steel? where would you get sulfur and saltpetre?

>> No.5551369
File: 3 KB, 203x209, 1328981285699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(by now I would have learned Ancient Greek)
Since by this time simple automobiles would have begun to be mass produced on steam powered assembly lines, I will take the next step to begin globalization. Using a train network stretching across the globe I will begin to create an industrial revolution globally with the advent of new technology, population growth and mechanized farming. Coal from Europe will power the steam engines that drive the trains and pump oil from the vast deposits in the middle east. Iron will be mined on mass and distributed to every corner of the globe to create the new machines of a premature industrial revolution. Wide roads will be paved to every corner of teh globe, allowing commoners to use their new vehicles to travel and trade, the printed word of the empire will be availiable throughout the empire within days.
Thus, I wil,l gather the greatest minds of the time and begin to teach them aerodynamic engineering, fluid dynamics and calculus to the capacity I know, in teh hope that togetehr we can begin to build aircraft powered by the fuel gathered around the empire. In this group of minds, I will start to establish and demonstrate the standard model of physics, opening to them to world of sub-nucleus particles and explain the ''magic'' of my invention, electricity and electromagnetism. Gravity will be explained and I will help (the impressive ancient greek) knowledge of astronomy, explaining and proving how we are a planet in a galaxy in a whole universe.
I will use fossil fuels as a means of catalyzing industrial growth only until the point at which our civilization is able to use much more technological means to generate power, such as solar, nuclear and hydroelectric/geothermal.
By this point I would have educated the world about the importance of health, exercise and diet and established the causes of illness and the importance of good sanitation. I would have invented the toilet and sewage works and management.

>> No.5551378

You all die from ancient bacteria and viruses that you have no immunity to.

>> No.5551383

at first I will use open hearth furnaces, utilizing pig iron, limestone and iron ore (using coal to get the ehat needed)
Then ocne I have broadened their understanding of chemistry, I will implement basic oxidizing furnaces and attempt to introduce chemicals to make the steel purer. But admittedly chemistry is my weaker point in science. I can do atomic, but I'm not brilliant with chemical formulation, but I know most of the details of industrial chemistry such as cracking and how to make fertilizers.

>> No.5551400

>mfw I know Ancient Greek
Well, I'd hang with the philosophers and basically tell them about the world.

>> No.5551408

Yeah, but you don't know how to pronounce it and would be unlikely to understand the pronunciation if spoken, at least for a while.

>> No.5551409
File: 52 KB, 191x181, 1327976971146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I haven't died by this point from old age or assassination by religious groups (which I will attempt o remove through the truth of science) and the civilization has reached the point of post industrial revolution technology, I will attempt (though likely with MANY failiures) to launch something into orbit and obtain a simple photograph of the Earth from space. Probably one of the msot awe-inspiring and scientific things as civilization can achieve.
From this point I would have forwarded the ENTIRE EARTH (including africa) to mid 1800s-1900s level of technology standard, with some post 2000s technology thrown in there. I would have averted the dark ages (1000 years of religion), triples the average human lifespan, got over our dependance on fossil fuels, industrialized the world, educated the world, brought peace to the world (admittedfly through violence at first) brought equality to the world, forwarded science by thousands of years and taken our species into space... all in a lifetime.

I would become the single greatest human to have ever existed and that will ever exist, a combination, of faraday, flemming, Newton, einstein, Ghandi, JFK, and many more in one. I would be known as a god.... Known as the super-jesus.

by the eyar 2000 we would either have advanced far beyond our solar system, or have killed ourselves off hundreds of years ago in nuclear war after several different sects misinterpreted and fought over my godly teachings.

>> No.5551615
File: 81 KB, 267x370, CIMG2344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing...I would be too busy being fed peeled grapes by my half-naked harem...