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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 93 KB, 685x600, Alcubierre-Drives-Can-Reach-Quarter-of-Light-Speed-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5549650 No.5549650 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about the Alcubierre model, within our lifetime?

>> No.5549659

not before immortality

>> No.5549663

Both would be nice.

>> No.5549669

Haha, witty!

>> No.5549721

No chance at all. And probably not ever.

>> No.5549737


12yo spotted.

>> No.5549738

i'm working on it, but also like immortality i don't plan on making it available

>> No.5549757

The real question is do we really need faster than light travel if when you approach light speed time slows down?

Anyway relativity is wrong, so none of this makes sense

>> No.5549780

please help correct my understanding of this. the Alcubierre drive is powered by exotic particles which currently don't exist in our universe. Ignoring how we get them, when we do have them how do you control them? It would appear to me that once you have an Alcubierre drive that's turned on, there's no real way to turn it off.

>> No.5549794

I too have a very limited understanding of the drive, but the whole hype about a new 'theoretically possible' design has peaked my interest.

>> No.5549797

>exotic matter

>> No.5549802

Isn't it antimatter?
We can generate antimatter.

Barely. At a huge cost.

It's something.

>> No.5549805

I think you're reffering to matter with negative mass, but the new design refutes the need for negative mass. There are still other big problems though

>> No.5549815

No it's not anti-matter. It's referring to some other form of exotic matter with certain properties that we have never observed to exist.

The type of matter required is ill defined.

>> No.5549832

Ah. My mistake.

>> No.5549864
File: 15 KB, 260x146, 260px-Sg1stargatefront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh... I believe it could work as something like Stargates, Starbubble would be a more appropriate name/state though.

Otherwise it's simply outclassed by other functions

>> No.5550007

something called negative energy density is required. A good analogy is that it creates a high pressure behind the ship with a lower pressure in front, so therefore pushes it forward. However in this case it's a warping in space-time which thus causes the space-time around the ship to move at theoretically greater than the speed of light

>> No.5550251
File: 41 KB, 492x428, troll_science__magnetic_car_by_szczygusek-d3aaqid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high gravitational distortion in front, negative gravitational distortion in back. Wouldn't the ship move forward crashing into the high gravitational distortion and then stop moving once it's collided/merged with the high grav distortion?

Only way to make this work is if you made both gravitational distortions move along with the ship. But if they're both moving with the ship then wouldn't all the forces cancel out? Seems a little bit too much like troll science to me.

>> No.5550268

By the way, why doesn't anti-matter have negative mass? I mean everything else seems to be reversed, charge, spin, etc.

>> No.5550271

probably soon after singularity. so probably yes.

>> No.5550274

The ship isn't moving.

>> No.5550276


Maybe after I get my Marilyn Monrobot.

>> No.5550283

Anti-matter is still matter. It's just been turned inside out. It has all the same particles and sub-atomic particles, more or less, of normal matter there for it has mass.

What the Alcubierre model requires is not anti-matter but an anti-particle....if that's even the right word.

>> No.5550285

It might, we don't know for sure yet.

>> No.5550319

For this to work, we'd have to get exotic matter or generate enough energy that would propel matter passed the speed of light, anyway.

>> No.5550523

The only hope for generating a negative energy density (for the moment) is through manipulating the vacuum expectation value. For example, see the Casimir effect. The problem is that negative vacuum expectation energy has incredibly low density and warp drive metrics require enormous densities. Also, we aren't show that negative vacuum energy actually couples repulsively to gravitation.

The most troubling problem of warp drive was pointed out by Krasnikov. Suppose you could generate the warp field. How do you move the matter that generates the warp field?

There are some very serious fundamental issues that have to figured out before we can even guess how feasible they are.

>> No.5550548

>In 2001 he was recruited to serve as research manager at prominent interdisciplinary research laboratory Starlab NV/SA in a project to assess the viability of time travel under realistic physical conditions.
>At its peak, Starlab employed over 130 scientists from thirty-six nationalities. Starlab projects included intelligent clothing, stem cell research, emotics, transarchitecture, robotics, theoretical physics, e.g., the possibility of time travel, consciousness, quantum computation, quantum information, art, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, new media, biophysics, materials science, protein folding, nanoelectronics, and wearable computing.

Holy shit.

>> No.5552369
File: 7 KB, 254x198, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to note, this reminds me of the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks team that supposedly had/ is working/made on projects such as FTL drivers and sorts; using spinning ferromagnetic liquid in a magnetic toroid of sorts.

Heard some other shit they could go through time using several of those FTL engines together and shit.

TDLR: Shit so crazy nobody would believe even if it would exist.

>> No.5552381

well, this is a first.

>> No.5552397

Ah, this reminds me:
"We already have the means to travl among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projecs and it would take an act of GOD to ever get them out to benefit humanity"
~statement made after UCLA presentation to three Disclosure Project witnesses


"Jim, we have things out in the desert that are 50 years beyond what ou could possibly comprehend. If you have seen it on Star Wars or Star Trek, we've been there done that, or decided it was not worth the effort"
~directo comment by Ben Rich to Jim Goodwall via telephone call at the USC medical center approximately one week before Ben Passed away on January 5th, 1995

>> No.5552405

Those horrible feels when humanity can be so evil that we aren't exploring the stars collectively right now.

>> No.5552430
File: 68 KB, 500x433, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
