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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5547511 No.5547511 [Reply] [Original]

>see on facebook

wat do?

>> No.5547514

all ur homeopathy belong 2 me

>> No.5547518


You sound a little stressed. Have some Cinnymon to relieve your blood pressure

>> No.5547517

>facebook, wat do?
delete account

>> No.5547521

most of it is true.

>> No.5547522

Cinnamon contains safrole, a known carcinogen.

>> No.5547526

Most of it is placebo.

>> No.5547528


[citation needed]

>> No.5547531

I love you.

>> No.5547530


you're a fool... first of all for having facebook
2nd of all for mistaking cures from preventative measures and also not realizing that most of modern day medicine/pharmaceuticals come from knowledge of plants and extracting chemicals from them

>> No.5547532

Some common herbs and spices have been scientifically proven to have therapeutic effects.


>> No.5547534

not the same guy, but google it fagget

seriously this is like my 2nd time on this board in my 7 years of 4chan and now i remember why i dont come on here...

youre all a bunch of closed minded faggot fucks who suck the dicks of anything mainstream science tells you.

i bet you think human global warming is affecting earth. bet you dont realize that big pharma is selling people billions of dollars of drugs they dont need. bet you dont believe aliens exist and beleive that the holocaust happened. bet youre a faggot

>> No.5547538

>helps flush out harmful toxins
Instant bullshit confirmation. I have learned to look for warning signs like this, when you have to pour over hundreds of sources to find one that is remotely reliable you don't have the time to give them the benefit of the doubt.

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

>> No.5547541

>closed minded faggot fucks who suck the dicks of anything mainstream science tells you
Oh no, I use science as a means of validation. Fuck me right?

>> No.5547542

Onus probandi.
Lame troll: x/10 {x : x < 0}

>> No.5547549


no its more so you see anything as non modern science as a source to ridicule

also nice projecting bro

>> No.5547553

>Non modern.

>> No.5547555

Hi, guise, some dumb cunt just told me that willow tree bark eases fever, what a retard, huh? Sure feels good to be a scientist. Poor mortals, they will never taste the sweet fruit of rationality like I do.

>> No.5547556
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>An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

Well, I hope we haven't be Stalin too much of your time then.

>> No.5547559

Sapiosexual here.
I can't fap to this.

>> No.5547561


But, do you know what's better than that? Extracting the actual chemicals that provide the therapeutic effects and using them instead.

>> No.5547564
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time and time again modern science has been proven wrong and revised and non mainstream science, or ancient knowledge, or remdies from the past have been stifled...

if this were the 1930's you would have been one of the people mocking tesla because you cant see past your narrow views.

you should shut the fuck up and do some research yourself before you ridicule something that could has been proven to work, it would have only taken you a couple of minutes on google

>> No.5547565

Oregano have some weak carcinogens too. It's qutie common really in herbs and spices.

The OP list is probably true to most part(except cayenne, a heart attack is a heart attack, you need morphine, oxygen, aspirin and nitro, not hot spices). The issue here is that the effects are weak. Take prescribed meds for the same things and you'll have a hundred times higher potency.

>> No.5547566

Bingo. Herbal treatment is borderline homeopathy.

>> No.5547574

>could has been proven
You see, the difference between science and pseudoscience is that science examines verifiable and falsifiable data, determines a hypothesis, experiments, arrives at a theory, THEN calls it science. Pseudoscience stops at a hypothesis.

>> No.5547580


the point is that its not necessary and is more healthy and cheaper

do you know people die from prescription and non prescription drugs a year?

i of course wouldnt not use pharma in serious medical situations .. thats what did steve jobs in actually, his type of pancreatic cancer was treatable with high survival rates with modern science but he chose to go on some faggot homeopathic remedy bs for a life threatening problem.

also using natural foods is healthier than popping pills and supliments. in most situations a natural diets beats supliments, dont believe me? go ask any pro body lifter which they prefer pills or whole foods to get their nutrition, they will always say natural foods because its more efficient for the body than dietary supliments.

also usuallay pills treat the symptom while food and diet prevents the problem from ever occuring.

shit man scientists are so fucking narrow minded sometimes

>> No.5547589

>pro body builder
>doesn't use protein supplements

>> No.5547593


yeah but in this situation you're wrong and you're applying that pseudoscience view to something that isnt pseudoscience... maybe if you would research before you talk you know

>> No.5547595

Mate, I was a studying herbalist and medieval recreationist for four years. Then I changed to chemical engineering. Guess which has less pseudoscience?

>> No.5547600

>lollologlobalwarmlulz hey, suck mainstream sciencedick lololol, hahaha closetmind lololol
Oh wow, suddenly I feel no regret at all if you never come here again.

>> No.5547605



do you even lift?

>> No.5547615

global warming is caused by the sun, the rise of co2 is from the ocean, man made pollution is insignificant. all throughout the solar system there are signs of every planet warming up. signs of golbal warming have been prevalent since the 1700's before any large human industry and pollution etc etc

go do some real research anon .. youve been spoonfed the lies of the globalist elites

>> No.5547616

>Citing a thread on a forum.
>Maybe this thread will end up in a nutritionist's doctoral thesis.

>> No.5547617

>taking advice from red phaggots
yes i just logged in and negged that poster into the red

>> No.5547618

>From the ocean.
Stop watching Fox news.

>> No.5547627


>using ridicule like a typical close minded scientist instead of doing your own research because you already know youre wrong.. lol

body is more suited to digest natural foods then supplements, also supplements dont have as much nutrition as you can get from whole foods.. supplements arent replacements,, their purpose are in their name to supplement a diet.. not replace it.

>> No.5547633

Where do you think protein comes from, buddy?

Vitamin supplements have the same benefits as food. The issue is the volume at which they are consumed. I take vitamin C supplements that are 833% of the daily recommended value, but that excess neither helps nor hurts me because it's a water soluble vitamin.

>> No.5547636

All pro bodybuilders are riding the anabolic bicycle and the community is notorious for broscience.

>implying BBers don't pop vitamins and supplement pills like madmen
>Ronnie showing off his pills

>> No.5547637


what does what fox news report have to do with scientific evidence? for gods sake the whole solar system is heating up

please dont try to bring speculation AND THEN intellectual ridicule into this as counter evidence

for gods sake.. scientists have let me down today.. do your job

>> No.5547638

>Close minded.
Onus probandi.

>> No.5547640

nah brah it's the same shit

>> No.5547643

I am doing my job; I'm keeping nutters like you from deceiving the public with pseudoscientific nonsense by providing them with actual science. :]

"Your unreason does not get to go on the same shelf as my reason." ~ Bill Maher

>> No.5547644

>global warming is caused by the sun
Science indicates otherwise.

>the rise of co2 is from the ocean, man made pollution is insignificant.
I can't even imagine where you got this from.

>all throughout the solar system there are signs of every planet warming up.
Science indicates otherwise.

>signs of golbal warming have been prevalent since the 1700's before any large human industry and pollution
Just simply wrong.

Instead of going on about how mainstream science is done by elitist illuminati and everyone who isn't paid by the same people as FOX news must be in on the conspiracy, try to post science.

And by that I mean credible science, not /pol/-style Monckton-shit.

>> No.5547649
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"i take it and have been duped by advertising into beleiving so, therefore its truueeeeee- duuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr"

cmon bro

you can do better

also we're talking about protein powder specifically, if you want to talk about vitamin c go ahead, i'll say your 833% isnt necessary. because it is not. either way it is a supplement and not a replacement

for gods sake every cell our body makes come from food, and the majority of modern pharma comes from food/herbs/plants in nature. your small intestine is 2,700 square feet and produces stem cells for your body, its essentially the equivalent of the root system. food/diet mostly has preventative benefits from diseases and cancer but also contain the same chemicals found in pharma that your body absorbs

its not that hard to understand

>> No.5547655

>he believes the vitamin itself makes up most of the cost of the pill

>> No.5547660

>produces stem cells for your body
> food/diet mostly has preventative benefits from diseases and cancer but also contain the same chemicals found in pharma that your body absorbs
Have you ever been as far to whatever I don't clue have no to texted garble?

>> No.5547661

>Doesn't believe in global warming.
>Doesn't know where protein comes from.
>Says professional body builders don't use protein supplements.
>Doesn't know what "onus probandi" means.
>Believes most medicine comes from plants.
>Believes in magic plants.
>Thinks stem cells only come from the small intestine.
>Thinks food protects from disease and cancer.
>Thinks a forum post is a respectable citation.
>Thinks there's such a thing as "mainstream science."
>Thinks scientists are narrow minded.
>Watches Fox news.

lern 2 science bro

>> No.5547669

if we're talking about protein specifically then i'm telling you it doesn't matter
besides, net calories has a greater impact on gains
>steroids, just do it

>> No.5547670
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holy shit

everybodys getting trolled

>> No.5547672

>Made a stupid statement.
>Called it trolling to save face.

>> No.5547674
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good job anon

>> No.5547678

>Made a stupid statement.
>Called it trolling to save face.
>Rates himself 10/10 whilst pretending to be a random anon.

>> No.5547684
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>get trolled
>live in denial



>> No.5547690
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I'm sure you once legitimately believed in those conspi-theories.

>> No.5547695

>I was just pretending to be retarded
Good job. Maybe when you stop 'pretending', the nice people in white coats will let you leave the asylum once a year.

>> No.5547700
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serious tho.. i learned a lot from you guys in this thread and about my own narrow mindedness and opinions on things i havent researched


>> No.5547701

I'm not ridiculing it though, I actually accept that some herbs and spices do have certain effects on the human body. I wrote this post.


I have seen your arguments and the arguments of other people and while I accept the argument that turmeric can help suppress helicobacter pylori infections, I just reject your argument that it is "anti-cancer" or that fenugreek "flushes toxins from the body". Turmeric has some very limited effect on cellular biochemistry and very little of the active ingredient actually makes it into the blood, if you have a full blown malignant tumor then turmeric isn't going to do shit. It is pretty despicable how snake oil salesmen abuse people who are suffering and desperate, and what's more accuse the very people who can help them, actual doctors, of doing the very thing they are doing.

If a substance is needed in the long term for chronic illness and the spice offers adequate concentrations, why not simply add it to your meals from then on instead of continually buying expensive pills?

>> No.5547939

It's not entirely utterly non-legit... but horribly oversimplified and
>can stop a heart attack
Reminds me of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGIbOGu8q0

>> No.5548470

Actually a lot of it is true. I know a friend who gets motion sickness from video games and chews ginger to alleviate the symptoms.

Guess what? Pills come from the compounds found in plants!