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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5543245 No.5543245 [Reply] [Original]

>freshman physics
>professor talking about something: "which requires the chain rule, which you should all be learning in calculus 1 soon if you're taking it this semester"
>several people "we covered that last week"
>odd guy who has 4 erasers, 2 calculators, a compass, protractor, and is always shaking "I did that last semester, I'm studying parametric equations right now"
>prof just looks at him
>everyone laughs
>prof shakes his head
>guy storms out of class
>forgets an eraser

I'm betting he posts on /sci/ ... anyway, general somewhat /sci/-related thread

>> No.5543254
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> counting all of his possessions
> call him odd

>> No.5543256

>Since /sci/ is shit
>contributing shit
Spectacular performance, OP.

>> No.5543258


>> No.5543264

>not taking notice of numerical patterns and quantitative data in everyday life

Liberal arts mundane detected

>> No.5543278

Hijacking. This thread is now about funny shit our professors do.

>Going over some concept and the prof. uses his thermos as an example.
>The cap wont unscrew and jams.
>Remarks. "this is a prime example of when you let a liberal arts major design something"
>no one even cracks a smile except me.
>Dat look of son i am disappoint

>> No.5543280

>Hating on that one ridiculously old dude in class

wtf? They're usually like the best people to talk to and who are seeking a second or third degree.

>All dat life experience/stories.
>All dat gigantic lifetime networking you could tap into to get a job for yourself.

>> No.5543291

>that feel when no friends at school


>> No.5543302

>in phys
>prof: i not that good at drawing but dats a car

has there ever been a physics prof who can draw? isnt it assumed that they are horrible at drawing cars/baseballs/anvils ect?

>> No.5543309

join a club ffs

fuck im a member of the pokemon club and the baptist student union and i may be a loser but im having the time of my life

>> No.5543312

>someone sneezes in huge biochem lecture
>no one says god bless you
I wish I could bottle this feel

>> No.5543318
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this is true

>in art class in HS
>now im not that good at drawing
>her face when

>> No.5543324
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>baptist student union

>> No.5543341

>tfw I carry two calculators, a ruler, a 180 protractor, a compass, a compass (with directions), a circle template, a red flashlight, graph paper, a bag of assorted color sharpies, and a big bag of assorted dry erase markers

I'm an astronomy major though

>> No.5543365


I wish I had the balls to respond this way with a straight face in real life.

>> No.5543387

for me it's

>someone sneezes in huge lecture
>two people say god bless you loud enough for everyone to hear

it echoes the distraction of the sneeze;
only it's more obnoxious because you had to bring the social game into it

the social game:






>> No.5543425

>yfw 4chan is the only place on earth where someone would laugh at Baptist Union Club over Pokemon Club

>> No.5543437

>introductory history course
>reviewing for final exam
>prof. is telling us the essay questions
>that one weird unattractive girl sitting in the front constantly asking dumb questions

Why is every History class like this?

>> No.5543441


How does one get to be an astronomy major? You mean astrophysics?

>> No.5543469

Anyone else deliberately ignore when people say "bless you" so they think "wow that guy was a jerk, see if I ever say bloess you to anyone else ever again" so the phrase is slowly removed from use?


>> No.5543480


No, if somebody is rude to you, being rude back accomplishes nothing. Nigga, do you even Karma?

>> No.5543495
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as if.

more like:
>freshman physics
>professor talking about something: "which requires the chain rule, which you should all be learning in calculus 1 soon if you're taking it this semester"
>several plebs "we covered that last week"
>odd guy who has 4 erasers, 2 calculators, a compass, protractor, and has a phD in mathematics "I did that when i was a babby, I'm writing a research paper right now on the riemann hypothesis. I've almost found the solution"
>prof looks at him, bulge visibly growing
>odd guy "I'm a math major and proud, plebs."
>prof offers him any grade he wants
>guy storms out of class to advance humanity even further and unlock the mysteries of the cosmos with a notepad

>> No.5543500

my oblique biological horizons guffawed

>> No.5543506
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more like:

>freshman physics
>professor talking about something: "which requires the chain rule, which you should all be learning in calculus 1 soon if you're taking it this semester"
>several plebs "we covered that last week"
>odd guy who has 4 erasers, 2 calculators, a compass, protractor, and has a beard down to his nipples "Math is for idiots everyone is mean and nobody does anything productive because they're all jerks"
>prof looks at him, rolling his eyes
>odd guy "My name is Grigori Perelman"
>prof drops his pants right there
>guy storms out of class to write a blog post about how the math community has become 58% more gay since proving the Poincare conjecture

>> No.5543521
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>baptist student union

>> No.5543609

do people really study parametric equations in what i assume is calculus 2 or 3?

i'm a college dropout but i remember doing those in trigonometry in high school

>> No.5543612


le smart guy xD

>> No.5543617

You did, but they're covered more extensively with vectors and calculus in multivariable (calc III) calculus.

>> No.5543625

This, you also integrate them. It's still fairly babby and straightforward though.

If it were a linear algebra class and you were talking about how linear algebra is covered in highschool, then it'd be an entirely different story.

>> No.5543630

i'm not claiming to be smart at all ... i admitted to dropping out of college afterall

>> No.5543634

Not even trolling, but I did that stuff in junior/senior year of high school, in America. I was incredibly confused when we redid it all in Calc 3 in college whereas everyone else in my class had never encountered them before.

>> No.5543637



>> No.5543641


The thing about calculus is that it is basically algebra with two new tricks and a lot of trig thrown in, or in other words babby math. This is why I go into a neckbeard rage whenever people argue about which calculus book is better etc etc. I would have liked to punch OP's friend in the throat.

>> No.5543644

Then do some analysis and quit reading freshman blogs.

>> No.5543683


how about every online community ever not directly aligned with christianity

>> No.5543696

While this is true, some textbooks just babby their way through it and cover it only by example. Other books write rigorous proofs and assign them in the problem sets, and yet other books cover it only conceptually.

The second two are probably the most useful to any math major, understanding the concept and being able to prove it. Though there's naturally expected to be some debate over the best balance on any subject.

The same can be said of geometry. Because it's such an easy course people like to use it as an intro to proofs course. This creates a duality where some texts cover it purely conceptually and others cover it purely proof based. Again there's bound to be debate, but at that level it's so babby tier that almost no one really cares. Still, I think it's bad that most students who've taken geometry can't biject a line, can't biject an angle, can't construct an equilateral triangle around a given center (or any constructable polygon), can't construct fields of constructable numbers, etc..

>> No.5543721


I actually turn around, raise my eyebrows as a cryptic sort of "fuck you", and turn back.

That way they sit there analyzing a possible insult for however long it takes them to get over it, losing precious lecture time while they regain focus.

>> No.5543751

>my name is grigori perelman
>prof drops his pants right there
>throws millenium prize on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
>worst birthday ever

>> No.5543771

wait you dont do chain rule in highschool???

vdu udv

>> No.5543775

>>5543625 >If it were a linear algebra class and you were talking about how linear algebra is covered in highschool, then it'd be an entirely different story.

I did matrices and vectors in highschool, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.5543778

>autism detected

>> No.5543786

That's exactly what I mean. You did matrices and vectors, but you didn't do Eigen vectors, kernels, non-euclidean n spaces, etc..

>> No.5543825

>there are actually people who are this self-absorbed

>> No.5543828
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>Not studying via correspondence

>> No.5543830

>last semester
>not 1-2 years ago

>> No.5543845

Me, although I ignore a lot of things people say because people are annoying as fuck

>> No.5543847

americans general? lmao

>> No.5543854

>he thinks science is about counting things

You must be an engineering student.

>> No.5543855

>he thinks science is anything but analyzing gathered data
you must be a stem autist

>> No.5543863

Counting things and analyzing your counting are two distinct activities. Checkmate.

>> No.5543869

Can you prove that in a court of law? Chekm8

>> No.5543868

>matrices and vectors are linear algebra

>> No.5543872

Professor Armitage by any chance? If you're even still here anyway.

>> No.5543878


>> No.5543889
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>in an electronics class
>kid comes in everyday with a rolly bag with all his stuff.
>clearly has assburgers and autism
>he sits in his chair and starts twisting in it (the chair swivels)
>the chair makes this creaking noise every time the chair swivels
>the kid starts to stare of into the distance and smile
>the professor starts to talk about how nobody on the test got a certain question right.
>the kid blurts out that he got it right. so sure of his thought process.
>you can really hear the assburgers and austim in his voice.
>the professor repeats that nobody got it right.
>kid interrupts the teacher again and tries to explain why he's right still twisting and smiling
>the professor knows he'd get shit if he tells this assburger autismal fuck to shut the fuck up, so he just sighs and asks him to stop twisting.
>professor just closes his eyes trying to figure out why he has to deal with this shit.
>he continues like nothing happened
>kid still twisting and smiling and staring off into the distance
>he's a bio major

everybody's face when he talks or makes too much noise.

>> No.5543891


>> No.5543913

>stats class for engineering and CS students.
>prof talking about how on a previous midterm he made an extra question asking if you had a tattoo or not.
>compares his findings with another prof who taught stats for arts majors
>arts majors have way more tats then engineer/cs.
>kid blurts out, "those tattoos will sure look good working behind the counter at mcdonalds"
>im the only one who lost my shit
>went home and downloaded the lecture recording

>> No.5543931

Pretty much this.

>Road tripping out to a fishing comp
>Driving along with 3 friends in my car
>Leaving the city, pass three cars
>Remark that 'All of those cars had prime numbers, in the numeric part of there number plates. 997, 47 and 131.'
>Get blank looks, no one cares
>Catch the biggest snapper, win a $500 surf casting rod. Pretty happy.

>> No.5543947
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>> No.5543953
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But that's an embarrassing story for you?

>> No.5543955

Hell no, prof laughed, I laughed everyone else should be embarrassed for either not speaking English and getting the joke or thinking they should respect arts major's choice.

>> No.5543963

>tfw I go to one of the friendliest universities in the country.

>> No.5543968

Don't worry, you'll grow out of it.

>> No.5543969

so you actually think it was riveting comedy because you are elite compared to them :DD that's autism

>> No.5544084

it should be the internets?

>> No.5544081

>english class
>prof says: Please move to a computer that has the Internet
>mfw when no one corrects her

>> No.5544144

Hey, that was me

>> No.5544163
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We have some asspergers persian dude in my biology classes. He always gets questions wrong and last year he used to interrupt lectures with the most basic of questions.
Last year:
>Lecture on circulatory system
>Lecturer explaining how the diaphragm and skeletal muscles pump facilitate venous blood flow
>Persian dude interrupts lecture saying he doesn't understand but makes no sense
>Everyone's used to his shit, people start to chuckle
>Ends up getting out of his seat to where the lecturer is talking (in a 300+ person lecture)
>Lecturer politely tries to explain the concept
>'Oh I already know that'
>Lecturer facepalms
>All the students burst out laughing at him
>Lecturer laughs at him
>Persian dude obviously thinks he's some alpha comedian and sits down proud of himself
>Waltzes in late to every lecture with a shit eating grin on his face for the rest of the year

He's made everyone scared of ever answering questions in lectures now, everyone thinks they're going to be socially executed if they do.

Pic related: it's how everyone reacts when he pipes up.

>> No.5544186

Noun with ownership properties?

>> No.5544336

a computer cant have internet, it can only have internet access (access to internet). i think that's what he meant

>> No.5544399


what is 'Common usage'? Alex.

>> No.5544465

I really dont know if this qualifies, but there is a paraplegic in my Social Deviance class (GEP, nothing to do with my major) and he is a total ass, in ways that being disabled does not forgive. I dont honestly know his real name, so I just use puns to make fun of his wheelchair.
For example:

>talking about disparity in the punishments for crack as compared to normal cocaine (same punishment for literally 100 times less crack)
>Prof asks what social pressures may have caused this
>'Wheels' just starts talking without any provocation: "Well, cocaine is usually used and abused by the upper class, while crack is for black people"
>About half the class is black, including two dudes from our university's defensive line
>Goddamnit Wheels
>Prof lets class out 5 min early because the lesson is totally derailed by offended black people.

>I feel like shit one day
>Go talk to the prof about whether I can get a sick day without a note
>He asks how bad it is, and I give him a rundown of my symptoms (fever, vomiting, etc)
> Captain carriage, sitting a good 30ft away in the back of the class, angles his head up as if to lob his statement, and looks directly at me.
>"Why dont you just deal with it?"
>Prof and I both look at him for a solid five seconds before looking back at each other
>Get the day off

Other amazing quotes from good ol' Excitebike
>"women should just know their place"
>"ooooooh yes", in response to prof asking if we had seen some celebrity sex tape or something.

>> No.5544471 [DELETED] 

Sounds like the average /sci/ poster.

>> No.5544483

whats worse is he is one of those guys, you know which ones, but just to cement our empathetic link:

>Prof asks a question
>That guy jumps to the rescue to answer
>Seems to answer a totally different question, and the prof is bewildered as to how to respond; the statement they made isnt false, but it is so far afield that there isnt really time to correct them.
>Despite this, they always answer questions.

>> No.5544494
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>making fun of student baptist union membership
>not making fun of pokemon club membership

I bet you would give him a standing ovation if he was in a MLP club

>> No.5544500

at least pokemon club is interest based. Im not sure why, but the idea of religion based clubs always puts a sour taste in my mouth.

>> No.5544537

I'd rather read some fiction than play card battles with mutated coconuts for creatures while wearing a fedora

>> No.5544542

is this strictly a "bless you" thing? Do you have a policy on gesundheit?

>> No.5544550

>I did matrices and vectors in highschool, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You should definitely get that printed on a t-shirt, just so people know who they're dealing with.

>> No.5544556



>> No.5544572

i'm sensing assblastedness

>> No.5544575

What about Pokemon Club? I'm sure they wouldn't laugh.

>> No.5544578

I used to browse /sci/ about two years ago, and it was much faster than this. Has there been a decline or is it just the time of day?

>> No.5544580 [DELETED] 

/sci/ lost 33.34% of its userbase in late 2011 / early 2012.

>> No.5544596

are you kiddings me

>> No.5544604

Who has time to browse /sci/ when you're raking in 300k

>> No.5544607

where else do you get to look at ek's tits

>> No.5544610 [DELETED] 

Shitposting and trolling rapidly increased in 2011. Josef and other good contributors left /sci/ and the quality further deteriorated. Now it's trolls trolling trolls and the same repetitive shitposting all day erryday.

>> No.5544622

Snap. Glimpsed that thread the other day but didn't have time to check it out.

I'm sure they'll /somehow/ turn up again.

>> No.5544629

is that equal to 1/3?

>> No.5544661 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5544670

Fuck happened in 11/11?

>> No.5544671 [DELETED] 

Huge DDOS attack. 4chan was down for nearly a week.

>> No.5544675

so there was a downtime or a spam flood or what?

>> No.5544679

oh ok

>> No.5544684
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>was banned for a year October 10th

>> No.5544760
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>> No.5544789

thats exactly what i said.

>> No.5544801

He's looking for someone to rip into him. He knows all too well people are afraid to say something to him because of his permanent seated position.

Once you've made him cry, he'll never be the same fucktard towards you again.
He'll probably suck your dick, perfect height and everything

>> No.5544807
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>This thread is now about funny shit our professors do.

>Start of 1st semester
>Linear Algebra
>at one point, prof remarks :"The shortest joke in mathematics is 'take ε<0'"
>a few awkward smiles and chuckles thinly distributed throughout the room
>follows it up with: "Those of you that didn't laugh won't be here in a few weeks"
>mfw he was right

>> No.5544840


Parametric equations and chain rule at uni? what the fuck kind of a shithole do you live in, i did that shit last year and im in my 2nd year of 6th form.

>> No.5544853

Gesundheit seems fine, since as I understand it, it means "to your health" or something similar. If it translated to "May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bestow blessings upon thee" I'd probably ignore it.

>> No.5544875
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>Goddamnit Wheels

>> No.5544887

uhhh, but "bless you" just means "may you be marked with and made holy by blood"