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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5542114 No.5542114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Athiest vs Christian thread.

What do you think?

>> No.5542127

I think that neither side has any proof, and neither side ever will.
Arguing about it is pointless.
And Religion threads should not be on /sci/

>> No.5542135

Post your tits, Harriet.

>> No.5542137

im think i am agnostic becuase i beleve there is a possiblity of reincarnation given that the universe is infinite. Is there something wrong with my thinking?

>> No.5542154


Lel. Because we need proof to debunk purple cloud goblins right? Gods no different, except that the irrational belief in God actually creeps into our political system and impedes scientific progress.

>> No.5542169

No, in fact if you believe that anything is impossible there is something wrong with your thinking.

>> No.5542185

Nobody believes in 'purple cloud goblins'.
You making a strawman out of the other sides beliefs does not automatically mean that you are correct.

>> No.5542191

Religion is not EVER subject to science.
Not in any way.
Not for any reason.

Shame on you for bringing it up here.
I'd guess you wanted to attack religion, but there is no overlapping domain for that to happen.

>> No.5542192

It fucking annoys me when athiests think they now all it, fucking satanists, your all going to hell you fuckers!!

>> No.5542199

>i beleve there is a possiblity of reincarnation given that the universe is infinite. Is there something wrong with my thinking?

Yes, the idea that one topic has ANYTHING to do with the other.

Infinite -space- doesn't have anything to do with reincarnation, or soul, or life/death, or belief.
Infinite space does NOT mean that all things are possible,
or that all things happen,
or that history repeats.
(Neither does multiverse theory suggest any of that).

>> No.5542216

You would if you were told it was real since the day you were born
Because, you know, that's how religion works.

>> No.5542222
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Hearing an atheist shout:

"Haha, God doesn't exist! You're all fucking idiots for thinking anything like an afterlife or magic or consciousness outside of the physical exists! I KNOW I'm right, because science is always right!"

Is just as fucking annoying as hearing a Christian shout:

"Haha! God exists and you're going to go to hell if you don't believe what I believe! I KNOW it's true because the bible says so, and I spent my whole life believing it, so it must be true!"

Everyone just needs to calm down, have some tea, and actually engage in a serious philosophical learning session. I would say a philosophical discussion, but nobody seems to know anything about philosophy anyways to engage is such a thing as a rational conversation.

>> No.5542229

>I'm better because I take the middle ground

>> No.5542256

>implying I'm taking the middle ground
I'm taking the ground that sets all personal belief and dogma aside for one fucking minute, and actually engaging in a rational conversation. THAT'S the side I'm taking.

>> No.5542261

Can't have a rational discussion with a believers of magical sky wizards.

>> No.5542276

hey christians if god exists,where is my dragon

apatheists: 9001
butthurt theists: -0

>> No.5542281

Yes you can. You have to set aside your personal beliefs for just a little while. You assume that there are no magical sky wizards. That's your personal belief. But if you want to actually engage in a conversation of asking questions, challenging your own beliefs, and learning the personal beliefs of others to strengthen your own, you must set aside your hubris, and just listen.

>> No.5542286

Get the fuck out of here.
You aren't clever.

>> No.5542291

You are expecting to have a clear rational and logical discussion about a irrational and illogical belief system.

Sorry, doesn't work that way.

Now, you can have a civilized discussion, not that this ever achieves much of anything.

>> No.5542299

>god made dragons
>atheists rename them dinosaurs and claim there are no dragons

science in a nutshell.

>> No.5542331

I am expecting to have a clear rational and logical discussion because I'VE HAD THEM BEFORE. Have you ever actually worked to speak with a theist, deist, or agnostic before? Have you ever set aside your own materialistic beliefs for just a few minutes to listen to what they have to say, and why they believe what they believe?

> you can have a civilized discussion, not that this ever achieves much of anything.

See, this is why you haven't been able to actually have a logical and rational conversation with anyone outside of your belief system. You believe that the discussion never achieves anything. This is so far from the truth! How can you say you believe anything if you have never had it challenged? Why wouldn't you like to hear what they have to say, and then give your rebuttal of why you don't believe? Then you might actually be able to change their own beliefs, and strengthen your own! Any unchallenged belief is a dead belief. If you are going to believe something, shouldn't you be able to defend it against every opposing argument that exists for it? I'm sure there are at least a few arguments for theism that haven't crossed your mind before.

>> No.5542344

This is unscientific not only because religion is involved but because this entrie thread is biased. Obviously, most people here are going to agree with the atheists which means the outcomes of the conversation will be in our favor.

Go to /b/. I don't say that as an insult either. I'm just letting you know that /b/ has some interesting atheist vs creationist threads and you'll find what you're looking for there.

>> No.5542351

You seem to be confusing rational with civil, which is odd, because you then immediately go on to ignore my use of that word.

You cannot have a rational discussion with something that is irrational at it's core.
At the end of the day, there is absolutely no reason to believe religion is anything but a man made idea, and as such there is no rational or logical reason to believe in it.

>> No.5542390

>At the end of the day, there is absolutely no reason to believe religion is anything but a man made idea, and as such there is no rational or logical reason to believe in it.

True, which is why I'm an atheist, but I'm just wanting to say that is is possible to have a rational (see, I'm addressing the word now) discussion with something at is irrational. Take for example fiction novels, video games, and other things that have worlds which defy reality. You can have rational discussions about them just fine, even though they obviously don't exist. This is how I treat religion, as a mythological fiction, and I can have plenty of agreeable, sensible, and optimal to the set of constraints that I put on my mind. I lift out of just believing the physical for one moment, and release the constraints on my belief system to be able to discuss and question the "irrational" subjects. I gain so much information, knowledge, and wisdom by the end, and it only strengthens my own beliefs. That is just my opinion.

>> No.5542398

math is a man made idea

>> No.5542420

If math is man made then so is logic.

>> No.5542421

Sure, but it has a basis in reality that can be proven.

>You can have rational discussions about them just fine, even though they obviously don't exist.
This example would be comparable to discussing the religion itself, not a discussion about if it is real.
Having the discussion you seek to have about religion about those movies, ect. would involve one person arguing that the events in the movie were an accurate depiction of real events.

>> No.5542440

>Having the discussion you seek to have about religion about those movies, ect. would involve one person arguing that the events in the movie were an accurate depiction of real events.

Right! And that is just fine by me. Whoever I converse with will believe what they are saying to be true, but I will only be looking at it as just pure data and information on their religion, beliefs, etc. I can then ask questions based on that, and learn more, steering the conversation to a point where I can attack the foundation of their beliefs. If they can hold up their foundation, I can begin to understand what makes them believe what they do as reality instead of a tale of fiction.

>> No.5542449

That is called a civil discussion.

A rational discussion about religion would end immediately, because there is nothing rational about it.

>> No.5542459

I got a better thread guys.... theist vs. NON-theist...

>> No.5542463

Well, being "Rational" is only making the optimal and most logical decision under a set of constraints. So, if your constraints are that of the physical realm, then yes, you are going to be unable to have any 'rational' conversation on the premise that only the physical and scientific methods are true.

But if you remove your mental boundaries as to what you can logically discussed, then you are free to have rational conversations on any topic that you choose.

>> No.5542468

Non theist>theist,

>> No.5542484

Let's debate existential nihilism with utilitarianism/humanism instead. I'm actually interested in this debate.

>> No.5542488
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>> No.5542491
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>> No.5542492
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>> No.5542495
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>> No.5542497

I have to ask, why do we have to be so butthurt about religion all the time? The answer I get most often is 'it's holding us back as a species' but I haven't exactly received any compelling reasons as to why our species needs to go anywhere in the first place.

>> No.5542500

Christianity cost us at least FIFTEEN TERASCIENCES.

>> No.5542502
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>> No.5542503

I wish people would stop posting this, do people not even realize how inaccurate this is?

>> No.5542508

>Daily mail article as credible source.
>Inaccurate image macro, functionally meaningless graph

>literally preaching to the choir.

Oh god this thread is r/atheism lite.

>> No.5542510
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Religion is a way to keep the people away from politics and stupid, and the mighty mighty. Works by promising something wonderful in afterlife, what cannot be proven. Sounds stupid, but just check history.
Today, the mass media, large sports events and celebrities fulfill that role.

>> No.5542511

you didn't address this person's point >>5542398

>> No.5542517
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Bet they faked the images.
BTW, what thinks God of people who browse a site full of porn, decadence and homo boards?

>> No.5542518
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>> No.5542519

I don't know, I don't believe in god either.

Surprisingly, this doesn't make the thread any less shit.

>> No.5542523
File: 432 KB, 900x760, Christianity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best description I've ever read.

>> No.5542526
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>> No.5542531
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>> No.5542536
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