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5541942 No.5541942[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was it like before the universe was created obviously God must of been involved The world around us is the best evidence and proof that God created the universe. The very existence of the universe cannot be understood or explained using our five senses. The actual creation of this world was a miracle and cannot be explained by natural phenomenon. Only a supernatural force such as God can explain the supernatural act of creation. Only a supernatural person such as God can make something out of nothing. Only God can breathe life to create life and be the creator of our own souls. The Biblical commentary and scriptures below provides proof that God created the universe.


>> No.5541995
File: 123 KB, 700x366, 1355932930701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5542006


Jane you theologically ignorant slut.

Reality emanates eternally from the Ground of Being.

Creation ex Nihilo is bullshit.

>> No.5542012

What was it like before the universe was created obviously Allah must of been involved The world around us is the best evidence and proof that Allah created the universe. The very existence of the universe cannot be understood or explained using our five senses. The actual creation of this world was a miracle and cannot be explained by natural phenomenon. Only a supernatural force such as Allah can explain the supernatural act of creation. Only a supernatural person such as Allah can make something out of nothing. Only Allah can breathe life to create life and be the creator of our own souls. The Coranic commentary and scriptures below provides proof that Allah created the universe.


>> No.5542027

What was it like before the universe was created obviously Kim Jong-Un must of been involved The world around us is the best evidence and proof that Kim Jong-Un created the universe. The very existence of the universe cannot be understood or explained using our five senses. The actual creation of this world was a miracle and cannot be explained by natural phenomenon. Only a supernatural force such as Kim Jong-Un can explain the supernatural act of creation. Only a supernatural person such as Kim Jong-Un can make something out of nothing. Only Kim Jong-Un can breathe life to create life and be the creator of our own souls. The commentary and scriptures from the Party's Archives below provides proof that Kim Jong-Un created the universe.


>> No.5542029

What was it like before the universe was created obviously zues must have been involved. The world around us is the beat evidence and proof that zues created the universe. The very existence e of the universe cannot be understood or explained using our five senses. The actual creation of this world was a miracle and cannot be explained by natural phenomena. Only a supernatural force such as zues can explain the supernatural act of creation. Only a supernatural person such as zues can make something out of nothing. Only zues can breathe life to create life and be the Creator of our own souls. The pantheistic commentary and Scriptures below provides proof that zues created the universe.

Pantheists - 1
Christains - 0

>> No.5542036

>4chan global rule 10: "No spamming or flooding of any kind. "
You have made your point. Now stop.

>> No.5542042
File: 70 KB, 500x364, HE DOES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it like before the universe was created obviously The God-Emperor Of Humanity must of been involved The world around us is the best evidence and proof that The God-Emperor Of Humanity created the universe. The very existence of the universe cannot be understood or explained using our five senses. The actual creation of this world was a miracle and cannot be explained by natural phenomenon. Only a supernatural force such as The God-Emperor Of Humanity can explain the supernatural act of creation. Only a supernatural person such as The God-Emperor Of Humanity can make something out of nothing. Only The God-Emperor Of Humanity can breathe life to create life and be the creator of our own souls. The imperial commentary and scriptures below provides proof that The God-Emperor Of Humanity created the universe.


>> No.5542040

Post your tits, Harriet.

>> No.5542045

I am a Christian, debate me.jpg

>> No.5542047

is that a warhammer 40k character
i'm mildly interested in reading such a work

>> No.5542060
File: 41 KB, 739x643, that's heresy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a 40k character indeed.

Go ask /tg/ about "Emprah" to see what it's all about

>> No.5542188

omfg you tiny penis munching faggot king what the nigger did you say about my athiesm, ill have you know its a non nigger athiesm and by nigger i mean you yes you you fucking fuck fuckwit fucking nigger king bitch why dont you say that to the Athiest-queen's face you fucking turnip munching chinky negro south french pig scum i hope you rot in hell for the deeds youve done but by far this has to be the worst one ive seen yeah i know you your the nigger bithc fuck cunt king why dont you bitch somewhere elser we have class here dont we fella's

>> No.5542215


'Right to Lifers' are the problem.

C. Everett Koop.

>> No.5542228


>> No.5542238
File: 89 KB, 386x279, 1360310777418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
