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File: 11 KB, 331x249, Testosterone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5536067 No.5536067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Our descendants will hate us for this, this is the priority at the moment and we are doing nothing about it, open your eyes.

>> No.5536077 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 250x221, petergriffin_go_on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was a fucking global warming chart and you were some libtard who was like:
>oooooh! sae the weerld! our decendants will hayyyt urrssss!

but..hmm, testosterone?
alright, go on

>> No.5536119

>not using axis relative to zero

>> No.5536131

Jews, I'm guessing.

Right, OP?

>> No.5536818

Evolution m8. There will be no designated sexuality in the future, humans will be a balance of testosterone and estrogen. Who you m8 with m8 is up to you m8. No more sexuality.

>> No.5536821

I take advantage of all the betafags nowadays. Why is everyone a fucking pussy?

>> No.5537023

There might be some benign explaination like doing less manual labor (exercise => testosterone). Or doing less exercise in general (which is more of a problem, but at least reversible).

You're an idiot. Accusing someone who raises any issue of being an antisemitic conspiracy theory is as childish as calling OP a faggot.

>> No.5537087

SPOILER: The answer is masturbation.

>> No.5537095

This seems reasonable.

Also, is testosterone production negatively affected by higher temperatures, like sperm production? It could be we're sitting all day, and this posture results in warmer testes.

>> No.5537133

Sorry i haven't been keeping up but i keep hearing a lot about testosterone lately.

how important is it/what effects does it cause?

>> No.5537244

Guess what else has gone down: wars

>> No.5537259

Explain to me how this is necessarily a bad thing. Hard mode: explain it without naturalistic fallacies or grossly misinterpreting evolution.

You're not doing a very good job because apparently 'betafags' seem to be outreproducing you.

>> No.5537562

Low testosterone will make you depressed and die earlier.

>> No.5537568

[citation needed]

>> No.5537651

I'm not your slave, study yourself.

>> No.5537686

>it's not a war if the trenchline isn't in my backyard !!!1

How does it feel to be this ignorant?

>> No.5537704

That's not how burden of proof works you dumb faggot.

>> No.5537731

If you're really curious, google the effects of low testosterone.

>> No.5537742

Here, I'll even do it for you.
Rather than rejecting the hypothesis of fellow posters, find the answers yourself, you fucking juvenile imbecile.

>> No.5537753

Kinda doubt your graph...sorry. Testosterone wasn't discovered until the 1930. Measurement was by injecting rosters with similar quantities and measuring their comb size difference. Gas Chromatography was used in the 1970, but it wasn't until the 1980's - where your graph starts - that we used mass spectrometers to measure the hormone: a very expensive and rare event. It's only recently that a significant random sample size has been measured in a cost effective way, and most of that measurement has come from drug companies trying to sell hormone replacement drugs.

tl;dr: Fuck your chart! Show me the citation and I'll show you a drug company pushing.

>> No.5537757

>find the answers yourself, you fucking juvenile imbecile
Pretty fucking ironic dude. The links you posted all refer to medical conditions that have to do with dysfunctional testes. It doesn't say a goddamn thing about lower-than-average testosterone. Aside from that, you didn't post a single actual scientific paper, which makes me wonder what you're doing on the science board in the first place. Faggot.