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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5523141 No.5523141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Because this mission is so hard I propose to divide the workload into steps. Step 1 consists in making the robot create it's own power source. It will only use solar power at the beginning because any other source will be orders of magnitude harder to accomplish and more expensive (nuclear, RTG, fuel..).
Question: How large and how heavy do you believe the first robot would be if it had the capability to swallow soil and reject inter-connected solar panels behind it. This would be similar to “Living on the moon” concept but at a much smaller scale because we are constrained by launch weight.
If we get a launch it will have to be funded with crowd-sourcing such as kickstarter and it probably won't cost more than $100,000 (very easily achievable on Kickstarter).
I would like to add none of any money raised will pay people working on the project. Only materials will be bought. Work will be volunteered, so as to respect the open-source spirit and avoid corporate or governmental control, for profit-motivated enterprise has proven to be too slow for human progress.

All links in next posts.

>> No.5523143

We are still studying the 1980 study by NASA:
> https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Advanced_Automation_for_Space_Missions
A new wiki emerged that has nice resources, although a little bit on the light side:
> http://www.lunarpedia.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
OUR WIKI (needs work):
> http://caesar22.heliohost.org/gnuspacewiki/index.php?title=GNUspace_Wiki
/g/ told us how to license the research (it should be GPL2):
> https://rbt.asia/g/thread/31410657

Some technologies others are working on that are relevant:
> http://www.spacesafetymagazine.com/2013/01/23/asteroid-mining-company-opens-shop/microgravityfoundry/
> http://www.3ders.org/articles/20130122-to-mine-asteroids-using-a-patent-pending-3d-printer-the-microgravity-foundry.html

People and organizations actually doing things that are very close to what our plan is:
> http://www.googlelunarxprize.org/blog/google-lunar-x-prize-team-summit-2012-video

>> No.5523146

Propulsion (for people who like rocket science, but we will not focus on propulsion yet if ever):
> http://www.spacesafetymagazine.com/2012/04/13/microthrust-ion-engine-place-cubesats-lunar-orbit/
> http://lmts.epfl.ch/MEMS-ion-source
> http://microthrust.eu/design-your-own-thruster/93-84.aspx
> http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/asd_10_08_2012_p04-02-503766.xml
> http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/home/CubeSats_initiative.html
> http://www.strout.net/info/science/delta-v/
> http://www.ventions.com/Publications/JPP_APL.pdf

>> No.5523148

Daily Gnuspace Thread Archive

Day 0/ The asteroid Mining Delusion:
> https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/5498780
Day 1:
> https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/5499901
Day 2:
> https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/5502851
Day 3-4:
> https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/5505497
Day 5:
> https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/5514824

>> No.5523251

we have www.gnuspace.org
It does not lead anywhere yet because we need to host it still.

>> No.5523284

What happened the wiki?

Need a tl;dr

I spy kickstarter, not enticing.

>> No.5523297


Found it.

I've had ideas for autonomous exploration/swarm bots and did a little research into engineering for space. May be interested enough to dig it out and look over it again

>1-explore the area
>2-enumerate the resources quantitatively and let the software measure work priorities according to the objectives, the resource
locations and distances between resources and location of base construction, engage fail-proof survival-mode
self-replicating manufacture so robot numbers/mission intelligence/efficiency of mining and smelting can be multiplied over time
>3-establish robotic factory/base
>4-produce enough robots to safely install human habitat
>5-install human habitat (dome, water and air systems, bathroom and food systems, greenhouse, communication center, rec room)
>6-build space port for human landing and transfer
>8-prepare base for human takeover
>7-test habitat with different levels of catastrophe simulators

>> No.5523329

I suggest searching for any archives from Project Sovereign /sov/, anon exploring the idea of becoming a legitimate sovereign nation.

The idea ultimately came to a halt but any discussions on infrastructure may be worth something.

>> No.5523353

how long did that last and why did it stop?

>> No.5523382

>>5523353 >how long did that last
Few months, 888chan provided a home until it disappeared.

>why did it stop?
Because it was Anonymous trying to start their own nation on an imageboard

>> No.5523386
File: 55 KB, 953x626, Panel Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can think it you can make it...

>> No.5523389

It is an on and off thing.

The main problem is a lack of capital.

>> No.5523523


>> No.5523531


you mean lack of vision, direction and plan.

>> No.5523555

I'm gonna need people to look into small solar panel manufacturing.
Delivar now.

>> No.5523561

nofame, have you made an account on the wiki yet? You will be able to make new pages and stuff

>> No.5523577

No but i bought gnuspace.org lel.
Can u ask /g/ for a server to host it?
I ll also sign up for the wiki but im in class right now.

>> No.5523588

>implying anyone would provide a free server

>> No.5523645

Have you read the other threads yet? You might want to start with that. Because right now you are still in denial.

>> No.5523957

Conker here, seems I didnt lost much.
Well regarding solar panels, I think its not reliable to start ptoducing them directly. Lunar made solar plants would be really crappy. Payloaded panels seems the way to go. And, once again, we need high power for power tools. Mining would require RTGs.
In 3d lunacrete printing, what would be better: compresed regolith then steam, or lunacrete extrusion?

>> No.5524101

If I understand this correctly, you plan on building a robot that is capable or finding raw materials buried in the sands of mars, digging them out, processing them, and building a entire base?

Then you want to load it up in a rocket, and land it on Mars?

>> No.5524167

It seems to me that the main crucible in the Gnuspace plan is Robot Design. Do you have a Designer yet? A skilled person to invent a robot that will do the tasks required?

>> No.5524189

I'm capable of covering a large portion of the mechanical design phase. Electrical and computer engineers will be required to help design and manage the control systems.

>> No.5524204

what about software design? Are we partnered up with /g/ to get the coding?

>> No.5524207


I'd like to note that closed-loop automated systems are /the/ big player in future missions anywhere. Example: It's unrealistic to send 300 rovers to Mars that require the same manpower as Curiosity/Spirit&Oppy (ignoring the 30minute delay between commands)

>> No.5524213


I have basic experience in programming PLCs and designing pneumatic/hydraulic logic circuits.

There's a lot of work needs completed before anyone should consider beginning to code anything.

>> No.5524229

What's the point in waiting to build the code?

the way this project is going to work, according to OP, is to divide the workload. If the coders aren't doing anything and just sitting around waiting for the engineers to build it and the electricians to wire it, then they are wasting time.

I do understand that there is a lot that can't be done with the coding until the bot is made to input the coding to, but the framework, basic variables, and definitely the interface could all be built before the hardware is ready.

>> No.5524245
File: 72 KB, 455x364, solar cell paver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want to make a self-replicating robot factory? Excellent, the memetic seeds I've plant seem to have sprouted.

>> Step 1 consists in making the robot create it's own power source.
done, Magma electrolysis--> silicon and iron melt--> vacuum refining --> vapor deposition onto molten regolitih along with dopants and wires---> solar cells

Pic very related.

Of course, you need to get magma electrolysis working first and you need a way to reliably mine lunar regolith.

Mining regolith is a surprisingly hard problem, as we don't really understand the mechanics of powders all that well.

Factories that process rocks and powders on earth don't work very well and need continual maintenance to stay working, something that's going to be hard to accomplish on the moon.

>>How large and how heavy do you believe the first robot would be if it had the capability to swallow soil and reject inter-connected solar panels behind it.
probably fairly large, though you'll have to do the math on it

I'd also tend to stay away from mapping the immediate surroundings and doing things autonomously in the early stages, there isn't much time lag between the earth and the moon, so teleoperation is possible.

>> No.5524267

can you explain your thought's behind staying away from mapping....doing things autonomously?

>> No.5524281
File: 42 KB, 800x515, mass driver 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that might be useful, some plans for self-replicating robots call for extremely simple control using relay logic.

After all, relays are a lot easier to make than microchips. Link below


Almost forgot, the above proposal has the self-replicating factory produce MASS DRIVERS to launch seeds for itself.

>> No.5524307
File: 84 KB, 556x519, Lunokhod-mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you need mapping for in the first place? The glorious Soviet Lunokhod rover didn't do any mapping, it was operated all by people down on earth.

And as I said before, the ping to the Moon isn't all that bad. Teleoperation will also allow you to work out the kinks before moving on to full autonomy.

That being said, I'd like to join this project.

>> No.5524332

Glad to have you onboard.