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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5520444 No.5520444 [Reply] [Original]

A smart guy told me 0.999... (repeating) equals 1.

Is he trolling me or is math flawed?

>> No.5520447

He is correct.

>> No.5520449


He's wrong. 0.999... = 1 - 1/infinity

>> No.5520450

1/3 =0.33333...
3 * 1/3 = 1
therefore, 0.99999... = 1

>> No.5520457


You got it the wrong way round. Proving 1/3 = 0.33... requires the assumption that 0.999... equals 1.

>> No.5520468

1/inifinity?????? go back to elementary school

>> No.5520470

Why? Does your class need a teacher?

>> No.5520472

prove 1/3 = 0.333... and that it is not just an imperfect decimal approximation.

>> No.5520476



read it nigger

>> No.5520495

the decimal number system is flawed, in that many numbers have two representations in it.

>> No.5520501

you have been lied to by the american education system.

>> No.5520509

What is it then?
How do you represent 1/3 as a decimal?

>Answer that trollfag

>> No.5520513

If it equaled one, then it would be one. But it never manages. Pretty poor way to indicate one if you think about it.

>> No.5520516

correct, but 1/3 does equal 0.333...

>> No.5520522

Burden of proof is on you. Please prove that it can be represented as a decimal.

>> No.5520527

if 1 was devided in 12 decimals (e.g. 0.119 was possible) you could 1/3 which would equal 0.4. 0.4 x 3 = 1

this is bestest explaination

>> No.5520528

oh nvm.
He caught me with not putting the ellipses at the end.

7/10 bretty good

>> No.5520531

Only if you pretend that infinitely many digits that are not generated in sequence but simultaneously exist makes sense. In math, we pretend things. It's a kind of bullshit we allow ourselves.

>> No.5520542

you don't have to "pretend they exist" you just have to have a consistent system of symbolic manipulation.

"0.333..." has eight symbols and has the same meaning as 1/3

>> No.5520543

prove it. i'll wait.

>> No.5520552


>> No.5520553

i'll just refer you to a textbook on real analysis.

if you ask for a first principle proof of everything anyone claims, then we will be here all day

>> No.5520559

stfu plebe

>> No.5520563


All of my this.

>> No.5520564

>refer to a textbook
>This is true because this is what I've been shown; Proof? Here is the textbook that showed me it.
We won't be here all day. You will be, for you won't ever come up with a proof, for there is no proof that 1/3 = 0.333...

>> No.5520565

>weak troll just died

back in the day trolling meant something

>> No.5520567

That's being silly. You know perfectly well what people infer when they see one three after another, after another, and so on. You may as well argue that we could slap a picture of a dick and that would be just as informative. Only to a dick licker.

>> No.5520568
File: 142 KB, 1290x1845, prova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess i'll have to use this.

>> No.5520572

With that attitude you might as well refer him to the bible. Math is based on authorities but on critical thinking and there are no holy books in math.

>> No.5520576
File: 42 KB, 500x274, 14sj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be waiting all day. Because no one is going to repeat all of math or science for you right here.

Now have the last word like the good little troll you are. I especially hope you claim to have won, or that I am a retard.

>> No.5520590

>call me troll
>trolling ensues

>I don't need a formal proof, but if you guys desire one, I won't give it to you because YOU don't understand the maths for it

Oh. my. lel. 1/10 for making me respond

>> No.5520585

"people" can infer what they like. who cares about plebs that get hung up on this? the math is sound.

the 0.333... is of course much more informative than a dick, as it suggests an algorithm that can get arbitrarily close to 1/3.

>> No.5520599

unlike the bible, a math book can be appraised as accurate or not using critical thinking. if i were to reproduce a proof here, it would near be identical to one in a book. so there is essentially know different.

knowledge is like that, it has no authority.

>> No.5520603

>the 0.333... is of course much more informative than a dick

A dick contains alot more information. Do you have any idea how much information is encoded in the chromosomes of a single sperm?

>> No.5520606

what's the diff between anon reproducing a proof, and anon giving you a link to proof elsewhere?

>> No.5520611

The difference is that by reproducing the proof anon shows that he understands what he's talking about. Without evidence of his math education we have to assume that anon is a pseudo-intellectul high school retard who is talking out of his ass.

>> No.5520618

Assuming 2 bits per base pair, about 730 MB. It can fit on a single CD.

>> No.5520621

>I now understand the universe

>> No.5520633


>Cant use infinity in equations
>Uses infinite geometric series in equation

Hi! I am a mathematician, and even though I make fun of physicists for using shit incorrectly, I am going to arbitrarily decide when I can use infinity!

>> No.5520627

That's what I thought.

You are not actually interested in establishing whether 1 = 0.999...

You are interested in whether anon knows how to do this formally, rigorously, what have you. You favor the pissing contest over the establishing of truth and sharing of knowledge.

And yet you accuse others of being pseudo-intellectual high schoolers?

>> No.5520628

Maybe he reads the proof before copypasting it. This way he might learn something.

>> No.5520636

He doesn't have to.
Point being that reproducing a proof does not imply understanding; it's possible, yes, but not necessary.

>> No.5520640

[ ] Not Told
[ ] Told
[ ] Really Told

>> No.5520642

>You favor the pissing contest over the establishing of truth and sharing of knowledge.
Welcome to /sci/.

Nice samefag.

>> No.5520646

The one thing I've learned is that true infinity does not exist, and trying to represent this in math doesn't work. No number is actually infinite. Nothing in the universe is. You are all trolling yourselves.

>> No.5520651

>it's ok for me to shitpost because everyone else shitposts.

Classy. And no, not samefag.

>> No.5520656
File: 4 KB, 145x137, 1348212048703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of repeating integers, check these out

>> No.5520658

math is a formal system of manipulating symbols.

if we can do this with internal consistency then it doesn't matter whether it agrees with the material universe. that's for physicists to worry about.

>> No.5520659

>physicist detected

>> No.5520660

I don't even know what shitposting means. All my posts are of highest quality. My intellectual contributions to this board are always appreciated.

>> No.5520661


but then you end up with anomalies like 1 = 0.999... when you try to represent nonexistent infinity

>> No.5520669

by invoking thee infinite

>> No.5520674

Math is flawed.

Nice picture by the way, math makes me happy too!

>> No.5520677
File: 23 KB, 248x319, 1348211327095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5520683

it's not an anomaly. it can be consistently symbolically manipulated.

>> No.5520688

do you have a problem that the same number has 1.999... representations?

>> No.5520691

you can also end up with 2 = 1 + 1

zomg, mathematical notation has multiple ways of expressing the same object


>> No.5520693
File: 11 KB, 200x243, russell1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 98.999... problems but internal mathematical consistency aint 0.999...

>> No.5520708

Duh, there are only two "1"s there. A little less than infinitely many.

>> No.5520725

there are not infinitely many 9s in 0.999...

there are three, and then three dots.

this has a meaning that you clumsily translate as "infinitely many 9s". this is not how mathematicians translate it.

>> No.5520730

you're right, the true question is: what is infinity minus 2

>> No.5520737

To you it must mean my dick, which you are trying to yank.

>> No.5520739

doing arithmetic with "infinity" is another matter altogether. doable, but not relevant here.

>> No.5520745

one meaning is the lest upper bound of the set of decimals beginning 0. and then having a FINITE number of 9s after the point.

>> No.5520746


>> No.5520943

He trolled you.