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File: 266 KB, 1280x1844, Mary-Elizabeth-Winstead-1134113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5513184 No.5513184 [Reply] [Original]

So anyway,

What is the correlation with beautiful looking people and being an American?

As we all know, America has without a doubt the largest number of beautiful people in the world, when compared to any other single country.

But why is this?

Personally, I attribute our beauty to ancestry from every single country in the world mixing together to create our fundamentally superior genetics

What's your take on this?

>> No.5513187

Its called plastic surgery.

murrika also has the largest number of fat people and the highest gun crime rate of the western world. Go USA!

>> No.5513220

That's just a stupid claim. America has more people than most countries, so more attractive people than smaller countries, but certainly fewer attractive people than India and China with well over a billion to choose from.

If you are talking rates (which you didn't in your post), then Sweden blows America away completely. Everywhere you look is some drop-dead gorgeous woman. The Norse travelled around northern Europe kidnapping all the best-looking babes.

>> No.5513222


>> No.5513224

>As we all know, America has without a doubt the largest number of beautiful people in the world, when compared to any other single country.

wtf, since when?!

>> No.5513237

california. just california.
go to any school. community college, usc.
everyone is hot

>> No.5513239

>America has without a doubt the largest number of beautiful people in the world, when compared to any other single country.

No retard. America has the most exposed woman of the world (hollywood movies, tv and shit), and those woman don't represent the average of american woman. How many austiran beauties do you know? Probably none, but that doesn't mean that Auestria doesn't have any beautiful woman.

>> No.5513251

> As we all know, America has without a doubt the largest number of beautiful people in the world, when compared to any other single country.

I'm American and even I think you're trying to hard. Oh, wait, just saw the responses. Troll on my friend.

>> No.5513256
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America is like a vacuum. They suck in the smartest, richest, most "beautiful" and the most talented people in the world. Don't forget they also suck in stupid as shit people too... they just don't put them in the front.

Canada is the same, in a smaller scale I guess. Go Canada!

This is the reason the USA and Canada are the greatest nations in the world. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.5513259
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Ironically, race mixing has taken out extreme features and put us closer to an "average" of all humans than most ethnicities/nationalities.


Also hybrid rigor.

>> No.5513260
File: 148 KB, 976x651, sweden_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweden blows America away completely

lel not for long!

>> No.5513263

>certainly fewer attractive people than India and China
lel I remember that one time I saw an attractive india chick, it was just last, oh wait, never.

>> No.5513269


>"india chick"

it's bed time now kiddo.

>> No.5513272

really...? a single letter?

what a sad life you must lead

>> No.5513277
File: 164 KB, 1280x719, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the "objective" notion of beauty is a western construct. it so happens that people in western societies more likely satisfy the status-quo of "appearing beautiful" based on the criteria of a western society.

>> No.5513281


>judging a whole race
>claims others have sad life

keep at it bro, you're doing good at life.

>> No.5513287


America doesn't compare

Amerifag here

>> No.5513292
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>mfw you're so obviously indian

>> No.5513296

I would actually say the exact opposite OP, you massive faggot. I've always thought the women here were 7.5/10 at best. If you'd actually left the basement you'd see what I'm talking about. The 3 most beautiful countries in the world are Russia, Bulgaria, and Sweden. No contest.

>> No.5513301
File: 60 KB, 500x700, american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Europe is the place with the most beautiful people on the planet

>> No.5513317

Central European girls. Damn.

>> No.5513349

too commie
>and Sweden
too pale

>> No.5513353

meh, at least indians are caucasians.
there are virtually no attractive non-caucasians.

>> No.5513365

>too commie
>too pale

Allen West detected

>> No.5513370

>implying Cambodians, Vietnamese, and Burmese aren't sexy as fuck.

>> No.5513376
File: 42 KB, 615x409, Hand+ball+player+Isabelle+Gullden+of+Sweden+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, i don't know where the idea comes from that northern european women are the most attractive.

you can find the occasional 10/10 no matter where you go, but pretty much rare no matter what part of the world (just rarer in some than others).

that being said, northern europeans are definitely not the most beautiful.
possibly southern europe.
but blonde-hair blue-eyed bimbo seems so insufferably common. Maybe just because it's the standard for the porn industry.

>> No.5513377

again, you can find sexy people from everywhere.

but if it's a comparison of sexy people of different races, i'd rather have a sexy indian girl than a sexy non-caucasian is what i mean.

>> No.5513382

That's why you gotta love the dark haired, light eyed slavs.

>> No.5513386

Is this a joke?
Americans are fucking hideous.
They just put the few that aren't on TV.
Goddamn, you couldn't be that clueless, could you?

>> No.5513398

4chan is a bunch of antisocial basement dwellers; the only idea of people in the outside world, abroad and even domestically, comes from youtube, TV, porn, 4chan, and being enormous retards, even anime.

if you travelled the world, you'd realize by te standards of many 4channers, virtually everyone is unfuckable.

humans just aren't sexy, our media gives a very distorted image of how beautiful some people are while making others seem exceptionally ugly.
in reality, everyone looks like a human: a dressed up, hairless ape with makeup.

>> No.5513404

Your standard of "attractive" is a mix between what is handed to you by natural selection, your ancestors having been successful breeders due to their attraction to those around them, and what you've learned to view as attractive from the media, which has been spoon-feeding you european chics with cheekbones and noses from the French, native, or Italian "race" while others might think this combination looks horribly mismatched and... anorexic.

FYI every culture thinks it has the most beautiful woman. Even in Jerusalem, where they're all hairy with big noses and yellow teeth. (literally, it's not even "just stereo type")

>> No.5513411

Only red is less common than blonde. It is possible you're confusing all the hair dyers in there?
Besides, the blonde body hair that these girls have makes them look less hairy. And their vagina's/nipples are a pleasant pink hue, as opposed to brown.

I don't know if you've ever been to Sweden, but even my A-sexual nerd friend who zaps past porn like it ain't even there had to admit that the girls there were just better looking than anywhere else.

>> No.5513427

>FYI every culture thinks it has the most beautiful woman.

No. Just no. Asians are known to worship white women and men. Black men often prefer white women, while very few white men want black women.

And these things are pretty easy to explain. Wide eyes and light skin are easier to read, white skin looks more frail and feminine, and blonde/red hair is the rarest color.

>> No.5513426
File: 205 KB, 1121x1600, EmmAcneBefore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dumb?
Beauty is subjective.
And, do you not see the bad skin Americans have?
>largest number of beautiful people in the world
And no citation. This is soooo unscientific and just dumb. Please leave.

>> No.5513429


>> No.5513435

I'm black, and no I don't like white women.
A lot of them act as if they're entitled to something, and latino or asian women IMO have much prettier skin.

>> No.5513434

>Only red is less common than blonde.
Depends on where you live. Saying one color is more uncommon than another is meaningless without context of location, considering there are still at least hundreds of millions of humans in each category (except maybe gingers?).
Like I was saying, it's the most common standard of what's considered beautiful by default that I don't understand.

Of course it's a matter of preference, but I don't much like the square jaw and pale features. Light skin and dark hair go well, but if hair, eyes, and skin are uniformly light, it subtracts from the attractiveness for me.

>> No.5513440

Baobab trees in Sweden?
Are the migrants even bringing their native plantlfe now?

>> No.5513448

Well, lightness reminds most people of femininity, while dark remind them of masculinity.

The idea that northern European women are most attractive comes from the fact that they are perceived as more effeminate. Mystery solved.

>> No.5513456

>pigdisgusting swine people

no thx braski

>> No.5513459

it's also more prone to blemishes, and doesn't age as well as darker skin.

>mystery solved
but i don't like pale people :(

>> No.5513460
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>> No.5513462
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fyi this is what americans think is hot

>> No.5513461

I didn't say all black people like white women, I said many do, while white men don't return the favor to black women.

We're also not talking about anything but looks. That they act entitled in your eyes has nothing to do with appearance. Personally, I think Latino women act too masculine, nothing to do with beauty.

I do however dislike how hairy Latino and Asian women can be (or look, because of their course dark hair), and I hate the color of Asian vagina's and nipples. The color brown or greyish brown does not turn me on.. it mostly bores me.

>> No.5513465

It's not about your personal taste, or mine. It's about mass psychology, stop being so butthurt.

>> No.5513471
File: 284 KB, 1892x1900, huurrrdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I love American Women.

>> No.5513473
File: 120 KB, 409x352, 1337949677117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow yuropoors, no need to get so offended...

>> No.5513476

It's not more prone, it's only more visible. And the aging is a side effect of readability. I only care about the looks of young women anyway.. old women will never look good to anyone but milfhunters.

>> No.5513486

>fake plastic surgery whores
choose one

America also has been rich for quite a while, providing all the necessary care and nourishment and money for tity job and face job

result, the "beautiful" and ignorant, and talkative, and stupid and empowered womyn

>> No.5513491

darker skin actually tends to be thicker and less prone to acne and blemishes.
ask any surgeon, they'll tell you operating on blacks is actually easier because the skin doesn't tear as easily.

>> No.5513493

you have clearly never seen a Japanese/Chinese girl, or an Indian girl, or a Russian girl

basically you have never stepped out of your basement. Even if what you say is true, a woman's personality is as important as her beauty. If you find superficial whores of US beautiful, then good luck in your pathetic life

>> No.5513495

Fair enough, seen tons of black people with acne though.

>> No.5513496

your stupidity is showing

>> No.5513501

yeah, unless you just want a night of sex, a keeper is going to have to have a sexy personality to match.
i kind of think southern european women are the most physically appealing, but in terms of personality, i'll hand it to any asian.

I like that women have equal rights and respect as men, but as the above poster said, the whole
>empowered womyn
thing gets to me.

>> No.5513502
File: 25 KB, 306x423, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American womyn you say? Yep,they are definitely unique, just not beautiful

>> No.5513499

/sci/ will tear you apart for this, even though there is quiete a bit of truth in it.

>> No.5513509

anyone who has a teaspoon of brain would agree with the fact that a person's mind and his/her personality is as important if not more, as their beauty.

A person with superficial mentality is like a ferrari filled with shit... it beautiful on the outside, but you won't really sit in it.

>> No.5513514

Asian personality? Whaat?

Unless you mean lack thereof.. Asian chicks usually come in 2 varieties:
1. Compliant sex-doll.
2. Slutty gold-digger.

Neither ever communicates.

>> No.5513525


>dat 7/10 face of no symmetry

>> No.5513534

>As we all know, America has without a doubt the largest number of beautiful people in the world, when compared to any other single country.
>But why is this?

Cultural programming. Duh.

>> No.5513539

>cultural brainwashing
>creating a stereotypic "body shape" for womyn
>wearing stupid outfits
>exposing lots of body
>peer-pressure to act like whores
>always looking for the dick

american girls aren't the type you can have an intelligent convo with, but they are nice for fucking

>> No.5513542
File: 640 KB, 1453x750, 102353953IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this matter? You can find beautiful women of any race/ethnicity
No need to say which is better or best, it's not like your dating a whole race, you only date one (or maybe two or three) girl at a time.

>> No.5513543

agreed, but white american women also come in three types
1. Slutty blonde
2.suspicious/clingy bitch
3.holier than thou type

>> No.5513545

where is Indian??

>> No.5513548

Oh Jeez ok I'll make another

>> No.5513552

none of your disgusting american plastic breasts this time please

>> No.5513554

>two airbrushed pornstars and one average schmo

>> No.5513558

>It's not about your personal taste, or mine. It's about mass psychology, stop being so butthurt.

yes, that is clearly what this thread is about.

>> No.5513562
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>> No.5513563

meant to reference

>> No.5513578
File: 43 KB, 320x404, TG4PO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit-skin races

JIDF plz go

>> No.5513580

pfft. leave those fake bitches at the door.
texas has the best woman hands down. and beyond that, they're smarter, too.

>> No.5513588

Lel wait.. so white, Latina, Asian, and black are all shit-skin?
Nigga, then what's good?
Or are you just another fucking edgy /sci/ kid?

>> No.5513589

>>shit-skin races
i'd rather have that brown girl than the white one.
if only for sex appeal. but still.

>> No.5513598
File: 57 KB, 948x710, swine-8d8664868b34766d2cb441621eb0dec19301f2e2-s6-c10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5513603
File: 200 KB, 1046x325, 102988983232IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last, to prove a point hopefully. The middle pic has bad lighting but It's Sara Ramirez so I mean

>> No.5513604

if you like too much hair and the smell of piss.

>> No.5513605

>prove a point with three pictures you google image'd a few minutes ago
sure is not /sci/

>> No.5513610

Lol but you're wrong.
Sorry try harder nig.
Caption: ssholi assumption

>> No.5513611

And even if you were right, it's completely irrelevant where I got the pictures from.

>> No.5513620

all i'm saying is it's all anecdotal evidence here.

range of personal preference is great enough that it's not even informative to say people from one place are uniformly more beautiful, considering, if my standards are any indication, the typical traits of women from all over the world fall short of my mythical standards of perfect beauty.

>> No.5513614

>you can find the occasional 10/10 no matter where you go
>Maybe just because it's the standard for the porn industry.
Especially true for tus here on /sci/

>> No.5513627

There's been tons of studies towards what race is deemed most attractive.

>> No.5513625

>range of personal preference is great enough that it's not even informative to say people from one place are uniformly more beautiful
I agree with this, and yes it is anecdotal evidence. I shared it in order to add a bit of perspective to the conversation. I felt that people were making brash claims about different races so I wanted to show that a 10 can be found in pretty much any race.

>> No.5513629

cite then.
And you better cite "tons"

>> No.5513648

I'd be surprised if there are studies saying (with absolute certainty) men prefer one race over another. I mean, can you really find completely reliable empirical data for something that is a preference? I just think that a study like that would have a lot of nuances and interferring variables.