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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5511010 No.5511010 [Reply] [Original]

Someone stole my external hard drive so I don't have my 4chan folder

But anyways, yea, 13 light years away from earth are millions of earth like planets.
Should we stop making missiles and start making space ships for future generations?
I think so!


>> No.5511034

Sorry, I guess you guys must be too busy with homework threads.
I'll be back later... :(

>> No.5511033

13 light years is a hell of a distance.

For every year it takes for light to travel it takes roughly 38,000 years for the space shuttle to travel the same distance.

Not only would this require copious amounts of fuel, more than Earth can supply and enough to bankrupt every country simultaneously, but this would require enough food to last 38,000 years, enough people to breed healthy offspring for 38,000 years, enough oxygen for 38,000 years and a ship huge enough to house all this.

IF we pulled some kind of physical miracle and managed to achieve light-speed (which is impossible, Einstein wasn't lying) it would still take 13 years which is epic compared to the 4 days it took to get to the moon.

It's highly impractical to build a rocket big enough to house 13 years worth of fuel, food and oxygen let alone 38,000 years worth.


>> No.5511041 [DELETED] 

Let the free market handle it.

>> No.5511045

Actually it would be more like 494,000 not 38,000 to travel 13 light years.

>> No.5511048 [DELETED] 


You dumb shit. New technology will evolve allowing us to eventually go as close to go close to light speed. Time dilation will kick in and we'll visit distant galaxies in months of our time.

>> No.5511057

If we traveled 13 light years in a few months we would have gone back in time.

Way back in time. So we couldn't bring back anything we found because king Cnut has yet to be born by the time we would return to Earth.


>> No.5511065

We don't plan on coming back.
This is about continuing the human race to conquer the universe.

>> No.5511069
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Yeah, that way we can wait a fucking extra 100 years in stead of just getting fucking nasa in on the subject.

>> No.5511070

Okay, how do you plan do transport enough people to populate a planet?

Nothing with mass can break the speed of light or even reach it you dumbfuck.


>> No.5511074 [DELETED] 


>If we traveled 13 light years in a few months we would have gone back in time.

Light years are a measure of distance, not time. /sci/ has gone retarded, not calling this little dumb faggot out on his shit.

>> No.5511079
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And stop spamming fucking /x/ you retard. I hate skeptical retards that brand stuff scientific bullshit right off that bat.

>> No.5511081


>> No.5511084

Are you saying we can gather the fuel (enough of which cannot be found on Earth), food (which would weigh enough to sink the ship before it left Earth) and oxygen with any amount of money in the US then go on to build a ship big enough to house and support all this as well as enough people to populate this planet all the while developing the technology to break the speed of light within 100 years?

Sure is stoner in here.

>> No.5511083


>> No.5511088


>> No.5511089
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>> No.5511097
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>doesnt know what space time is and how a warp drive works

>> No.5511101

>Doesn't realize that warp-drive is and always has been looking bleak since it requires more energy than even the sun can supply and negative mass.

Relativity applies to everything even warp drive. The only problem warp-drive solves is time-dilation.

>> No.5511108
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You seem to have been isolated from the scientific community for sometime now.

>mfw a Alcubierre drive will only need a fuel source the size of voyager 1

>> No.5511115

Methinks thou dost not know what the definition of "skeptic" is, my lord.

>> No.5511117

But will still require negative mass.

That is the #1 obstacle with warp-drive.

>> No.5511128

This is true, but in time will be possible.

>> No.5511124

>quotes discovery
>discovery made a publication that said mermaids were real

>> No.5511135

That is an assertion, not a fact. I can similarly say that in time, we'll be able to convert space in to an infinite amount of energy per the research of Nassim Haramein, or that we'll one day invent perpetual motion devices. But no, just no.

>> No.5511132
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>> No.5511133
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To give people and ships negative mass?

My sides are 13 light years away,

>> No.5511136

>thinks that mermaids aren't real

>> No.5511140

>Onus probandi.

>> No.5511142

Can someone explain why negative mass is required?

>> No.5511146

Spacetime dilation/curvatire-mass proportionality

>> No.5511144

>To give people and ships negative mass?

>hurr fuel

>> No.5511147

Okay that makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.5511148

Actually giving anything negative mass and sustaining it would use an ungodly amount of fuel.

And I was just talking about how the concept itself is less practical than an Infinite probability drive.

>> No.5511151

I apologize for the typo. Running on four hours of sleep.