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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5509271 No.5509271 [Reply] [Original]

>'So, what do you study?'
>'... sounds hard.'

>> No.5509275

The worst is when they mistake you for a Psychic..


>> No.5509289

A Physician you say?

>> No.5509288

>"Oh, I can't do maths tehee"

>> No.5509292

>"What do you study?"
>"What's 148 times 37?"

>> No.5509295

then you answer
>Yep, I've got it hard for you baby

>> No.5509304

>"What do you study?"
"Mechanical Engineering"
>".. So you want to fix cars?"

>> No.5509320

>What do you study?
>Yeah, that's cool.

>> No.5509327

>"What do you study?"
>"Can I suck your dick?"

>> No.5509331

fucking everyone I talk to.
Then they say they major in Biology.
I try not to laugh

>> No.5509332

Nostalgia'd a little

>> No.5509333

>"What do you study?"
>"Wanna suck my dick?"
Do I ever?!

>> No.5509335

>what do you study?
molecular biology
>oh so you aren't smart

>> No.5509340


>Looked down on by the Chemists
>Biologists think you're weird

Doesn't this ever piss you off. Happens to my flatmates all the time.

>> No.5509342

Not me but I overheard this

>>what do you study?
>But you can speak it
I study it to a higher degree
>So you bascially get to learn big words?

lol'd out loud when I heard this

>> No.5509344

Try telling someone you took Psychology before schools renamed it to neuroscience or what have you. Then tell them you are not qualified to work with people, but can train mice for films:


>> No.5509353

>what do you study?
>oh you like money a lot?

>> No.5509349

>laughed out loud out loud

>> No.5509350

>'So, what do you study?'
>'That sounds interesting'
'So does the prospect of putting my dick in you're mouth'
>'I bet you can't even spell 'your''

>> No.5509358

>lol'd out loud

That better have been on purpose.

>> No.5509384

>'So, what do you study?'
'taking showers, taking baths.'

>> No.5509391

>'So, what do you study?'
>'So you want to be a teacher?'

>> No.5509401
File: 72 KB, 802x574, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone once misheard me and thought I said business

>> No.5509405

rip in peace, your sense of humour

>> No.5509406

>Hey hows it going?
>You too
>stare in the vast emptiness that was his response
>walk away, say nothing
>never speak of this to anyone

>> No.5509411

>"hey, how're you?"
>"how're you?"

>> No.5509416

>'So, what do you study?'
>'EW, WHY?! That sounds horrible.'

>> No.5509421

>'So, what do you study?'
>'Quick, what's a million times a million?!'

>> No.5509420

>'So, what do you study?'
'Computer Science.'
>'Can you fix my computer?'

>> No.5509426

Hey what's up?
>what do you study?
Commerce, majoring in accounting
>oh lol so you're gonna be like Donald trump? Can you do my taxes?
>something like that, and naw I'm not certified yet

I could very easily do your taxes, but come on, that's ridiculous

>> No.5509434

>'taking showers, taking baths.'
It's "take a shower, take a bath". I fucking remember this from like two years ago but I can't remember the full post.

+1000 internets to whoever has a link to an archive or a screencap.

>> No.5509439 [DELETED] 

>"What do you study?"
"Mechanical Engineering"
>".. So you want to f(x) cars?"

>> No.5509446

>"What do you study?"
>".. So you want to f(x) cars?"

>> No.5509443

top lel m8 my sides haev losted it

>> No.5509448


>> No.5509454

>'So what do you study?'
>'So you like blowing things up huh? xD'

>> No.5509455

>are you gonna be like breaking bad or something?

>> No.5509457

>'So, what do you study?'
>Oh, can you please take a look at my back, there's some weird brusing and marks, do you know what it is?

>> No.5509461

>Not knowing what a million times a million is

>> No.5509464

That's the point.

>> No.5509465

it's a million million

>> No.5509472

m dot chanarchive dot org / 4chan / sci/ 54211/ study -physics

is this it

>> No.5509479

Didn't even need a calculator for that one, haha!
Anyone can cross big numbers in their head, you just have to see the points and know how to fit them together.

>> No.5509484


Haha, more like

>so you want to suck dicks
>so you want to flip burgers

>> No.5509537

>Implying Engineers have no job prospects

>> No.5509571

>Implying MechE isn't the most over-saturated engineering major

>> No.5509577

>why don't girls study what you study?
dunno, I guess it's just not interesting to them
>Well what kind of stuff are you learning
mostly how machines work like how things rotate and pieces more relative to each other
>oh, yeah, that sounds terrible

>> No.5509626

>'So, what do you study?'
'Electronic Engineering''
>'Can you fix my...'

>> No.5509634

>What are you studying?
>Can I have fries with that?
"Yes, that'll be $6.77.

>> No.5509640

I'm pretty sure it's one-thousand-billion

>> No.5509642

>go to bro's party
>lots of hot chicks
>"What do you study?"
>study Chemistry, lie and tell them philosophy
>say random bullshit I made up to look deep
>get pussy

I stopped saying the truth because they always give me that look like their vaginas are drying up.

>> No.5509659

Maybe its just chemistry, whenever I tell girls at a party that I study physics, they get super wet and ask me to teach them something. Usually I go to the tried and true nucleosynthesis in stars and they think that's amazing, or sometimes I talk about the double slit experiment.

>> No.5509678

>what do you study
>Chem E
>Wow that sounds hard

the end.

>> No.5509686
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>double slit experiment.

>> No.5509708
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>"What do you study?"

>> No.5509709

Wait wut?

>> No.5509954

kinda related, I told this girl I was taking a cosmology class, and she said

>cosmology? So you want to be a beautician or hairdresser or something??

>> No.5509973
File: 497 KB, 526x619, #.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you study
You know what I study.
>Huh? What do you mean?
You're looking in the mirror.

I fall to the ground and weep, silencio.

>> No.5510018


>"Oh, I hate physics."

Well, I hate your face.

>> No.5510050

>What do you study
>OMG can you fly me around? XD

Can you buy a fucking plane and fuel? XD

>> No.5510068


This, but with math. Like, I'm polite enough not to call them out on their "super difficult humanities classes" so they could say something nice too.

>> No.5510085

>'So, what do you study?'
>'what kind of engineering?'
'electronic engineering'
>wow that's sounds difficult, you must be smart
'I guess, it is a little'
>so would you like to go on a date tonight?
'wow, that'd be great, shall I call you?'
>no need, I'm on hand all the time
'wait what?'
>mate, I'm your right hand
'am I talking to myself again?'
>yes you are you stupid fuck
'to think i actually took the tiime to write this shit'
>yeah says a lot about me I guess
>tfw I can't even bring myself to give a fuck

>> No.5510082

>'So, what do you study?'
'Tits. I'm here to wander around and look at womens breasts out of the corner of my eyes. Here, feel this.'
>'... feels hard.'
'yeh... want some fuck?'

>> No.5510124

I hate when you say X Engineering and people automatically asume that you're smart.

>> No.5510176

To be honest anyone can do engineering. It's all about practice and time management

>> No.5510184

>"Hey anon, what do you study?"
>"Oh, that's too hard for me."
"I know. You're a low tier pleb how needs formulas and objective evidence."
>"I wish I was as smart as you."
"No one is as smart as me. I am the most intelligent person alive."
>"Will you be my gf?"
"Haha, no. I'm only attracted to intelligence."

>> No.5510195

I hear not significantly developing in 3000 years is a sign of genius

>> No.5510203


Oh, gross

>> No.5510252

"So what do you study?"
"Electrical Engineering"
"I hear electricians make good money"

>> No.5510268

>'So, what do you study?'
'Informatics. You know what that is?'
>'Please; I'm not dumb. By the way windows 8 sucks.'
>'Well good luck with your computers.'

>> No.5510277

Idk what informatics is, google tiem.

>> No.5510290

I guess the poster is German or French because what English-speakers know as "computer science" is known in Germany as "Informatik" and in France as "Informatique".

I (a German) also thought for years, that "Informatik" translates to Informatics in English.

>> No.5510299

do you think someone who has a high 70 in grade 12 can be an engineer if he put his mind to it?

>> No.5510305


'Isn't that basically just math?"

>> No.5510317

Now I won't need to carry spaghetti cheese with me when I go to parties!.

>> No.5510324

>what do you study?
>oh, cool, where?
I fear you more than you fear me.

>> No.5510333


Tell Walter Lewin, "Anon says hi."

>> No.5510337

wouldn't be the first time he's been told that.

>> No.5510339


Then tell that nigger I can do the chalk trick better than him.

>> No.5510340

>'So, what do you study?'
>'... sounds hard.'
Actually, I'm doing it because I really enjoy it. It is hard but I like doing it.
>whoa you must be some kinda genius
No I just enjoy doing physics
Walk away

>> No.5510351

>What are you studying?
Civil engineering.
>Like bridges?

>> No.5510354

>'So, what do you study?'
'Computer Science'
>'OH can you fix computers because mine is broken'
'Sure if I have time'

>> No.5510355

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.5510356
File: 53 KB, 510x546, 1335780668066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Sure if I have time'

>> No.5510357

Why would I say no? If I have the time, it certainly is more productive than just sitting around playing vidya and posting on 4chan, plus it gives me some work experience

>> No.5510361

nothing is better than posting in this glorious community of faggots

>> No.5510364

it means she wants to have sex with you

>> No.5510371

false. it means she wants you to think she wants to have sex with you, when really she wants free computer service.

>> No.5510378

I always wondered why English-speakers call it a "science".

Whatever, I study "computer engineering".

>> No.5510392

i blame the british

they said they come up with everything anyway

>> No.5510393

>So, what are you studying?
>So you're going to be a therapist?

>> No.5510397

Because Computer Science and Computer Engineering are two different fields at least in the US, I learned this when my advisor told me half way through my BS that I had chosen the wrong field for my career path

>> No.5510407

>"Hey, what do you study?"
"System engineering"
>"Can you fix my computer"
"I could, not for free though"
>Person walks away.
Every single time.

You can be anything as long as you put your mind to it

>> No.5510411

Computer engineering is constructan computah, computer science is figuring out how to use computah.

>> No.5510415

>You can be anything as long as you put your mind to it

do you teach 3rd grade english at an all girls academy. get real and grow up

>> No.5510431

>"Hey what do you study?"
"Environmental Science"
>"Oh my god, cool!"

Little do they know it's just to avoid being undeclared before I transfer!

>> No.5510443

Keep it as a double major and use it to pick up treehugger chicks.
They're usually pretty good looking, if a little on the generic side.

>> No.5510455

>'So, what do you study?'
'Computer Science'

>> No.5510474
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>'So, what do you study?'
'Computer Science.'
>'What makes it a science?'

>> No.5510485

>get drunk at party
>ICP's "miracles" comes on (this was a few years ago.)
>explain how magnets work to everyone
>apparently I puked in the fridge demonstrating fridge magnets

good times.

>> No.5510490

>What does it have to do with computers?

>> No.5510498

>Wot u study m8
>Oh man that's fucking awsome. Dr Anon! lol!
[Screams internally: it's easy, it's just prestiged due to whatever retarded reasons]
Yeah, well, still a bit left until done smileface

>> No.5510499
File: 36 KB, 768x576, waiting for the train.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wat do u study?
im not sure yet
>you dont look like u have it together
my train is here
>i hope u figure out what u want to do
i hopee you find someone better to talk to than a man waiting for a train

>this was an actual conversation

>> No.5510508

>immat- tlell you how mgangnet vork...
> id's... id's fucking magic *bleeeerrgh*

>> No.5510518

> Hey
> So, what do you study?
> ...
I... I study computers
> Oh, so you make games?
I... Yeah, I did a game once

>> No.5510529

>'So, what do you study?'
'Chemical and Nuclear Engineering'
>'so you want to make bombs?'

>> No.5510534

>2 years
Nigguh, that was a few months ago.

>> No.5510535 [DELETED] 


>So what do you study?
'math and computer science"
>oh wow, nice

>> No.5510562
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>> No.5510586

Why do you have a high 70 and you're on 4chan?? And is that a math class you have a seventy in? And which math class?

>> No.5510617

>So what do you study?
'math and computer science"
>oh wow, can you fix my computer?


>> No.5510661

>So, what do you study?
>Dang, why?
I want to do math research.
>Do you research new ways to count backwards or something? What's the biggest number?

This was an actual conversation.

>> No.5510728

>'So, what do you study?'
'Physics and Math'
>'so like an engineer?'

ffs, it's like people haven't heard of scientists.

>> No.5510748


>> No.5510764


Mathematicians aren't necessarily scientists.

They lack the whole "scientific method" thing. They're more definitive not needing experimentation where scientists do.

>> No.5510768


OP is a pretentious ego highing faggot. fuck you and fuck your wanna be "asian waifu" in your pic, faggot.

>> No.5510852

So what do you study?

>> No.5510859

Working on my PhD in undeclared

>> No.5510866

A scientist's idea of a joke.

>> No.5510869
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>"what do you study"
>"so you are like an astronaut?"

>> No.5510876


>> No.5510878

>what do you study?
"Major in English double minor in-
>so you plan to be unemployed? trolololo-
No, asshole.

I plan to be an english teacher

>> No.5510881

>"what do you study"
"liberal arts at the community college"
at this point people burst into laughter so hard that they pee an cry at the same time

>> No.5510918

>"what do you study"
Biomedical Engineering
>"Damn, good luck with that"

>> No.5510927

>'So, what do you study?'
'What? How did I get here? Who are you? What am I doing talking to someone outside of my college?'

Everyone I talked to at Uni was basically the same major as me.

>> No.5510938

>Implying engineering isn't saturated as my homeopathic medicine.

>> No.5510951

Depends why you have a high seventy. If you are working your ass off and that's the best you can do, you are probably too dumb. If you have a high 70 because you are a slacker, you COULD do it, but you will probably flunk out because it requires an insane amount of work.

I finished grade 12 with a 79 average and I am doing a mechanical engineering major. My marks stayed close to that in first year. Now I'm in second year and I'm considering switching majors because it is 2hard4me. Not the concepts, they're easy as fuck, but the fact that I have to spend so much time on it.

>> No.5510962

it is so common for people to say something like
>wow that's a lot of math courses! that's awful! i would hate that! i hated math in high school! have fun with that! :P :P

but imagine if it was me saying
>wow look at those courses in managerial accounting/british literature/cultural anthropology survey/post colonialism

>i would just hate that! that sounds terrible!

everybody would stare at you like you just slapped them in the face. but if people shit talk math/sci you're just expected to laugh along

>> No.5510964 [DELETED] 


that's because math people aren't insecure about their choices. we can laugh along witht hem knowing we are superior.

>> No.5510974

decent point. i usually respond to
>wow i hated math in high school
by saying 'yeah me too'

that always throws people for a loop

>> No.5511007

They didn't know how magnets worked?

Was this a party for first graders?

>> No.5511627

>so what do you do for a living?
i work in finance
>like at a bank?
no, i work at a hedge fund.
>is that like a mutual fund?
(getting bored), yeah, its something like a mutual fund.
>oh really, i put my money in this mutual fund and i lost a lot of money on it where would you recommend i put my money what stocks should i buy is buying bonds good now hey btw whats up with the interest rate on my mortage huh?
i'm sorry i have to return some videotapes.

>> No.5511646
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>Talks about the double slit experiment
>Dies buried under a pile of pussies
Yeah, happens to me all the time.

>> No.5511659
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>'So, what do you study?'
>'Woaa you must be so smart !'
'You damn right I am bitch.'


>'So, what do you study?'
>'Sooo what do you do ? What are your courses about ?'
'Carrots. I study carrots.'

>> No.5511667
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>>i'm sorry i have to return some videotapes.

>> No.5511679

Computer engineering is, well, engineering, but the stuff people call "computer science" looks like mathematics to me.

>> No.5511682

>Study music technology
>implying anyone gives a shit about that enough to ask me anything

My dream is to study cosmology later on, but despite being good at math, I didn't get along with my physics teacher, subsequently even dropping physics for biology.

what the hell do I do now ;_;

>> No.5511697
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>Oh, I haven't seen you so long, little anon.
Yeah. Hi, uncle anon
>Your mom tells me you are a math whiz
Umm...well I'm majoring in math but--
>What is 1765 times 1,100,945.2?

>> No.5511706
File: 136 KB, 1600x900, Butcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'So, what do you study?'
>'Sooo what do you do ? What are your courses about ?'
Like horoscopes and stuff. What is your sign? Leo? I just figured that one out this morning. Leo's are should be looking a big, unexpected but positive change in their life soon.
>'Fuck me till I love you right now!'

>> No.5511708

>What do you study
Computer architecture
>Hey, can you tell me why my youtube is running slow today?

>> No.5511709
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>What is 1765 times 1,100,945.2?

Sorry, I haven't taken that class yet.

>> No.5511716
File: 271 KB, 794x528, news_dough_odo_yakuza_tokyo_anton_kusters_photography_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look fun
>lets go
>take here hand
>see we are fun
works every time.

>> No.5511744

How do they work?

>> No.5511750

How many times are we going to do this thread?

Ah, fuck it, I had from stupid pure sci bitch yesterday:

>What do you study?'
Chemical Engineering

Fucking freshman.

>> No.5511781
File: 1.89 MB, 214x193, 1292917617969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is 1765 times 1,100,945.2?

1000 x 1,100,945.2 = 1,100,945,200
700 x 1,100,945.2 = 770,661,640
60 x 1,100,945.2 = 66,056,712
5 x 1,100,945.2 = 5,504,726


>mfw I did that all in my head
>mfw I'm not even in college yet
>mfw I won't even be a math major

>> No.5511786
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Yeah I wanted to study something which difficulty matched the state of my penis upon seeing your beautiful face, my love.

>> No.5511790

Multiplying numbers (as in doing the operation) has nothing to do with math. Also it is in no way impressive that you could do it. Pls be trolling.

>> No.5511802
File: 610 KB, 586x487, 1296145527114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel someone's mad and delusional

>> No.5511808

Currently, short summary of most conversations:
>I'm in medical school.
>zomg, that must be so hard and you have to know so much.
>Not really.
>Oh, okay.

In the past, actual conversation:
>What do you study?
>Okay, so what kind of job can you do with that? Teaching chemistry in high school or something?
>Yeah, they only made up chemistry to pester people in high school with.

>> No.5511812

>Chemical Engineering
Ah... the path not taken...

>> No.5511830


You deserve it for saying maths faggot.

It's Mathematics.

>> No.5511835

it's pretty impressive that he can do that in his head, if he is indeed telling the truth.

>> No.5511840

yay my post is in an archived thread i'm so very special

>> No.5511843

Funnily enough, most normalfags assume engineers are poor despite having the highest statistical salaries of any undegrad degree. Probably because their retarded family members are technicians calling themselves engineers.

I wish the humanities faculty would raise their standards.

Not really, everyone can do that but they assume they can't because some time ago someone apparently decided that there is a time limit to answering arithmetic questions. And >>5511790 is right, it has nothing to do with mathematics.

>> No.5511844

>"What do you study?"
>"greedy cunt"

>> No.5511849

> What do you study?
> do you want to become a priest?

>> No.5511852


>> No.5511854

Bad counter example. EE master race.
> materials science is starting to kill it down though.

>> No.5511855


it's a pretty weak mistake though.

>> No.5511857

Ah, ok, now I get it

>> No.5511877

Materials science is what I want to get into.
How fucked am I in terms of study and work to do on the road ahead?

>> No.5511893

>"What do you study?"

>"Oh so like Egypt and the Romans and stuff?"
>"Oh so like dinosaurs and stuff?"
>"Oh so like maps and stuff?"

I'm just going to say business from now on.

>> No.5511895

quotation marks plus greentext
forgive me
it's 3 am

>> No.5512054

It's either that or biology

>> No.5512072


>> No.5512074

Just say infantile psychology and use your common sense to lie and get beaches.

>> No.5512121

*after talking to a girl for a few mins*
>"so what are you studying?"
'Mechanical engineering'
>"sounds hard"

*after talking to somebody over the age of 30*
>"so what are you studying?"
'Mechanical engineering'
>"thats a proper degree that, not like these media or history courses that everybody is doing nowadays "

>> No.5512118

If I multiply 58x65 for example I get 3480 and then when I move to multiplying 58x5 to get the second half of the answer I forget the number 3480.

Not "everyone" can do it, some of us are limited to shitty working memory.

inb4 >hurr us suck at math u dumb
I'm studying Engineering and am averaging 76% in maths so far despite being a waster who never studies.

>> No.5512177
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>'So, what do you study?'
>'Are you going to become a Maths teacher then?'

>> No.5512183

Either samefag or hivemind?

>> No.5512204

"What do you study?"
>Software engineering.
"What does that entail?
>Y'know the software on your computer?
>I engineer shit like that
"Oh, Okay".

>> No.5512215

>What do you study?
>Oh, so you already analyzed me?

Every time. It's so cliché that I'm surprised people still do that.

>> No.5512264
File: 6 KB, 259x194, Anumber1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats your major
>WOW thats impressive. So are you going to make drugs in your basement

>> No.5512267

that is why I switched out of Psy into chemistry
srsly so I would never hear that again
that and its all bs

>> No.5512294

i just lol'ed so hard. chemists are sexy ;)

>> No.5512297

>What do you study?
Physics and EE double major
>Cool! which course did you enjoy the most?
I mostly enjoyed the courses in mathematical theory. Math is like art, only for smart people.
>Oh cool! I'm reading a book about poincare conjecture, can you explain to me what are ”simply connected domains"?

My first conversation with my current gf

>> No.5512326

Holy shit. Math isn't my major, but I'm always doing it because compsci and I come across this shit all the time.

It either goes
>I get a calculator
>I think 10 seconds about it

Like fuck off.What if I hovered over you and told you every time you misplaced a fucking comma. Fuck.

>> No.5512353

>Math is like art, only for smart people.

>> No.5512377
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>> No.5512412

This. All I need to do is say function and my fucking environment studies friends are donezo

>> No.5512419

Erm, mathfags, you know you can round large numbers and nobody cares?

>1765 times 1,100,945.2?
1.75*1'000*1'000'000 = 1.75*10^9
Then add some more because of the 0.1 and the 0.065 you left out and you get 1.85*10^9 which is pretty decent.

>> No.5512449
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>reading a book about poincares conjecture
>not knowing what a simply connected domain is

>> No.5512466

..pick one

>> No.5512476

sorry what im no mathematician but arnt multiplying numbers encompassed in the subject of mathematics?

i know this may sound stupid but im new to this board and further maths education

>> No.5512498 [DELETED] 

>What are you studying?
International Relations ;_;
>Oh so you're gonna be some superspy diplomat traveling for free working for the government?
No I'm gonna be a superbum working for free, negotiating my welfare with the government.

>> No.5512542
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>> No.5512576
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>physicists get more pussy than chemists

I suppose it is time to become better acquainted with my virginity. Its going to be a long partnership...

>> No.5512581

I was so bad with my maths that the head of the physics department called me to his office specifically to tell me to give up on all of my dreams and switch to a liberal arts major.
It was the most soul-crushing day of my life.

>> No.5512601

>implying ChemE isn't more saturated

>> No.5512602


lol did they also make a public announcement throughout the whole building during class?

>> No.5512611

Thankfully, no.

>> No.5512624

>What do you study?
>Ok what am I thinking right now?

>> No.5512635


So, did you transfer?

>> No.5512643

>'So, what do you study?'
>'so you're going to be a doctor???'

every. fucking. time.

>> No.5512657

lol did they offer you cash to quit because your grades were so bad they were bringing down the college reputation to shit-tier?

>> No.5512652

Can you?

you should be able to.

>> No.5512659

Fucking baitlord

0/10, even with response.

>> No.5512672

>'So, what do you study?'
Chemistry, you?

automatically feel superior to them

>> No.5512683


you walk away feeling superior, they walk away with their head down

>yfw historian was actually trying really hard to cover up his smirk of superiority because he'll be set with a teaching job while you'll be a stuck-up NEETfag :D

>> No.5512697

>What are you studying?
"Chemical engineering."
>...so you're going to make bombs?!
"Yeah. Or table salt."

>> No.5512698

>what do you study?
>packaging science.
>lol, so you will work in a box factory?
>no, i'll just design boxes

>> No.5512704

id rather be neet than a deluded idiot

>> No.5512721

>implying science teachers aren't in demand

>> No.5512724


yeah but while a historyfag is content with a teacher's job, you moral superiority sciencefags will never settle for it

>> No.5512819

>What do you study?

From here, you can basically get two responses (from personal experience).

>What can you do with that? / What's x times y.
'Alot, actually' / I have no clue, that has almost nothing to do with mathematics.

If people don't break off here, the ongoing conversation varies per person. I'm quite patient with others, but the 'what's x times y' question pisses me off to no end though.

>> No.5512844

lettuce be cereal that never happened and would never happen

>> No.5512849


>> No.5512862

>the 'what's x times y' question pisses me off to no end though.

You could just say that the answer is xy. You'd be right and they would feel dumb.

>> No.5512876

>So, what do you study?
Chemical Engineering.
>Is that like, making bombs and shit?
N-no . . .
>Oh, so is it more like shampoo?

>> No.5512899


>"Oh, I can't do maths either"


>> No.5512902

>What do you study?
Computer Science.
>Oh, can you fi—

>> No.5512918

>'So, what do you study?'
>'... I'm so, so sorry.'

I wish so many people didn't fucking say this to me

>> No.5512933

Think about what you just wrote and you'll be the one feeling dumb.

>> No.5512956

>i wish ;_;

>> No.5512963

can you change my light bulb

>> No.5512997

I would...
What's wrong with educating people?

>> No.5513058

High school kids are hell to teach. And it gets worse if you're teaching something like chemistry.

Ever wonder why there's no Dead Poets Society-esque movie about a stem field?

>> No.5513060

first 30 seconds

>> No.5513078

I'm surprised no ChemEs posted this one:

>what do you study?

chemical engineering

>oh yeah, being a chemist is real hard...

>> No.5513105


thats why Europe and rest of the world is calling it informatics or information science

>> No.5513117

Thanks for the lolz

>> No.5513122

>what do you study?
Chemical Engineering
>i'm terrible at and hate math/chemistry
>wow, you must be really smart, that sounds difficult
>can you make me LSD?
>*rant about how we ruin the environment*

I've stopped saying I'm a ChemE and usually just say textile arts and basket-weaving major. I'm a great bullshitter, so usually it makes for a good conversation segway and a couple of laughs.

>> No.5513185

What's strange about studying molecular bio?

>> No.5513198


Why the fuck not!?

Don't you realize that "biologist" is a shit career.

>> No.5513229
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>What do you study?

>> No.5513238


Nope, can't see any error in my statement.

x times y = x times y

>> No.5513242

This really got me.

>> No.5513246

> "Hey."
> "So, what do you study?"
> "Like medical school? To be a doctor?"
> "Can I please place myself on your dick?"

>> No.5513274 [DELETED] 

>So what do you study?
>whoa really can you tell me how to make ecstasy?
*think for a minute*
treat 3,4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde with base and methylene iodide. add nitro ethane after a few hours. extract and reduce with excess lithium aluminum hyrdride...
>they stop paying attention
why the fuck did you ask me?

>> No.5513293

> ohey
> how are you?
Bad. Can't figure out how to multithread the solution to Project Euler n.11. At least I have a slew of manuals, so I should find out soon.
> ...

Oh yeah, okay *gnntnwas small talk* Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. And you?

>> No.5513340

I never get tired asking chemists that. I know most of them don't but still. Just too easy to pass up.

>> No.5513368


Do my taxes mother fucker

>> No.5513372

>'So, what do you study?'
'computer science.'
>'ugh, what a nerd, eeew'
'yeh... heh. heh.'

>> No.5513374

Hello mister autistic savant!

>> No.5513431

This is very true. because honestly the simple stuff is pretty useless in the higher levels and it goes in the back of the head to make room for the current formulas/theorem

>> No.5513451
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>'So, what do you study?'
>'... what are you going to do with that degree after you graduate?'

>> No.5513467

>What do you study
>Oh, so you must like the Big Bang Theory

This actually happened to me once, was helping someone pick out a couch at a furniture store and the saleslady asked me what my major was, conversation went down exactly like this and proceeded to get worse.

>> No.5513507

i bet you responded with something edgy like "haha no that show is for plebs!! xDD"

>> No.5513508

>What are you majoring in?
Computer Science. What about you?
>Political Science and Chinese
Oh wow, Chinese is hard as shit. Im bad at learning languages, I tried French and failed miserably.
>'Oh Anon, I have so much respect for people who are doing Computer Science. Its so hard, but its like learning a language too! Except with all the nuances of mathematics. I have a lot of repsect for you.

>8/10 blonde girl

Probably one of the best nights at Applebys ever.

>> No.5513512

>not saying "I've never seen it"
>not saying " It's okay"
>not saying "Yes" and then changing the subject

enjoy virginity

>> No.5513515

On the contrary, I went full beta.

>> No.5513516

All the fucking time.

>I saw Michio Kaku on TV recently.

>> No.5513522

I did say "I've never seen it" so she took the liberty of going on to describe it. I just ended with Sounds interesting... I...I'll go check it out. To which she responded with something like "you'll love it."

I felt kind of sick afterwards.

>> No.5513523

did you give her the dick

>> No.5513526


>> No.5513573

the fuck? I do this regularly.
>implying I give a fuck if they get butthurt

>> No.5513989

Oh god, don't EVER tell a girl you're doing engineering.

>> No.5513993

Am I a bad person for assuming that this girl is extremely ugly?

>> No.5513997

Talking to decent 8.5/10 in work break room.

>So, what are you studying?
Physics major.
>Ew, sounds very 'sciency'.
Yeah, it's great.
>I'm doing psychology, *chuckles*

At this point I laughed out loud and she just walked away. Perhaps we weren't laughing for the same reason, lol.

Happened today.

>> No.5513998

I've never had that before, people in my city always assume it's superior to chemistry because of the extra word. Most of them probably never even took chem in High-school though.

>> No.5514000

>field biologist
>Not one of the most fun-tier job in history

>> No.5514004

I think he thought you meant actually saying 'x' and 'y' in the conversation as apposed to replacing them with actual numerical values like.
> Math huh, what's 18631654 times 165742347
It's exactly 18631654 times 165742347, you stupid bitch.

>> No.5514006

>Implying they let you out of the hospital long enough to talk to girls.

>> No.5514010

Good choice tbh, people get really pissed of when they realize the stereotypes they invented were wrong because it makes them feel even more inferior.

>> No.5514011

When people ask partner and I what we're doing at university:

>"What are you studying?"
>"Thats like, tiny stuff right? Like tiny robots?"

>"So, what are you studying?"
>"oooh you gonna try and analyse me? Should I be scared? Want me to lie down on a couch and talk about my childhood?"

>> No.5514013

>Perhaps we weren't laughing for the same reason, lol.
You were kind of a cunt.
Self-deprecating humor isn't a green light for you to make fun of her. You basically told her to fuck off only on high tier of assholeishness.

>> No.5514015

It's not their fault that somewhere along the line we decided to create the most ill-defined buzzword ever (innovation coming in at a close second).

>> No.5514016

I know, it was great.

>> No.5514017

Oh god, why the hell did I read through the whole thread and posted unfunny replies that no one will ever read.I need to get of 4chan.

>> No.5514018

Thank you anon, your reply makes me feel a bit better about myself.

Was the look on her face worth not getting some quality pussy?

>> No.5514019

Oh yeah, for sure. I couldn't handle being around a psychologist from such a shit-tier university (essentially a trade school) for much longer than the brief time we speak each shift.

>> No.5514023

All the Medic/econ/psych girls get on your dick if you tell them you do engineering. Make sure you don't dress/act like an autist though.

>> No.5514026


Do they really? I would think they would go for chemists more, since most people know jack shit about physics and slightly above jack shit about chemistry.

>> No.5514035

In my experience they just become intimidated, I try to stave off the 'what's your major' question for as long as possible.

>> No.5514045

Interesting. It must depend on demographics and the type of engineering.

Eng is such a cockfest that the spring ball is ALWAYS joint with Psychology here. It's like shooting fish in a barrel because the Electricals/Mech/Comp are full autist while the Eng Design, Civil and Aeros are like the Jocks of my university.

The Electricals/mech/comp always turn up to the ball in poorly fitting SUITS, not tuxedos and drink pints. I mean what the fuck? Who drinks pints at a formal?

>> No.5514068

This thread is awful. Truly awful.

>> No.5514072

>Who drinks pints at a formal?
Uncultured cunts.

>> No.5514077

Thank you for improving it.
-the thread

>> No.5514080 [DELETED] 

>"What do you study?"
>"Cognitive science"
>"What's that?"

Granted the name can sometimes be deceptive but in this case it's pretty much spelled out in the name.

>> No.5514115 [DELETED] 

> Whatchu study?
> Can you tell me what's going on with me? I keep *insert random-could-be-anything symptom.*

>> No.5514148
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>'What do you study?'
>'Oh, I do economics! We're both nerds lol'

>> No.5514155

>it's just prestiged due to whatever retarded reasons]
Because your field's bureaucratic scumbags are better than other field's bureaucratic scumbags at keeping the degree artificially valuable.
Also medfags are the only intelligent people plebs will get to meet on a regular basis.

>> No.5514166

>Can you tell me what's going on with me? I keep *insert random-could-be-anything symptom.*
I do this with my brother, giving him increasingly general/ambiguous/fewer symptoms, then when he doesn't give an immediate answer I chastise him;

Revenge plot for him calling calculus worthless once. He hasn't caught on yet.

>> No.5514187



>> No.5514192

>So, what do you study?
>Didn't they already figure that genetics is because of dna?


>So, what do you study?
Evolutionary Biology

>> No.5514199


Engineering: Destroying traditional jobs and forcing more people into STEM. Still hate math faggots? Time to deal with it.

>> No.5514299

>Didn't they already figure that genetics is because of dna?


>> No.5514318

Dude, do you even internship?
Do you even 36 hours working time?
>Every fucking day

>> No.5514325

>'So, what do you study?'
"Uh... Law and Maths."
"Yep, that's how people tend to react."

>implying qt corean popstars (or anybody at all) comes up and talks to me

>> No.5514331

What's wrong with wearing a suit? Supposed to be more formal than a tuxedo, no?

>> No.5514337

She said "ew" when he said "physics"; she deserved it.

>> No.5514340

>So what do you study?
>LEL, look at this faggot thinking he does hard science

>> No.5514343

Not in the evening. No. Don't do it.

>> No.5514347
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>yeah some of the stuff I study is pretty hard

>> No.5514355

>'So, what do you study?'
>'Oh, that's like the stuff in CSI, right?'


>> No.5514360

Where are you? Here, people would wear a suit to a wedding, a formal, a dinner, etc.. Maybe some people wear a tuxedo, but they stand out.

>> No.5514363

>Oh, that rocks!

>> No.5514364

Nice subject of study!
Can you answer me one question? What is the country with the lowest overall crime rate? Norway?

>> No.5514368

I'm from the UK.
During the day, a suit is fine.
Any event after 7pm though, that's tuxedo territory.
Looking at my formal pictures now, the only two people I know wearing a suit are from the north.... everyone else is in a tux.

>> No.5514376


>> No.5514380

Well, so far as I've noticed in Australia and Japan, tuxedoes are basically never worn.

>> No.5514392

>What do you study?
(Think to myself: they prob won't know what it is..) Nanotechnology Engineering...
>Oh Engineering is hard!
.... yeah.. and I'm in the hardest discipline ;_;

>> No.5514394

I'm not quite sure since the scandinavian countries have very similar rates (the lowest in the world).

>> No.5514398




just like the dick you'll have to suck.

>> No.5514402

Ok, thank you.

>> No.5514403

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Tesla was replying to this thread. How's that Math/Physics degree doing for you, considering that you have the creativity of a retarded cockroach?

>> No.5514413
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>what do you study anon?
Biomedical Engineering
>OMG anon you know about medicine and your an engineer?
>Please fuck me so you cant go to medical school after you graduate.
Pssh...bitch please 9/10 scum

>> No.5514437


Right, but seeing how (x)(y) has only variables with no context then it is the only correct answer except (y)(x), but that is redundant.

>> No.5514451

That'll make them think.

>> No.5514466

>Law AND Maths.
Yeah, I'd probably react with a 'wat' or '...' too'.

>> No.5514473

> she deserved it.
She deserved to be hate fucked more imo.

>> No.5514514

The university offers a standard structure for it, at that.

Lord Denning studied mathematics, and Fermat was a lawyer, so I'm in good company, at least.

Frankly, I think the law could do with a few pointers from maths.

>> No.5514524

Leibniz was also a lawyer.

>> No.5514567
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>> No.5514573


pretty well actually, considering I'm applying myself entrepreneurially and creatively applying my skills.

give me five more years and I might just be ready to get my dick sucked by your kind.

>> No.5516530

i see what you did there

>> No.5517160
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rest in peace in peace.

>> No.5517315

>oh, you're a doctor then

>> No.5517321
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eryy time