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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 172 KB, 480x361, Sonderkommando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5507864 No.5507864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there climate change skeptics, but people who question the authenticity of Jewish extermination holocaust deniers?

Why is Judaism the least persecuted religion in the world? Despite it being the most disgusting.

Wake up. If you are convinced the holocaust happened then you are everything wrong with society. To even suggest the poor Germans were heartless enough to do such a thing is absurd.

The Holohoax stands up in the 21st century on very flimsy evidence. It's up to YOU to take it down. Then maybe your Jewish overlords will stop stealing all your money.

pic related: it's from the holohoax wikipedia page. Apparently it's a 'bone crushing machine'.

>> No.5507870

Nice try son. 2/10

>> No.5507873

What? I'm not trolling, I demand answers from you sheeple

>> No.5507886
File: 499 KB, 220x283, pocketfail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if trolling or extremely stupid.

If trolling: 1/10, troll softer.

If stupid: 0/10, would euthanize.

Either way, pic related, you fail this badly.

>> No.5507893
File: 19 KB, 447x350, kissing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. It's you not having a clue about what really happened and worshipping your Jewish overlord

>> No.5507896

3/10 for the sole fact that you took up space on the front page of my favorite board with this shit.

get this shit off my /sci/ and go back to pol and discuss your bullshit with the rest of the plebs while we discuss things that at least marginally matter

>> No.5507900

>3/10 cuz my fave board hurr durr I wet myself :(

Well I don't want to discuss with plebs. If you're so smart, how come you can't prove the holocaust was real?

>> No.5507906


>> No.5507913
File: 1.63 MB, 339x187, 1349059415883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? so you can rest easy at night knowing "the jews" are lying cunts? is that what you need to sleep at night? grats, certain jews are lying cunts that possibly fucked the world into believing bullshit, dunno don't care, i still need anyone with the intelligence to create new tech and move the planet forward

>> No.5507917

As you can see in this thread, people saw a couple of piled up body pics on the internet and said 'omg this is irrefutable proof of the jewish lolocaust'. Sorry to dissapoint you but this is as credible as /sci/ gets.
They are right about one thing though, which is this doesn't belong to /sci/, so fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.5507933
File: 47 KB, 655x560, 1269309107632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Judaism the least persecuted religion in the world?

>> No.5507941
File: 6 KB, 151x210, 1359868463698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5507957
File: 12 KB, 590x106, recursion_beginning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the nazis were too busy taking it up the tailpipe and enema play, so they called their buddies the ancient aliums.

Also, it's hilarious that an ACC denialist is also a nazi apologist.

>> No.5507962

> infantile replies

>> No.5507963

Not a bad troll... But the neo-Nazi thing is overrated and uncreative. You get 2/10.

>> No.5507966

>to an infantile thread
Yes, >>>/b/ is where OP should have posted this in the first place.

>> No.5507968

11 million bodies mysteriously disappeared...

>> No.5507969

>how do ashes work?

>> No.5507970

in·fan·tile /ˈinfənˌtīl/
> Adjective : Of or occurring among babies or very young children: "infantile colic".
> Asking a legitimate question about german history
> People instantly getting butthurt and bias
You don't belong to this board if you can't come up with a counter-argument and only post infantile replies. A real intelligent person would just give OP the facts in a civilized manner and shut him up.
again, >>>/b/

>> No.5507977

>Why are there climate change skeptics, but people who question the authenticity of Jewish extermination holocaust deniers?
Because climate change is a speculation of impending future events while the holocaust is a historical fact. They are skeptic because they don't necessarily agree with the conclusions and possible consequences of the theory, you are a denier because you claim vast amounts of historical events are false without evidence of your own save some insults you heard on the internet.

>> No.5507983

A real fed-up person would give up trying to give logical answers and providing links to sources after seeing them being ignored for a thousand times.

OP and his species is too set in their ways for any kind of argument to get through the four inches of bone between the outside world and their brains. This is something I've observed in /n/ews, /new/s and here.

Which is why I'm deliberately acting as obnoxious as I can in these threads, to drive the conspiracylemmings out.

>> No.5507986

> I've been all summer and I still have no counter-argument.
Thanks for letting us know, you can leave now.

>> No.5508019

You are the one who doesn't have an argument based in any reality or fact.

>To even suggest the poor Germans were heartless enough to do such a thing is absurd.
They were heartless enough to invade multiple countries, have almost nonstop bombing campaigns, and knowingly and willingly kill millions of other people, so your appeal to German character in place of actually evidence really falls apart fast.

>Why is Judaism the least persecuted religion in the world?
This is just outright wrong, Islam is by far the least persecuted religion in the world of the major 3 and even Hinduism and Buddhism and numerous minor, unknown, and satirical religions are rarely persecuted to the level of Judaism.

>The Holohoax stands up in the 21st century on very flimsy evidence. It's up to YOU to take it down.
Accused Flimsy Evidence >>> No evidence
Its up to YOU to provide evidence of your claims, if you can do so without pure ad hominen.
>Then maybe your Jewish overlords will stop stealing all your money.
I guess you can't, but even if you did have evidence of your claim, how would that effect current events more than just working hard to make your own money and helping like minded people do the same?

>> No.5508107

I'd like to see, before I die, a discussion about the holocaust, immigration or history, started by /pol/ or /int/ or /new/ that doesn't involve any of the following words:
1. Shitskin
2. Holohoax
3. Goyim
4. Nigger

I somehow doubt I'll ever see this.
If you can't speak on a subject without resorting to ad hominems or buzzwords, no one will ever take you seriously.

>> No.5508110
File: 63 KB, 395x277, i_need_this_mostly_in_sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sage

>> No.5508114
