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5504968 No.5504968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What if we are the only beings in the universe?

What if we are truly alone?

>> No.5504969


>> No.5504970


>> No.5504972


>> No.5504986

Then we have all those delicious resources to ourselves.

>> No.5504996

We sow the seeds of life on all the worlds we can find across the galaxy, and plant religious evidence of deities etc. on those planets, as well as various things to help civilizations quickly grow to power. Then weight a few billion years for the holy galactic wars to begin, which we can then retire to our extra-dimensional lounge to watch in comfort.

>> No.5505001

It hurts, doesn't it alienfags, to know we're alone?

>> No.5505002
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Then we celebrate because guess what - all those awesome sci-fi stories where some civilization stumbles upon the ancient ruins of some technologically superior precursor race? THAT'S FUCKING US BABY!

A million years from now alien archaeologists will be flocking to Sol to study the ruins of "Earth" - capital of the Great and Bountiful Human Empire. The First Race - the race that tamed the seas, conquered the skies, and sailed amongst the stars when the other races of the galaxy were nothing but microbes or simple animals.

If we're the only one's out there at the moment, we've got a lot to live up to.

>> No.5505010
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>> No.5505017
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>FTL travel will never be possible
>The tyranny of distance and massive times involved is simply far too overwhelming to make any sort of inter-system space travel feasible
>Humans will always be restricted to the Sol system
>we will never make first contact
>we will never know what is truly out there

>> No.5505020

Thinking like that all the time doesn't do you any justice.

>> No.5505026

that's good, then i'll know we'll never be invaded/enslaved

>> No.5505029

It's even not impossible.
But really, what are the odds ?

... We are the Precursors. Great architects of technological wonders, monuments to our glory.

... Or the great Devils, creators of the Wave of Death extinguishing all in its path.
Would they realise that it's just von neuman probes ?

>> No.5505039


Look, stop trying to make it all poetic.
The answer is pretty simple. If we're actually alone in the Universe, then we play "God". We shoot microbes all over the fucking galaxy, so that even when humanity is wiped out, "Life" still has a 4 billion year head start.

Humanity's going to die eventually. All trace of our existence is going to be wiped out. So we just need to jack our sperm all over the place and impregnate whatever planets we can.

>> No.5505088

Do me any justice? What do you mean?

>> No.5507258

That's pretty cool

>> No.5507292
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A million years? I assume that was an arbitrary value. I assume it'll be much longer before the history of this world becomes such a minuscule fraction of the whole that it is all but forgotten before being rediscovered.

>> No.5507335
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Quite the hypothetical.

>> No.5507358

>at least 100,000,000,000^2 stars


>> No.5507433
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Maybe we are the purpose of the universe... Maybe the human race is being grown with the universe as a womb. We may seem pretty insignificant at the moment, but in another hundred billion years humans will have developed into a race of super beings who will no longer seem like a product of chaotic formation of atoms. Maybe some form of incomprehensible higher intelligence finely tuned the universe so that a single inhabitable planet would be formed, allowing us to begin to develop until we no longer depend on it.

We could currently be nothing more than a baby in a womb

>> No.5507445

What if god decides to have an abortion?

>> No.5507468

then we're fucked.

>> No.5507541

What if my cunt spontaneously generated an alternate universe?

>> No.5507550

What my penis entered your vagina, as in sexual intercourse.
My penis is thick and big, for some species.

>> No.5507677

Like toads?

>> No.5507683

>implying humanity will ever become a space faring species
>implying humanity will do anything of note before we wipe ourselves out with perpetual war or the sun consumes the planet

>> No.5507711
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sagittarius dwarf galaxy anyone?

>> No.5508532

But if the universe is infinitely large, and there are 1/infinity planets with life, then there are also 2/infinity, 3/infinity, etc.

>> No.5508556

>implying pessimism
>implying depressed
>implying sad
>implying emo
>implying implications

>> No.5508569
File: 30 KB, 356x504, Mars-Attacks alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What if we are truly alone?
Maybe it's a good thing

>> No.5508572

well, i wouldn't be too sad, you're all fabulous to me! xxx

>> No.5508590

>implying humanity will ever become a space faring species
We've already been to the moon, i have little doubt that we'll have at least one mission where someone lives on a station on the moon for a contious time within the next 100 years, by then we've probably also had a man on Mars
>implying humanity will do anything of note before we wipe ourselves out with perpetual war or the sun consumes the planet
If there is another species out there and they find earth after we've died off, just the fact that we lived would be enough to be of major interest

You're just irrationally pessimistic

>> No.5508593

Add to that the idea that Mars is thought to possibly house life one day, or have done so
>2 in a solarsystem with 8
>we've not even explored 1/4 yet

>> No.5508594

If we do not find aliens, we will find their creations. Or maybe they'll find ours. We'd better get started on that AI.

>> No.5508597
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Thinking like this gets me in the feels every time. I always sit in wait hoping that a space-faring species will one day visit us in my life time, share knowledge with us and help uplift us, maybe I might get to talk to one.

A boy can dream.

>> No.5508600

> What if we are the only beings in the universe?

So unlikely that the chance of that happening is essentially zero.

But from the available evidence, meeting another intelligent and technological species is pretty much impossible. The Silent Sky proves that galactic spacefarers just don't exist. From our own example, the economic effort to become spacefaring is just too large. Obviously no one has done it; hence, even intelligent species remain confined to their planetary cradles.

It's sad, really, to finally understand that intelligence in our galaxy never leaves the womb. Since planets always undergo disasters over time, this means intelligence is always wiped out.

>> No.5508604

> I always sit in wait hoping that a space-faring species will one day visit us

It's even sadder that you can't see the irony in that statement. Alien basement dwellers 550 lightyears away are doing the same thing. You can't have a galactic civilization composed of a number of species that just sit on their planets, crying and whining that space travel isn't affordable, when planetary and solar catastrophes kill off these species one after another.

You can't sanely expect that waiting for a visit is a viable strategy. But I'd never accuse a Violent Simian of being SANE.

>> No.5508628

>What if we are the only beings in the universe?
I kind of doubt that we are, though on the one hand I actually kind of hope that we are. That may sound strange, but I remember a guy on TV making a bet with the audience that first contact with intelligent life will happen within 25 years. If not, he owes me 25 bucks and a cup of coffee. He made that promise 7 years and two months ago, and due to being incredibly autismal, I still remember. I forgot his name, but I'll find out when the time is there (17 years and 10 months from now if all goes well).

>> No.5508636

you want our species to wander in loneliness and ignorance so you can have 25 bucks?
You truly are a supervillain with no regards for anyone but himself

>> No.5508639

Uh, 25€ puts him squarely in the petty villain henchman-category.

Whoever made him think that money is so important, that's the one who is a supervillain.

>> No.5508647

I actually don't want that. The post was more of a joke (although the bet thing is true).

To be honest, I don't actually care all that much about whether there is intelligent life out there or not. What difference does it make if we discover it or not? The vast expanses still lie out there for us to explore, and there are myriads of things to discover that will be just as interesting as life. Even on our own little planet we're far from done exploring. There are so many things we even do not yet understand about ourselves that it's mind boggling. Don't get me wrong, discovering other life would be cool, but in my opinion it is definitely not the only thing which makes exploration worth the effort.