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5504382 No.5504382 [Reply] [Original]

A few nights ago I watched Source Code. Made me realize its the first sci fi movie I have seen a few years.
Seen most of the stuff older than 3 years,
Much prefer them to not be action films.
What have you got for me guys?

>> No.5504395


it's great

>> No.5504397

Agreed, that is exactly the type of thing I am after.
Anything like that in the last year or two?

>> No.5504416
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Does not need to be dark and dreary like moon but it can be.
Anything with a neat premise really.

>> No.5504438

Hmm I wonder if the reason I have not seen any sci fi in the last two years is because there isnt any ?

>> No.5504649
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Off the top of my head?

Monsters was a very nice low-budg film
Timecrimes is excellent (also goes under the name Los Cronocrimines)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes was surprisingly good
Paul was hilarious
Chronicle was great
John Carter was great
Prometheus isn't spectacular but it's still pretty good
Looper was a lot of fun

Also, just saw Robot and Frank - absolutely brilliant.

>> No.5504689

Have not seen any of those.Thanks for taking the time anon. I will start with the last one I think.

>> No.5504721

2001: Space Odyssey and Ghost in the Shell the original 90s film.

>> No.5504725

Oh didn't know it had to be recent, eh don't know or care about recent films unless they are stellar. I did enjoy watching Lincoln in theaters but that's not sci-fi.

>> No.5504731

Definitely check out Looper. There's not as much focus on time travel as I'd like, but it's still great film.

>> No.5504742 [DELETED] 
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No problem - also keep an eye out for some of the films coming out this Summer.

Again, off the top of my head:
The Forever War

all sound pretty good

Not too mention plans to re-release Jurassic Park in theaters (which is one of those films you really ought to see on the big screen if you've never had the chance).

>> No.5504746
File: 1.21 MB, 330x248, saganawesome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, hope you enjoy them - also keep an eye out for some of the films coming out this Summer.

Again, off the top of my head:
The Forever War

all sound pretty good

Not too mention plans to re-release Jurassic Park in theaters (which is one of those films you really ought to see on the big screen if you've never had the chance).

>> No.5504747

>Rise of the Planet of the Apes
>Implying they're not just comedy and action shlock respectively.