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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 152 KB, 350x350, moleskine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5504245 No.5504245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Moleskine with graphing paper

Get on my fucking level

>> No.5504247

quality post bro

>> No.5504250
File: 26 KB, 250x250, 790801_scene7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>blue Pilot 0.7 pens

>> No.5504253

>still using paper.
What's the next regression you'll find fancy? Inkhorn with parchment? Papyrus and scribe? Stone tablets?

>> No.5504255


>> No.5504258

>Using anything but moleskin blank

What kind of fucking notes do /you/ take, OP?

>> No.5504254

Why do you need moleskin on your notebook

>> No.5504270
File: 8 KB, 243x200, You...dense+ignorant+fool+_aa70c15d3a76f5ce6b8c28a7bfc37634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not waterproof
>smears under highlighter
Never heard of the Signo, huh?

>> No.5504281

I remember my Calculus teacher in high school once said, real mathematicians do their work on graphing paper.

Is this true... for all mathematics?

>> No.5504282


Signo? Tell me more...

>> No.5504288
File: 84 KB, 639x541, fuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5504289

Uniball Signo DX 0.38. Best lines, best blue.

>> No.5504292 [DELETED] 

>implying your calculus teacher knows fuck all about what read mathematicians do.

For one, they certainly don't waste their time worrying about what type of paper they're writing on.

>> No.5504298

I'm not a "real mathematician" by any means, but I prefer using computation pads(or quadrille rule paper/graphing paper) for all math and science work.

>> No.5504300

>implying your calculus teacher knows fuck all about what real mathematicians do.

For one, they certainly don't waste their time worrying about what type of paper they're writing on.

>> No.5504303


He was a electrical engineer in Russia, before he moved to Canada. He is like 60+, just teaching to "pass time". I know those engineers can be stuck up, especially a Russian engineer aha.

He was a good teacher though, learnt many math practices from him.

>> No.5504346


Hmm, I just bought some 0.38 Pilots. I'm not sure how I feel about them yet, they're not as smooth as the 0.7s.

>> No.5504350

>smears under highlighter
What are you retarded? Why write a lot of useless shit and then highlight what's important when you could just write what's important and buy stims for the money you save.

>> No.5504352

I've tried the .38 G2 also. Scratches the paper, unlike the DX. Smooth as fuck. There's a .5 mm DX also.

>> No.5504354

also piqued my interest with the signo, and it is well-reviewed on penaddict. i will check it out when i run out of v5 precise pens.

also i picked up a kuru toga at the recommendation of somebody here and it's quite nice. not as nice as my old rotring, but that thing really needs a repairing.

>> No.5504358

I don't highlight, but it's still a significant con. Ink should be waterproof.

>> No.5504359
File: 77 KB, 1069x319, winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using pens
>implying you don't make mistakes
If you have anything bad to say about this you clearly haven't used one.

>> No.5504366
File: 265 KB, 134x170, 1336190711231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a Toga also. Dat line consistency during physics exams.

>> No.5504367

What's this called?

>> No.5504371

Rotring 600, only pencil you will ever need. They last forever if you take care of them

>> No.5504372


>> No.5504386



my dad finished his undergrad something like 30 years ago and was given a rotring pencil as a graduation present. i still use it today, although it can be a bit finicky it still writes fine. i am thinking of contacting rotring customer support to see if they will offer to repair or replace it.

>> No.5504403

>Rotring 600, only pencil you will ever need. They last forever if you take care of them

Or you can get a pack of 100 crappy mechanical pencils for $5 and not give a fuck if you lose them.

>> No.5504521

Math major here. I do use moleskin notebooks with graph paper to take my math notes, simply because otherwise I'm too tempted to rip pages out to use as scratch work paper, and I tend to use enough that I wind up with notebooks that don't have enough paper by the end of the semester. I use blue R.S.V.P. pens though

>> No.5504547

look at this fucking pleb, look at him

>> No.5504577


Pleb is caring about a fucking pencil instead of what you write with it.

>> No.5504588
File: 17 KB, 315x315, 7611149411p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me guess, this is also your paper of choice?

>> No.5504592

wow someone is mad they can't have either.

>> No.5504601

TUL master race reporting. Cheap, but not too cheap. Quality, but not too quality.

>> No.5504602

ITT: plebpleb pleb pleb pleb

>> No.5504621

to remedy this i started carrying around a small 11x14" whiteboard in my backpack that i use for rough work on problem sets/assignments

>> No.5504627


Yeah, I keep a dry erase board on my wall in my dorm. Definitely my favorite way of doing my problem sets.

>> No.5504637

.3 lead pencil is best pencil

>> No.5504657

i also have a 3x10 space on my wall painted with whiteboard paint, and after my monday-wednesday-friday classes i know a particular lecture hall i like with vertical sliding chalkboards will always be free. safe to call me a chalkboard/whiteboard junkie.

when i'm tackling a problem for the first time i love getting sucked into that 'flow' state of concentration you get. totally fucks my groove up if i am working on a piece of paper and run out of space on the side, or have to erase a ton of stuff, or go from one side to another, etc. with a chalkboard/whiteboard i can just write and write and write, and a small mistake can just be wiped away instantly.

especially with tough problems on assignments, it's a matter of taking 1-3 rough drafts and only committing it to paper or a .tex document once i've almost completely polished my work.

>> No.5504672

I love these pencils, so so comfortable

my favorite is the red one, it's a really deep beautiful red, doubly so when light hits it. the finish on them is hard to scratch and the grip doesn't wear easily also, mine is 4 years old and is totally scratch free

picked it up for ~$4 I think? at an office depot

>> No.5504673
File: 43 KB, 750x420, 02_2_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot image in a CAPTCHA related rage

>> No.5504714

You want smooth, eh? Fountain pens are where it's at. A nice one can be had for $8, and $12 of Noodler's quick-dry-bulletproof ink will last you like 2-3 years.

>> No.5504750

are fountain pens actually usable for, say, taking notes in a lecture? they won't bleed through the paper too badly? i feel like if i bought one it would only be to write handwritten letters to people

>> No.5504790

I have one of the 75 cent composition notebooks where the cover looks like black and white TV static, and a rather wet fountain pen, and pretty dark ink. Writing on one side of the paper never bleeds onto the next sheet, but is often visible faintly through the back of the sheet you wrote on. It's not bleedy enough to prevent me doing example problems on the left sheet when I take notes on the right. Better paper will probably bleed even less. Printer paper bleeds no more than a dark ballpoint. (you could see through if you held it up to the light and looked up.).

It's very usable and smooth, and I think my handwriting is a little neater with a fountain pen. I also never get wrist soreness because I don't need to apply any downward pressure, it just glides on the paper.

(I have a Baoer 388 from isellpens and Noodlers Red-Black, and Noodler's Nightshade ink.)

>> No.5504806

thanks, will keep that stuff in mind. i think a fine/extra fine fountain pen might be what i'm looking for.

>> No.5504815

Don't listen to guys like OP. The best thing to do, at least in university, is to take notes on paper in a three-ring binder. Write only on one side. Date everything. Then you can move things around as you need to and remove pages.

>> No.5504829
File: 1.58 MB, 3915x1098, I'd stick my dick in it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using Papermate Precision 0.5 Mechanical Pencils


>> No.5504946
File: 126 KB, 1024x576, pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer to just keep loose leafs in a folder, then copy into a notebook later on. notebooks are more compact than binders, and i can never seem to find .5 inch binders anymore (1 inch is always too thick while a 1 subject 5 star notebook is usually the perfect size)

pic related to the thread: it's what i've been using to write with these days. only .05 mm pencil i found at the school store, and the eraser was fucking tiny. but that's no big deal since the white pearl is far more useful than any regular pencil eraser.

also on the subject of pencils and paper, i don't really give a shit about writing utensil (i like .05 mm lead though), and i prefer quad ruled paper, but i usually just use regular college ruled loose leafs.

>> No.5504949

>buy 4 of these for like 50 bucks each to prepare for classes
>all materials supplied in class
>lost the receipts
>use them for doodling and generally unproductive shit

>> No.5504948

>using moleskin instead of voleskin

fuckin plebs

>> No.5505035
File: 1.78 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_5068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT plebs everywhere

>> No.5505056

it's like i'm really in high school again!

seriously though, efficient use of space. my notes always look awful because only the left half of the paper ends up getting used.

>> No.5505058

>Roughly 800,000 years since the first men left Ethiopia.

Wow anog, sure is stone-age in here.

>> No.5505059

Did you attend high school in the dark ages?

>> No.5505065
File: 585 KB, 2550x3300, Prototipe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go son i printed my own sheets just to make sure i carry the less amount of paper in my backpack and to make sure my notes dont end up like yours,

This is the new model i just did some days ago its better than the one at the picture i posted (more space and way better detailed), funny thing even printed by me they end up being 80% cheaper than the ones i used to buy, also my own sheets have 49.35% "more Squares" and marked divisions every 5x5 and a little margin because it "feels" right, not to mention the quality of the paper im using which is way better, but the kind of paper you use is your choice

>> No.5505066


This is very clean man, gratz

>> No.5505333


Oh god, that is beautiful. Only $33.

>> No.5505339



Fancy notebooks and writing utensils are invariably for faggots with nothing to say.

>> No.5505347 [DELETED] 

or faggots who need being distracted form their low tier intellect

truly smart people are too absorbed in the process to care about the base materials it is taking place upon

>> No.5505363

Do you need a magnifying glass to see your handwriting?

Lol basic circuits in Spanish and color. Also is that your name on the top right of the page Mr. Erik Vazquez Gonzalez?

>> No.5505366

>Fast writer

I manage to smudge quick drying ball points, i'll never have a fountain pen.
Also, how do you write? For me I have part of my hand touching the paper and drag it across, is that wrong?

>> No.5505381

I only use fountain pens. I write very much and when I use normal pens I get cramps in under a week.

Fountain pen on loose pieces of white paper which I date and organise in a binder.

>> No.5505490

What kind of paper do you use?

>> No.5505511

lol im takin the sam dam class, electroniks rit?

>> No.5505548

As a lefty, I rotate the page 90 degrees clockwise, so that I'm writing down the page, like the old Chinese or Japanese used to do. Way more comfy.

>> No.5506125


Multiple colors is key in econ, too

>> No.5506143

multiple colors can be useful in any subject, despite what the autistic assholes on this board will tell you.

>> No.5506183

>mfw people bring gigantic fucking binders with every unit in them everywhere they go

Why do they do this? It's just a waste of time. You're not going to need notes from the beginning of the year after the first midterm, until your final.

Just get spiral notebooks, carry a few around.

>> No.5506192

For shit like that, how could you possibly attain a comparable speed for notetaking?

>> No.5506193

Ternurita :) ¿Ingeniería?

>> No.5506196
File: 17 KB, 468x303, Uzi_Pen-468x303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using Uzi pen
you all just went full pleb

>> No.5506198
File: 7 KB, 300x300, leadholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using pencils
>not glorious leadholder masterrace

Enjoy your endless clicking, or your endless sharpening in those crappy sharpeners.

>> No.5506215
File: 6 KB, 300x300, 31rElOenERL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn forgot pic

>> No.5506213

Anyone else like these? Cheap and smooth. Plus if you yank out the clip thing it works as a tension wrench for picking padlocks.

>> No.5506222
File: 3 KB, 240x240, ZEB59210_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yank out the clip

This is why I NEVER lend pens or pencils.

I had one of my friends bend the clip on one of my pencils. (see pic)

I haven't spoken to him in 4 years.




>> No.5506235

Yep. Bleedthrough will depend on the ink and paper and width of the line, but it's pretty easy to find a combination that works for you.

I usually use a Safari EF with Private Reserve, Velvet Black Color ink and standard 5-star notebooks. You can see the ink a little bit from the other side, but not enough that it obscures writing if you use both sides, and there's not usually any feathering.

I actually prefer fountains for lecture note-taking. It's easier on the hands than ballpoints, since you don't have to press as hard.

>> No.5506276

I've got the Precise V5. Anything better about the 7?

Also, I hate having ink bleed through to the other side of the paper. Should I buy thicker paper? Any pens that have smooth writing, but don't require me to have fast writing speed or thick paper?

>> No.5506285
File: 34 KB, 600x400, 2463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go wit the .4 or the .25 if you really like being thin

>> No.5506291

Ooh, thanks.

>> No.5506305

One more for the fountain pens, a good one lasts forever, ink is cheap and one bottle lasts for years, and they flow nicely over the paper. I'm partial to Lamy pens, they always work very well and never breaks.

>> No.5506312
File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-02-06 22.44.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I operate on another level.

>> No.5506322

This is what my notes look like.

Thought it might be fun to see you guys cringe

By the way, the pen is borrowed.

>> No.5506325

wow awesome

>> No.5506324
File: 585 KB, 1275x1753, cuad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5506328

lol 1st year Physics

>> No.5506333

What the fuck is wrong with you you fucking monster

>> No.5506351

Holy Rotring

>> No.5506356

while i personally just use spiral notebooks (five star all day for sturdiness) i can see why people just use binders. easier to reorganize, and probably nicer to keep around for future semesters if you want to look through them for reference.

>> No.5506359

You aren't sciencing in English. What's wrong with you?

>> No.5506360

I used binders for a time because I didn't like having multiple notebooks floating around, but I was tired of how different classes always filed up their sections of my multi-subject notebook at different rates. I'd always have one class that spilled over into two other sections and one class that barely filled a quarter of its section.

So I tried out a binder where I could adjust the section sizes on the fly.

It worked okay, but taking notes was awkard because the binder never fit right on the desks and the rings got in the way.

>> No.5506366

this is why i prefer to just bring a folder with loose leafs in it to class, write notes on that, and either transcribe (i use spiral notebooks) or just stick in the binder later (if you use a binder). also helpful because you can refine the notes (mine are usually sloppy as shit because i'm more worried about keeping up than making them look nice in class)

>> No.5506368
File: 579 KB, 1275x1753, caud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are from last year.

I have improved a lot now, after finding all my notes from last semester were useless.

Now carry two notebooks with no drawings on them (do those on blank paper heh) and better writing, The four sides of the notebooks correspond to my four main subjects.

Yes, I turn the notebooks upside down to be able to turn the pages from left to right for two of the subjects.

It is more practical than big notebooks or four notebooks. Also means half the weight....

Thats because I'm spanish

>> No.5506369

I used binders for some time, but ended up mixing everything sooner or later

>> No.5506370

What a faggot, still learning how PN junctions work.

>> No.5506371

Also, should add that back then I kept a single notebook for all the subjects, each page most likely corresponding to a different one.

>> No.5506390
File: 6 KB, 300x300, Erasers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eraser was fucking tiny.

Pentel P205's erasers are both adjustable and refillable. I'm not sure how this evaded you.

>> No.5506410

i've known about that since the first time i replaced the lead. problem is that once i adjust the eraser, it slides back into the holder every time i erase something. so i have to pull it out, tighten the metal clamp, and hope it stays in place. eventually this became too much hassle, so i spent like a dollar for a stand alone eraser (which i honestly prefer for a number of reasons).

>> No.5506407

Hola coleguilla. Electromagnetismo de segundo es lo mejor.

>> No.5506416

i will, however, say that the eraser in my p205 is not the same as your pic related, and i haven't seen those refills in the store i get my pencil at. though i probably wouldn't waste my money on those refills even if i did.

>> No.5506420

Since 2nd semester at college I always use empty (no grinds, no lines) papers, usually notebooks.

>> No.5506456

i feel like a fucking retard writing on things with no lines. letters end up random sizes, lines are written diagonally rather than horizontally. feels bad man. this shit happens on chalkboards, white boards, paper... fucking everything man

>> No.5506481

do where can i get these aweeome pens and paper from?

>> No.5506490

depends on how classy you want to get, but pretty much everything posted in this thread can be found on amazon.

>> No.5506533
File: 2.13 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN1731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I rarely have to write a lot and anyway my handwritting is so terrible it doesn't matter.

>> No.5506578
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 924720_sk_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Left-handed people should accept no substitute for the Pilot Precise V5 in all its glory. Been using these since middle school, and now I'm going through about 7 of these bad boys per semester.

>> No.5506590

>Parker pen
>Pelikan ink
I shiggity diggity

>> No.5506597

where can i get this paper

>> No.5506657

doesn't look so bad. i personally find that after a period of not writing for a while (beginning of a semester, mainly) my handwriting is barely legible, but after some time of writing a lot, it becomes a lot better.

that anon posted it in this thread. from the sounds of it, he just prints it on normal 8.5x11 printer paper.

>> No.5507511
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 51fV6aiQOCL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as wooden pencils, are we in agreement these are the best? Lead's a bit soft, but dat eraser.

>> No.5507529
File: 1.13 MB, 240x179, 1336263345643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never tried a Signo DX

>> No.5507531


Compared to the competition, those erasers are like a gift of the gods. Only pencil even worth using.

>> No.5507540

>graphing paper
>attempt to write down lab notes
>smears all over the fucking page when I rest my hand on it
>doesn't happen on normal paper

What the hell is graphing paper made out of?

>> No.5507546

And it sharpens nicely too.

>> No.5507547



>> No.5507556
File: 145 KB, 1136x839, 1358821476991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I came.

>> No.5507585

My god. It's... beautiful.

>> No.5507600
File: 116 KB, 1300x1300, Paper-Mate-8430152-Flair-Point-Guard-Pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever use these? They're different from nice pens, but I like using them on practice problems when I get fed up, there's something oddly calming about them.

>> No.5507606



Pick both.

>> No.5507622

I remember cumming in my pants, I mean, using the eraser tip for the first time.

>> No.5507624
File: 39 KB, 500x324, PRE14620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Voltsman constant

>> No.5507626

I just finished taking some notes with mine.

>> No.5507632

You. Are my God. I love you so much.

>> No.5507634

Oh God I go to school with you. I hate you so much, but we hang out all day.

>> No.5507640

What about Mirado Black Warriors? I love the erasers, more then Ticonderogas. It's legit massive orgasm.

>> No.5507649

Trying to step my stationary game up, what are your guys' favorite graph paper notebooks? Looking for something thick that won't rip/tear.

>> No.5507652

I use a Five Star. I know I'll get some frak for that, but I got it for free, and the paper's thick and friendly.

>> No.5507653


I'm pretty much with this guy.

Also trying to find a good fountain pen (and ink since I know nothing on the subject) that's relatively cheap. I've heard they're much smoother than ballpoints.

>> No.5507654


Fuck, meant to quote >>5507652

>> No.5507658


>> No.5507663
File: 4 KB, 225x225, MadeByTheNazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lechtturm master race.
Umad, Moleskine fags?

>> No.5507681



Mah nigga.

>> No.5507693

Lechtturns are nice, if you want to fly that SS flag high.

>> No.5507694

>ITT: Plebeian virgins.

>> No.5507697


Have fun writing on 99¢ staples notebooks with a 12 pack of blue ballpoint bics next to you.

>> No.5507700

Moved from France to the US last semester. I was surprised nobody use fountain pens. In France it's about 50/50 between ballpoint and fountain pens.
The other bad surprise is the general quality of the paper. It's hard to find 80 or 90g/m2 paper... and with less than that my fountain pen from the other side.
I haven't seen any chemical eraser here do you guys use that ?

>> No.5507703
File: 18 KB, 255x200, IseriouslyHope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone who doesn't wear a fedora even remembers how to use a pen anymore.

>> No.5507702

*and with less than that I can see my fountain pen from the other side.

>> No.5507705
File: 124 KB, 266x400, laughing girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses plebian as an insult when discussing office supplies

>> No.5507709
File: 11 KB, 320x350, Smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He uses plebian as an insult
>plebian as an insult.

>> No.5507715
File: 118 KB, 709x639, 1359686318503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still turning decent threads into shit-flinging contests

I shigadoo bigaloo

>> No.5507719
File: 22 KB, 609x480, 93195895-akkurra-the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses pleidian as an insult
I shiggy diggy sirius B

>> No.5507724
File: 56 KB, 679x500, yfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit-flinging contest about stationary.
>Decent thread.

I shiggity diggity.

>> No.5507729
File: 45 KB, 539x550, Das it Mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good.

>> No.5507738

>Not doing everything in latex

stay pleb

>> No.5507741

>Implying visual appeal translates into practical value.

Sure is pleb in here.

>> No.5507743

well, if you have the time to do it latex and making figures in illustrator or something is probably the best way. just time consuming

>> No.5507744
File: 696 KB, 2272x1704, tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using clay tablets for all your lectures

Stay plebeian, /sci/

Pic Related: Last semester's notes.

>> No.5507754

>he cant type faster in latex than he can write

stay mad pleb

>> No.5507773

>Types faster than it takes to jot rough notes.

Watch out, we've got a pleb over here.

>> No.5507784

agreed. i think black warriors sharpen better too. but i could be biased because the last time i used a wooden pencil was when i was in elementary school, and black pencils were edgy and cool

>> No.5508420
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x2560, 2013-02-07 15.38.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better shot

>> No.5508442

>tfw no qt notes to study with

>> No.5508448

>tfw work is cheaping out on office supplies and I can't steal expensive pens and paper anymore

>> No.5508571

bumping epic thread

>> No.5508576
File: 103 KB, 440x425, teeheehee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I freed enough pens and other shit from their capitalistic overlords to still have and use some, twenty years after moving to other jobs

>> No.5508612

ITT: nerd convention

>> No.5508630


god if i saw you with that smug colorfull ting in the schoolyard i would punch you in your face.. u got it !

>> No.5508997

>Not exclusively using composition books

>> No.5509009

Lamy Safari. No substitute for a beginner.

>> No.5511149

I really hope you're trolling. Why would anyone use a composition book?

>> No.5511197

I second fountain pens. I found one at Walgreens and thought "hey that's weird I'll try it I guess" and it's been surprisingly nice. I tend to use a lot of pressure when writing so my arm gets sore, but with fountain pens you hardly need any pressure at all. I find that bleeding depends on how fast you write, since the slower you go the more ink flows out. Writing with the nib upside down makes for much cleaner lines as well.

>> No.5511593



>> No.5511601


Fuck your faggy Lamy Safari, get a Pelikan Pelikano. FAR SUPERIOR

>> No.5511606
File: 86 KB, 730x409, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid £26 for one of these around 10 years ago.
Use it to this day. Possibly the best pen I have ever used.

>> No.5511610

the flaming fuck, no self-respecting scientist cares on what kind paper he writes and what kind of pen he uses.
You grab the nearest, atleast 50% unused, sheet and the nearest pen and start doing science.

>> No.5511611

I'm left-handed and therefore don't give a fuck about my irretrievably abysmal handwriting. Thank science for computers.

>> No.5511614
File: 11 KB, 400x400, spacepen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are still people in the world not writing with glorious space pens?

>> No.5511616

You have potential, seeing as how your notes are very efficient and are aesthetically pleasing.

Hopefully, you continue your interest in engineering once you graduate highschool.

>> No.5511626
File: 469 KB, 1614x1398, 2013-02-08 13.54.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From left to right:
Generic 4B
Generic 2H
Staedtlar triplus micro 0.5mm pencil
Staedtlar triplus micro 0.7mm pencil
Uni Kuru Toga Self Sharpening 0.5mm pencil
MUJI Fountain
MUJI Erasable pen Purple
MUJI Erasable pen Red
Gel Highlighter pen
Sharpie for emergency pooper pictures
Staedtler Triplus fine Various colours
Uni Eye fine point Red and Blue.

Bottom: muh notes.

>> No.5511628
File: 17 KB, 430x298, Jacob-Barnett-child-genius-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows real mathematicians only write on windows.

>> No.5511631

I knew a kid at school like this - he was eventually diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

>> No.5511632
File: 99 KB, 500x500, ;h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using linux

>> No.5511630

Someone answer this!

>> No.5511633

You knew a kid at school with pens and notes?

>> No.5511636

No, pleb is penny-pinching on a tool that you'll be using for thousands of hours.

>> No.5511639

I never understood why if that kids is a genius, no one will buy him a fucking pad of paper.

>> No.5511641

Who arranged his pens nearly all the time. He wouldn't leave the class without collecting them all neatly into his pencil case.

>> No.5511643

* neatly

He also would never lend them out, or accept anyone else's pens.

>> No.5511644

HOLY FUCK. I LOVE THESE FUCKING PENCILS. The only things I use to do calculus or anything math related.

>> No.5511648

Broseph, I arranged them to take the picture.

>> No.5511649

I just carry one notebook, and take all my notes in it, not even divided.

I'll have my stochastics notes on one page, and then in the next class, just continue on that same page with quantum notes.

I rarely actually need to look back in my notes, since in most classes the book and my brain are sufficient.

>> No.5511651

Don't tell me you take maths notes on a computer.

Let me guess, you also use a calculator on exams.

>> No.5511653
File: 183 KB, 500x500, 1360325690215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. I bet he is just super edgy. I bet he doesn't even talk to people with his voice because it's deprecated technology.

>> No.5511666

>Buying moleskines
>not making superiorly bound paper for cheaper
>tailored to your needs
Book Binding master race, reporting in.

>> No.5512065
File: 54 KB, 504x342, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boys. Pic related, it's my ruler

>> No.5512088

>taking notes
>not constantly deriving your own theorems from the material as soon as its presented
>furthermore, not knowing the material in full as soon as you enroll in your courses so that you can spend all your time on personal research

>worrying about which paper/utensil brand you take notes on
>not finding the nearest scrap of paper and withered abandoned pencil to jot down your latest idea

This thread is filled with colossal pleb manchildren.

>> No.5512917

I don't get it


bumping for answer


then why do you even take notes?

teach me


>not finding the nearest scrap of paper and withered abandoned pencil to jot down your latest idea
calculator-and-pen-in-pocket master race