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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5501139 No.5501139 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most important mathematical theorem ever created/discovered in all of human history, and will probably remain as such for the rest of civilization?

>inb4 a bunch of freshman grad students spam today's lesson in differential geometry/algebraic topology

>> No.5501162

Leibniz notation

>> No.5501173

Modularity theorem.

>> No.5501176

there's a lot of important ones, though they're alone

>> No.5501179

I meant to say, they're not really useful alone

>> No.5501193
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It's doubtful that this question is sensible, but I'd go with something like the pigeonhole principle.

>> No.5501200

0.999... = 1

>> No.5501211

fundamental theorem of number theory

>> No.5501207

df = (df/dx) dx + (df/dy) dy+....

shit is amazing, i never stop using it in my physics classes!!

>> No.5501208

>differntial geometry / algebraic topology
>grad students

Dafuq? That's freshman undergrad pleb tier.

>> No.5501209


>> No.5501219

Finite simple groups.

>> No.5501217

You mean arithmetic? The beautiful theorem that states every integer has a unique molecular structure?

>> No.5501222

existence and uniqueness of a global smooth solution to the Navier-Stokes equation

>> No.5501226
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Laplaz transforms are essential in for automation theory. Probably have to go with that considering how automated the world is about to become

>> No.5501235
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Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.

Nothing else will ever be as remarkable, useful, and beautiful.

Why do the good die young?

>> No.5501240
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fundamental theorem of calculus

>> No.5501241

I lol'd a little bit

>> No.5501242
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There aren't many grad students here to begin with, judging by most posts.

On topic, the fundamental theorem of algebra.

>> No.5501245

Are there any real criteria here or just theorems we like? Well, Tarski's undefinability for me anyway.

>> No.5501249

law of the excluded middle

>> No.5501256

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra is a little outdated, isn't it? Especially in light of the advances in algebra of the past two centuries; algebraically closed fields are pretty basic.

>> No.5501260

Something influential/applicable... or whatever else you consider "important"

>> No.5501273

I always felt that 1+1 = A Window was very important, defined a great part of my life.

>> No.5501277
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You're right, I think I was actually answering with my favorite theorem, not what the most "important". It's been present in some form for very long time and its proof is just beautiful.

>> No.5501283
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>> No.5501282

Negative answer to the Entscheidungsproblem.

>> No.5501300

>> No.5501301

F = m*a

>> No.5501304

Incompleteness theorem.

>> No.5501312


The generalized Stokes' Theorem.

>> No.5501341

the total differential?

how is that amazing?

for me its taylors theorem

sexiest thing ever


>> No.5501342


This isn't a legitimate question.

Theorems can be very important for a lot of reasons.

Some important theorems:
Cayley's Theorem
Stokes Theorem
Noether's Theorem
Poincare-Hopf Theorem
Abel's Theorem

Dude. There are too many.

>> No.5501348

fundamental theorem of PEMDAS

>> No.5501352

Dafuq? This post is babby's first /sci/ troll tier

>> No.5501350

heheh fuck

>> No.5501360


He thinks only grad students know some differential geometry. Lmao.

>> No.5501359

inb4 accusations that you most go to a shit tier uni if you're learning that in grad school

>> No.5501365

Can't tell if 0/10 troll or shit tier uni.

>> No.5501364

<span class="math">\displaystyle e^2+i\pi=3[/spoiler]

>> No.5501372


UCSB does. I took it.

>> No.5501370

No, I thinks no university has differential geometry as a freshman level course. Lmao.

>> No.5501374

You are wrong.

>> No.5501376

lol >>5501359

you're so predictable /sci/

>> No.5501381

OP doesn't go to a top ranked university.


>> No.5501382

wow clearly ucsb is a shit tier uni! they have that as a grad course:

fucking dumbass pooheads didnt learn that in grade 9 hehehehe

>> No.5501389


You're wrong again.

UCSB is a God tier physics department.

>> No.5501392
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>dat list
>mfw all of them are undergrad courses in my uni

>> No.5501397


They are both graduate and undergradute courses.

You are aware that you retake things when you go to grad school, right?

Physics grads are forced to take classical mechanics no matter what, for instance.

Math grads must also retake analysis.

>> No.5501400

>You are aware that you retake things when you go to grad school, right?

Bullshit. There's no reason to retake babby tier courses.

>> No.5501402

Please name some courses that are "graduate level" and not "babby tier".

>> No.5501403

when i went to grad school i had forgotten so much shit from the previous 4 yrs

>> No.5501404


Lmfao. You think the Real Analysis you learned in babby Rudin is sufficient?


>> No.5501412


>Thinks graduate students don't take Real Analysis.


>> No.5501411

you fucking morons don't think i know that? i'm trying to point out how stupid it is for people to shitpost on sci about the years in which people learn certain subjects. i guess i was too subtle saying
>dumbass poohead heheheh

>> No.5501414

1+1 = 2

>> No.5501418

Pythagorean principle because almost all practical mathematical results (ie engineering) is based on it.

>> No.5501420

Every course is babby tier but taking undergrad freshman courses in grad school is just embarrassing.

That only shows how much of a pleb you are.

>> No.5501425


Those aren't freshman courses. That is graduate level material.

Buy a copy of big Rudin and STFU.

>> No.5501426

>implying I know what Rudin is
>implying everyone is amerifat

>implying grad students have to retake first year undergrad courses

>> No.5501424

>Every course is babby tier
Name some things that aren't babby tier

>> No.5501431


Those aren't fucking undergrad courses.

That is like saying physics grads are taking freshman level material because they have to learn classical mechanics out of Goldstein.

You are ignorant as all fuck.

Also, every math grad knows what Rudin is. You are clearly uneducated.

>> No.5501432

>big Ruden
>graduate level

>> No.5501434


>poser detected.

>> No.5501433

Englishfag here

If you study pure maths, you should really know rudin, at least by name.

>> No.5501439


Because your first Analysis text covered measure theory in the first chapter.


>> No.5501442

>bad spelling
>troll signposting
severn out of ten

>> No.5501443


Stop being a pretentious faggot and call it the halting problem like every other fucking person.

>> No.5501444

What's the title of the book? I'm gonna download a copy just to laugh at how low level it is.

>Those aren't fucking undergrad courses.
They are.

>Also, every math grad knows what Rudin is
Not everyone is amerifat.


Yours didn't?

>> No.5501453

free will theorem

>> No.5501459

There is no such thing as "graduate" level if you weren't born knowing all of mathematics then you're just an idiot.

>> No.5501457


>> No.5501463


>> No.5501465

i go to a shit tier uni and im taking babby courses and im proud
i will make it to the big show eventually pop

>> No.5501470

>This is an advanced text for the one- or two-semester course in analysis taught primarily to math, science, computer science, and electrical engineering majors at the junior, senior or graduate level.
>to math, science, computer science, and electrical engineering majors
>science, computer science, and electrical engineering majors

>> No.5501473


Congratulations, you took a thread about important mathematical theorems and completely derailed it with your obnoxious faggotry about universities and sucking your own dicks about how much smarter you are than everyone else. Truly, well done.

>> No.5501474

troll harder, etc

>> No.5501477

Not babby tier:
>Representation of Infinite Topological Fields
>Elliptic Etale Cohomological Spaces
>Complex Manifolds in Negative Hausdorff Dimensional Spaces
>Localization of Noetherian L-Function Series
>Differential Sequences and Nonabelian Analytic Graphs

Everything else is babby tier.

>> No.5501476
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My $0.02:

The Archimedean Property.

>> No.5501479

Real and Complex Analysis by wlater rudin, it's pretty much high school here in Finland

don't download Principles of Mathematical Analysis by mistake, that's Rudin's grade school book

>> No.5501487


I bet you had a blast looking through Wikipedia pages to compile that list.

>> No.5501489

is numerical analysis a cool fucking class? considering taking it.

>> No.5501491


Yes, especially if you want to become computer literate.

>> No.5501492


>> No.5501498

>random words pasted together

>> No.5501495
File: 72 KB, 400x400, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nonabelian Analytic Graphs

I have to remember that one!

>> No.5501496


It's more or less necessary if you want a career that involves modelling physical systems.

>> No.5501500

Thanks. Gonna download it.

Welcome to /sci/.



>> No.5501509

I'm a tie between the Newtonian form of the interpolation polynomial (including Taylor's theorem special case) and Euler's first proof of the Basel problem.

Last one isn't really important so much as it's just... yeah. Fucking beautiful.

>> No.5501506
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Engineers take a course on big Rudin?


>> No.5501513


interested in quantitative finance. thanks.

>> No.5501517

>Implying tears of and from the big dick in his anus

Don't try to tell me you're not gunna google half that shit

>> No.5501520

>thread about theorems
>discussion about everything but theorems
>tried to be back on topic, but didn't work

Doesn't /sci/ have moderators that would do something about these "babby" and " i'mb a gardth hurhur babby".

Who gives a flying fuck about where you study or when you study it. Let's cherish the fact that we are studying.

>> No.5501528

>tripfag with an infantile name

>> No.5501530


There are advanced Analysis courses at a lot of universities that might supplement with big Rudin.

No reason to feel bad, those courses are still not the same level as graduate Analysis.

>> No.5501536

This is a derailing of /b/ proportions.

Kind of proud.

>> No.5501538
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>google non abelian analytic graph
>first result

>> No.5501544

>autist hasn't even listened to Radiohead

>> No.5501547

Listens to radiohead

>> No.5501551


Listens to Merzbow

>> No.5501555

Fermat's First theorem

>> No.5501558

Fermat's big theorem

>> No.5501563

Fermat's last theorem

>> No.5501565


Your forgot:

>Pseudo-Riemannian Noncommutative Algebraic Representation of Cofinite Conformative Field Theories.

>> No.5501567


>> No.5501568
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>> No.5501564

>edgy anti-intellectual hipster teenager music

Go back to >>>/mu/

>> No.5501571


>> No.5501573

You're not even trying to be subtle.

>> No.5501577

reminds me of http://snarxiv.org/vs-arxiv/

>> No.5501578


>> No.5501575
File: 130 KB, 938x670, Dijonay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I didn't learn that in second grade

>> No.5501589

that just reduces to PEMDAS, as no non-trivial 2nd order Pseudo-Riemannian Noncommutative Algebraic Representation of Cofinite Conformative Fields exist and the Gelfond Tarski Theorem of Elliptical Holofictive Hyperprimes proves the first order ones are just Real arithematics.

>> No.5501585


What about:

>Dual Diffeomorphisms of Lie Algebraic Hungle Bungle?

>> No.5501590

Woah, it's like a time machine.

>It has been conjectured that there is no proof of Fermat's last theorem at all.
>Recently (1987), K. Ribet, using ideas of G. Frey and J.-P. Serre, showed that Fermat's last theorem is implied by the Weil–Taniyama conjecture in the theory of elliptic curves (cf. Elliptic curve).

Don't you wish you could just go back and say, "It's been done!"

>> No.5501587

You might be able to prove that 1+1=2, but can you prove whether or not 2+2=4

>> No.5501591


Dude, I'm losing at this.

>> No.5501597

No. 2+2=fish, obviously.

>> No.5501602


Yeah, but PEMDAS is actually a special case of the Polynomial Eigenspace Manifold Bifurcation Optimization Symplectic Submerging.

>> No.5501601


>> No.5501607 [DELETED] 
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The discovery that all of space is actually just filled with nig corpses of of space battles gone by, stars are where the intercourses with eachother left rips in spacetimes, our star had the biggest dick penetrate what was its asshole at the time.

>pic related
It's our lifegivers carnation
>This is what religions actually believe

>> No.5501608

Field Algorithmic Graphing Group Orientability Theorem

>> No.5501627

The Incompleteness theor

>> No.5501626

>this thread

my sides

>> No.5501631
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>> No.5501654
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Euclids Elements (>implying Euclid was one person)

Descartes La Geometrie

Without the theoretical leaps made in those two works, we wouldn't have SHIT.

>> No.5501661

i lel'd

>> No.5501658

"Let him have the penis." ~ Ronald Daycares

>> No.5501662


That is why he said Euclids (plural) and not Euclid's.


>> No.5501666

some arxiv this thread

>> No.5501672


Don't obey him. He carries the number of the beast.

>> No.5501673

then you would say Euclids' Elements


>> No.5501675

deductive reasoning

>> No.5501676



>> No.5501849


laughing out loud

>> No.5501856

PEMDAS: Please Excuse My Dope Ass Swag

>> No.5501941


>> No.5502081


>> No.5502082

e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0

>> No.5502112

Aristocratic Logic?

Is anything more fundamental?

>> No.5504117

My math teacher told me Galois's shit (don't remember which one exactly so let's say his whole work) was exceptional and that we wouldn'T have the technology we have to this day without him.

>> No.5504119 [DELETED] 

i think you mean Aristotelian.

spell check, mkay?

>> No.5504740


>> No.5504760

Law of Identity
>can't believe no one has said this yet

>> No.5504767

huehuehue we Stokes' Theorem now.
That being said, I would give my candidacy to either the fundamental theorem of Galois theory or the fundamental theorem of algebra.

>> No.5504772

square root of 2 is irrational

>> No.5505348

Newton Raphson

>> No.5505351 [DELETED] 
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distributive law

that addition and multiplication can coexist, ie that rings exist, is the point at which mathematics truly blooms

>> No.5505358

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Yeah it's babby shit, but it's still invaluable.

If not this, then >>5501209

>> No.5505628

filthy hipster