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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 337x233, moops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5500406 No.5500406 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we point out fundamental flaws in science.

This is good practice because it establishes what science is or isn't capable of.

#1: Science relies on chopping things into discrete pars, whereas in nature everything works interconected, as a whole.

Your turn.

>> No.5500436

thats a gross over-simplification OP

>> No.5500447

>Fields that study the general properties of systems include systems theory, cybernetics, dynamical systems, thermodynamics, and complex systems.

>> No.5500448

#1 0,999...=/=1
#2 Axiom of choice is false
#3 Can't explain magnets
#4 Newton didn't create calculus
#5 >tfw no gf
#6 Biology is science
#7 Non-constructive proofs are useless

>> No.5500452

It seems, OP, you do not understand systems, modelling, or the scientific method.

Science is limited when considering the unobservable/untestable. If there was a particle that didn't interact with anything, and didn't cause any observable real-world effects, then it would stay in the realm of theoretical physics and we could never validate its existence.

>> No.5500459

it would stay in the realm of non-existence actually. if something doesn't cause observable real-world effects it does not exist by definition.

>> No.5500460


And the trivial award goes to

>> No.5500465



>> No.5500490


>Science relies on chopping things into discrete pars, whereas in nature everything works interconected, as a whole.

and yet it also relies on going back and making sure the conclusions drawn from those discrete (pars?) still stand up to scrutiny when integrated back in.

>> No.5500493



>> No.5500497


Don't even start on yuh qualia.

And this is just going to turn into a philosophical debate on HERR DURR HOW DO WE KNOW ANYTING EXIST HURR DE DUUR.

Good luck solving that one.

>> No.5500500

>can't explain magnets
>can't find a way to fuck a girl within seconds
>no timetravel
>eating up too much money inexchange for little or no results.

>> No.5500516
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but muh analogue & calculus

>> No.5500540

>doesn't realize that every formulae he's ever seen is a discrete approximation

>> No.5500579

>>eating up too much money inexchange for little or no results.

True, to an extent, in that without a map, all roads must be travelled to find the castle.
How do you know which research will lead to petroleum's replacement?

In a country which spends so much money on a military and fails to curbstomp the obese with regard to medical costs, the size of the science budget is disgracefully small.

>> No.5500758

Science conflates actualities with what nature really is. And then scientist, wonder why there hasn't been any new scientific revolutions, or challenging ideas lately. HMMMMM!?

Science=/=Philosophy. But for some reason Science can't make sense nor properly work without it. Why is that?

Oh! That's right. Because Science isn't as perfect, nor as glorious, as /sci/ hypes it to be. (not without help from other human institutions of thinking to help it)

>> No.5500764
File: 22 KB, 285x351, induction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5500771

Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic.

>> No.5500774


But if everything is interconnected as a whole, we can simply describe each individual part, then add a function to describe the interconnectedness.

>> No.5500775

The concept of a designer would imply a non-natural universe.

Since data would have to be natural (we cannot rely on the supernatural due to inconsistencies) it would never prove an intelligent designer.

>> No.5500789
File: 26 KB, 450x300, HandOfGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: we point out fundamental flaws in science.

Science tells us that every macro-scale object in the universe moves in a deterministic fashion that is perfectly predictable based on a set of mathematical formulas (e.g. an object orbiting the sun).

Yes somehow we have a free will that allows us to induce motion that wouldn't otherwise exists. For example, typing this text into 4chan.

>inb4 free will is an illusion.

>> No.5500798
File: 50 KB, 256x256, lelelel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds." -- Richard Feynman

>> No.5500796

The only answer to OP's question that matters is that science assumes Induction works.

>> No.5500799


>inb4 free will is an illusion.

>hurr if we can't model it yet, it must be magic durr

>> No.5500800

If he really said that, I actually lost a little bit of respect for Feynman.

>> No.5500802

And that's still not how nature does it and therein lies the beauty of it.

>> No.5500801

Science also tells us about chaos. Small variations in complex systems quickly lead to large deviations, making long term predictions of complex systems (weather, the brain, the market etc.) practically impossible. So "free will" is really just lack of perfect precision measurements and chaotic behaviour.

>> No.5500804

Wrong-o. Reality is not continuous. There exist discrete fundamental particles. Checkmate, philosophers.

>> No.5500806

>There exist discrete fundamental particles
Name one.

>> No.5500814

>0.999... is not actually a valid number in our system
your teachers forgot or didn't know it when they taught you numbers, but repeating nine are forbidden in our numeral system to prevent some numbers to have 2 representations.

>the cartesian product of non-empty sets can be empty


>implying knowing there exist a solutions to problems is useless, even if you can't construct one of those solutions.

>> No.5500823

electron, electron-neutrino, up, down, strange, charm, top, bottom, muon, tau, photon, gluon, Z, W, Higgs, muon-neutrino, tau-neutrino. There, have the standard model.

>> No.5500822
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1200, 1336047318991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 years ago:

> God created the universe from nothing.
> Religious neanderthal.


> The universe created itself from nothing.
> Brilliant scientist.

>> No.5500837
File: 9 KB, 265x190, 1359939007501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your point being?

>> No.5500862

Waves are not discrete

>> No.5500885

Wavepackets are. You can't just ignore the particle bit of wave-particle duality.

>> No.5500897

We see it as particle, but is it really particle?

The implications of what you're proposing go far deeper than you'd like to admit or have the capability to understand.

>> No.5500990

A quantum mechanical particle is an irreducible representation of the poincare group and the gauge groups. Its a distinct thing because the representation is irreducible. Has nothing to do with "waves" or "wave-particle duality" or something like that, really.

>> No.5501003

you can easily flip that argument the other way around.

>> No.5501028

>ITT ignore the frame of the issue at hand, and instead talk about something else as a distraction

>> No.5501068


#1 lrn2limit

>> No.5501107

There is no respectable scientist today that will ever claim to say that the universe created itself. There will be conflicting theories among the community, but none are proven or tested. Saying, "I don't know," is completely perfect answer.

>> No.5501126

If you spin a bucket of water, the water rises at the edges. If you just spin the bucket, the water's surface remains placid.

This shouldn't happen under relativity.

>> No.5501148

Lawrence krauss and stephen hawking are 2 who spread that myth

>> No.5501170

inertial frame

>> No.5501265

Science can't tell me why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch.

>> No.5501279

>Feynman confirmed for actually wanting to learn something about the universe instead of jerking off to unprovable opinions

>> No.5501285

>fundamental flaws in science
>most of it is just different interpretation of the english language
keep going science, that will get you far

>> No.5501291


>> No.5501293

Thank god /sci/ is actually just shit and real science is still happening out there.

>> No.5501321



[ ] Told
[ ] Not Told
[X] Fucking Told!

Face it /sci/ there's some shit you can't comprehend

>> No.5501324

of course it can

>> No.5501353

Isn't that the rule for all threads?

>> No.5501383

>rule for all threads?

No, you fucking moron.


>> No.5501440


>> No.5501446

ITT: we point out the fundamental faggotry of OP

This is good practice because it establishes how much faggotry a single OP is or isn't capable of.

#1: Faggot OP's always make broad statements about subjects they know little about, whereas this is directly proportional to how much of a faggot OP is.

Your turn.

>> No.5501462


>> No.5501475

Science can't explain consciousness.
We assume it exists.

>> No.5501478

>Science can't explain consciousness
Prove it.

>> No.5501483



>> No.5501482
File: 35 KB, 502x465, Taijitu_Lai_Zhide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



That is still an incomplete description of the system.

Through this process of segregation and categorization we 'create' parts of a complex whole which do not exist in reality. They are useful as a concept and as a convention because things have to be named so that we can assign them functional and structural traits.

Here is the conundrum: when the part is defined by it's context, the act of segregation actually removes part of the information related to it's function/structure. This is sometimes referred to as a Gestalt. Again, that doesn't mean that reductionism is a bad practice, it has been monumentally important in the last hundred years, but it has limits like everything else does.

I am really glad OP chose this issue because I believe it is one of the biggest bummers in modern research. I am certain it occurs in other fields but I can only give examples of some effects of this in biology:

- Enzymes which have very characteristic behavior in vitro actually operate under a totally different context in the cell. There are pH, oxidation, ion concentration and substrate concentration microclimates which change it's behavior. Also, this makes finding protein binding partners a huge bitch. They often bind using very weak electrostatic, hydrophobic or hydrogen bonding regions which are completely disrupted by our fine-tuned protein isolation techniques.

- Chromosomes, when open for reading/writing, occupy a distinct "territory" on the inside surface of the nucleus. This makes them accessible to proteins which have been specifically partitioned in space. When we take the chromosome out of it's micro-environment, we can completely collapse or completely expand the chemical structure, but we cannot restore it's natural environment.

>> No.5501485


Put simply: any time a "piece" is defined by it's context, the act of treating it as an independent piece with inherent identity is actually incorporating a bias. Of course, the context is also defined by the pieces. This is not a discrete relationship, it does not go one way or the other. Like in the field of ecology, it is understood (i should say, accepted) that the organism defines the environment and the environment defines the organism - the relationship is "transactional". In all of these instances of OP's problem, what is really happening is that we are trying to describe a unified FIELD of behavior. Reductionism is an important tool for finding the field, but it can't be the only one.

>> No.5501508

If function is continious we can just integrate it instead of summing and that's all.
There you go OP.

>> No.5501511 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501512

No one on /sci/ can give a definition of consciousness qualifying it instead as untestable nonsense.

>> No.5501515

>We assume it exists.
Bullshit. We dismiss it by application of Hitchens' razor.

>> No.5501522
File: 11 KB, 210x240, 652365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>non-existant space
good post!

>> No.5501526

Evidence doesn't have to be objective.

>> No.5501531 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501533

I define it as recursion.

>> No.5501537

Scientific evidence has to be objectively verifiable.

>> No.5501540 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501545

No, it doesn't. Many sciences study subjective phenomena.

>> No.5501546

newfags can't tricock

>> No.5501550 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501553

>Implying the series of spins in quarks doubtlessly denominating variable actions are not synced by the thing perceiving them
>implying atoms nuclease can be disrupted by electrical impulses
That or the least expensive kind of will is aquired innately and you must level up your character and not forget to apply skill points before they expire

satisfied you broken blender you?

>> No.5501554

>tricock fail

>> No.5501556

Science only deals with objectively verifiable evidence. If you want to talk pseudoscience, please do it on >>>/x/

>> No.5501552


>> No.5501559 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501557

Physics is a pseudoscience?

>> No.5501561

you can, of course, objectively verify the reporting of subjective phenomena

>> No.5501562

>assuming we would see/interact with the same things machines do

Yes it is.

>> No.5501569

Troll harder.

That's a contradiction.

>> No.5501574

The only troll here is you.

>> No.5501572 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501583 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501584


>> No.5501593 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501594


>> No.5501598

>That's a contradiction.
what do you think happens when a new drug is tested? the patients reporting of symptoms is evidence, for example pain, a subjective phenomena

>> No.5501604


>> No.5501603 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501606 [DELETED] 

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>> No.5501629
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Looks pretty white to me there bud

>> No.5501636

why do placebos work? Why hasn't medical science answered that?

>> No.5501642

what the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.5501651

Dark energy, dark matter, Copenhagen interpretation vs the others

>> No.5501696

Everybody but me forgets about nocebos

>> No.5501697

Great post.

>> No.5501712

No scientists are willing to admit the mere possibility that relativity might be erroneous.

We have no way of figuring out how far down the last turtle is.

We will never know what created the universe without breaching causality.

Psychology, among other disciplines, are almost impossible to create an experiment for.

Academia is incredibly stuck-up, so amateur science, regardless of correctness, will often be tossed aside due to elitism and superiority.

Due to limits in human cognition we'll never be able to observe and interpret without any bias whatsoever.

Are those any good?

>> No.5501901

>Inductive reasoning is not proof

I rage when people who don't actually understand the scientific method start bullshitting about science proving or disproving anything.

Obviously, some counter-examples exist, but those are mostly because of situations in which science can be reduced to a logic problem by the nature of the theory. A good example is Bell's paper on quantum entanglement.

>> No.5503597

>dat irony

>> No.5505188

Philosophy is the only real science.

>> No.5506015

This is correct.

>> No.5506033
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>> No.5506041
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>> No.5506055

analysis is performed on COMPLETE metric spaces, not discrete approximations.

this does not mean such a complete space exists - the universe is quantized. but the discrete elements are so fucking small that a continuous approximation works well.

>> No.5506060

Nope. Philosophical theories cannot be falsifiable. You can spout an opinion that is convincing, but it cannot be put through the rigor of being tested. Soft sciences plz go.

Nice reversal gif

Introductory statement, supporting arguments, evidence and citations missing.

>> No.5506079

Not every theory has to be falsifiable. If it is plausible and explains the observations, it's science. Popper has been disproved decades ago.

>> No.5506091

Except the foundation of scientific inquiry and thought has been the continual proposal and refutation of ideas. By your logic saying god did it all works. As well as every other bullshit argument ever made about everything. If it is plausible and can explain observed phenomena then that is a starting point for the development of theory. It then needs to be generalized, make accurate predictions and be independently verified. You can't just say "makes sense, I buy it so its true". Without being falsifiable then it cannot be accepted as a truthful statement as there is no way to verify it. Everything else is speculation and bullshit.

>> No.5506097

>By your logic saying god did it all works.
No, because we have more plausible explanations.

Please learn some basic epistemology.

>> No.5506101

If birds could actually understand ornithology it would be pretty fucking useful to them, like human biology to us humans. Was Feynman implying that scientist are too stupid to understand philosophy. He may be right, I know some who are.

>> No.5506110

Did you even read my argument you twit. That is an example of what is once (and sadly still is considered) a plausible explanation that is NOT falsifiable. What we have now are falsifiable explanations backed by centuries of work. Also learn to engage in Socratic dialogue you chucklefuck. When you engage in conversation please at least provide some form of intelligent rebuttal. Respond to the other party, address their points and then introduce your own while staying on topic. Seriously, do you even higher thought bro, or did you have a good grade on a philosophy 101 paper and now you think you're hot shit?

>> No.5506122

Calm down, kid. I can understand that you think of yourself as the greatest scientist after watching Neil Tyson. But as someone who has alot of experience in scientific research I can tell you that you don't know shit about epistemology. Whether something is falsifiable or not is entirely irrelevant. All that counts is its explanatory value. That's how all of science started and how it still works today. Either the evidence supports your theory or it doesn't. Experimental testing is just an additional method of gathering further evidence.

>> No.5506162

Truth is not defined by utility. That's just asinine. By that token false statements are given more credence if they accomplish what you want. That isn't science, that is manipulation.

>> No.5506203

We are talkinga about the notion of a theory being "scientific", not about the philosophical nature of "truth". Are you maybe illiterate?

>> No.5508160

All logic is circular. If you disagree, please prove that logic works without resorting to logic.

>> No.5508986

No unified theory of everything.