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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5498495 No.5498495 [Reply] [Original]

How does nature know how to do science at the fine-tuned level needed to cause evolution and create immaterial things like gravity and consciousness??

>> No.5498497


>> No.5498498

How does nature know how to do science at the fine-tuned level needed to cause some 4chan /b/ troll to think about making a giant shitpost on the science board and then actually making it??

>> No.5498501

Some believe it doesn't, e.g. Thomas Nagel's Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False

>> No.5498500


Care to show us any evidence of that magical soul?

>> No.5498506

Do you know what subjective experience is?

>> No.5498509

Then you wouldn't understand the evidence.

>> No.5498508


>> No.5498511

>Care to show us any evidence of that magical soul?

No evidence of gravity either, yet objects still fall

>> No.5498515
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There is no physical evidence for souls because they do not affect the physical world. You have to look inward for evidence.

>> No.5498527


that's not the point, that guy is either trolling or not conscious enough to realize he's conscious

>> No.5498533

Maybe he has frontal lobe damage?

>> No.5498537


some people subscribe to a purely materialistic belief system that ignores the possibility of conscious experience because it's too hard to explain within its limited ideology

>> No.5498538

If you have evidence, then post it. Evidence has to be objectively verifiable.

If something has no observable effects, it cannot have evidence and can therefore be dismissed by Hitchens' razor.

I'm neither a guy nor "trolling". Asking for evidence is just rational.

>> No.5498543

>Evidence has to be objectively verifiable.

you mean verifiable by conscious entities, like humans?

>> No.5498544

As long as there's no evidence there's nothing that needs to be explained.

>> No.5498542

It is objectively verifiable. You just have to understand the definition of subjective experience first.

>> No.5498548
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The possibility of scientific evidence assumes conscious entities making observations.

>> No.5498546


The possibility of scientific evidence assumes conscious entities making observations.

>> No.5498551

Post the definition and the evidence.

Humans do not have a magical soul / consciousness. That nonsense has no evidence. We are biological machines like all animals. Or do you deny evolution?

>> No.5498555

No, it doesn't. Observation is a physical act of measurement and does not require metaphyscial magic.

>> No.5498565

>The possibility of scientific evidence assumes conscious entities making observations.

This actually makes a lot of sense, thnx

>> No.5498568

You can stop samefagging. Your nonsense is wrong and has been disproved.

>> No.5498573

You post it and I'll tell you if it's right.

>> No.5498576

The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.5498579

The possibility of scientific evidence assumes conscious entities making observations.

>> No.5498583

It amazes me how some people consciously decide to deny consciousness exists. They have a mind like everyone else, and yet demand proof it exists? Amazing.

>> No.5498586

>It amazes me how some people consciously decide to deny consciousness exists

People are great at interpreting the world in ways that suit their desires and ideologies

>> No.5498584

Observation is a physical act of measurement and does not require metaphyscial magic.

>> No.5498589

>Observation is a physical act of measurement and does not require metaphyscial magic

you are objectively confused, please refer to:

>> No.5498587

You might say the same about ghosts and unicorns. There is no rational reason to believe in /x/ shit without evidence.

>> No.5498593 [DELETED] 

>Observation is a physical act of measurement and does not require metaphyscial magic.

I've never seen science conducted by unconscious non-human entities that just make measurements.

In fact it's not possible since unconscious entities have no point of view.

>> No.5498594


And yet scientists are meant to be so open minded and objective, free of judgement and prejudice. Makes me wonder how much we've been held back as a species cause of people like >>5498584

>> No.5498599

Argument by repetition is a fallacy. Do not repeat nonsense that has been disproved.

Observation is a physical act of measurement and does not require metaphyscial magic.

>> No.5498595

The possibility of scientific evidence assumes conscious entities making observations.

>> No.5498601

Nope. Your burden to learn what subjective experience is first.

>> No.5498602


Well neuroscientists are busy grinding away at figuring out consciousness and qualia and subjective experience

so I'd say we're on the right path

it's mostly the computational comp-sci fags that deny consciousness cause it doesn't fit into their binary beliefs about nature

>> No.5498604

It is not my burden to learn about irrational /x/ claims. If you make such claims on a science board, then it's up to you to provide evidence.

Neuroscience is the study of the brain (a physical organ). Metaphysics and spiritualist fantasies are not subject of neuroscience.

>> No.5498605

>Do not repeat nonsense that has been disproved.

But scientific evidence requires conscious entities interpreting data and their perceptions about reality.

>> No.5498609


excellent point

>> No.5498616

Where did I make a claim? You asked for evidence for consciousness. I asked if you knew some preliminaries to understand the evidence. You said no. It's your burden to learn the preliminaries first.

>> No.5498618

>Hitchens' razor
Plz nigga. You are the one asking for evidence. You are asking us a favor. The burden is therefore on you to produce the evidence. Don't like it? Too bad, no evidence for you.

>> No.5498624

>believing your unconscious automata that makes measurements and can't feel pleasure or pain because they are "qualia"

hue hue huehue

>> No.5498654
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All possibilities occur because fuckifIknow and then boom, anthropic principle.

>> No.5498669

you're getting trolled

>> No.5498684

says the guy who bumped the thread

>> No.5498719

Because god said so

>> No.5498742


>it's mostly the computational comp-sci fags

Funny thing is I'm one of those people, but have radically different beliefs about the whole thing. I guess it's cause my sense of identity has nothing to do with a degree

>> No.5498775

I don't follow your logic.

>> No.5498798

Lucas (1976)