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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5496144 No.5496144 [Reply] [Original]

What do i do to become a math whiz?

>> No.5496147

lots of math

>> No.5496160

also a certain laziness

>> No.5496163

so true

>> No.5496168

like when Gauss' teacher asked all he pupils to add all numbers from 1 to 100 and Gauss solved the problem faster than anyone else by simply adding any number pair that sums up to 100, just because he was to lazy too add them all one after another.

>> No.5496172

start by calling it mathematics or "maths" if you must contract it.

only idiots say math.

>> No.5496169


I think I went a bit far with the "laziness" part.

>> No.5496179 [DELETED] 

Not OP Here but math is seriously my weak suit. I'm on first year physics/chem but holy fuck i can't even graph functions, know the bare minimum of trigonometry and most of precalculus has fucking raped me.

The field im getting into requires an immense knowledge of math. How can I make this "weak suit" my "strong suit"? I'm willing to do anything and everything.

hard mode: I have ADHD

>> No.5496182

Are you me?

>> No.5496184

Im pretty sure that wont make him better.

>> No.5496187

>The field im getting into requires an immense knowledge of math

Are you sure it's really the field you want to get into?

>> No.5496188

Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice!
Try to understand the concepts on a fundamental level.

>> No.5496208


physics/chem do not need an inmense knowledge of math.

>> No.5496212 [DELETED] 

i dont hate math. I just never really paid attention in it now im so far behind.

Yes. It is the field i want to get into. It's essentially theoretical physics.

>> No.5496224
File: 30 KB, 589x532, jacobbarnettclose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate math
>I want to get into theoretical physics!

>> No.5496227

All you have to do is pay attention and practice a little.

It's the most straight-forward kind of thinking it isn't to difficult.

>> No.5496229

study math an hour a day and in a year you'll be smarter then 99% of the people here. I hate the faggots who repost shit from Wikipedia, use Wolfram Alpha for solving equations and act like they're some kind of super genius

>> No.5496233 [DELETED] 

> i cant into reading comprehension

>> No.5496234

>theoretical physics

You are joking, right?

>> No.5496235 [DELETED] 


>> No.5496240

>I hate the faggots who ... use Wolfram Alpha for solving equations

I hate the faggots who think it's only real maths if all equations are solved by hand

>> No.5496242

>i don't pay attention to math

>> No.5496243

then why the fuck are you in calculus holy shit

>> No.5496250 [DELETED] 

can you autists fucking read

im doing first year sciences/maths and getting raped. I am getting along okay in physics/chem first year but i am getting ass raped in calculus because i dont know fundamentals and am weak at math in general. i dont hate math i just didnt pay attention in highschool.

>hurr y do u want to get into theoretical physics
because i like theoretical physics

are yu retard

>> No.5496256

take a step back and check yourself spreadsheet

>> No.5496262

Nigger do you even Khan Academy?

>> No.5496263

You have the internet. You can learn the basics any time you want.

>> No.5496266

can anyone help me with this problem?

x^2 + 2x + 1 - a^2

x(x+2) + 1 - a^2 stuck here(not even sure if on right path)

tried switching a^2 and one and taking out a -1 to make -a^2 positive so i get a difference of 2 squares. didnt get the final answer

no it's not hw. just reviewing math for when i take precalc

>> No.5496260

no It's because you're an idiot, 5 year old kids in South Korea do calculus

>> No.5496261

calculus was invented to describe physics.

if you can't into calculus, you can't into physics, let alone theoretical physics.

>> No.5496267


>> No.5496272

>Oh look a quadratic!
>Let me factor the first two terms!

Why does EVERY fucking freshman do this shit? Pisses me off when they ask me for help and show me this.

x^2 + 2x + 1 = (x+1)^2, retard. You're welcome.

>> No.5496274

holy fuck this went to the shits, sorry guise

>> No.5496279
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>> No.5496278

>good physicist
>mfw you just took precalc and don't know it
>mfw you passed somehow
>mfw if you are taking it this semester you cant be past d' of x^2=2x
Seriously go to khan academy and stop being a faggot. Go to the practice section and stay.

>> No.5496290

This is all you can really do to factor

>> No.5496306

There are no shortcuts.
Hit the books, son

>> No.5496324

examplederivatives calculus
d' x^2=2x
d' x=1
d' x^3=3x^2
d' x^4=4x^3
d' x^5=5x^4
d' x^6=6x^4

double derivative(derivative to the second power 'hint you just take it twice')
d'' x^2=2

Chain rule
d' (x+1))=2(x+1)(1)
d' (x^2+2x)^3=3(x^2+2x)^2 * 2x+2
stop being a faggot

quotient rule blah blah blah other shit etc..
Stop being a faggot and study, its like you're one of those people who need adderall to study

>> No.5496332

> not putting need in scare quotes

>> No.5496345

Why do the aspies here have to insult everyone for wanting to learn things? I just want to understand why you're so utterly flawed and broken that you can only build up your own egos by tearing other people down.

>> No.5496360

no its because "anon" couldn't take the only step there is to studying...Actually studying.

>> No.5496362

Never have sex

>> No.5496372

Insulting people is no way to motivate them.

>> No.5496377

You only ever need to know applied math. Pure math is a waste of life.

>> No.5496383

oh and integration is just doing all of this shit backwards

>> No.5496393

Acting like a fag doesn't lend itself to being motivated, it lends itself to being insulted for being a fag.

>> No.5496410
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>physics/chem do not need an inmense knowledge of math
Either you're some kind of aspie savant or just talking out of your ass. Physics requires more math than a math major studies, and chemistry is not far behind.

>> No.5496418


is that true or is it just a myth? anyways, it is still awesome.

>> No.5496429


Really? What math does a physics major study?

>> No.5496437

Only if you're amongst subhuman animals and cowards. Examine your life and grow up. Gutless swine.

>> No.5496449

Most commonly Calculus I through III, assuming the individual took Algebra I and II as well as precalculus or a precalculus equivalent in high school or passed their SAT with sufficiently high mathematics scores. Of course, this is just assuming they're going for an associate degree. Bachelors usually also requires courses in statistics, among other things, with more advanced mathematics later on.

>> No.5496453
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>> No.5496455


Nowhere near what >>5496410 made me think then. Not more than a math major and certainly not even close to inmense.

>> No.5496458

While physics does get into a lot of advanced mathematics, it's nowhere near as much as the average math major. However, as the amount is still rather substantial, I'd recommend opting to have mathematics as a minor since you'll be doing a lot of those classes anyway.

>> No.5496459

Oh, much more than you could ever imagine. Especially in theoretical physics... new developments in TP ar ebasically inventing new math.

Up to linear algebra in first 2 years, and then pretty much everything else like partial differential equations, Fourier analysis, complex analysis, Riemannian geometry, More general geometry of principal and vector bundles: connection, curvature, etc. Spinor geometry
Lie groups and representation theory,deRham cohomology... all sorts of other shit no one's heard of

>> No.5496465

this. Intelligence is also a factor, but you cannot get good at math without doing a lot.

The upshot is, it doesn't have to be any particular kind of math. Just study the math that is relevant to your interests.

>> No.5496466


Nothing uncommon for math major though.
Also, I don't think theoretical physics is a good example, they are at the very extreme of physics and as far as I know it's so far from verifiable experiments than it's nothing similar to any other type of physics major.

>> No.5496848
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Do you look this these guys? If not move along.

All the upper division math you need will be covered in a math methods course. Pure math is worthless to someone who needs to get things done. These books teach you what you need.




>> No.5497334

Any math major who hasn't heard of every single one of those is not a math major. That stuff is standard curriculum, especially for applied mathematicians.

>> No.5497408

Be an engineer

LOL just kidding