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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5496064 No.5496064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How hard is it to get a boyfriend in engineering or computer science if you're also majoring in the same field? Do they hit on you or are they mostly shy?

>> No.5496068

You get your pick.

>> No.5496067

they're the competition, not the quarry.

>> No.5496082

> tfw a girl was hitting on you
> both in an EE program
> turned her down because she just wanted to whore herself out for study help
wizard here, you plebs don't even know

>> No.5496089

What i wonder is why /sci/ rarely has posts that have something to do with science.

Most of the time is "what should i study /sci/?" "Is this degree shit or not?" "Post your IQ" "What's your GPA?" "What major pays more?" "Would you do my homework /sci/?" "Prove atheism exists."

I've never seen a medicine thread on /sci/ or stuff that have to do with biology.

>> No.5496091

I'm a /fit/, /fa/, aero eng student and there's no qt girls in my class.

I consider myself good looking, tall, alpha but unfortunately I am of shit tier mixed race

>tfw not nordic

>> No.5496093

Because Biology is dumb

>> No.5496094

> I've never seen a medicine thread on /sci/
Medicine isn't science. It's barely beyond the level of alchemy right now.

>> No.5496103


So the only allowed sciences on /sci/ are physics and math? Well, why not rename it to /phy/-Educational Advice.

>> No.5496106

I can confirm that one random anon, is indeed, not a representative of the entire boards opinion.

>> No.5496111

not coincidentally, most of the board are the exact people that poster is complaining about, and they're not starting medicine threads either

psychology is about the only "science" worse than medicine right now

>> No.5496132

/sci/ hates science

>> No.5496175

this can't be a serious question.
any girl in the field will know it's a sausagefest so even landwhales ill get their pick from those who are willing to lower their standards a bit.

>> No.5496177

people who go to school looking for a relationship? yeah fuck that. I find school has the same rules on the gym. chicks are there to work out at the gym not get picked up... I'm as school to learn... not to look for a hole

>> No.5496178

No chance, unless you somehow grow a dick

>comp sci
I hope you have low standards.

>> No.5496196

Being mixed doesn't mean you're unattractive.
Or, even less attractive than someone who isn't.

>> No.5496207

More than half of our department at my grad school is Asian, and a majority of these are Chinese girls who I think are just hot in general. No complaints from me about being in an engineering field. You should see our engineering library. I feel like I'm at a Chinese fashion show and it's nearly impossible to concentrate.

>> No.5496210

Nah. I'm just a huge nordaboo. I have learned german and russian because they are such superior races

>> No.5496214


lel you can't even into nordicism right

>> No.5496216

I'd just like to be a superior white race in general. I was just mentioning i learned those languages.

>> No.5496230


extremely easy if you don't look like the pudgy indian chick in front of me

>> No.5496236

They don't know how to flirt. They don't know how to ask you out. They will talk to you but won't make any moves.

>> No.5496239

>tfw indian
>tfw no indian girls on course
>tfw Economists and Biochemists are really easy game for me.

OP, Engineering is made up of different people, it's just like high school. You get the borderline autists, the weirdos, the normals, and the jocks. This is true at least in Civil Eng.

I've had a string of girlfriends.

>> No.5496249

yeah, but no women.
in my class of 30 there are like 2 girls.

>> No.5496254

>implying there aren't only autistics, robot fanatic nerdfaces and cock suckers in engineering


case and point

>> No.5496265


We have 3. I swear they get hotter everyday.

>> No.5496268

There are like 25/70 in mine.

On the other hand, it depends on the university. My university is filled with oxbridge rejects, eton boys and the upper middle classes. Seems to me that it would be an environment with more girls in it. Also Civils is a much softer subject than electrical or something.

>> No.5496294

About a 1:20 male to female ratio

Yeah it should be pretty hard for you

>> No.5496296

I'm an EE major

>> No.5496316

I'm in grad school for environmental engineering, and we have about as many girls as guys in the department.

>> No.5496325
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Why would you want an engineering/cs boyfriend?

>hard science

Get one of them bad boys studying physics or mathematics.

>> No.5496328

le diversity quota

>> No.5496330

>environmental engineering
>one of the easiest engineering courses
>Has to do with nature (gay) and is only a theory (a geuss)

Of course there is going to be women. Shit, you're probably a woman.

>> No.5496338

just like /v/ hates videogames
don't people see the pattern here?

>> No.5496354

This is why I doubt the intelligence of 98% of every one on this board.

>> No.5496371

/sci/ - intelligence

oh wait....

Most of the people here are in school/university. People go to these places to learn more, the same reason they come here.

Intelligence is much less importance than attitude. Especially when it comes to inquiry.

>> No.5496378

Girls have an increased sexual drive after working out.

>> No.5496385

So you say.....

>> No.5496391 [DELETED] 

Not that difficulty matters, but environmental engineering is not any easier than any of the other engineering disciplines at the graduate level. As undergraduates, our programs are similar to chemical engineering, though advanced engineering math is optional whereas it's required for majors like mechanical engineering. Our research is very diverse, overlapping many disciplines. I personally work in a cleanroom for most of my time.

>> No.5496397

Not that difficulty matters, but environmental engineering is not any easier than any of the other engineering disciplines at the graduate level. Our research is also very diverse, including electrochemistry, catalysis, microbiology, microfabrication and nanotechnology, mathematical modelling, numerical analysis, organic and inorganic chemistry, fluid mechanics...etc. I personally work in a cleanroom for my research.

As undergraduates, our program is similar to chemical engineering. Advanced engineering math (beyond calc and diff eq) is optional as an undergraduate though, whereas it's required for majors like mechanical engineering.

>> No.5496428

>wanting to marry a woman engineer
>wanting to marry a male nurse

>> No.5496433

Women engineers can be ok, but women in the biosciences are a lot hotter and more attractive to me in general though.

>> No.5496436 [DELETED] 

Not sure. I work with engineers all day. They're the coolest fucking people I work with. Laid back, funny, just cool people to talk to. The best part about working with engineers is I get to boss them around.

>> No.5496448

I got a degree in literature (oh no I'm the enemy! seriously I have plans for it to do what I love).

Anyway, I got a degree in literature and 90% of my classes were women. The opposite is true for women in engineering classes. Expect to have 30 guys and 3 girls in each class.

If I were to guess most will be focused on their grades and few will be interested in dating. Of course if a girl really wants to pick up a boyfriend there's no better way to do it, she would just pick out which boy she's most interested in, sit next to him a few times, and strike up a conversation. The easiest one would be 'what's your major?' and go from there. People like to talk about themselves and there's plenty of different majors they could be for them to talk about even in an engineering class. After talking a few times she could ask him out. Because why not?

>> No.5496498
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>A hard science

>> No.5496521

I loved and lost immediately this semester in my Circuits II class, she's killing me inside.

also, OP pics or I don't believe you're a female. If so, what college?

>> No.5496531


Why do you need a username to share that information?

>> No.5496535


>> No.5496545

>You should see our engineering library. I feel like I'm at a Chinese fashion show.

I heard dat

>> No.5496753
File: 169 KB, 1112x1200, Alessandro_Carlotto2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some math studs from Stanford. Pick one and send him some email.

Pic related: Alessandro Carlotto

>> No.5496800

I think u mean case in point

>> No.5496811

>In a school with 60% women
>Math/Econ combined class
>28 people, 4 women
>2 dogs, 1 ok, 1 in her mid-30's married with kids, strangely the hottest one...like, by far actually
>None of them get any of the math
>Need shit explained 3 times to them in student discussions and group work

Christ, I don't want it to be this way, but I've yet to meet a woman who could even scratch the surface on real econ and not this 'oh, muh poh third world, check your privledge!' nonsense.

>> No.5496928

>tfw geology
>tfw everyone are chill dudes, good to drink with

The girls in this field are horrordogs though.

>> No.5497029



god damn i hate that shit.

if a bitch wants to whore herself out for study help, SHE FUCKING PAYS UPFRONT. been not-fucked so many goddamn times...

>> No.5497038

>3 in real world
actually solid 6. maybe more depending on body

>> No.5497117

For some reason all girls in comp sci are ugly as shit. There were maybe two girls who were cute in the entirety of my college comp sci experience, and one was indian (meaning being involved would mean dealing with hideous curry smelling indian male relatives).

The guys were split between turbonerds and decent looking guys who are probably the kind you see used as the face for like advertising phone apps or something.

I think it was something like maybe 1 girl per 5 guys at the highest, but I can't really be sure because I was never 100% sure some of them were female. More like 3 girls in a class normally though.

>> No.5497120

You are on 4chan.


You are on 4chan.

>> No.5497135

these few girls we have here get more hits than google.

>> No.5497312

Yeah, she's just pulling a funny face.

>> No.5497366

there's hope out there OP!
My boyfriend is a cute comp sci major. I'm a chem. engineer. Try to branch out and find others who aren't in your major.