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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5494740 No.5494740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /sci/ without any emotional bias:

Which degrees are shit tier
Which degrees are god tier

And I know that mathematics and science knowledge are ALWAYS god tier, which surprises me to some extent. For example, I recently learned econ majors are not doing so well in today's market, I always thought that economics required a broad understanding of mathematics, mainly game theory, but recently learned that is not the case. Medical majors also do not require that much math, which is why more engineering BS's are getting into medical schools these days then pre-med majors. They do better on the MCATs

>> No.5494743

Sauce on the pic?

>> No.5494746

google images result for "doctor"

>> No.5494747

Who is she? Are there nudes?

>> No.5494750

i study environmental science, what tier is that?

>> No.5494752


Econ does not require a broad understanding of math, just wanted to point that out.

>> No.5494757
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I dunno

Are you gonna get a job in the first place?
If you get a job how much are you gonna make?
How long will that job be available once you get it, will your boss step on your throat and toss you out the window for some Asian bitch with the same degree as you?
Will you like your work you are given? Will you spend 70 hours a week scalping baby mice and running experiments on their brains? Only to come up with a negative result 99.9999% of the time?

lot to consider I guess

>> No.5494812 [DELETED] 

start the 4 year trek to a Computer Science and Software Engineering BS this spring. Am I god tier?

>> No.5494818

starting the 4 year trek to a Computer Science and Software Engineering BS this spring. Am I god tier?

>> No.5494819

Make it comp sci and math, you would be the god of gods tier.

shit nigga, if you were that educated, perhaps you could solve the whole p=np shit.

>> No.5494831

God-tier: Medicine, engineering, computer science, any science at all, law, business. These make the world go round.
Shit-tier: Women's studies, english, art, (and as much as I hate to say it, history. I think everybody should study it but nobody should major in it), any of these burger-flipping degrees. Too many people here and not enough jobs.

>> No.5494836

I forgot mathematics in that god-tier list.

>> No.5494846

honestly, I would love someone who got/is getting anything under a god-tier degree who's browsing /sci/ to speak up, cause I don't think there is many.

>> No.5494850

English? Really?

I enjoy good books, and I could very well see how it might be interesting to have a deeper understanding of them.

I think English, History and Philosophy (and things like them) should have their own tier, something like "awesome, requires intelligence, but useless".

>> No.5494857

If the only thing you're after is money start a business and fuck off. Seriously you pathetic fags think the only thing important about a degree is how much money you'll make?

How about getting a truck driver's license, you'll always be employed and if you buy your own truck you can make as much money as any doctor or lawyer out there without the need for school at all.

>> No.5494859

"I wish this was important" tier

>> No.5494861

Mid? it doesn't seem very secure, but I know some people with really cool jobs (travel to each continent, at least 80k a year, stories for grandchildren etc.)

You have to have some idea what you want to do, you can't just expect a handout in such a broad field.

>> No.5494867

I didn't mean they were fundamentally "bad", just that they aren't much use in getting a job. Too many people come out of college with an english degree, for example, and there aren't enough jobs in that field to go around.

>> No.5494869

Would you agree that they are cool?

Where would you put the line between shit tier and "I wish this was important" tier (so what would music be, or art history, or sociology).

>> No.5494875

B-but I can do baby calculus and stuff. See I smarter than you stupid non engineering degree holding plebs. HEY CHEVRON I KNOW CALCULUS AND BABY PHYSICS PAY ME 90K FOR BEING LESS PRODUCTIVE THAN THAT STUPID PIPEFITTER I LOOK DONE UPON.

>> No.5494876
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Holding degrees in both god and shit tiers.


(Note: That entire tier business is complete rubbish. Study/work on whatever suits and interests you and excell in it.)

>> No.5494879

Majority of people go to school so they can work in the field they are interested in, if they don't get paid enough because the degree they got is useless then its very likely they would have to work a different and often unsatisfying job. If I LOVED english or some shit I would get a degree to become a high-school teacher or some shit, that way I can actually teach and be exposed to it everyday. I wouldn't get a degree in it so I could be a manager at a K-mart.

>> No.5494883

>math always in god tier
Bullshit, what are you going to do with a bachelor's in math if you don't have other skills like programming or actuary exams? Just because it's hard doesn't mean it means good job prospects.

>> No.5494886

I would agree they are cool and very important, just not as a major.

To me shit tier is "I wanna degree, and I dont wanna think" while 'I wish this was important' tier is more like "I am highly interested in this and put a lot of thought into it, though this will get me nowhere"

>> No.5494892

I wish I was important tier: Engineering

>> No.5494893


>> No.5494901

shitty office job

>> No.5494902

really? I find there is a lot of need for engineering jobs

>> No.5494905

Software engineering is high in demand nignog

>> No.5494909

Any degree will end up "shit tier" if you are constrained by the rules and restrictions imposed upon you by your employer. You are virtually guaranteed to be performing grunt work in any field you elect to study simply because tertiray educated employees, like mcdonalds workers, are a mass produced commodity.

True "God tier" is starting your own business/company and paying others to conduct the research and development you desire. Of course, this is easier said than done.

The only way to guarantee your career is interesting and rewarding is to either a) know your employer personally/to the degree that you are confident you won't be treated like shit or b) have a unique business idea that isn't going to be available anywhere else

or c) Actually have a passion for what you are studying. That is the only unemotional answer you can be given. If you love your field of work then it will always be God tier.

>> No.5494923


Not broad, but deep. What PhD program doesn't take you through topics that would be at least within a masters-level understanding of math?

>> No.5494926


I'm studying math and applied to law school.

>> No.5494932

see this post >>5494875

>> No.5494935


>English, Philosophy

I studied philosophy, which is harder than English at least, but quickly changed to math when I realized that the department wasn't trying to find truth at all and that philosophers just exchange opinions all day.

>What would it be like if people weren't REALLY conscious
>What do you mean?
>Like, you know, if they talked but didn't really THINK
>Yeah I guess that would be about the same as things are now
>That blows my mind
>Alright, sure

English is one Derrida level of stupidity below that.

Having said that, thinking 'philosophically' or otherwise trying to grasp the picture is important.

>> No.5494941


lmao man your inferiority complex is great, I love you. You're like the big guy that goes around:

>hey man, I could totally have punched you right there, yeah, but I didn't man I am sooooo awesome

>> No.5494944
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>> No.5494952


>business, political science, psychology
>shit tier

You realize these disciplines, notably business, produce some very important and productive people, right?

Oh wait sorry I forgot where I was

>Hey you guys ever wonder what it would be like if people weren't REALLY conscious?

>> No.5494958

weak bitches like you dont faze me, YA BISCH

>> No.5494962


Please don't hurt me, take my lunch money okay?

>> No.5494966

>political science
>produce some very important and productive people

being the best burger flipper in town doesn't make you important

>> No.5494971

As a math major, a lot of people say English is a useless degree. I'd like to contend that while its usefulness is debatable, English can be a difficult thing to study. Not only do you have to be able to decipher the meanings of archaic texts, you have to be able to do research and write convincing, thoughtful, cogent arguments about these things. It's not quite as easy as a lot of people make out. Then again, math and science are pretty cerebral, so I dunno.

>> No.5494973
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>> No.5494975


>> No.5494978
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>> No.5494979
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>> No.5494980

Without biases, there aren't any shit tier degrees. They all depend on interest/demand, if all you care about is getting job and money. Every type of degree has its purpose. You wouldn't want a society in which everyone only majored in STEM degree programs.

>> No.5494982

This. History is a real subject, philosophy is just psuedo-intellectual. You need to be a little intelligent, but you don't really need to be good at anything to get a BA in philosophy, and getting that BA won't really get you anything either.

>> No.5494983


Thanks for reminding me why I don't come on /sci/ often.

>> No.5494984

>CS, astro

pick one

>> No.5494985
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>> No.5494986


You deserve all of those things Pipefitter, I can never be as great as you.

>> No.5494987


You're right, I don't know what I was thinking, I'm glad you understood what I meant.

>> No.5494988


>> No.5495003


This is a shame, considering philosophy started out central to, well, all learning. Now it's just a shadow of itself.

One day... maybe... there'll be a revamp to philosophy that has to include a working knowledge of general science, and bring it full circle once again...

>> No.5495009

Isn't bioethics kinda sorta barking up that tree?

>> No.5495011

always gets me

> i have no idea what i'm talking about
> not thinkig logic is the best thing ever
> not loving animals
> being worthless

>> No.5495024
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>> No.5495034

>Putting Philosophy so high

>> No.5495037

>> not thinkig logic is the best thing ever
>implying CS=logic
>implying CS ain't daycare for retards

>> No.5495048

Why is P=NP worth a million bucks then?

>> No.5495053

Why isn't it solved by CS majors then? Oh yeah, right. Because they lack the mathematical knowledge to even come close to approaching the problem.

>> No.5495057

How is philosophy central to all learning?

That dont make sense.

>> No.5495060

Philosophy and theology two tiers above history? Whoever made that is a fucking idiot.

>> No.5495062

please, everybody knows most mathematical problems are solved by sheer luck

>> No.5495064

...by definition. It is the study of fundamentals.

>> No.5495066

Because it's hard as fuck to solve man, why haven't any math niggers solved it?

Also, saying comp sci is shit in the middle of the information age automatically makes me wonder how you manage to brush your own teeth.

>> No.5495067

>God tier: mathematics
>undetermined tier: the rest

Because mathematics is the only area of science that even has the possibility of attaining true knowledge of the world. There are of course subjects like physics that can do a pretty good job, but logically speaking it's impossible with their methods to say anything certain about anything. At least this is the situation for the time being. When you move from natural sciences to fields like sociology or economics, culture, ideology and contemporary politics play such a large part in their 'theories' that it's often outrageous to even call them science. Then of course universities are filled with vocational education programs like law, medicine, teaching, etc that only prepare you for a job.

>> No.5495074

Depends on the school. A liberal arts degree from Yale or Stanford is better than an engineering degree from no-name state university. At least fresh out of school.

>> No.5495075

>shit tier

>mid tier

>god tier

telling it the way it is

>> No.5495076

>Also, saying comp sci is shit in the middle of the information age

I appreciate their work. Computer "scientists" are offering a service to society, similar to prostitution or garbage collection. Academically they are worthless though.

>> No.5495084

What's the point of that true knowledge if it is only knowledge acquired by exploring an arbitrary set of axioms and the system they create?

>> No.5495088

I always find this funny.
Too many people have no clue what computer science is about.
It's not about computers, nor science, and its definitely not typing out code all day.
It's a rigorous field in mathematics.

>> No.5495099

please inform me how math is applicable without physics
No Economics.
Youll probably respond with something statistics related and even then higher maths aren't very applicable either

>> No.5495100

>It's a rigorous field in mathematics.

It definitely isn't. It is neither rigorous nor math. CS students are taught a bare minimum of mathematical methods that often don't go beyond high school knowledge. And even that is too hard for most of them. CS is for anti-intellectual neckbeards who want to go into business related shit like software engineering. Ironically they are not taught how to program either.

>> No.5495102

I think you've misunderstood something here but I partially agree with you. Mathematics makes stronger assumptions than natural science does, but this doesn't necessarily make anything we learn from it "more certain". What it means is that convincing deductive proofs are possible in mathematics where only varying forms of inductive reasoning are possible when we deal with the physical world as with fields like chemistry and physics. If I wanted to, I could take a few physical axioms and then prove things deductively in the realm of physics... but the trouble is that the assumptions we choose in natural science are necessarily less concrete than in mathematics because physics is concerned with the real world. Pure mathematics seems “more certain” precisely because it does not deal with “real life”; it is conceptual.

>> No.5495108


All reasoning in our logic is based on some axioms. Without axioms, there is only the logic itself, and no knowledge whatsoever. Logic itself is a part of mathematics, too, so mathematics isn't all about axiomatic systems though.

>> No.5495115

What would Pharmacy fall under?

>> No.5495119

"medicine dropouts"

>> No.5495128


Fair enough. I just wanted drug research with a secure job as a fall back. Also debating ChemE

>> No.5495130

Which was brought about by the hard work of EEs and CompEs

give credit only where credit is due

>> No.5495140

imploding inventors of google and microsoft and all that cool shit were engineers (other than maybe software engineers).


>> No.5495152

>logic itself is a part of mathematics

What do you really mean by this? I mean obviously logic is taught on mathematics courses, but all mathematics necessarily relies upon logic.. I'm not sure it's appropriate to claim that it is a part of mathematics.

>> No.5495154

I've majored in CS and took "theoretical" CS grad courses at a top 10 school. >>5495100 is absolutely correct for undergrad. Graduate material is far from being rigorous or particularly mathematical. Physics or some EE disciplines are far far closer to being rigorous field in mathematics than CS.

>> No.5495201


Let's assume that a theory of everything is discovered, that it explains everything in observable accuracy, and that it is convincing and beautiful in it's structure. Even in such a situation, there is no way of knowing whether it's really true, or just an approximation. Maybe further observations reveal something contradictory to the theory. Maybe it's even impossible for us to observe the layer of reality beneath or above the ones in this ToE.

In a way, mathematics is also subject to similar limitations. How do we know our logic is universal? We simply cannot step outside our own mode of thinking, because if we critically analyze our own thinking, we are using the same logic that we're supposed to be analyzing. However if we apply mathematics to the world, as in physics, we see that reality seems to work by the same rules that we have in our minds. This isn't really relevant to the point I was making, but it's worth noting imho. There's still something really beautiful in being able to assert with "absolute certainty" that for example every natural number has a unique prime factorization.

>> No.5495369
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>please tell me how math is applicable
>you can't say a fundamental understanding of the universe though
>you also can't say an understanding of material wealth and its distribution either
>ha now you have nothing, lel see how useless math is?

>> No.5495390


As far as I've known, the furthest an econ phd takes you is measure theory, which is taught in an honors undergrad course in my university at least.
But I do admit I don't know much about econ phds or how deep into measure theory they go.

>> No.5495409


I come back to /sci/ after a month and this faggot is still trying to spout his anti engineering campaign, while claiming not to have an inferiority complex

>> No.5495423

You obviously suck at math and are deflecting but here goes.

-Economics was always taught in 'plain English' before the likes of Kelly and Shannon got involved, introducing mathematics into the understanding of economic models made it a predictable and quantifiable subject. Anyone who thinks otherwise has been stuck in a library for the past 5 decades because Wall St is currently ran by quants, not old farts who refuse to adapt to new economics.

>> No.5495426

and you're still butthurt that im better than you

>> No.5495548
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I'm currently in my second year in Medical School and have to say I still consider Medicine to be part of the god-tier. It's just an extremely useful major and it's just....just...you know, beautiful. Also, I'm aspiring to become a trauma surgeon so yeah, useful. Thought I'm not saying that just because a major is useful it should be considered in the god-tier. But OP is right, there wasn't a whole lot of math that went into medicine. That's why I minored in math.

>> No.5495554

Why do people get so mad when you praise Mathematics? Inferiority complex?

>> No.5495573

Can someone explain what the difference between software engineering and comp sci is? I want to go into software, but I don't want to be labelled as a shitty IT guy after getting my degree.

>> No.5495583

software engineering is not a major
CS is code monkeying

Just major in CompE and/or EE. You'll be better off for it.

>> No.5495588

>CompE and/or EE
Extremely hard fields where you WILL be absolutely fucking miserable if you don't utterly love the work.

You will be working long hours, do extremely hard work and get paid a pittance for it.

I'd much rather be a code monkey who gets paid 6 figures and enjoys programming than fucking hate my job and get paid absolute shit because of supposed major "prestige".

>> No.5495598

>but I don't want to be labelled as a shitty IT guy after getting my degree.
If this is the reason you are thinking about going into the tech field then you should just quite while you're ahead because you're going to be an incompetent fuck and fail at your job.

>> No.5495611

>Extremely hard fields
<span class="math"> \bf{ Good! } [/spoiler] You will actually be force to ~<span class="math">learn[/spoiler]~ something unlike in CS and become a better person from it.

>You will be working long hours, do extremely hard work and get paid a pittance for it.
>I'd much rather be a code monkey who gets paid 6 figures and enjoys programming than fucking hate my job and get paid absolute shit because of supposed major "prestige".

Um, EE/CompE major can and will get coding jobs if they want to. No one forces you into hardware after graduation. Majoring in CS is like checking yourself into manchild daycare for 4 year and paying $40000+ for the privilege.

>> No.5495614

Econ is good from a top school or if you combine it with a math minor, which typically covers everything through analysis plus a couple other upper division courses of your choice. At that point, I'd call it high tier. Certainly above biology, chemistry, and engineering, but not quite with CS, physics or math.

>> No.5495619

EE make about 60k a year nigga so get off your high horse you faggot.

>> No.5495631
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CS majors don't make 6 figures so get off your high horse you faggot

>> No.5495639

What? I just don't want to put in all the effort to get my EE degree with minor in software to be lumped in with CS guys who didn't have to work for their degree nearly as much. So I'm asking if there's a difference in the jobs the two get because I really don't know.

>> No.5495642
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the thing that really makes art and english shit tier is that you dont need a degree to be succsesful and having one guarentees you nothing. you can be sucessfulcin either but paying 100,000 grand for something you can learn on your own and be just as succesful is smarter

>> No.5495646

You see two bars rite? One is starting salary the other is after about 20 years of experience and thats only if your good enough to keep the job.

>> No.5495655

I got a physics degree and could do SHIT with it. With this 2008 thing, everyone wants experience. I can only go back to school, or do IT. No thanks, I applied last month to eight schools.

>> No.5495683

and both of them are smaller for CS and CS is under $100,000

learn to read graphs

>> No.5495691

Everyone just ignore the blue collar idiot, it's obvious he's never studied a day in his life. Poor kid probably never even graduated HS.

>> No.5495692

I you don't want to put in effort then major in women's studies or go to devry or print out degree from a college that you just made up. You'll get the same amount of education from each of them

>> No.5495705
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>> No.5495708

Fuck off. I don't want to take the software engineering route if I can accomplish the same thing taking the computer science route. If that's the case I'll just take the fucking computer science route. Do you pay 5 dollars for your 2 dollar fries?

>> No.5495758

LMAO Seriously? This guy

>> No.5495764

CS is the best fields because computer are and will be fucking EVERYWHERE!

>> No.5495775

>computer are and will be fucking EVERYWHERE

>Which was brought about by the hard work of EEs and CompEs
>give credit only where credit is due

>> No.5495780

mech is top tier imo

>> No.5495783
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>> No.5495787

Holy fuck material eng & indust eng in mid tier? Wtf? derp derp

>> No.5495788

I feel like everyone is going to get a degree in science. Maybe I'm just crazy. Like, I feel like there's no hope in getting a decent job with only a bachelors...
If it matters, I was thinking of becoming a cosmetics chemist or some health science researcher.

>> No.5495790
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I'm CS/Math

I thought about doing EE but I'm just not interested in the physical stuff with the circuits and whatnot

My dream is to write an AI

>> No.5495791


As a double masters major Math/CS, who took graduate level real/complex analysis, probability theory and many grad CS courses.

Your "clue what a computer is" doesn't rustle my jimmies.

>> No.5495801


>> No.5495807

>Theology and philosophy that high
oh you

>> No.5495813


but can he program a wizard intelligence?

>> No.5495817

people who aren't good enough for science study psychology to try and get a job, hence the "shit tier"

>> No.5495826
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>> No.5495829

That graph is complete horse shit. I am a CS grad and work in the industry and I am making close to 6 figures 2 years out, and every single CompE/EE major I know is making barely half what I do with the same years of experience.

CS grads who work for Amazon/Google/MS/Apple/etc make even more than me.

>> No.5495830

yes and everyone knows that Papa Rudin chapter 1 starts off with a detailed derivation from quantum mechanics of semiconductor operation followed by a chapter of VLSI that teaches exactly what a computer is.

>> No.5495831

what was your GPA and EC's?

>> No.5495847
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>> No.5495858

...wtf? Where did all this CS bashing come from? Is it just one butthurt CE major or something?

>> No.5495866

Where have you been? CS is always mocked for being CS on /sci/ and /g/

>> No.5495875

Except.. not at all? I was on /sci/ the second it was put up and CS was never trolled like in this thread. CS is a challenging major and if you think otherwise you probably go to a shitty school. CS jobs are code monkey jobs if you work for a shitty company. You will not be doing any code monkey shit if you work for any large company. You will not be doing any code monkey shit if you work for a startup. You will not be doing code monkey shit unless you work for a out-source sweatshop.

Stop talking out of your ass, you retarded 1st year undergrad bitch.

>> No.5495889


what's your point.

I call CS major CS because it's convention and everyone understands what the fuck it is.


No but reading Dijkstra and Knuth is. Also what does quantum mechanics and VLSI have to with computing?

>> No.5495902

>CS is a challenging major

0/10 try harder troll

>> No.5495916

Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. — (Mis)attributed to Edsger Dijkstra, 1970.

CS studies stars
CE/EE builds telescopes

Can the retards stfu about this shit?

Entertain me with some useful arguments and interesting trails of thoughts.

>> No.5495925

What can I do with a bachelors degree in science (majoring in physics)?

I don't care about money.

>> No.5495929

Except that algorithmic theory is trivial bullshit in general, I'll take a binary heap over a Fibonacci heap implementation for shortest path any day of the week.

>> No.5495931

like i know your a "troll" and everything. But why? Why take your time and come on for 4chan to do this? Don't you have a girlfriend? And if you don't then this is why. you're so fucking retarded you even made me mad. Why the fuck would you go as far as to "troll" people...mmmm...You can't fucking answer that can? Because your pea brain can't think for it self and you just to copy-pasta.make your own shit up for once in your stupid unoriginal life.

>> No.5495932


it's a well rounded degree for graduate school (to specialize in something), get a teaching certificate (few months) and become a high school teacher if you want.

Other than that it's kind of useless, too general.

>> No.5495937
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just give up, you lost

>> No.5495940
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7 figures after 20 years experience master race reporting in. Stay poor and overworked, stemfags.

>> No.5495943

If you're not going to do grad school then you should learn how to program. Software companies would suck a dick for a physics major who can program. Physics teachers are always needed, so you could do that for a while. If you have research experience then you could get a job as al lab tech, which isn't too bad. Or of course you could get a job in finance or banking.

Basically, you could do anything that doesn't require a specific degree, because employers know you're smarter than the average business/social sciences people.

You can't do actual physics work until you get a higher degree.

>> No.5495946


... while a good CS grad knows both and selects appropriate heap implementation that best meets problem requirements.

>> No.5495947

>it's a well rounded degree for graduate school (to specialize in something)

How does it work? once I complete the bachelors degree, how do I proceed if I want a specialization?

I hear things like masters degree, PHD, doctorate , I don't know what they mean...

say I want to contribute to Science, what specialization would be most beneficial to humanity?

>> No.5495951

>trivial bullshit

Tell that to anybody using a physical computer to solve a computing problem. I guess you're not aware that the signal processing field exploded when a O(log(n)) implementation of the fourier transform was derived, as opposed to the previously available O(n^2) implementation.

>> No.5495954

what degrees would an ACTUAL physicist have, I mean somebody who is considered a physicist, not just a student with a fat head.

>> No.5495956


this is what wikipedia is for, son

once you have an idea what Master and PHD degree is, look up the degree requirements are various university websites, look at their research projects, etc.

like this


>> No.5495978

This >>5495956

Once you learn the basics in your bachelors, you go on to either a masters or phd and do your own real research and cool shit. After that you're a real physicist who can do research for a living. You shouldn't get a phd unless you want to be a professor.

>> No.5495991

>I guess you're not aware that the signal processing field exploded when a O(log(n)) implementation of the fourier transform was derived

FFT dates all the way back to Gauss and it has been "rediscovered" over and over again until another person urged someone to publish it even though its so trivial they were reluctant to do so.

Throughout most of history, algorithms have been treated as trivial curiosity that are not worth serious mathematical discussion. Anyone with half a brain can grasp any algorithm and its analysis.

Also the Quantum Fourier transform makes FFT outdated in the 21 century. Quantum Engineering > CS

>> No.5495993


good luck on building that quantum telescope

>> No.5496001

BBBBut then your code wouldn't be portable. You have to first make a Java VM and pretend that there no such thing as hardware when you code or else you wouldn't be able to run it on a Atari 2600!

>> No.5496004

petroleum engineers and nuclear engineers earn the most out of all engineers

>> No.5496010

>when a O(log(n)) implementation of the fourier transform was derived

surely you mean N*log(N) right? (Logarithmic FT would prove P=NP retard. And you call yourself a CS major)

>> No.5496013

What does that have to do with anything? Why is everything about money? It's no wonder most engineers hate their lives. Everything's about money for you people.

>> No.5496029

Oil is running out and most civilized countries are banning Nuclear power. Dieing (well paid) fields are dieing.

>> No.5496036

Yeah thats cool, let me know when every lab uses a quantum computer for their data analysis. Until then, emulating a quantum system and running a QFT on top of it is less efficient than running an FFT directly on your processor. Doesn't matter if you think its trivial, because the FFT made modern signal processing practical.

>> No.5496041

Never called myself a CS major. Not once.

>> No.5496045

>Without connections

>With connections

Everything else is below god tier because even with connections and hardwork you will still need luck to make it to a decently high position.

>> No.5496051


wasn't developed by a computer scientist
was developed before CS really exist
was redevelop by anyone that needed it long before it was ever published.

learn some modern history

>> No.5496053

So all the people saying maths here mean applied right? What do people do with pure math..

>> No.5496055

get phd's in physics
join the NSA and disappear from the face of the earth

>> No.5496063

God-tier: something you study because you have a real passion for knowledge.
Shit-tier: something you study because >300k starting.

>> No.5496066

And I told you fucking faggots to not be emotionally biased

I didn't realize this was a soccer mom convention

>> No.5496071

yes, the "It's ok honey you tried" argument

>> No.5496090

dont you know every university tier photo/discussion is

>god tier - wot im studyin
>top tier - wot my m8s r studyin
>avg/low tier - wot some bloke wot i dont rly care 4 is studyin but aint nothin wrong wit im i suppose
>waste of life/shit tier - wot sum stuck up cunt is studyin wot's heaps cute n i fancy her but that cunt and her m8s think im some creepy loser cunt n they dont like me none 2 much