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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5492772 No.5492772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Time and causality are unscientific.
prove me wrong /sci/

>> No.5492780

It would be alot more dificult to prove you right OP, do you have any reason for your arguement

iliek the pic btw

>> No.5492787

just enjoy your life man, stop worrying about bullshit and needing it proved

just because you cant deny that things happen the way they happen. just play the game until your time is up stop trying to find a way to not believe in the world you are in

>> No.5492791
File: 14 KB, 428x408, 1359090725023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually on second look at that pairing, what the fuck

>> No.5492793

there can't ever be evidence for time

>> No.5492799

butt mah o so near potehntials

>> No.5492803

what do you mean?

>> No.5492811

[pop-sci-inspired comment about entropy]

>> No.5492815

Time and Causality aren't falsifiable, therefor they are unscientific

>> No.5492819
File: 29 KB, 526x300, 1359091026453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason what you're/OP is saying is true is that science itself is subject to those references and as such can't derive them with its method without predetermining what was previous to them

>> No.5492821

> prove me wrong
Fuck off with your christian logic

>> No.5492826

but why not fuck around?

>> No.5492838

>what OP is saying is true ...
checkmate atheists

>> No.5492864

inertia is unscientific

>> No.5492867

This thread reeks with the stench of samefaggotry.

>> No.5492878


>assuming He was the first instance

>> No.5492987

>Assuming Jesus's time & or its other inductions

Little do we know we are in year 2013 of existance

Assuming god would even what the fuck a male/female is at such a time- let alone have abitrally intended bullshit denominators of saying they are there at all, go ahead, try to even fit your dick in that word bro, try it

>> No.5492991
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 3523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do that when I can wrap it in bacon and brag on fb how I got my dick in some ass all day

pic related

>> No.5493140
File: 50 KB, 635x854, Witt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science still being shit
never change autist

>> No.5493146

"I give her the dick, therefore I am."

>> No.5493678
File: 435 KB, 757x740, quantumcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP thinks philosophy is unscientific

>> No.5493712

Obviously science doesn't justify that which it assumes.. by definition. What are you talking about?