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5488860 No.5488860 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guys pirate your books?

I usually just type in the book and pdf on the googles but I'm sure there must be a huge archive somewhere.

>> No.5488861


>> No.5488865

Rad. Anymore?

>> No.5488876

Demonoid used to be amazing for books ;_;

But now, just torrent or search the various locker sites.

>> No.5488878

We don't pirate anything. Piracy is illegal.

>> No.5488879

i use the library, as a proper student should.

>> No.5488882

#bookz on irc

a new world opened up for me when i first went there

>> No.5488885

I know that feel bro:(

>> No.5488893


>> No.5488902


>> No.5488928

I'm very slowly working on a system for, eh, hmm, best description... common distribution of unique mini-libraries. So you have some book and this entity has all data regarding files current available for download. (Perhaps these would be torrent files with a bunch of statistics and comments added on in some browser.) But I have other things to do as well so if anyone wants to help out I'd be grateful.

Places I go to for books:
kickass torrents
pirate bay collection of books
luck. I got lucky finding Sonntag & Borgnakke Thermo ed 7, for example. I didn't even know I had it.


>> No.5488931

This mysterious irc. How do I get to it?

>> No.5488942


Sorry, it was one of the toughest trackers to get in on, and getting a good enough ratio to receive invitation privileges is hard as fuck. The people running the tracker are really elitist; upload rules are kind-of like what.cd except less reasonable.

>> No.5488946


>> No.5488959 [DELETED] 


>#bookz on irc

>on irc

apparently you don't know anything about irc

>> No.5488969

its rude to call someone stupid and not explaining why he is wrong

>> No.5488993


IRC = Internet Relay Chat

#bookz is one channel on a specific server using the IRC protocol. N number of servers could have a channel called #bookz, therefore when you say "#channel on x", x is the server that the channel is on, not the protocol (which is obvious).

>> No.5489059

just wanted to leave a quick reply with the keywords needed to figure out the rest though google. I'm quite familiar with IRC protocols.

polite sage for off-topic

>> No.5489078


What, I don't get you. When you mention an IRC channel you ALWAYS mention the server. In fact, there are actually several different servers running a #bookz channel (us undernet, eu undernet and irchighway iirc). You don't have to get mad over someone correcting you on the internet. I'm a different anon, for the record.

>> No.5489109

since one would probably want to read up on how #bookz works in the first place, I though I'd leave it out, since any guide to using it will mention the server anyway and I was not 100% sure of the server name anymore.

you and the other anon may be right though, I'll be sure to always mention server names from now on :/

>> No.5489571

>reading non-physical literature

I cringed at the thought.

>> No.5489594
File: 11 KB, 320x350, Varg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read 3200 pages this summer.
All fiction.