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5488023 No.5488023[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need help /sci/
My dog was attacked and killed by another huge dog that got out of its fence. i will harm it, and i need your help. I have a squirtgun, and i ask you:
Will highly a acidic or highly alkalic solution harm it more? Will any of those harm it a lot without its owners care? IF not, brutality will ensue

>> No.5488033

I'm not gonna help you kill an animal

>> No.5488039

It has killed 3 dogs and 1 cat. all pets. this guy has a connection so it can't be put down. If i don't receive help i will run it through with a spear gun, or light it on fire anyway

>> No.5488045

every time it runs loose, give it some raw meat with treble fish-hooks buried inside. problem solved.

>> No.5488053

lighting it on fire or running it through are better options - probably cheaper.

>> No.5488482

I still need help. alkalic or acidic?

>> No.5488486

Feed it chocolate.

>> No.5488490

if i melt chocolate, add extra sugar, like 1 big spoon of sugar for every 20 grams, how much would it take to cause it blindness and severe dysfunction?

>> No.5488494

Why the fuck do you guys want to torture it before it dies?
Spear it through the head if you want it gone.

>> No.5488499

This is disgusting and illegal.
What kind of sicko tries to get revenge on a dog??

>Under current felony animal cruelty statutes in 41 states of the US, the penalty is 1-5 years in prison and up to a $25000 fine

>> No.5488506

that might not be subtle. i live in a legally strict area. not many people have spearguns. if i get caught i pay the price. i want something like hit and run. i probably go for the over-sugared chocolate. a week of that and its diabetic.

>> No.5488507

Yeah, this is the safest way. Get a large bone, take out the marrow if it's still in there, replace it with chocolate mixed with something, problem solved.
How big is the dog?

>> No.5488510

Sicko? my dog was part of my life. it was killed by a fucking asshole of a dog, whose owner doesn't care. i will see it suffer and i will smile in victory

>> No.5488511

>might not be subtle
>light it on fire

>> No.5488513

50 kg

>> No.5488515


Some good sources here for calculating amounts. Your best bet seems to be 3 bars of baker's chocolate.

>> No.5488518

Dude, the dog didn't do it out of malice.
It's aggressive because that's more or less natural for a dog and it's owner never taught it otherwise.
If you're going to fuck with somebody, fuck with the dickwad owner and not the dog that just didn't know any better.

>> No.5488519

Why not tell the police?
The dog can be put down humanely.

If it really did kill your dog and you have proof, then the police can not ignore that, no matter what 'connections' the owner has.

>> No.5488528



>> No.5488530

>implying it's easy to prove something like that

>> No.5488534

It is not the owners fault. They can not always control their dogs actions.

>> No.5488543

Eyewitness testimony from yourself would probably be enough.
If not, a DNA test on the bite wound would certainly prove which dog was the attacker.

>> No.5488555

Yes it is.
You can:
A) train the dog not to leave the yard
B) tie up the dog when in the yard
C) train the dog not to attack other dogs
D) muzzle the dog if it's known to be aggressive

>> No.5488562

>implying dogs have a faculty of self-control

>> No.5488566

>implying "self-control" is a meaningful word

>> No.5488567

>implying dogs don't recognize qualia

>> No.5488576

mix equal amounts of acid and alkaline

>> No.5488578

There's a meaning for you.

>> No.5488582

why don't you just kick it in its balls.

>> No.5488585

Still animal cruelty.
It would probably bite him if he tried that.

>> No.5488591

>OP bags dog
>OP is likely weakfag
>Dog is not amused
>Dog mauls OP
>OP lies dead in dog's yard
>Dog gets put down for murdering human

Actually, this is a pretty good solution.

>> No.5488593

>implying free will

>> No.5488597

Hi Harriet. Where's EK?

>> No.5488609

don't tell me EK still comes here

>> No.5488613

He was here last week. You could of checked that on your own by looking in the archive.

>> No.5488615

She comes around about once a week or so (at least what i see), goes on the rampage of bullshit and gets banned couple hours later for all the stupid shit. But yes she still comes here.

>> No.5488618

>There's a meaning for you.

>> No.5488619

Why do you care?

>> No.5488622

>Why do you care?

Why not? I'm having a conversation with you.

>> No.5488631

Well it does not matter where she is, and I do not want to have this conversation in an animal cruelty thread anyway.

>> No.5488637


Maybe your dog shouldn't have been such a pussy like you, OP.

Enjoy prison when the cops easily track it back you.

>> No.5488638
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You prefer to talk about animal cruelty?

>> No.5488642
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>mfw EK is now confirmed as being in jail/mental institution.

>> No.5488646

ITT: 14 yo faggot OP more beta than a dog

>> No.5488649

No she is not.
She was posting a couple of weeks ago, I think.

>> No.5488655

You heard it from here first, EK is in jail, just admit it.

>> No.5488658
File: 39 KB, 403x403, 1359230514514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SCI/ Making shit more complicated than it has to be... just feed a fucking chocolate bar.

> Game Over Pup.

>> No.5488663

Why would she even be in jail?
She is not a criminal.

>> No.5488669

Oversugared chocolate it is. Mut is going to go hard on diabetes and death

>> No.5488667

You'll end up with one cooked dog and a lump of iron.

>> No.5488673

I had a problem with a cat who wouldnt stop crapping on my lawn and a owner who didnt give a fuck, even after repeatedly telling him to keep it out. so i grabbed a glass cup, smashed it and hid it inside a salmon. I never woke up to cat crap on my lawn ever again. try it. hide a broken glass inside a nice piece of meat.

>> No.5488681
File: 7 KB, 453x142, evidence for harriet being a slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this!

She was talking about you while the archive was down last week.

>> No.5488685

> believing a fake EK
/sci/ is just sad nowadays

>> No.5488687

Sadistic asshole. what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5488689

Please tell me that isn't just a made up story. I want to believe it really works.

>> No.5488688

She was lying.
She was probably drunk or something.

Actually, that looks like her most recent tripcode, if I am remembering it right.
If not, it is certainly very similar.

>> No.5488692

>dat backpedalling

And now we know she wasn't lying.

>> No.5488698

I'm here now

>> No.5488702

>wrong tripcode

You're a fake Carl

>> No.5488707

It works. at first i figured the easiest thing was to poison it, but cats and dogs can smell it and they stay away from it. so i tried the glass in salmon and sure enough it worked. the owner was so stupid he thought it just died and buried it without looking into it.

>> No.5488715

> the owner was stupid enough to assume no one intentionally fed the cat broken glass
you have a curious definition of the word "stupid".

>> No.5488727

>implying Carl has a tripcode at all
>implying we all aren't Carl

>> No.5488730

Carl's tripcode is !!dFf2PUolAtC

>> No.5488734


I am Carl
I am Carlness
I Carl

Be Carl!

>> No.5488737
File: 1.05 MB, 1440x900, be cool like carl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5488744

why don't you report the animal to the police so they can arrest it and put it in prison?

>> No.5488759

we are Carl

>> No.5488763

OP is a retard; just feed it dark chocolate covered coffee beans, half a handfull will work

>> No.5488769

Call the cops.

Also, poisoned steak at night.

>> No.5488773

The owners are responsible for their dogs, wtf are you talking about? Do you even law?

>> No.5488788

OP seems psychotic. I love my dog and I understand that it must suck, but I'd never kill a dog over it.

>> No.5488802

I had 2 little Chinese Crested hairless dogs a few years ago. I was walking them on the beach one day and a massive fucking bull terrier ran over and bit my 1-foot-long dog's ear and most of it's face off. Kicked it to death before it got to my other dog. Felt bad man. Don't do it, op, feels bad man.

>> No.5488854

Soak a steak in antifreeze
Feed to dog
Enjoy your dead dog