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5485343 No.5485343 [Reply] [Original]

I am about to go into college, and I've never programmed anything other than basic Java. I want to go into Computer Programming. Is this a good idea?

>> No.5485354


Also get off that Java wagon and join the cool kids who do C.

>> No.5485364

Wrong, the cool kids do Haskell.

>> No.5485373

Depends on what state. In California most CS is taught in Java.

>> No.5485374

More like delirious.

>> No.5485378

nobody likes C anymore

>> No.5485381


yeah, the linuxtards really did a number on that one

>> No.5485384

it's all now
python - linux
objective c - I wanna milk some apple sheeps
java - I wanna milk teh droids
c# - I wanna milk teh windows dummies

every other language bears little relevance

>> No.5485414

You will be good, I think.
I seriously doubt that any university expect any studen to have any knowledge about programming except combinatronics and other math knowledge.

ON the other hand, the courses will go pretty fast so be prepared to study.

This is how it works in Sweden and I don't think the unis in USA expect people do have any kind of knowledge about programming so they are probably start over.

>> No.5485420

Everything runs on C. Calling yourself a programmer without knowing C is like calling yourself a mathematician not knowing imaginary numbers.

>> No.5485473


>know C
>get job

>> No.5485482

It's like calling yourself an car-mechanic without knowing how the steam engine works.

>> No.5485489

Learn assembly, it is quickly replacing C++ in the computer science industry

>> No.5485507

>Not learning iOS

>> No.5485516

OP, I would find out if your uni has some type of intro to compsci class if you're worried about it.

>> No.5485533

Well, chances are you will get out of college with your degree, and still will not be able to program anything useful.

There's a reason why nobody hires people with no job experience.

Hardly anything you learn in college will be useful.

>> No.5486844
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>I've never programmed anything other than basic Java.
>I want to go into Computer Programming
>Is this a good idea?

No. By starting in java/basic, your brain has been warped and is now incapable of learning a real programming language. Give up now.

>> No.5486881

>being an apple pleb

>> No.5486882


>> No.5486888

Not necessarily true. He could forget everything he knows about Java and start off fresh.

>> No.5486891

He was joking.

>> No.5486965

>not knowing the famous quote from Dijkstra

"It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC/Java: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.
The use of COBOL/Java cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense."


>> No.5486969
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>> No.5487023

Yes. Most computer science programs assume you haven't programed at all.

That said, debugging programs will slowly destroy your soul.

>> No.5487079

OP here
I have litterally progammed two programs in java.
I want to Program videogames, and i know that sounds super cliche, but whatever.

>> No.5487120

There is a good list of resources here.


>> No.5487139

Take a class called "Intro to X," where X is the main programing language at the college of your choice. It will almost certainly be offered, probably first semester. It will be designed for normal humans who have never programed before. You'll be fine.

>> No.5487273

thanks for the resources