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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5484780 No.5484780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I had an epiphany tonight, and I've been awake all night because of it. Through countless hours of research, I've found that science and religion go hand in hand. As I was raised in Arkansas, where science isn't accepted and religion is promoted, I always had a prejudice against science. For instance, when my teachers spoke of evolution, I would debate them with very powerful statements such as "You're going to hell for telling us these lies".

However now, I've found the link. If only we realized this sooner, such debates wouldn't exist. Neither would evolution theories, which are lies. Although this rises some debate, here's the statement to end all the quarrels.

God made everything.
God was the first thing to exist, and was not created.
God got lonely or something one day, and spoke us into existence.
The Christian Bible is the only true book of science.
God created every single thing, and therefore created science.

Post your revelations, I'm sure this will bring up questions and sudden realizations. You're welcome for this, just come back to Christ!

>> No.5484790

Thank Christ someone posted this...

I was tormented many years with the doubt of the existence of God All Mighty, but yesterday I found the answer.

Christ's face appeared on a toast I was making and it was the sign. I quit my street gang and stopped smoking drugs. I'm gonna go clean, and that includes sex! Girlfriends can wait, God cums first!!!

>> No.5484795

Thank you lord!
Jesus is my lord and savior!
Evolution is SATAN trying to take of children's souls!

>> No.5484797

Brilliant. Did you come up with that alone?

>> No.5484799

>>Someone finds the truth
It's strange sometimes how God calls on us, but when it happens, it's on us to pick up the phone.

Be sure not to get into some Church that doesn't actually promote the Bible. I wouldn't recommend Westboro Baptist because of their small size, but definitely a church similar.

My prayers are with you, brother.

>> No.5484800
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Thank you OP. I realized pretty much the same thing some times ago. I was reading the bible driving my car, and the Devil put a tree in front of my car. I woke up in a hospital where doctors said they had to perform a surgery to save my leg. I refused, and their medical science coudn't even save my leg. Now I now it doesn't matter because I have the love of Jesus within me. Science is the study of the world and the quest for truth => faith is science, science is faith.

God bless you all.

>> No.5484805

Thanks, anon. I can't say that it was all me, God certainly played a part in it. Through deep meditation and prayer, I found the answer I had been seeking for years. For years and years, I battled with atheists claiming ties to science. I always tried to prove God's existence, but never could honestly do it. I always ended up telling them they would go to hell. Now, I still say that non-believers of all kinds will go to hell, but that they have a chance to believe through scientific fact now.

>> No.5484808

Anon, your faith is strong. I can't begin to express my support for you. Your logic is unfailing. Your understanding of the world is amazing.

>> No.5484813

Wow, man!


Homosexual must die! Sex only for procreation!

>> No.5484816

Wow op, you have really opened my eyes, science and religion DO go hand in hand! God bless you anon

Captcha - touching

>> No.5484824

I think that as long as the controversy is taught then science is a good thing. It gets kids to think for themselves.

>> No.5484825

I really appreciate the support, guys. It's good to know that there are other believers out here.

Is there anyone who disagrees?

>> No.5484831

Look, there's a big problem with getting kids to think for themselves. If they do that, then they're going to falsely believe all sorts of propaganda generated by liberals. I mean, would you want YOUR kids believing that there's no God and that evolution is true and that it's okay to be gay?

>> No.5484832

Thank you anon, for those beautiful statements.
I can tell you have studied Christianity for many years.

Why do kids need to think for themselves when it is already a PROVEN and scientific FACT that Our Lord Almighty's word is true, and everything in the bible in the correct?
I would recommend you use more logic and reason next time you post on the Science board.

>> No.5484846
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My face when people believe like I do.

>> No.5484855

It's a trolling atempt from /b/.

>> No.5484860

>dat failed personal army request

so pathetic

>> No.5484864

I don't go to /b/, it's filled with hate.
Personal army requests are for hackers...

>> No.5484869
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>this thread

>> No.5484875

Having gay sex is how SATAN enters mans flesh and corrupts his soul!

Only a priest can suck the devils seed out and expel the demon that lies within a homosexual.